2000-11-21 17:51:53 -08:00
Finish the README.
2010-02-14 Roumen Petrov <rumen@users.sourceforge.net>
Issue [2134161]: time64 functions and types for msvcrt >= 8.0
(initial implementation)
* new type: __time32_t
* new structures: _finddata32_t, _finddata32i64_t, _finddata64i32_t,
__stat32, _stat32i64, _stat64i32, __timeb32, __utimbuf32,
__wfinddata32_t, _wfinddata32i64_t, _wfinddata64i32_t
* new functions: _ctime32, _difftime32, _difftime64, _findfirst32
_findfirst32i64, _findfirst64i32, _findnext32, _findnext32i64,
_findnext64i32, _fstat32, _fstat32i64, _fstat64i32, _ftime32,
_futime32, _gmtime32, _localtime32, _mkgmtime32, _mkgmtime64,
_mktime32, _stat32, _stat32i64, _stat64i32, _time32, _utime32,
_wctime32, _wfindfirst32, _wfindfirst32i64, _wfindfirst64i32,
_wfindnext32, _wfindnext32i64, _wfindnext64i32, _wstat32,
_wstat32i64, _wstat64i32,_wutime32
* new define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T set 32 or 64 aliases for: time_t,
ctime, difftime, _findfirst, _findfirsti64, _findnext, _findnexti64,
_fstat, _fstati64, _ftime, _futime, gmtime, localtime, mktime,
_stat, _stati64, time, _utime, _wctime, _wfindfirst, _wfindfirsti64,
_wfindnext, _wfindnexti64, _wstat, _wstati64, _wutime
2010-02-16 18:41:06 -08:00
Timezone variables for msvcrt >= 8.0(now as functions):
_get_daylight, _get_dstbias, _get_timezone, _get_tzname.
Functions with _s ("secure") suffix and may be deprecation
warnings for "non-secure" functions.