diff --git a/winsup/doc/specialnames.xml b/winsup/doc/specialnames.xml
index a1f7401e1..a1f9d3f5e 100644
--- a/winsup/doc/specialnames.xml
+++ b/winsup/doc/specialnames.xml
@@ -486,6 +486,2100 @@ one in Linux, but it provides significant capabilities. The
procps package contains several utilities
that use it.
+ 2020-11-24
+ Cygwin Project
+ proc
+ 5
+ 2020-11-24
+ Cygwin
+ Cygwin User's Manual
+ proc
+ process and system information pseudo-filesystem
+ Description
+ The proc filesystem is a pseudo-filesystem
+ which provides an interface to Cygwin data structures.
+ It is commonly mounted at /proc.
+ Typically, it is mounted automatically by the system.
+ Overview
+ Underneath /proc, there are the following
+ general groups of files and subdirectories:
+ /proc/[pid] subdirectories
+ Each one of these subdirectories contains files and
+ subdirectories exposing information about the process with the
+ corresponding process id.
+ The /proc/[pid] subdirectories are
+ visible when iterating through /proc with
+ readdir2
+ (and thus are visible when one uses
+ ls1
+ to view the contents of /proc).
+ /proc/self
+ When a process accesses this magic symbolic link, it resolves
+ to the process's own /proc/[pid] directory.
+ /proc/[a-z]*
+ Various other files and subdirectories under
+ /proc expose system-wide information.
+ All of the above are described in more detail below.
+ Files and directories
+ The following list provides details of many of the files
+ and directories under the /proc hierarchy.
+ /proc/[pid]
+ There is a numerical subdirectory for each running
+ process; the subdirectory is named by the process id.
+ Each /proc/[pid] subdirectory
+ contains the pseudo-files and directories described below.
+ The files inside each /proc/[pid]
+ directory are normally owned by the effective user and
+ effective group id of the process.
+ /proc/[pid]/cmdline
+ This read-only file holds the complete command line for the
+ process, unless the process is a zombie.
+ In the latter case, there is nothing in this file: that is, a
+ read on this file will return 0 characters.
+ The command-line arguments appear in this file as a set of
+ strings followed by null bytes ('\0').
+ /proc/[pid]/ctty
+ This read-only file holds the name of the console or control
+ terminal device for the process, unless the process is detached
+ from any terminal.
+ In the latter case, there is only a newline in this file.
+ /proc/[pid]/cwd
+ This is a symbolic link to the current working directory of the
+ process.
+ To find out the current working directory of process 20, for
+ instance, you can do this:
+ $cd /proc/20/cwd; /bin/pwd
+ Note that the pwd command
+ is often a shell built-in, and might not work properly. In
+ bash1
+ ,
+ you may use pwd -P.
+ /proc/[pid]/environ
+ This read-only file contains the current environment that may
+ have been changed by the currently executing program.
+ The entries are separated by null bytes ('\0'),
+ and there may be a null byte at the end.
+ Thus, to print out the environment of process 1, you would do:
+ $cat -A /proc/1/environ
+ If, after an
+ execve2
+ ,
+ the process modifies its environment (e.g., by calling
+ functions such as
+ putenv3
+ or modifying the
+ environ7
+ variable directly), this file will reflect those changes.
+ That may not be the case on other systems such as Linux.
+ /proc/[pid]/exe
+ This file is a symbolic link containing the actual pathname of
+ the executed command.
+ This symbolic link can be dereferenced normally; attempting to
+ open it will open the executable.
+ You can even type /proc/[pid]/exe
+ to run another copy of the same executable that is being run by
+ process [pid].
+ /proc/[pid]/exe is a pointer to
+ the binary which was executed, and appears as a symbolic link.
+ /proc/[pid]/exename
+ This read-only file contains the actual pathname of the executed
+ command.
