2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
use strict;
my $in = shift;
my $tls_offsets = shift;
my $out = shift;
my $sigfe = shift;
$main::first = 0;
if (!defined($in) || !defined($out) || !defined($sigfe)) {
die "usage: $0 deffile.in cygtls.h deffile.def sigfe.s\n";
require $tls_offsets;
open(IN, $in) or die "$0: couldn't open \"$in\" - $!\n";
my @top = ();
while (<IN>) {
push(@top, $_);
last if /^\s*exports\s*$/i;
my $libline = <IN>;
my @in = <IN>;
my %sigfe = ();
my @data = ();
my @nosigfuncs = ();
my @out = ();
for (@in) {
/\sDATA$/o and do {
push(@data, $_);
if (/=/o) {
if (s/\s+NOSIGFE\s*$//) {
} elsif (s/ SIGFE$//) {
my $func = (split(' '))[2];
$sigfe{$func} = '_sigfe_' . $func;
} else {
my ($func, $sigfe) = m%^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+((?:NO)?SIGR?FE))?$%o;
if (defined($sigfe) && $sigfe =~ /^NO/o) {
$_ = $func;
} else {
$sigfe ||= 'sigfe';
$_ = '_' . lc($sigfe) . '_' . $func;
$sigfe{$func} = $_;
$_ = $func . ' = ' . $_;
s/(\S)\s+(\S)/$1 $2/go;
push(@out, $_ . "\n");
for (@out) {
my ($alias, $func) = /^(\S+) = (\S+)\s*$/o;
$_ = $alias . ' = ' . $sigfe{$func} . "\n"
if defined($func) && $sigfe{$func};
open(OUT, '>', $out) or die "$0: couldn't open \"$out\" - $!\n";
print OUT @top, @data, @out;
close OUT;
open(SIGFE, '>', $sigfe) or die "$0: couldn't open sigfe file \"$sigfe\" - $!\n";
for my $k (sort keys %sigfe) {
print SIGFE fefunc($k, $sigfe{$k});
close SIGFE;
sub fefunc {
my $func = '_' . shift;
my $fe = '_' . shift;
my $extra;
my $res = <<EOF;
.extern $func
.global $fe
pushl \$$func
jmp __sigfe
if (!$main::first++) {
$res = <<EOF . longjmp () . $res;
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
.stabs "_sigfe:F(0,1)",36,0,0,__sigfe
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
pushl %ebx
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
pushl %edx
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
movl %fs:4,%ebx # location of bottom of stack
1: movl \$1,%eax # potential lock value
lock xchgl %eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx) # see if we can grab it
movl %eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx) # flag if we are waiting for lock
2004-03-06 20:57:47 -08:00
testl %eax,%eax # it will be zero
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
jz 2f # if so
xorl %eax,%eax # nope. It was not zero
call _low_priority_sleep # should be a short-time thing, so
jmp 1b # sleep and loop
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
2: movl \$4,%eax # have the lock, now increment the
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
xadd %eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx) # stack pointer and get pointer
leal __sigbe,%edx # new place to return to
xchgl %edx,12(%esp) # exchange with real return value
movl %edx,(%eax) # store real return value on alt stack
incl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
decl $tls::stacklock(%ebx) # remove lock
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
popl %edx # restore saved value
popl %ebx
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
.global __sigbe
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
.stabs "_sigbe:F(0,1)",36,0,0,__sigbe
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
__sigbe: # return here after cygwin syscall
pushl %edx
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
pushl %ebx
pushl %eax # don't clobber
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
1: movl %fs:4,%ebx # address of bottom of tls
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
movl \$1,%eax # potential lock value
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
lock xchgl %eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx) # see if we can grab it
movl %eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx) # flag if we are waiting for lock
2004-03-06 20:57:47 -08:00
testl %eax,%eax # it will be zero
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
jz 2f # if so
xorl %eax,%eax # nope. not zero
call _low_priority_sleep # sleep
jmp 1b # and loop
2: movl \$-4,%eax # now decrement aux stack
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
xadd %eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx) # and get pointer
xorl %edx,%edx
xchgl %edx,-4(%eax) # get return address from signal stack
xchgl %edx,8(%esp) # restore ebx/real return address
decl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
decl $tls::stacklock(%ebx) # release lock
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
popl %eax
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
popl %ebx
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
.global _sigreturn
.stabs "sigreturn:F(0,1)",36,0,0,_sigreturn
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
movl %fs:4,%ebx
incl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
addl \$4,%esp # Remove argument
call _set_process_mask\@4
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
1: movl \$1,%eax # potential lock value
lock xchgl %eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx) # see if we can grab it
movl %eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx) # flag if we are waiting for lock
2004-03-06 20:57:47 -08:00
testl %eax,%eax # it will be zero
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
jz 2f # if so
xorl %eax,%eax # nope. not zero
call _low_priority_sleep # sleep
jmp 1b # and loop
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
2: popl %edx # saved errno
testl %edx,%edx # Is it < 0
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
jl 3f # yup. ignore it
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
movl $tls::errno_addr(%ebx),%eax
movl %edx,(%eax)
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
3: movl \$-4,%eax # now decrement aux stack
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
xadd %eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx) # and get pointer
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
xorl %ebp,%ebp
xchgl %ebp,-4(%eax) # get return address from signal stack
xchgl %ebp,28(%esp) # store real return address
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
decl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
decl $tls::stacklock(%ebx) # unlock
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
popl %eax
popl %ebx
popl %ecx
popl %edx
popl %edi
popl %esi
.global _sigdelayed
.stabs "sigdelayed:F(0,1)",36,0,0,_sigdelayed
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
pushl %esi
pushl %edi
pushl %edx
pushl %ecx
pushl %ebx
pushl %eax
movl %fs:4,%ebx
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
incl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
pushl $tls::saved_errno(%ebx) # saved errno
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
pushl $tls::oldmask(%ebx) # oldmask
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
pushl $tls::sig(%ebx) # signal argument
pushl \$_sigreturn
call _reset_signal_arrived\@0
pushl $tls::func(%ebx) # signal func
pushl $tls::newmask(%ebx) # newmask - eaten by set_process_mask
call _set_process_mask\@4
cmpl \$0,$tls::threadkill(%ebx)#pthread_kill signal?
