2000-02-17 11:38:33 -08:00
* main.c
2004-04-20 15:49:32 -07:00
* This file has no copyright assigned and is placed in the Public Domain.
* This file is a part of the mingw-runtime package.
* No warranty is given; refer to the file DISCLAIMER within the package.
2000-02-17 11:38:33 -08:00
* Extra startup code for applications which do not have a main function
* of their own (but do have a WinMain). Generally these are GUI
* applications, but they don't *have* to be.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#define ISSPACE(a) (a == ' ' || a == '\t')
extern int PASCAL WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInst,
LPSTR szCmdLine, int nShow);
main (int argc, char *argv[], char *environ[])
char *szCmd;
STARTUPINFO startinfo;
int nRet;
/* Get the command line passed to the process. */
szCmd = GetCommandLineA ();
GetStartupInfoA (&startinfo);
/* Strip off the name of the application and any leading
* whitespace. */
if (szCmd)
while (ISSPACE (*szCmd))
/* On my system I always get the app name enclosed
* in quotes... */
if (*szCmd == '\"')
while (*szCmd != '\"' && *szCmd != '\0');
if (*szCmd == '\"')
/* If no quotes then assume first token is program
* name. */
while (!ISSPACE (*szCmd) && *szCmd != '\0')
while (ISSPACE (*szCmd))
nRet = WinMain (GetModuleHandle (NULL), NULL, szCmd,
(startinfo.dwFlags & STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) ?
startinfo.wShowWindow : SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
return nRet;