+ /proc/[pid]/fd/
+ This is a subdirectory containing one entry for each
+ file which the process has open, named by its file
+ descriptor, and which is a symbolic link to the actual
+ file.
+ Thus, 0 is standard input, 1 standard output, 2 standard
+ error, and so on.
+ For file descriptors for pipes and sockets, the entries will
+ be symbolic links whose content is the file type with the
+ inode. A
+ readlink2
+ call on this file returns a string in the format:
+ type:[inode]
+ For example, socket:[2248868]
+ will be a socket and its inode is 2248868.
+ Programs that take a filename as a command-line argument, but
+ don't take input from standard input if no argument is supplied,
+ and programs that write to a file named as a command-line
+ argument, but don't send their output to standard output if no
+ argument is supplied, can nevertheless be made to use standard
+ input or standard output by using
+ /proc/[pid]/fd files as command-line
+ arguments.
+ For example, assuming that is the flag
+ designating an input file and is the flag
+ designating an output file:
+ $foobar -i /proc/self/fd/0 -o /proc/self/fd/1 ...
+ and you have a working filter.
+ /proc/self/fd/N is approximately
+ the same as /dev/fd/N in some Unix
+ and Unix-like systems.
+ Most Linux makedev scripts symbolically
+ link /dev/fd to
+ /proc/self/fd, in fact.
+ Most systems provide symbolic links
+ /dev/stdin,
+ /dev/stdout, and
+ /dev/stderr, which respectively link
+ to the files 0, 1,
+ and 2 in /proc/self/fd.
+ Thus the example command above could be written as:
+ $foobar -i /dev/stdin -o /dev/stdout ...
+ Note that for file descriptors referring to inodes (pipes and
+ sockets, see above), those inodes still have permission bits and
+ ownership information distinct from those of the
+ /proc/[pid]/fd entry, and that the
+ owner may differ from the user and group ids of the process.
+ An unprivileged process may lack permissions to open them, as in
+ this example:
+ $echo test | sudo -u nobody cat
+ test
+ $echo test | sudo -u nobody cat /proc/self/fd/0
+ cat: /proc/self/fd/0: Permission denied
+ File descriptor 0 refers to the pipe created by the shell and
+ owned by that shell's user, which is not
+ nobody, so cat
+ does not have permission to create a new file descriptor to
+ read from that inode, even though it can still read from its
+ existing file descriptor 0.
+ /proc/[pid]/gid
+ This read-only file contains the primary group id for the
+ process.
+ /proc/[pid]/maps
+ A file containing the currently mapped memory regions and their
+ access permissions. See
+ mmap2
+ for some further information about memory mappings.
+ The format of the file is:
+address perms offset dev inode pathname
+00010000-00020000 rw-s 00000000 0000:0000 0 [win heap 1 default shared]
+00080000-00082000 rw-p 00000000 0000:0000 0 [win heap 0 default grow]
+00082000-0009A000 ===p 00002000 0000:0000 0 [win heap 0 default grow]
+000A0000-000A1000 rw-p 00000000 0000:0000 0 [win heap 2 grow]
+000A1000-000BA000 ===p 00001000 0000:0000 0 [win heap 2 grow]
+000C0000-000D9000 rw-p 00000000 0000:0000 0 [win heap 0 default grow]
+000D9000-001C0000 ===p 00019000 0000:0000 0 [win heap 0 default grow]
+00200000-00377000 ===p 00000000 0000:0000 0
+00377000-00378000 rw-p 00177000 0000:0000 0 [peb]
+00378000-0037A000 rw-p 00178000 0000:0000 0 [teb (tid 8844)]
+00400000-005F9000 ===p 00000000 0000:0000 0 [stack (tid 8884)]
+005F9000-005FC000 rw-g 001F9000 0000:0000 0 [stack (tid 8884)]