jnz 4f #yes. Callee clears signal number
movl \$0,$tls::sig(%ebx) # zero the signal number as a
# flag to the signal handler thread
# that it is ok to set up sigsave
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
4: decl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
2004-03-05 11:09:04 -08:00
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
.global __ZN7_cygtls3popEv
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
1: pushl %ebx
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
pushl %edx # FIXME: needed?
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
movl %eax,%ebx
movl \$-4,%edx
xadd %edx,$tls::pstackptr(%ebx)
2004-02-11 20:55:29 -08:00
xorl %eax,%eax
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
xchgl %eax,-4(%edx)
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
popl %edx # FIXME: needed?
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
popl %ebx
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
.global __ZN7_cygtls4lockEv
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
pushl %ebx
movl %eax,%ebx
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
1: movl \$1,%eax
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
lock xchgl %eax,$tls::pstacklock(%ebx)
2004-03-06 20:57:47 -08:00
testl %eax,%eax
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
jz 2f
xorl %eax,%eax
call _low_priority_sleep
jmp 1b
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
2: popl %ebx
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
.global __ZN7_cygtls6unlockEv
2004-02-08 11:59:27 -08:00
decl $tls::pstacklock(%eax)
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
.global __ZN7_cygtls6lockedEv
movl $tls::pstacklock(%eax),%eax
2004-03-03 21:31:14 -08:00
.extern __ZN7_cygtls19call_signal_handlerEv
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
movl %fs:4,%ebx
incl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
1: movl \$1,%eax
lock xchgl %eax,$tls::stacklock(%ebx)
movl %eax,$tls::spinning(%ebx) # flag if we are waiting for lock
2004-03-06 20:57:47 -08:00
testl %eax,%eax
2004-03-03 21:31:14 -08:00
jz 2f
xorl %eax,%eax
call _low_priority_sleep
jmp 1b
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
2: cmpl \$0,$tls::sig(%ebx)
2004-03-03 21:31:14 -08:00
jz 3f
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
decl $tls::stacklock(%ebx) # unlock
2004-03-03 21:31:14 -08:00
movl \$-$tls::sizeof__cygtls,%eax # point to beginning
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
addl %ebx,%eax # of tls block
2004-03-03 21:31:14 -08:00
call __ZN7_cygtls19call_signal_handlerEv
jmp 1b
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
3: decl $tls::incyg(%ebx)
2004-03-08 17:24:08 -08:00
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
return $res;
sub longjmp {
return <<EOF;
2004-02-18 12:48:38 -08:00
.globl _setjmp
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
2004-02-18 12:48:38 -08:00
pushl %edi
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
movl 8(%ebp),%edi
2004-02-18 12:48:38 -08:00
movl %eax,0(%edi)
movl %ebx,4(%edi)
movl %ecx,8(%edi)
movl %edx,12(%edi)
movl %esi,16(%edi)
movl -4(%ebp),%eax
movl %eax,20(%edi)
movl 0(%ebp),%eax
movl %eax,24(%edi)
movl %esp,%eax
addl \$12,%eax
movl %eax,28(%edi)
movl 4(%ebp),%eax
movl %eax,32(%edi)
movw %es,%ax
movw %ax,36(%edi)
movw %fs,%ax
movw %ax,38(%edi)
movw %gs,%ax
movw %ax,40(%edi)
movw %ss,%ax
movw %ax,42(%edi)
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
pushl %ebx
2004-02-18 12:48:38 -08:00
call stabilize_sig_stack
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
movl $tls::stackptr(%ebx),%eax # save stack pointer contents
decl $tls::stacklock(%ebx)
popl %ebx
2004-02-18 12:48:38 -08:00
movl %eax,44(%edi)
popl %edi
movl \$0,%eax
.globl _longjmp
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
movl 8(%ebp),%edi # address of buffer
call stabilize_sig_stack
movl 44(%edi),%eax # get old signal stack
2004-03-11 18:07:39 -08:00
movl %eax,$tls::stackptr(%ebx) # restore
decl $tls::stacklock(%ebx) # relinquish lock
2004-02-18 12:48:38 -08:00
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
movl 12(%ebp),%eax
testl %eax,%eax
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
jne 3f
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
incl %eax
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
3: movl %eax,0(%edi)
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
movl 24(%edi),%ebp
popl %ebx
movw 42(%edi),%ax
movw %ax,%ss
movl 28(%edi),%esp
pushl 32(%edi)
pushl %ebx
movw 36(%edi),%ax
movw %ax,%es
movw 40(%edi),%ax
movw %ax,%gs
movl 0(%edi),%eax
movl 4(%edi),%ebx
movl 8(%edi),%ecx
movl 16(%edi),%esi
2004-02-11 19:01:58 -08:00
movl 12(%edi),%edx
2003-11-28 12:55:59 -08:00
movl 20(%edi),%edi