+005FC000-00600000 rw-p 001FC000 0000:0000 0 [stack (tid 8884)]
+00600000-006C7000 r--s 00000000 EE45:4341 281474976741117 /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/locale.nls
+100400000-100401000 r--p 00000000 EE45:4341 281474978095037 /usr/bin/sh.exe
+100401000-100413000 r-xp 00001000 EE45:4341 281474978095037 /usr/bin/sh.exe
+100413000-100414000 rw-p 00013000 EE45:4341 281474978095037 /usr/bin/sh.exe
+180010000-180020000 rw-s 00000000 0000:0000 0 [procinfo]
+180020000-180029000 rw-s 00000000 0000:0000 0 [cygwin-user-shared]
+180030000-18003C000 rw-s 00000000 0000:0000 0 [cygwin-shared]
+180040000-180041000 r--p 00000000 EE45:4341 2251799814294868 /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
+180041000-18022D000 r-xp 00001000 EE45:4341 2251799814294868 /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
+18022D000-180231000 rwxp 001ED000 EE45:4341 2251799814294868 /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
+180231000-18026A000 rw-p 001F1000 EE45:4341 2251799814294868 /usr/bin/cygwin1.dll
+800000000-800090000 rw-p 00000000 0000:0000 0 [heap]
+800090000-820000000 ===p 00090000 0000:0000 0 [heap]
+7FF4FDEB0000-7FF4FDEB5000 r--s 00000000 0000:0000 0
+7FF4FDEB5000-7FF4FDFB0000 ===s 00005000 0000:0000 0
+7FF4FDFB0000-7FF5FDFD0000 ===p 00000000 0000:0000 0
+7FFBEEAC0000-7FFBEEAC1000 r--p 00000000 EE45:4341 844424934724994 /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
+7FFBEEAC1000-7FFBEEB36000 r-xp 00001000 EE45:4341 844424934724994 /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
+7FFBEEB36000-7FFBEEB68000 r--p 00076000 EE45:4341 844424934724994 /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
+7FFBEEB68000-7FFBEEB6A000 rw-p 000A8000 EE45:4341 844424934724994 /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
+7FFBEEB6A000-7FFBEEB72000 r--p 000AA000 EE45:4341 844424934724994 /proc/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/kernel32.dll
+ The address field is the address
+ space in the process that the mapping occupies.
+ The perms field is a set of permissions:
+ rread
+ wwrite
+ xexecute
+ ===reserved
+ sshared
+ gguard
+ pprivate
+ The offset field is the offset
+ into the file/whatever;
+ dev is the device (major:minor);
+ inode is the inode on that device.
+ 0 indicates that no inode is associated with the memory
+ region, as would be the case with BSS (uninitialized data).
+ The pathname field will usually
+ be the file that is backing the mapping.
+ There are additional helpful pseudo-paths:
+ [cygwin-shared]
+ Global shared Cygwin process information.
+ [cygwin-user-shared]
+ Global shared Cygwin user information.
+ [peb]
+ Windows Process Environment Block.
+ [procinfo]
+ Cygwin process information.
+ [shared-user-data]
+ Shared user information.
+ [heap]
+ The process's heap.
+ [stack]
+ The initial process's (also known as the main
+ thread's) stack.
+ [stack
+ (tid <tid>)]
+ A thread's stack (where the
+ <tid> is a thread id).
+ [teb
+ (tid <tid>)]
+ Windows Thread Environment Block (where
+ <tid> is a thread id).
+ [win heap <n>
+ default shared exec grow noserial debug]
+ Windows extended heap (where
+ <n> is a heap id)
+ and the rest of the words are heap flags:
+ default
+ default heap flags
+ shared
+ shareable and mapped heap flags
+ exec
+ executable heap flag
+ grow
+ growable heap flag
+ noserial
+ do not serialize heap flag
+ debug
+ debugged heap flag
+ If the pathname field is blank,
+ this is an anonymous mapping as obtained via
+ mmap2
+ .
+ There is no easy way to coordinate this back to a process's
+ source, short of running it through
+ gdb1
+ ,
+ strace1
+ ,
+ or similar.
+ pathname is shown unescaped except
+ for newline characters, which are replaced with an
+ octal escape sequence.
+ As a result, it is not possible to determine whether the
+ original pathname contained a newline
+ character or the literal \e012
+ character sequence.
+ If the mapping is file-backed and the file has been deleted,
+ the string " (deleted)"
+ is appended to the pathname.
+ Note that this is ambiguous too.
+ /proc/[pid]/mountinfo
+ This file contains information about mount points in the
+ process's mount namespace (see
+ mount_namespaces7
+ ).
+ It supplies various information (e.g., propagation state, root
+ of mount for bind mounts, identifier for each mount and its
+ parent) that is missing from the (older)
+ /proc/[pid]/mounts
+ file, and fixes various other problems with that file (e.g.,
+ nonextensibility, failure to distinguish per-mount versus
+ per-superblock options).
+ The file contains lines of the form:
+36 35 98:0 /mnt1 /mnt2 rw,noatime master:1 - ext3 /dev/root rw,errors=continue
+(1)(2)(3) (4) (5) (6) (?) (7) (8) (9) (10)
+ The numbers in parentheses are labels for the descriptions below:
+ (1)
+ mount id: a unique id for the mount (may be reused after
+ umount2
+ ).
+ (2)
+ parent id: the id of the parent mount (or of self for
+ the root of this mount namespace's mount tree).
+ (3)
+ major:minor:
+ the value of st_dev
+ for files on this filesystem (see
+ stat2
+ ).
+ (4)
+ root: the pathname of the directory in the filesystem
+ which forms the root of this mount.
+ (5)
+ mount point: the pathname of the mount point relative to
+ the process's root directory.
+ (6)
+ mount options: per-mount options (see
+ mount2
+ ).
+ (?)
+ optional fields: zero or more fields of the form
+ "tag[:value]";
+ see below.
+ (7)
+ separator: the end of the optional fields is marked by a
+ single hyphen.
+ (8)
+ filesystem type: the filesystem type in the form
+ "type[.subtype]".
+ (9)
+ mount source: filesystem-specific information or
+ "none".
+ (10)
+ super options: per-superblock options (see
+ mount2
+ ).
+ /proc/[pid]/mounts
+ This file lists all the filesystems currently mounted in the
+ process's mount namespace (see
+ mount_namespaces7
+ ).
+ The format of this file is documented in
+ fstab5
+ .
+ /proc/[pid]/pgid
+ This read-only file contains the process group id for the
+ process.
+ /proc/[pid]/ppid
+ This read-only file contains the parent process id for the
+ process.
+ /proc/[pid]/root
+ UNIX and Linux support the idea of a per-process root of the
+ filesystem, set by the
+ chroot2
+ system call.
+ This file is a symbolic link that points to the process's root
+ directory, and behaves in the same way as
+ exe, and
+ fd/*.
+ /proc/[pid]/sid
+ This read-only file contains the session id for the process.
+ /proc/[pid]/stat
+ Status information about the process.
+ This is used by some implementations of
+ ps1
+ .
+ The fields, in order, with their proper
+ scanf3
+ format specifiers, are listed below.
+ (1) pid %d
+ The process id.
+ (2) comm %s
+ The filename of the executable, in parentheses.
+ This is visible whether or not the executable is swapped
+ out.
+ (3) state %c
+ One of the following characters, indicating process state:
+ R
+ Runnable
+ O
+ Running
+ S
+ Sleeping in an interruptible wait
+ D
+ Waiting in uninterruptible disk sleep
+ Z
+ Zombie
+ T
+ Stopped (on a signal) or trace stopped
+ (4) ppid %d
+ The PID of the parent of this process.
+ (5) pgrp %d
+ The process group id of the process.
+ (6) session %d
+ The session id of the process.
+ (7) tty_nr %d
+ The controlling terminal of the process.
+ (The minor device number is contained in the combination
+ of bits 31 to 20 and 7 to 0; the major device number is in
+ bits 15 to 8.)
+ (8) tpgid %d
+ The id of the foreground process group of the controlling
+ terminal of the process.
+ (9) flags %u
+ The kernel flags word of the process.
+ (10) minflt %lu
+ The number of minor faults the process has made which have
+ not required loading a memory page from disk.
+ (11) cminflt %lu
+ The number of minor faults that the process's waited-for
+ children have made.
+ (12) majflt %lu
+ The number of major faults the process has made which have
+ required loading a memory page from disk.
+ (13) cmajflt %lu
+ The number of major faults that the process's waited-for
+ children have made.
+ (14) utime %lu
+ Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in
+ user mode, measured in clock ticks (divide by
+ sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
+ (15) stime %lu
+ Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in
+ kernel mode, measured in clock ticks (divide by
+ sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
+ (16) cutime %ld
+ Amount of time that this process's waited-for children
+ have been scheduled in user mode, measured in clock ticks
+ (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
+ (See also
+ times2
+ ).
+ (17) cstime %ld
+ Amount of time that this process's waited-for children
+ have been scheduled in kernel mode, measured in clock
+ ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
+ (18) priority %ld
+ For processes running a real-time scheduling policy
+ (policy below; see
+ sched_setscheduler2
+ ),
+ this is the negated scheduling priority, minus one; that
+ is, a number in the range -2 to -100, corresponding to
+ real-time priorities 1 to 99. For processes running
+ under a non-real-time scheduling policy, this is the raw
+ nice value
+ (
+ setpriority2
+ )
+ as represented in the kernel.
+ The kernel stores nice values as numbers in the range 0
+ (high) to 39 (low), corresponding to the user-visible nice
+ range of -20 to 19.
+ (19) nice %ld
+ The nice value (see
+ setpriority2
+ ), a value in the range 19 (low priority)
+ to -20 (high priority).
+ (20) num_threads %ld
+ Number of threads in this process. Currently shown as 0.
+ (21) itrealvalue %ld
+ The time in jiffies before the next
+ is sent to the process due to an interval timer.
+ This field is no longer maintained, and is hard coded as 0.
+ (22) starttime %llu
+ The time the process started after system boot.
+ The value is expressed in clock ticks (divide by
+ sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
+ (23) vsize %lu
+ Virtual memory size in bytes.
+ (24) rss %ld
+ Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real
+ memory.
+ This is just the pages which count toward text, data, or
+ stack space.
+ This does not include pages which have not been
+ demand-loaded in, or which are swapped out.
+ (25) rsslim %lu
+ Current soft limit in bytes on the rss of the process; see
+ the description of RLIMIT_RSS in
+ getrlimit2
+ .
+ /proc/[pid]/statm
+ Provides information about memory usage, measured in pages.
+ The columns are:
+ (1) size
+ total program size
+ (same as VmSize in /proc/[pid]/status)
+ (2) resident
+ resident set size
+ (same as VmRSS in /proc/[pid]/status)
+ (3) shared
+ number of resident shared pages
+ (i.e., backed by a file) (same as RssFile+RssShmem in
+ /proc/[pid]/status)
+ (4) text
+ text (code)
+ (5) lib
+ library
+ (6) data
+ data + stack
+ (7) dt
+ dirty pages (always 0)
+ /proc/[pid]/status
+ Provides much of the information in
+ /proc/[pid]/stat and
+ /proc/[pid]/statm
+ in a format that's easier for humans to parse.
+ Here's an example:
+ $cat /proc/$$/status
+ Name: bash
+ Umask: 0022
+ State: S (sleeping)
+ Tgid: 17248
+ Pid: 17248
+ PPid: 17200
+ Uid: 1000 1000 1000 1000
+ Gid: 100 100 100 100
+ VmSize: 131168 kB
+ VmLck: 0 kB
+ VmRSS: 13484 kB
+ VmData: 10332 kB
+ VmStk: 136 kB
+ VmExe: 992 kB
+ VmLib: 2104 kB
+ SigPnd: 0000000000000000
+ SigBlk: 0000000000010000
+ SigIgn: 0000000000384004
+ The fields are as follows:
+ Name:
+ Command run by this process.
+ Umask:
+ Process umask, expressed in octal with a leading zero; see
+ umask2
+ .
+ State:
+ Current state of the process.
+ One of:
+ R
+ runnable
+ O
+ running
+ S
+ sleeping
+ D
+ disk sleep
+ T
+ stopped or tracing stop
+ Z
+ zombie
+ Tgid:
+ Thread group id (i.e., Process id).
+ Pid:
+ Thread id (see
+ gettid2
+ ).
+ PPid:
+ PID of parent process.
+ Uid,
+ Gid:
+ Real, effective, saved set, and filesystem UIDs (GIDs).
+ VmSize:
+ Virtual memory size.
+ VmLck:
+ Locked memory size (see
+ mlock2
+ ).
+ VmRSS:
+ Resident set size.
+ VmData,
+ VmStk,
+ VmExe:
+ Size of data, stack, and text segments.
+ VmLib:
+ Shared library code size.
+ SigPnd:
+ Number of signals pending for process as a whole (see
+ pthreads7
+ and
+ signal7).
+ SigBlk,
+ SigIgn:
+ Masks indicating signals being blocked and ignored (see
+ signal7
+ ).
+ /proc/[pid]/uid
+ This read-only file contains the user id for the process.
+ /proc/[pid]/winexename
+ This read-only file contains the Windows pathname of the
+ executed command.
+ /proc/[pid]/winpid
+ This read-only file contains the Windows process id for the
+ process.
+ /proc/cpuinfo
+ This is a collection of CPU and system architecture dependent
+ items, for each supported architecture a different list.
+ Two common entries are processor
+ which gives CPU number and
+ bogomips, a system constant
+ that is calculated during kernel initialization.
+ SMP machines have information for each CPU.
+ The
+ lscpu1
+ command gathers its information from this file.
+ /proc/cygdrive
+ This file is a symbolic link that points to the user's
+ Windows mapped drive mount point, similar to
+ root.
+ /proc/devices
+ Text listing of major numbers and device groups.
+ This can be used by makedev
+ scripts for consistency with the system.
+ /proc/filesystems
+ A text listing of the filesystems which are supported by Cygwin.
+ (See also
+ filesystems5
+ .)
+ If a filesystem is marked with "nodev", this means that it
+ does not require a block device to be mounted (e.g., virtual
+ filesystem, network filesystem).
+ /proc/loadavg
+ The first three fields in this file are load average figures
+ giving the number of jobs in the run queue (state R)
+ averaged over 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
+ They are the same as the load average numbers given by
+ uptime1
+ and other programs.
+ The fourth field consists of two numbers separated by a slash (/).
+ The first of these is the number of currently runnable
+ scheduling entities (processes, threads).
+ The value after the slash is the number of scheduling entities
+ that currently exist on the system.
+ /proc/meminfo
+ This file reports statistics about memory usage on the system.
+ It is used by
+ free1
+ to report the amount of free and used memory (both physical
+ and swap) on the system as well as the shared memory and
+ buffers used by the system.
+ Each line of the file consists of a parameter name, followed by
+ a colon, the value of the parameter, and an option unit of
+ measurement (e.g., "kB").
+ The list below describes the parameter names and the format
+ specifier required to read the field value.
+ Some fields are displayed only if the system was configured
+ with various options; those dependencies are noted in the
+ list.
+ MemTotal %lu
+ Total usable RAM (i.e., physical RAM minus a few reserved
+ bits and the system binary code).
+ MemFree %lu
+ The sum of LowFree +
+ HighFree.
+ HighTotal %lu
+ Total amount of highmem.
+ HighFree %lu
+ Amount of free highmem.
+ LowTotal %lu
+ Total amount of lowmem.
+ Lowmem is memory which can be used for everything that
+ highmem can be used for, but it is also available for the
+ system's use for its own data structures.
+ Bad things happen when you're out of lowmem.
+ LowFree %lu
+ Amount of free lowmem.
+ SwapTotal %lu
+ Total amount of swap space available.
+ SwapFree %lu
+ Amount of swap space that is currently unused.
+ /proc/misc
+ Text listing of minor device numbers and names of devices with
+ major device number of the misc device group.
+ This can be used by makedev scripts
+ for consistency with the system.
+ /proc/mounts
+ With the introduction of per-process mount namespaces, this file
+ became a link to
+ /proc/self/mounts,
+ which lists the mount points of the process's own mount
+ namespace.
+ The format of this file is documented in
+ fstab5
+ .
+ /proc/net
+ This directory contains various files and subdirectories
+ containing information about the networking layer.
+ The files contain ASCII structures and are, therefore, readable
+ with
+ cat1
+ .
+ However, the standard
+ netstat8
+ suite provides much cleaner access to these files.
+ /proc/net/if_inet6
+ This file contains information about IP V6 interface adapters,
+ if used.
+ Each line represents an IP V6 interface adapter.
+fe800000000000002c393d3da6108636 12 40 20 80 {C6B5FBE5-A3AC-4DB0-A308-8EE94E1406A4}
+fe8000000000000039da016f76bd92bc 13 40 20 20 {E06B8972-0918-41FC-851B-090C446C7D1C}
+fe8000000000000050ba9cedf1fe1628 0b 40 20 20 {680ED6FD-DFAC-4398-AA85-FB33E17E38EA}
+fe8000000000000030c5c6a0b30f109d 11 40 20 20 {B9E39F53-1659-4065-BDA5-F41162250E03}
+20021840ac2c12343427e3b9ec6fa585 08 40 00 80 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+20021840ac2c12342403e3b2c7a5a32f 08 80 00 20 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+20021840ac2c1234284e8d0ecb4160cb 08 80 00 20 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+20021840ac2c123468cb06ea72f1d678 08 80 00 80 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+20021840ac2c12346cb59aca97c36e3b 08 80 00 20 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+20021840ac2c123498af9881de1fb828 08 80 00 20 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+20021840ac2c1234cd62a3d73a498611 08 80 00 20 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+20021840ac2c1234e410c873be09df93 08 80 00 20 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+fe800000000000003427e3b9ec6fa585 08 40 20 80 {4083A7F8-99CF-4220-8715-6FDF268B002F}
+00000000000000000000000000000001 01 80 10 80 {2B5345AC-7502-11EA-AC73-806E6F6E6963}
+ (1) (2)(3)(4)(5) (6)
+ The fields in each line are:
+ (1)
+ The IP V6 address of the interface adapter.
+ (2)
+ The IP V6 interface adapter index.
+ (3)
+ The prefix length of the IP V6 interface address.
+ (4)
+ The scope of the IP V6 interface address.
+ (5)
+ The state of the IP V6 interface address.
+ (6)
+ The DUID/GUID/UUID of the IP V6 interface adapter.
+ The last number exists only for compatibility reasons and is
+ always 1.
+ /proc/partitions
+ Contains the major and minor numbers of each partition as well
+ as the number of 1024-byte blocks and the partition name.
+ /proc/registry
+ Under Cygwin, this directory contains subdirectories for
+ registry paths, keys, and subkeys, and files named for registry
+ values which contain registry data, for the current process.
+ /proc/registry32
+ Under 64 bit Windows, this directory contains subdirectories for
+ registry paths, keys, and subkeys, and files named for registry
+ values which contain registry data, for 32 bit processes.
+ /proc/registry64
+ Under 64 bit Windows, this directory contains subdirectories for
+ registry paths, keys, and subkeys, and files named for registry
+ values which contain registry data, for 64 bit processes.
+ /proc/self
+ This directory refers to the process accessing the
+ /proc filesystem, and is identical to the
+ /proc directory named by the process id
+ of the same process.
+ /proc/stat
+ system statistics.
+ Varies with architecture.
+ Common entries include:
+ cpu 10132153 0 3084719 46828483
+ cpu0 1393280 0 572056 13343292
+ The amount of time, measured in units of USER_HZ
+ (1/100ths of a second on most architectures, use
+ sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)
+ to obtain the right value), that the system ("cpu"
+ line) or the specific CPU
+ ("cpu N" line)
+ spent in various states:
+ (1) user
+ Time spent in user mode.
+ (2) nice
+ Time spent in user mode with low priority
+ (nice).
+ (3) system
+ Time spent in system mode.
+ (4) idle
+ Time spent in the idle task.
+ page 5741 1808
+ The number of pages the system paged in and the number
+ that were paged out (from disk).
+ swap 1 0
+ The number of swap pages that have been brought in and
+ out.
+ intr 1462898
+ The number of interrupts serviced.
+ ctxt 115315
+ The number of context switches that the system
+ underwent.
+ btime 769041601
+ boot time, in seconds since the Epoch,
+ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).
+ /proc/swaps
+ Swap areas in use.
+ See also
+ swapon8
+ .
+ /proc/sys
+ This directory contains a number of files and subdirectories
+ linking to Windows objects, which can be read using these
+ entries.
+ String values may be terminated by either '\0'
+ or '\n'.
+ Integer and long values may be either in decimal or in
+ hexadecimal notation (e.g. 0x3FFF).
+ Multiple integer or long values may be separated by any of the
+ following whitespace characters:
+ ' ', '\t', or
+ '\n'.
+ /proc/sysvipc
+ Subdirectory containing the pseudo-files
+ msg, semand
+ shm.
+ These files list the System V Interprocess Communication (IPC)
+ objects (respectively: message queues, semaphores, and shared
+ memory) that currently exist on the system, providing similar
+ information to that available via
+ ipcs1
+ .
+ These files are only available if the cygserver Cygwin service
+ is running.
+ These files have headers and are formatted (one IPC object per
+ line) for easy understanding.
+ svipc7
+ provides further background on the information shown by these
+ files.
+ /proc/uptime
+ This file contains two numbers (values in seconds): the uptime
+ of the system (including time spent in suspend) and the amount
+ of time spent in the idle process.
+ /proc/version
+ This string identifies the Cygwin version that is currently
+ running.
+ For example:
+CYGWIN_NT-10.0-18363 version 3.1.7-340.x86_64 (corinna@calimero) (gcc version 9.3.0 20200312 (Fedora Cygwin 9.3.0-1) (GCC) ) 2020-08-22 17:48 UTC
+ Notes
+ Many files contain strings (e.g., the environment and command
+ line) that are in the internal format, with subfields terminated
+ by null bytes ('\0').
+ When inspecting such files, you may find that the results are
+ more readable if you use a command of the following form to
+ display them:
+ $cat -A file
+ This manual page is incomplete, possibly inaccurate, and is the kind
+ of thing that needs to be updated very often.
+ See Also
+ cat1
+ ,
+ find1
+ ,
+ free1
+ ,
+ ps1
+ ,
+ pstree1
+ ,
+ tr1
+ ,
+ uptime1
+ ,
+ chroot2
+ ,
+ mmap2
+ ,
+ readlink2
+ ,
+ syslog2
+ ,
+ hier7
+ ,
+ arp8
+ ,
+ mount8
+ ,
+ netstat8
+ ,
+ route8
+ .
+ The /proc/registry filesystem