From fe508576ef1f815b22177d7597796886b91ea0c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Corinna Vinschen Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 10:25:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Sync toplevel with upstream GCC. Signed-off-by: Corinna Vinschen --- COPYING.LIB | 262 +- ChangeLog | 4 + Makefile.def | 82 +- | 13066 ++++++++++++++++++----------- Makefile.tpl | 219 +- compile | 236 +- | 70 +- config.guess | 17 +- config.sub | 16 +- config/ChangeLog | 164 + config/acinclude.m4 | 0 config/bitfields.m4 | 25 + config/ | 4 + config/ | 6 + config/ | 10 +- config/ | 9 + config/ | 3 +- config/dfp.m4 | 2 +- config/elf.m4 | 7 +- config/gcc-plugin.m4 | 113 + config/gettext.m4 | 4 +- config/iconv.m4 | 47 +- config/isl.m4 | 63 +- config/mh-alpha-linux | 3 + config/mh-darwin | 31 +- config/mt-gnu | 2 +- config/mt-ospace | 4 +- config/picflag.m4 | 15 +- config/plugins.m4 | 26 +- config/po.m4 | 4 +- config/sjlj.m4 | 12 + config/stdint.m4 | 2 +- config/target-posix | 12 + config/tcl.m4 | 4 +- config/warnings.m4 | 112 +- config/zlib.m4 | 27 +- configure | 1327 +-- | 658 +- depcomp | 538 +- include/ChangeLog | 165 +- include/ChangeLog-9103 | 6 - include/ChangeLog.jit | 11 + include/ansidecl.h | 13 +- include/demangle.h | 15 +- include/dwarf2.def | 11 +- include/dwarf2.h | 4 +- include/dyn-string.h | 3 +- include/environ.h | 33 + include/fibheap.h | 3 +- include/filenames.h | 2 +- include/floatformat.h | 3 +- include/fnmatch.h | 2 +- include/gcc-c-fe.def | 2 +- include/gcc-c-interface.h | 2 +- include/gcc-interface.h | 2 +- include/gdb/gdb-index.h | 2 +- include/getopt.h | 3 +- include/gomp-constants.h | 149 +- include/hashtab.h | 3 +- include/leb128.h | 2 +- include/libiberty.h | 8 +- include/longlong.h | 34 +- include/lto-symtab.h | 2 +- include/md5.h | 2 +- include/objalloc.h | 2 +- include/obstack.h | 836 +- include/partition.h | 6 +- include/plugin-api.h | 29 +- include/safe-ctype.h | 2 +- include/sha1.h | 3 +- include/simple-object.h | 2 +- include/sort.h | 2 +- include/splay-tree.h | 3 +- include/symcat.h | 2 +- include/timeval-utils.h | 2 +- include/vtv-change-permission.h | 7 +- include/xregex2.h | 3 +- include/xtensa-config.h | 3 +- install-sh | 373 +- libtool.m4 | 12 +- missing | 457 +- mkinstalldirs | 4 +- move-if-change | 6 +- ylwrap | 198 +- 84 files changed, 12618 insertions(+), 7022 deletions(-) mode change 100755 => 100644 config/acinclude.m4 create mode 100644 config/bitfields.m4 create mode 100644 config/ create mode 100644 config/ create mode 100644 config/gcc-plugin.m4 create mode 100644 config/mh-alpha-linux create mode 100644 config/sjlj.m4 create mode 100644 config/target-posix create mode 100644 include/ChangeLog.jit create mode 100644 include/environ.h diff --git a/COPYING.LIB b/COPYING.LIB index 778d0bb5b..2d2d780e6 100644 --- a/COPYING.LIB +++ b/COPYING.LIB @@ -1,112 +1,127 @@ - GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - Version 2, June 1991 - Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2.1, February 1999 + + Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. -[This is the first released version of the library GPL. It is - numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.] +[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL. It also counts + as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence + the version number 2.1.] - Preamble + Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. - This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some -specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any -other libraries whose authors decide to use it. You can use it for -your libraries, too. + This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some +specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the +Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it. You +can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether +this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better +strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations +below. - When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not -price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you -have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for -this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it -if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it -in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use, +not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that +you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge +for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get +it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of +it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do +these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid -anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. -These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if -you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it. +distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these +rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for +you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source -code. If you link a program with the library, you must provide -complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them -with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling +code. If you link other code with the library, you must provide +complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them +with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling it. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. - Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright -the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal + We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the +library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library. - Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain -that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free -library. If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we -want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original -version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on -the original authors' reputations. + To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that +there is no warranty for the free library. Also, if the library is +modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know +that what they have is not the original version, so that the original +author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be +introduced by others. - Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software -patents. We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free -software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect -transforming the program into proprietary software. To prevent this, -we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's -free use or not licensed at all. + Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of +any free program. We wish to make sure that a company cannot +effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a +restrictive license from a patent holder. Therefore, we insist that +any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be +consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license. - Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary -GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs. This -license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain -designated libraries. This license is quite different from the ordinary -one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is -the same as in the ordinary license. + Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the +ordinary GNU General Public License. This license, the GNU Lesser +General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and +is quite different from the ordinary General Public License. We use +this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those +libraries into non-free programs. - The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that -they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a -program and simply using it. Linking a program with a library, without -changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is -analogous to running a utility program or application program. However, in -a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a -derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License -treats it as such. + When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using +a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a +combined work, a derivative of the original library. The ordinary +General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the +entire combination fits its criteria of freedom. The Lesser General +Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with +the library. - Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General -Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software -sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries. We -concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better. + We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it +does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General +Public License. It also provides other free software developers Less +of an advantage over competing non-free programs. These disadvantages +are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many +libraries. However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain +special circumstances. - However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the -users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the -libraries themselves. This Library General Public License is intended to -permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while -preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free -libraries that are incorporated in them. (We have not seen how to achieve -this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards -changes in the actual functions of the Library.) The hope is that this -will lead to faster development of free libraries. + For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to +encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it +becomes a de-facto standard. To achieve this, non-free programs must +be allowed to use the library. A more frequent case is that a free +library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries. In this +case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free +software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License. + + In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free +programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of +free software. For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in +non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU +operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating +system. + + Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the +users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is +linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run +that program using a modified version of the Library. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. Pay close attention to the difference between a "work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library". The -former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only -works together with the library. - - Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary -General Public License rather than by this special one. +former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must +be combined with the library in order to run. - GNU LIBRARY GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION - 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which -contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized -party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library -General Public License (also called "this License"). Each licensee is -addressed as "you". + 0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other +program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or +other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of +this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License"). +Each licensee is addressed as "you". A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs @@ -123,8 +138,8 @@ included without limitation in the term "modification".) "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For a library, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated -interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation -and installation of the library. +interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control +compilation and installation of the library. Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of @@ -133,7 +148,7 @@ such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for writing it). Whether that is true depends on what the Library does and what the program that uses the Library does. - + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an @@ -255,7 +270,7 @@ distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6. Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6, whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself. - 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or + 6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit @@ -282,23 +297,31 @@ of these things: Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application to use the modified definitions.) - b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at - least three years, to give the same user the materials - specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more - than the cost of performing this distribution. + b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the + Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a + copy of the library already present on the user's computer system, + rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2) + will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if + the user installs one, as long as the modified version is + interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with. - c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy + c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at least + three years, to give the same user the materials specified in + Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more than the cost of + performing this distribution. + + d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above specified materials from the same place. - d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these + e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these materials or that you have already sent this user a copy. For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for reproducing the executable from it. However, as a special exception, -the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally -distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major +the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is +normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. @@ -347,7 +370,7 @@ Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. -You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License. 11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent @@ -363,9 +386,10 @@ all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. -If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any -particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, -and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply, and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any @@ -383,14 +407,14 @@ be a consequence of the rest of this License. 12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the -original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add -an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, -so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus -excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if -written in the body of this License. +original copyright holder who places the Library under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those +countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new -versions of the Library General Public License from time to time. +versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. @@ -411,7 +435,7 @@ decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. - NO WARRANTY + NO WARRANTY 15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. @@ -434,49 +458,53 @@ FAILURE OF THE LIBRARY TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. - END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS - Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that everyone can redistribute and change. You can do so by permitting -redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the -ordinary General Public License). +redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms +of the ordinary General Public License). + + To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. +It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most +effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should +have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full +notice is found. - To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library. It is -safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively -convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the -"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or - modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either - version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU - Library General Public License for more details. + Lesser General Public License for more details. - You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public - License along with this library; if not, write to the Free - Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, - MA 02110-1301, USA + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. -You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your -school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if -necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or +your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, +if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the - library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker. + library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James + Random Hacker. , 1 April 1990 Ty Coon, President of Vice That's all there is to it! + + diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog index 949543d65..0e07ac706 100644 --- a/ChangeLog +++ b/ChangeLog @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +2016-03-22 Corinna Vinschen + + * Sync toplevel with upstream GCC. + 2015-11-12 Anton Kolesov * COPYING.LIBGLOSS: Add Synopsys license. diff --git a/Makefile.def b/Makefile.def index 3ba1a5b9a..ea8453e85 100644 --- a/Makefile.def +++ b/Makefile.def @@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ build_modules= { module= flex; }; build_modules= { module= m4; }; build_modules= { module= texinfo; }; build_modules= { module= fixincludes; }; +build_modules= { module= libcpp; + extra_configure_flags='--disable-nls am_cv_func_iconv=no';}; host_modules= { module= bfd; bootstrap=true; }; host_modules= { module= opcodes; bootstrap=true; }; @@ -39,14 +41,15 @@ host_modules= { module= cgen; }; host_modules= { module= dejagnu; }; host_modules= { module= etc; }; host_modules= { module= fastjar; no_check_cross= true; }; -host_modules= { module= fixincludes; +host_modules= { module= fixincludes; bootstrap=true; missing= TAGS; }; host_modules= { module= flex; no_check_cross= true; }; host_modules= { module= gas; bootstrap=true; }; host_modules= { module= gcc; bootstrap=true; extra_make_flags="$(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS)"; }; host_modules= { module= gmp; lib_path=.libs; bootstrap=true; - extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared'; + // Work around in-tree gmp configure bug with missing flex. + extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c"'; no_install= true; // none-*-* disables asm optimizations, bootstrap-testing // the compiler more thoroughly. @@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ host_modules= { module= gmp; lib_path=.libs; bootstrap=true; target="none-${host_vendor}-${host_os}"; }; host_modules= { module= mpfr; lib_path=.libs; bootstrap=true; extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@'; + extra_make_flags='AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"'; no_install= true; }; host_modules= { module= mpc; lib_path=.libs; bootstrap=true; extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@'; @@ -64,11 +68,6 @@ host_modules= { module= isl; lib_path=.libs; bootstrap=true; extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@'; extra_make_flags='V=1'; no_install= true; }; -host_modules= { module= cloog; lib_path=.libs; bootstrap=true; - extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system'; - extra_exports='CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; '; - extra_make_flags='CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1'; - no_install= true; }; host_modules= { module= libelf; lib_path=.libs; bootstrap=true; extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared'; no_install= true; }; @@ -85,11 +84,22 @@ host_modules= { module= libdecnumber; bootstrap=true; }; host_modules= { module= libgui; }; host_modules= { module= libiberty; bootstrap=true; extra_configure_flags='@extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@';}; +// Linker plugins may need their own build of libiberty; see +// gcc/doc/install.texi. We take care that this build of libiberty doesn't get +// installed. It's a helper library for linker plugins, so we pay attention to +// @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ and @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@. +host_modules= { module= libiberty-linker-plugin; bootstrap=true; + module_srcdir=libiberty; + extra_configure_flags='@extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@'; + extra_make_flags='@extra_linker_plugin_flags@'; }; // We abuse missing to avoid installing anything for libiconv. host_modules= { module= libiconv; + bootstrap=true; extra_configure_flags='--disable-shared'; no_install= true; - missing= install-info; + missing= pdf; + missing= html; + missing= info; missing= install-pdf; missing= install-html; missing= install-info; }; @@ -98,7 +108,9 @@ host_modules= { module= readline; }; host_modules= { module= sid; }; host_modules= { module= sim; }; host_modules= { module= texinfo; no_install= true; }; -host_modules= { module= zlib; no_install=true; no_check=true; bootstrap=true; }; +host_modules= { module= zlib; no_install=true; no_check=true; + bootstrap=true; + extra_configure_flags='@extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@';}; host_modules= { module= gdb; }; host_modules= { module= expect; }; host_modules= { module= guile; }; @@ -111,21 +123,31 @@ host_modules= { module= libtermcap; no_check=true; host_modules= { module= utils; no_check=true; }; host_modules= { module= gnattools; }; host_modules= { module= lto-plugin; bootstrap=true; - extra_configure_flags=--enable-shared; }; + extra_configure_flags='--enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@'; + extra_make_flags='@extra_linker_plugin_flags@'; }; +host_modules= { module= libcc1; extra_configure_flags=--enable-shared; }; +host_modules= { module= gotools; }; target_modules = { module= libstdc++-v3; bootstrap=true; lib_path=src/.libs; raw_cxx=true; }; -target_modules = { module= libmudflap; lib_path=.libs; }; target_modules = { module= libsanitizer; bootstrap=true; lib_path=.libs; raw_cxx=true; }; +target_modules = { module= libmpx; + bootstrap=true; + lib_path=.libs; }; target_modules = { module= libvtv; bootstrap=true; lib_path=.libs; raw_cxx=true; }; +target_modules = { module= libcilkrts; + lib_path=.libs; }; +target_modules = { module= liboffloadmic; + lib_path=.libs; + extra_configure_flags='@extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags@'; }; target_modules = { module= libssp; lib_path=.libs; }; target_modules = { module= newlib; }; target_modules = { module= libgcc; bootstrap=true; no_check=true; }; @@ -270,6 +292,7 @@ flags_to_pass = { flag= LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET ; }; flags_to_pass = { flag= LIBCXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET ; }; flags_to_pass = { flag= NM_FOR_TARGET ; }; flags_to_pass = { flag= OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET ; }; +flags_to_pass = { flag= OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET ; }; flags_to_pass = { flag= RANLIB_FOR_TARGET ; }; flags_to_pass = { flag= READELF_FOR_TARGET ; }; flags_to_pass = { flag= STRIP_FOR_TARGET ; }; @@ -291,26 +314,32 @@ dependencies = { module=all-build-flex; on=all-build-m4; }; dependencies = { module=all-build-libiberty; on=all-build-texinfo; }; dependencies = { module=all-build-m4; on=all-build-texinfo; }; dependencies = { module=all-build-fixincludes; on=all-build-libiberty; }; +dependencies = { module=all-build-libcpp; on=all-build-libiberty; }; // Host modules specific to gcc. dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=configure-intl; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-gmp; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-mpfr; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-mpc; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-isl; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-lto-plugin; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-binutils; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-gas; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-ld; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-gold; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-libelf; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-gcc; on=all-libiconv; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-libiberty; hard=true; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-intl; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-mpfr; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-mpc; }; -dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-cloog; }; +dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-isl; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-build-texinfo; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-build-bison; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-build-flex; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-build-libiberty; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-build-fixincludes; }; +dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-build-libcpp; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-zlib; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-libbacktrace; hard=true; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-libcpp; hard=true; }; @@ -318,6 +347,7 @@ dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-libdecnumber; hard=true; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-libiberty; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-fixincludes; }; dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-lto-plugin; }; +dependencies = { module=all-gcc; on=all-libiconv; }; dependencies = { module=info-gcc; on=all-build-libiberty; }; dependencies = { module=dvi-gcc; on=all-build-libiberty; }; dependencies = { module=pdf-gcc; on=all-build-libiberty; }; @@ -329,22 +359,33 @@ dependencies = { module=install-strip-gcc ; on=install-strip-lto-plugin; }; dependencies = { module=configure-libcpp; on=configure-libiberty; hard=true; }; dependencies = { module=configure-libcpp; on=configure-intl; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-libcpp; on=all-libiconv; }; dependencies = { module=all-libcpp; on=all-libiberty; hard=true; }; dependencies = { module=all-libcpp; on=all-intl; }; +dependencies = { module=all-libcpp; on=all-libiconv; }; dependencies = { module=all-fixincludes; on=all-libiberty; }; dependencies = { module=all-gnattools; on=all-target-libada; }; +dependencies = { module=all-gnattools; on=all-target-libstdc++-v3; }; +// Depending on the specific configuration, the LTO plugin will either use the +// generic libiberty build or the specific build for linker plugins. dependencies = { module=all-lto-plugin; on=all-libiberty; }; +dependencies = { module=all-lto-plugin; on=all-libiberty-linker-plugin; }; + +dependencies = { module=configure-libcc1; on=configure-gcc; }; +dependencies = { module=all-libcc1; on=all-gcc; }; + +dependencies = { module=all-gotools; on=all-target-libgo; }; dependencies = { module=all-utils; on=all-libiberty; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-intl; on=all-libiconv; }; dependencies = { module=configure-mpfr; on=all-gmp; }; dependencies = { module=configure-mpc; on=all-mpfr; }; dependencies = { module=configure-isl; on=all-gmp; }; -dependencies = { module=configure-cloog; on=all-isl; }; -dependencies = { module=configure-cloog; on=all-gmp; }; +dependencies = { module=all-intl; on=all-libiconv; }; // Host modules specific to gdb. dependencies = { module=configure-gdb; on=all-intl; }; @@ -373,6 +414,7 @@ dependencies = { module=configure-bfd; on=configure-libiberty; hard=true; }; dependencies = { module=configure-bfd; on=configure-intl; }; dependencies = { module=all-bfd; on=all-libiberty; }; dependencies = { module=all-bfd; on=all-intl; }; +dependencies = { module=all-bfd; on=all-zlib; }; dependencies = { module=configure-opcodes; on=configure-libiberty; hard=true; }; dependencies = { module=all-opcodes; on=all-libiberty; }; @@ -417,6 +459,7 @@ dependencies = { module=all-ld; on=all-build-bison; }; dependencies = { module=all-ld; on=all-build-flex; }; dependencies = { module=all-ld; on=all-intl; }; dependencies = { module=all-ld; on=all-gas; }; +dependencies = { module=all-ld; on=all-binutils; }; dependencies = { module=install-ld; on=install-gold; }; dependencies = { module=install-strip-ld; on=install-strip-gold; }; dependencies = { module=configure-gold; on=configure-intl; }; @@ -492,6 +535,9 @@ dependencies = { module=all-m4; on=all-build-texinfo; }; // on libgcc and newlib/libgloss. lang_env_dependencies = { module=libjava; cxx=true; }; lang_env_dependencies = { module=libitm; cxx=true; }; +lang_env_dependencies = { module=libffi; cxx=true; }; +lang_env_dependencies = { module=libcilkrts; cxx=true; }; +lang_env_dependencies = { module=liboffloadmic; cxx=true; }; lang_env_dependencies = { module=newlib; no_c=true; }; lang_env_dependencies = { module=libgloss; no_c=true; }; lang_env_dependencies = { module=libgcc; no_gcc=true; no_c=true; }; @@ -518,12 +564,14 @@ dependencies = { module=all-target-libjava; on=all-target-libffi; }; dependencies = { module=configure-target-libobjc; on=configure-target-boehm-gc; }; dependencies = { module=all-target-libobjc; on=all-target-boehm-gc; }; dependencies = { module=configure-target-libstdc++-v3; on=configure-target-libgomp; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-target-liboffloadmic; on=configure-target-libgomp; }; dependencies = { module=configure-target-libsanitizer; on=all-target-libstdc++-v3; }; dependencies = { module=configure-target-libvtv; on=all-target-libstdc++-v3; }; // parallel_list.o and parallel_settings.o depend on omp.h, which is // generated by the libgomp configure. Unfortunately, due to the use of // recursive make, we can't be that specific. dependencies = { module=all-target-libstdc++-v3; on=configure-target-libgomp; }; +dependencies = { module=all-target-liboffloadmic; on=all-target-libgomp; }; dependencies = { module=install-target-libgo; on=install-target-libatomic; }; dependencies = { module=install-target-libgfortran; on=install-target-libquadmath; }; @@ -532,6 +580,10 @@ dependencies = { module=install-target-libsanitizer; on=install-target-libstdc++ dependencies = { module=install-target-libsanitizer; on=install-target-libgcc; }; dependencies = { module=install-target-libvtv; on=install-target-libstdc++-v3; }; dependencies = { module=install-target-libvtv; on=install-target-libgcc; }; +dependencies = { module=install-target-libcilkrts; on=install-target-libstdc++-v3; }; +dependencies = { module=install-target-libcilkrts; on=install-target-libgcc; }; +dependencies = { module=install-target-liboffloadmic; on=install-target-libstdc++-v3; }; +dependencies = { module=install-target-liboffloadmic; on=install-target-libgcc; }; dependencies = { module=install-target-libjava; on=install-target-libgcc; }; dependencies = { module=install-target-libitm; on=install-target-libgcc; }; dependencies = { module=install-target-libobjc; on=install-target-libgcc; }; @@ -547,11 +599,11 @@ dependencies = { module=all-target-winsup; on=all-target-libtermcap; }; dependencies = { module=configure-target-newlib; on=all-binutils; }; dependencies = { module=configure-target-newlib; on=all-ld; }; dependencies = { module=configure-target-libgfortran; on=all-target-libquadmath; }; +dependencies = { module=configure-target-libgfortran; on=all-target-libbacktrace; }; languages = { language=c; gcc-check-target=check-gcc; }; languages = { language=c++; gcc-check-target=check-c++; lib-check-target=check-target-libstdc++-v3; - lib-check-target=check-target-libmudflap-c++; lib-check-target=check-target-libitm-c++; lib-check-target=check-target-libgomp-c++; }; languages = { language=fortran; gcc-check-target=check-fortran; diff --git a/ b/ index a13771d40..a519a5475 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ BUILD_EXPORTS = \ WINDMC="$(WINDMC_FOR_BUILD)"; export WINDMC; # These variables must be set on the make command line for directories -# built for the build system to override those in BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASSS. +# built for the build system to override those in BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS. EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS = \ CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD)" \ LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD)" @@ -213,17 +213,19 @@ HOST_EXPORTS = \ LD_FOR_TARGET="$(LD_FOR_TARGET)"; export LD_FOR_TARGET; \ NM_FOR_TARGET="$(NM_FOR_TARGET)"; export NM_FOR_TARGET; \ OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET="$(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET; \ + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET; \ RANLIB_FOR_TARGET="$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)"; export RANLIB_FOR_TARGET; \ READELF_FOR_TARGET="$(READELF_FOR_TARGET)"; export READELF_FOR_TARGET; \ TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS="$(TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS)"; export TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS; \ HOST_LIBS="$(STAGE1_LIBS)"; export HOST_LIBS; \ GMPLIBS="$(HOST_GMPLIBS)"; export GMPLIBS; \ GMPINC="$(HOST_GMPINC)"; export GMPINC; \ + ISLLIBS="$(HOST_ISLLIBS)"; export ISLLIBS; \ ISLINC="$(HOST_ISLINC)"; export ISLINC; \ - CLOOGLIBS="$(HOST_CLOOGLIBS)"; export CLOOGLIBS; \ - CLOOGINC="$(HOST_CLOOGINC)"; export CLOOGINC; \ - LIBELFLIBS="$(HOST_LIBELFLIBS)" ; export LIBELFLIBS; \ - LIBELFINC="$(HOST_LIBELFINC)" ; export LIBELFINC; \ + ISLVER="$(HOST_ISLVER)"; export ISLVER; \ + LIBELFLIBS="$(HOST_LIBELFLIBS)"; export LIBELFLIBS; \ + LIBELFINC="$(HOST_LIBELFINC)"; export LIBELFINC; \ + XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET; \ @if gcc-bootstrap $(RPATH_ENVVAR)=`echo "$(TARGET_LIB_PATH)$$$(RPATH_ENVVAR)" | sed 's,::*,:,g;s,^:*,,;s,:*$$,,'`; export $(RPATH_ENVVAR); \ @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -239,9 +241,9 @@ POSTSTAGE1_CXX_EXPORT = \ -B$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/ -B$(build_tooldir)/bin/ -nostdinc++ \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs \ - -I$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include/$(TARGET_SUBDIR) \ - -I$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include \ - -I$$s/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++ \ + `if $(LEAN); then echo ' -isystem '; else echo ' -I'; fi`$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include/$(TARGET_SUBDIR) \ + `if $(LEAN); then echo ' -isystem '; else echo ' -I'; fi`$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include \ + `if $(LEAN); then echo ' -isystem '; else echo ' -I'; fi`$$s/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++ \ -L$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \ -L$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs"; \ export CXX; \ @@ -256,6 +258,7 @@ POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS = \ $(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$TFLAGS"; export CC; \ CC_FOR_BUILD="$$CC"; export CC_FOR_BUILD; \ $(POSTSTAGE1_CXX_EXPORT) \ + $(LTO_EXPORTS) \ GNATBIND="$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/gnatbind"; export GNATBIND; \ LDFLAGS="$(POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS) $(BOOT_LDFLAGS)"; export LDFLAGS; \ HOST_LIBS="$(POSTSTAGE1_LIBS)"; export HOST_LIBS; @@ -285,6 +288,7 @@ BASE_TARGET_EXPORTS = \ LIPO="$(LIPO_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIPO; \ NM="$(COMPILER_NM_FOR_TARGET)"; export NM; \ OBJDUMP="$(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJDUMP; \ + OBJCOPY="$(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJCOPY; \ RANLIB="$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)"; export RANLIB; \ READELF="$(READELF_FOR_TARGET)"; export READELF; \ STRIP="$(STRIP_FOR_TARGET)"; export STRIP; \ @@ -309,12 +313,10 @@ NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS = \ HOST_GMPLIBS = @gmplibs@ HOST_GMPINC = @gmpinc@ -# Where to find ISL +# Where to find isl +HOST_ISLLIBS = @isllibs@ HOST_ISLINC = @islinc@ - -# Where to find CLOOG -HOST_CLOOGLIBS = @clooglibs@ -HOST_CLOOGINC = @clooginc@ +HOST_ISLVER = @islver@ # Where to find libelf HOST_LIBELFLIBS = @libelflibs@ @@ -483,11 +485,9 @@ STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS = $(STAGE_TFLAGS) STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = $(STAGE_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) -# Only build the C compiler for stage1, because that is the only one that -# we can guarantee will build with the native compiler, and also it is the -# only thing useful for building stage2. STAGE1_CFLAGS (via CFLAGS), -# MAKEINFO and MAKEINFOFLAGS are explicitly passed here to make them -# overrideable (for a bootstrap build stage1 also builds +# By default, C and C++ are the only stage1 languages, because they are the +# only ones we require to build with the bootstrap compiler, and also the +# only ones useful for building stage2. STAGE1_CFLAGS = @stage1_cflags@ STAGE1_CHECKING = @stage1_checking@ @@ -498,8 +498,10 @@ STAGE1_LANGUAGES = @stage1_languages@ # the last argument when conflicting --enable arguments are passed. # * Likewise, we force-disable coverage flags, since the installed # compiler probably has never heard of them. +# * We also disable -Wformat, since older GCCs don't understand newer %s. STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --disable-intermodule $(STAGE1_CHECKING) \ - --disable-coverage --enable-languages="$(STAGE1_LANGUAGES)" + --disable-coverage --enable-languages="$(STAGE1_LANGUAGES)" \ + --disable-build-format-warnings STAGEprofile_CFLAGS = $(STAGE2_CFLAGS) -fprofile-generate STAGEprofile_TFLAGS = $(STAGE2_TFLAGS) @@ -534,6 +536,7 @@ LD_FOR_TARGET=@LD_FOR_TARGET@ LIPO_FOR_TARGET=@LIPO_FOR_TARGET@ NM_FOR_TARGET=@NM_FOR_TARGET@ OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET=@OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET@ +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=@OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET@ RANLIB_FOR_TARGET=@RANLIB_FOR_TARGET@ READELF_FOR_TARGET=@READELF_FOR_TARGET@ STRIP_FOR_TARGET=@STRIP_FOR_TARGET@ @@ -575,24 +578,32 @@ all: # This is the list of directories that may be needed in RPATH_ENVVAR # so that programs built for the target machine work. -TARGET_LIB_PATH = $(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libstdc++-v3)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libmudflap)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libsanitizer)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libvtv)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libssp)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libgomp)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libitm)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libatomic)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_gcc) +TARGET_LIB_PATH = $(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libstdc++-v3)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libsanitizer)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libmpx)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libvtv)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libcilkrts)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_liboffloadmic)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libssp)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libgomp)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libitm)$(TARGET_LIB_PATH_libatomic)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_gcc) @if target-libstdc++-v3 TARGET_LIB_PATH_libstdc++-v3 = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs: @endif target-libstdc++-v3 -@if target-libmudflap -TARGET_LIB_PATH_libmudflap = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/.libs: -@endif target-libmudflap - @if target-libsanitizer TARGET_LIB_PATH_libsanitizer = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/.libs: @endif target-libsanitizer +@if target-libmpx +TARGET_LIB_PATH_libmpx = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/.libs: +@endif target-libmpx + @if target-libvtv TARGET_LIB_PATH_libvtv = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/.libs: @endif target-libvtv +@if target-libcilkrts +TARGET_LIB_PATH_libcilkrts = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/.libs: +@endif target-libcilkrts + +@if target-liboffloadmic +TARGET_LIB_PATH_liboffloadmic = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/.libs: +@endif target-liboffloadmic + @if target-libssp TARGET_LIB_PATH_libssp = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/.libs: @endif target-libssp @@ -613,7 +624,7 @@ TARGET_LIB_PATH_libatomic = $$r/$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/.libs: # This is the list of directories that may be needed in RPATH_ENVVAR # so that programs built for the host machine work. -HOST_LIB_PATH = $(HOST_LIB_PATH_gmp)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_mpfr)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_mpc)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_isl)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_cloog)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_libelf) +HOST_LIB_PATH = $(HOST_LIB_PATH_gmp)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_mpfr)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_mpc)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_isl)$(HOST_LIB_PATH_libelf) # Define HOST_LIB_PATH_gcc here, for the sake of TARGET_LIB_PATH, ouch @if gcc @@ -641,11 +652,6 @@ HOST_LIB_PATH_isl = \ $$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs:$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-isl/.libs: @endif isl -@if cloog -HOST_LIB_PATH_cloog = \ - $$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/.libs:$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-cloog/.libs: -@endif cloog - @if libelf HOST_LIB_PATH_libelf = \ $$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/.libs:$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-libelf/.libs: @@ -672,7 +678,9 @@ CXX_FOR_TARGET_FLAG_TO_PASS = \ $(shell if echo "$(CXX_FOR_TARGET)" | grep " -funconfigured-" > /dev/null; then :; else echo '"CXX_FOR_TARGET=$(CXX_FOR_TARGET)"'; fi) @endif target-libstdc++-v3 -# Flags to pass down to all sub-makes. +# Flags to pass down to all sub-makes. STAGE*FLAGS, +# MAKEINFO and MAKEINFOFLAGS are explicitly passed here to make them +# overrideable (for a bootstrap build stage1 also builds BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ "DESTDIR=$(DESTDIR)" \ "RPATH_ENVVAR=$(RPATH_ENVVAR)" \ @@ -753,6 +761,7 @@ BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ "LIBCXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$(LIBCXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ "NM_FOR_TARGET=$(NM_FOR_TARGET)" \ "OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET=$(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET)" \ + "OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET)" \ "RANLIB_FOR_TARGET=$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)" \ "READELF_FOR_TARGET=$(READELF_FOR_TARGET)" \ "STRIP_FOR_TARGET=$(STRIP_FOR_TARGET)" \ @@ -782,7 +791,8 @@ BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ $(CXX_FOR_TARGET_FLAG_TO_PASS) \ "TFLAGS=$(TFLAGS)" \ "CONFIG_SHELL=$(SHELL)" \ - "MAKEINFO=$(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS)" + "MAKEINFO=$(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS)" \ + $(if $(LSAN_OPTIONS),"LSAN_OPTIONS=$(LSAN_OPTIONS)") # We leave this in just in case, but it is not needed anymore. RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @@ -824,8 +834,17 @@ POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ GNATBIND="$${GNATBIND}" \ LDFLAGS="$${LDFLAGS}" \ HOST_LIBS="$${HOST_LIBS}" \ + $(LTO_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ "`echo 'ADAFLAGS=$(BOOT_ADAFLAGS)' | sed -e s'/[^=][^=]*=$$/XFOO=/'`" +@if gcc-bootstrap +EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS = if [ $(current_stage) != stage1 ]; then \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + fi; + +EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS = CC="$$CC" CXX="$$CXX" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" +@endif gcc-bootstrap + # Flags to pass down to makes which are built with the target environment. # The double $ decreases the length of the command line; those variables # are set in BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS, and the sub-make will expand them. The @@ -836,7 +855,9 @@ EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS = \ 'AS=$(COMPILER_AS_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'CC=$$(CC_FOR_TARGET) $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ 'CFLAGS=$$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ - 'CXX=$$(CXX_FOR_TARGET) $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ + 'CXX=$$(CXX_FOR_TARGET) -B$$r/$$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \ + -B$$r/$$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs \ + $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ 'CXXFLAGS=$$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'DLLTOOL=$$(DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'GCJ=$$(GCJ_FOR_TARGET) $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ @@ -849,11 +870,14 @@ EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS = \ 'LIBCXXFLAGS=$$(LIBCXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'NM=$(COMPILER_NM_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'OBJDUMP=$$(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET)' \ + 'OBJCOPY=$$(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'RANLIB=$$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'READELF=$$(READELF_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'WINDRES=$$(WINDRES_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'WINDMC=$$(WINDMC_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ + 'STAGE1_LDFLAGS=$$(POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS)' \ + 'STAGE1_LIBS=$$(POSTSTAGE1_LIBS)' \ "TFLAGS=$$TFLAGS" TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS = $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) @@ -896,7 +920,6 @@ configure-host: \ maybe-configure-mpfr \ maybe-configure-mpc \ maybe-configure-isl \ - maybe-configure-cloog \ maybe-configure-libelf \ maybe-configure-gold \ maybe-configure-gprof \ @@ -909,6 +932,7 @@ configure-host: \ maybe-configure-libdecnumber \ maybe-configure-libgui \ maybe-configure-libiberty \ + maybe-configure-libiberty-linker-plugin \ maybe-configure-libiconv \ maybe-configure-m4 \ maybe-configure-readline \ @@ -923,13 +947,17 @@ configure-host: \ maybe-configure-libtermcap \ maybe-configure-utils \ maybe-configure-gnattools \ - maybe-configure-lto-plugin + maybe-configure-lto-plugin \ + maybe-configure-libcc1 \ + maybe-configure-gotools .PHONY: configure-target configure-target: \ maybe-configure-target-libstdc++-v3 \ - maybe-configure-target-libmudflap \ maybe-configure-target-libsanitizer \ + maybe-configure-target-libmpx \ maybe-configure-target-libvtv \ + maybe-configure-target-libcilkrts \ + maybe-configure-target-liboffloadmic \ maybe-configure-target-libssp \ maybe-configure-target-newlib \ maybe-configure-target-libgcc \ @@ -984,6 +1012,7 @@ all-build: maybe-all-build-flex all-build: maybe-all-build-m4 all-build: maybe-all-build-texinfo all-build: maybe-all-build-fixincludes +all-build: maybe-all-build-libcpp .PHONY: all-host @@ -1001,7 +1030,9 @@ all-host: maybe-all-cgen all-host: maybe-all-dejagnu all-host: maybe-all-etc all-host: maybe-all-fastjar +@if fixincludes-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-fixincludes +@endif fixincludes-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-flex @if gas-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-gas @@ -1021,9 +1052,6 @@ all-host: maybe-all-mpc @if isl-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-isl @endif isl-no-bootstrap -@if cloog-no-bootstrap -all-host: maybe-all-cloog -@endif cloog-no-bootstrap @if libelf-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-libelf @endif libelf-no-bootstrap @@ -1052,7 +1080,12 @@ all-host: maybe-all-libgui @if libiberty-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-libiberty @endif libiberty-no-bootstrap +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-no-bootstrap +all-host: maybe-all-libiberty-linker-plugin +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-no-bootstrap +@if libiconv-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-libiconv +@endif libiconv-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-m4 all-host: maybe-all-readline all-host: maybe-all-sid @@ -1071,19 +1104,25 @@ all-host: maybe-all-gnattools @if lto-plugin-no-bootstrap all-host: maybe-all-lto-plugin @endif lto-plugin-no-bootstrap +all-host: maybe-all-libcc1 +all-host: maybe-all-gotools .PHONY: all-target @if target-libstdc++-v3-no-bootstrap all-target: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3 @endif target-libstdc++-v3-no-bootstrap -all-target: maybe-all-target-libmudflap @if target-libsanitizer-no-bootstrap all-target: maybe-all-target-libsanitizer @endif target-libsanitizer-no-bootstrap +@if target-libmpx-no-bootstrap +all-target: maybe-all-target-libmpx +@endif target-libmpx-no-bootstrap @if target-libvtv-no-bootstrap all-target: maybe-all-target-libvtv @endif target-libvtv-no-bootstrap +all-target: maybe-all-target-libcilkrts +all-target: maybe-all-target-liboffloadmic all-target: maybe-all-target-libssp all-target: maybe-all-target-newlib @if target-libgcc-no-bootstrap @@ -1141,7 +1180,6 @@ info-host: maybe-info-gmp info-host: maybe-info-mpfr info-host: maybe-info-mpc info-host: maybe-info-isl -info-host: maybe-info-cloog info-host: maybe-info-libelf info-host: maybe-info-gold info-host: maybe-info-gprof @@ -1154,6 +1192,7 @@ info-host: maybe-info-libcpp info-host: maybe-info-libdecnumber info-host: maybe-info-libgui info-host: maybe-info-libiberty +info-host: maybe-info-libiberty-linker-plugin info-host: maybe-info-libiconv info-host: maybe-info-m4 info-host: maybe-info-readline @@ -1169,13 +1208,17 @@ info-host: maybe-info-libtermcap info-host: maybe-info-utils info-host: maybe-info-gnattools info-host: maybe-info-lto-plugin +info-host: maybe-info-libcc1 +info-host: maybe-info-gotools .PHONY: info-target info-target: maybe-info-target-libstdc++-v3 -info-target: maybe-info-target-libmudflap info-target: maybe-info-target-libsanitizer +info-target: maybe-info-target-libmpx info-target: maybe-info-target-libvtv +info-target: maybe-info-target-libcilkrts +info-target: maybe-info-target-liboffloadmic info-target: maybe-info-target-libssp info-target: maybe-info-target-newlib info-target: maybe-info-target-libgcc @@ -1224,7 +1267,6 @@ dvi-host: maybe-dvi-gmp dvi-host: maybe-dvi-mpfr dvi-host: maybe-dvi-mpc dvi-host: maybe-dvi-isl -dvi-host: maybe-dvi-cloog dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libelf dvi-host: maybe-dvi-gold dvi-host: maybe-dvi-gprof @@ -1237,6 +1279,7 @@ dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libcpp dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libdecnumber dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libgui dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libiberty +dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libiberty-linker-plugin dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libiconv dvi-host: maybe-dvi-m4 dvi-host: maybe-dvi-readline @@ -1252,13 +1295,17 @@ dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libtermcap dvi-host: maybe-dvi-utils dvi-host: maybe-dvi-gnattools dvi-host: maybe-dvi-lto-plugin +dvi-host: maybe-dvi-libcc1 +dvi-host: maybe-dvi-gotools .PHONY: dvi-target dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libstdc++-v3 -dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libmudflap dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libsanitizer +dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libmpx dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libvtv +dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libcilkrts +dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-liboffloadmic dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libssp dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-newlib dvi-target: maybe-dvi-target-libgcc @@ -1307,7 +1354,6 @@ pdf-host: maybe-pdf-gmp pdf-host: maybe-pdf-mpfr pdf-host: maybe-pdf-mpc pdf-host: maybe-pdf-isl -pdf-host: maybe-pdf-cloog pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libelf pdf-host: maybe-pdf-gold pdf-host: maybe-pdf-gprof @@ -1320,6 +1366,7 @@ pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libcpp pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libdecnumber pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libgui pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libiberty +pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libiconv pdf-host: maybe-pdf-m4 pdf-host: maybe-pdf-readline @@ -1335,13 +1382,17 @@ pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libtermcap pdf-host: maybe-pdf-utils pdf-host: maybe-pdf-gnattools pdf-host: maybe-pdf-lto-plugin +pdf-host: maybe-pdf-libcc1 +pdf-host: maybe-pdf-gotools .PHONY: pdf-target pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libstdc++-v3 -pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libmudflap pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libsanitizer +pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libmpx pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libvtv +pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libcilkrts +pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-liboffloadmic pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libssp pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-newlib pdf-target: maybe-pdf-target-libgcc @@ -1390,7 +1441,6 @@ html-host: maybe-html-gmp html-host: maybe-html-mpfr html-host: maybe-html-mpc html-host: maybe-html-isl -html-host: maybe-html-cloog html-host: maybe-html-libelf html-host: maybe-html-gold html-host: maybe-html-gprof @@ -1403,6 +1453,7 @@ html-host: maybe-html-libcpp html-host: maybe-html-libdecnumber html-host: maybe-html-libgui html-host: maybe-html-libiberty +html-host: maybe-html-libiberty-linker-plugin html-host: maybe-html-libiconv html-host: maybe-html-m4 html-host: maybe-html-readline @@ -1418,13 +1469,17 @@ html-host: maybe-html-libtermcap html-host: maybe-html-utils html-host: maybe-html-gnattools html-host: maybe-html-lto-plugin +html-host: maybe-html-libcc1 +html-host: maybe-html-gotools .PHONY: html-target html-target: maybe-html-target-libstdc++-v3 -html-target: maybe-html-target-libmudflap html-target: maybe-html-target-libsanitizer +html-target: maybe-html-target-libmpx html-target: maybe-html-target-libvtv +html-target: maybe-html-target-libcilkrts +html-target: maybe-html-target-liboffloadmic html-target: maybe-html-target-libssp html-target: maybe-html-target-newlib html-target: maybe-html-target-libgcc @@ -1473,7 +1528,6 @@ TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-gmp TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-mpfr TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-mpc TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-isl -TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-cloog TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libelf TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-gold TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-gprof @@ -1486,6 +1540,7 @@ TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libcpp TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libdecnumber TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libgui TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libiberty +TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libiberty-linker-plugin TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libiconv TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-m4 TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-readline @@ -1501,13 +1556,17 @@ TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libtermcap TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-utils TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-gnattools TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-lto-plugin +TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-libcc1 +TAGS-host: maybe-TAGS-gotools .PHONY: TAGS-target TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libstdc++-v3 -TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libmudflap TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libsanitizer +TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libmpx TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libvtv +TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libcilkrts +TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-liboffloadmic TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libssp TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-newlib TAGS-target: maybe-TAGS-target-libgcc @@ -1556,7 +1615,6 @@ install-info-host: maybe-install-info-gmp install-info-host: maybe-install-info-mpfr install-info-host: maybe-install-info-mpc install-info-host: maybe-install-info-isl -install-info-host: maybe-install-info-cloog install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libelf install-info-host: maybe-install-info-gold install-info-host: maybe-install-info-gprof @@ -1569,6 +1627,7 @@ install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libcpp install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libdecnumber install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libgui install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libiberty +install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libiberty-linker-plugin install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libiconv install-info-host: maybe-install-info-m4 install-info-host: maybe-install-info-readline @@ -1584,13 +1643,17 @@ install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libtermcap install-info-host: maybe-install-info-utils install-info-host: maybe-install-info-gnattools install-info-host: maybe-install-info-lto-plugin +install-info-host: maybe-install-info-libcc1 +install-info-host: maybe-install-info-gotools .PHONY: install-info-target install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libstdc++-v3 -install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libmudflap install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libsanitizer +install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libmpx install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libvtv +install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libcilkrts +install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-liboffloadmic install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libssp install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-newlib install-info-target: maybe-install-info-target-libgcc @@ -1639,7 +1702,6 @@ install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-gmp install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-mpfr install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-mpc install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-isl -install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-cloog install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libelf install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-gold install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-gprof @@ -1652,6 +1714,7 @@ install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libcpp install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libdecnumber install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libgui install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libiberty +install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libiconv install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-m4 install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-readline @@ -1667,13 +1730,17 @@ install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libtermcap install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-utils install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-gnattools install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-lto-plugin +install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-libcc1 +install-pdf-host: maybe-install-pdf-gotools .PHONY: install-pdf-target install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libstdc++-v3 -install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libmudflap install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libsanitizer +install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libmpx install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libvtv +install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libcilkrts +install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-liboffloadmic install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libssp install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-newlib install-pdf-target: maybe-install-pdf-target-libgcc @@ -1722,7 +1789,6 @@ install-html-host: maybe-install-html-gmp install-html-host: maybe-install-html-mpfr install-html-host: maybe-install-html-mpc install-html-host: maybe-install-html-isl -install-html-host: maybe-install-html-cloog install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libelf install-html-host: maybe-install-html-gold install-html-host: maybe-install-html-gprof @@ -1735,6 +1801,7 @@ install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libcpp install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libdecnumber install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libgui install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libiberty +install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libiberty-linker-plugin install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libiconv install-html-host: maybe-install-html-m4 install-html-host: maybe-install-html-readline @@ -1750,13 +1817,17 @@ install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libtermcap install-html-host: maybe-install-html-utils install-html-host: maybe-install-html-gnattools install-html-host: maybe-install-html-lto-plugin +install-html-host: maybe-install-html-libcc1 +install-html-host: maybe-install-html-gotools .PHONY: install-html-target install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libstdc++-v3 -install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libmudflap install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libsanitizer +install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libmpx install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libvtv +install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libcilkrts +install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-liboffloadmic install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libssp install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-newlib install-html-target: maybe-install-html-target-libgcc @@ -1805,7 +1876,6 @@ installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-gmp installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-mpfr installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-mpc installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-isl -installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-cloog installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libelf installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-gold installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-gprof @@ -1818,6 +1888,7 @@ installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libcpp installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libdecnumber installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libgui installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libiberty +installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libiberty-linker-plugin installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libiconv installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-m4 installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-readline @@ -1833,13 +1904,17 @@ installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libtermcap installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-utils installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-gnattools installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-lto-plugin +installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-libcc1 +installcheck-host: maybe-installcheck-gotools .PHONY: installcheck-target installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libstdc++-v3 -installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libmudflap installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libsanitizer +installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libmpx installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libvtv +installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libcilkrts +installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-liboffloadmic installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libssp installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-newlib installcheck-target: maybe-installcheck-target-libgcc @@ -1888,7 +1963,6 @@ mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-gmp mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-mpfr mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-mpc mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-isl -mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-cloog mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libelf mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-gold mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-gprof @@ -1901,6 +1975,7 @@ mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libcpp mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libdecnumber mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libgui mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libiberty +mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libiberty-linker-plugin mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libiconv mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-m4 mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-readline @@ -1916,13 +1991,17 @@ mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libtermcap mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-utils mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-gnattools mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-lto-plugin +mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-libcc1 +mostlyclean-host: maybe-mostlyclean-gotools .PHONY: mostlyclean-target mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libstdc++-v3 -mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmudflap mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libsanitizer +mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmpx mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libvtv +mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libcilkrts +mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-liboffloadmic mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libssp mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-newlib mostlyclean-target: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libgcc @@ -1971,7 +2050,6 @@ clean-host: maybe-clean-gmp clean-host: maybe-clean-mpfr clean-host: maybe-clean-mpc clean-host: maybe-clean-isl -clean-host: maybe-clean-cloog clean-host: maybe-clean-libelf clean-host: maybe-clean-gold clean-host: maybe-clean-gprof @@ -1984,6 +2062,7 @@ clean-host: maybe-clean-libcpp clean-host: maybe-clean-libdecnumber clean-host: maybe-clean-libgui clean-host: maybe-clean-libiberty +clean-host: maybe-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin clean-host: maybe-clean-libiconv clean-host: maybe-clean-m4 clean-host: maybe-clean-readline @@ -1999,13 +2078,17 @@ clean-host: maybe-clean-libtermcap clean-host: maybe-clean-utils clean-host: maybe-clean-gnattools clean-host: maybe-clean-lto-plugin +clean-host: maybe-clean-libcc1 +clean-host: maybe-clean-gotools .PHONY: clean-target clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libstdc++-v3 -clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libmudflap clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libsanitizer +clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libmpx clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libvtv +clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libcilkrts +clean-target: maybe-clean-target-liboffloadmic clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libssp clean-target: maybe-clean-target-newlib clean-target: maybe-clean-target-libgcc @@ -2054,7 +2137,6 @@ distclean-host: maybe-distclean-gmp distclean-host: maybe-distclean-mpfr distclean-host: maybe-distclean-mpc distclean-host: maybe-distclean-isl -distclean-host: maybe-distclean-cloog distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libelf distclean-host: maybe-distclean-gold distclean-host: maybe-distclean-gprof @@ -2067,6 +2149,7 @@ distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libcpp distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libdecnumber distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libgui distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libiberty +distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libiberty-linker-plugin distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libiconv distclean-host: maybe-distclean-m4 distclean-host: maybe-distclean-readline @@ -2082,13 +2165,17 @@ distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libtermcap distclean-host: maybe-distclean-utils distclean-host: maybe-distclean-gnattools distclean-host: maybe-distclean-lto-plugin +distclean-host: maybe-distclean-libcc1 +distclean-host: maybe-distclean-gotools .PHONY: distclean-target distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libstdc++-v3 -distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libmudflap distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libsanitizer +distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libmpx distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libvtv +distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libcilkrts +distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-liboffloadmic distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libssp distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-newlib distclean-target: maybe-distclean-target-libgcc @@ -2137,7 +2224,6 @@ maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-gmp maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-mpfr maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-mpc maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-isl -maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-cloog maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libelf maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-gold maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-gprof @@ -2150,6 +2236,7 @@ maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libcpp maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libdecnumber maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libgui maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libiberty +maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libiconv maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-m4 maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-readline @@ -2165,13 +2252,17 @@ maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libtermcap maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-utils maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-gnattools maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-lto-plugin +maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-libcc1 +maintainer-clean-host: maybe-maintainer-clean-gotools .PHONY: maintainer-clean-target maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libstdc++-v3 -maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmudflap maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libsanitizer +maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmpx maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libvtv +maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libcilkrts +maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-liboffloadmic maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libssp maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-newlib maintainer-clean-target: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libgcc @@ -2212,9 +2303,9 @@ do-info: maybe-all-texinfo install-info: do-install-info s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if [ -f ] ; then \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/ ; \ - else true ; fi + if [ -f ]; then \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/; \ + else true; fi install-pdf: do-install-pdf @@ -2275,7 +2366,6 @@ check-host: \ maybe-check-mpfr \ maybe-check-mpc \ maybe-check-isl \ - maybe-check-cloog \ maybe-check-libelf \ maybe-check-gold \ maybe-check-gprof \ @@ -2288,6 +2378,7 @@ check-host: \ maybe-check-libdecnumber \ maybe-check-libgui \ maybe-check-libiberty \ + maybe-check-libiberty-linker-plugin \ maybe-check-libiconv \ maybe-check-m4 \ maybe-check-readline \ @@ -2302,14 +2393,18 @@ check-host: \ maybe-check-libtermcap \ maybe-check-utils \ maybe-check-gnattools \ - maybe-check-lto-plugin + maybe-check-lto-plugin \ + maybe-check-libcc1 \ + maybe-check-gotools .PHONY: check-target check-target: \ maybe-check-target-libstdc++-v3 \ - maybe-check-target-libmudflap \ maybe-check-target-libsanitizer \ + maybe-check-target-libmpx \ maybe-check-target-libvtv \ + maybe-check-target-libcilkrts \ + maybe-check-target-liboffloadmic \ maybe-check-target-libssp \ maybe-check-target-newlib \ maybe-check-target-libgcc \ @@ -2358,6 +2453,27 @@ mail-report-with-warnings.log: warning.log chmod +x $@ echo If you really want to send e-mail, run ./$@ now +# Local Vim config + +$(srcdir)/.local.vimrc: + $(LN_S) contrib/vimrc $@ + +$(srcdir)/.lvimrc: + $(LN_S) contrib/vimrc $@ + +vimrc: $(srcdir)/.local.vimrc $(srcdir)/.lvimrc + +.PHONY: vimrc + +# clang-format config + +$(srcdir)/.clang-format: + $(LN_S) contrib/clang-format $@ + +clang-format: $(srcdir)/.clang-format + +.PHONY: clang-format + # Installation targets. .PHONY: install uninstall @@ -2384,7 +2500,6 @@ install-host-nogcc: \ maybe-install-mpfr \ maybe-install-mpc \ maybe-install-isl \ - maybe-install-cloog \ maybe-install-libelf \ maybe-install-gold \ maybe-install-gprof \ @@ -2397,6 +2512,7 @@ install-host-nogcc: \ maybe-install-libdecnumber \ maybe-install-libgui \ maybe-install-libiberty \ + maybe-install-libiberty-linker-plugin \ maybe-install-libiconv \ maybe-install-m4 \ maybe-install-readline \ @@ -2411,7 +2527,9 @@ install-host-nogcc: \ maybe-install-libtermcap \ maybe-install-utils \ maybe-install-gnattools \ - maybe-install-lto-plugin + maybe-install-lto-plugin \ + maybe-install-libcc1 \ + maybe-install-gotools .PHONY: install-host install-host: \ @@ -2431,7 +2549,6 @@ install-host: \ maybe-install-mpfr \ maybe-install-mpc \ maybe-install-isl \ - maybe-install-cloog \ maybe-install-libelf \ maybe-install-gold \ maybe-install-gprof \ @@ -2444,6 +2561,7 @@ install-host: \ maybe-install-libdecnumber \ maybe-install-libgui \ maybe-install-libiberty \ + maybe-install-libiberty-linker-plugin \ maybe-install-libiconv \ maybe-install-m4 \ maybe-install-readline \ @@ -2458,14 +2576,18 @@ install-host: \ maybe-install-libtermcap \ maybe-install-utils \ maybe-install-gnattools \ - maybe-install-lto-plugin + maybe-install-lto-plugin \ + maybe-install-libcc1 \ + maybe-install-gotools .PHONY: install-target install-target: \ maybe-install-target-libstdc++-v3 \ - maybe-install-target-libmudflap \ maybe-install-target-libsanitizer \ + maybe-install-target-libmpx \ maybe-install-target-libvtv \ + maybe-install-target-libcilkrts \ + maybe-install-target-liboffloadmic \ maybe-install-target-libssp \ maybe-install-target-newlib \ maybe-install-target-libgcc \ @@ -2492,14 +2614,14 @@ uninstall: .PHONY: install.all install.all: install-no-fixedincludes - @if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ] ; then \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}` ; export r ; \ + @if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ]; then \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd ./gcc && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-headers) ; \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-headers); \ else \ - true ; \ + true; \ fi # install-no-fixedincludes is used to allow the elaboration of binary packages @@ -2534,7 +2656,6 @@ install-strip-host: \ maybe-install-strip-mpfr \ maybe-install-strip-mpc \ maybe-install-strip-isl \ - maybe-install-strip-cloog \ maybe-install-strip-libelf \ maybe-install-strip-gold \ maybe-install-strip-gprof \ @@ -2547,6 +2668,7 @@ install-strip-host: \ maybe-install-strip-libdecnumber \ maybe-install-strip-libgui \ maybe-install-strip-libiberty \ + maybe-install-strip-libiberty-linker-plugin \ maybe-install-strip-libiconv \ maybe-install-strip-m4 \ maybe-install-strip-readline \ @@ -2561,14 +2683,18 @@ install-strip-host: \ maybe-install-strip-libtermcap \ maybe-install-strip-utils \ maybe-install-strip-gnattools \ - maybe-install-strip-lto-plugin + maybe-install-strip-lto-plugin \ + maybe-install-strip-libcc1 \ + maybe-install-strip-gotools .PHONY: install-strip-target install-strip-target: \ maybe-install-strip-target-libstdc++-v3 \ - maybe-install-strip-target-libmudflap \ maybe-install-strip-target-libsanitizer \ + maybe-install-strip-target-libmpx \ maybe-install-strip-target-libvtv \ + maybe-install-strip-target-libcilkrts \ + maybe-install-strip-target-liboffloadmic \ maybe-install-strip-target-libssp \ maybe-install-strip-target-newlib \ maybe-install-strip-target-libgcc \ @@ -2601,10 +2727,10 @@ installdirs: mkinstalldirs $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(MAKEDIRS) do-install-info - if [ -f $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir ] ; then \ - $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir $(DESTDIR)$(infodir) $(srcdir)/texinfo/ > ; \ - mv -f ; \ - else true ; \ + if [ -f $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir ]; then \ + $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir $(DESTDIR)$(infodir) $(srcdir)/texinfo/ >; \ + mv -f; \ + else true; \ fi dist: @@ -2646,7 +2772,7 @@ configure-build-libiberty: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libiberty/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd "$(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libiberty" || exit 1; \ @@ -2655,12 +2781,13 @@ configure-build-libiberty: *) topdir=`echo $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(BUILD_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${build_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif build-libiberty @@ -2702,7 +2829,7 @@ configure-build-bison: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/bison/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/bison ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/bison; \ $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/bison; \ cd "$(BUILD_SUBDIR)/bison" || exit 1; \ @@ -2711,12 +2838,13 @@ configure-build-bison: *) topdir=`echo $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/bison/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bison"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bison"; \ + module_srcdir=bison; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(BUILD_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${build_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif build-bison @@ -2758,7 +2886,7 @@ configure-build-flex: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/flex/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/flex ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/flex; \ $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/flex; \ cd "$(BUILD_SUBDIR)/flex" || exit 1; \ @@ -2767,12 +2895,13 @@ configure-build-flex: *) topdir=`echo $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/flex/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/flex"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/flex"; \ + module_srcdir=flex; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(BUILD_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${build_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif build-flex @@ -2814,7 +2943,7 @@ configure-build-m4: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/m4/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/m4 ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/m4; \ $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/m4; \ cd "$(BUILD_SUBDIR)/m4" || exit 1; \ @@ -2823,12 +2952,13 @@ configure-build-m4: *) topdir=`echo $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/m4/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/m4"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/m4"; \ + module_srcdir=m4; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(BUILD_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${build_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif build-m4 @@ -2870,7 +3000,7 @@ configure-build-texinfo: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/texinfo/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/texinfo ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/texinfo; \ $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/texinfo; \ cd "$(BUILD_SUBDIR)/texinfo" || exit 1; \ @@ -2879,12 +3009,13 @@ configure-build-texinfo: *) topdir=`echo $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/texinfo/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/texinfo"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/texinfo"; \ + module_srcdir=texinfo; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(BUILD_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${build_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif build-texinfo @@ -2926,7 +3057,7 @@ configure-build-fixincludes: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/fixincludes ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ cd "$(BUILD_SUBDIR)/fixincludes" || exit 1; \ @@ -2935,12 +3066,13 @@ configure-build-fixincludes: *) topdir=`echo $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/fixincludes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/fixincludes"; \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(BUILD_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${build_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif build-fixincludes @@ -2970,6 +3102,63 @@ all-build-fixincludes: configure-build-fixincludes +.PHONY: configure-build-libcpp maybe-configure-build-libcpp +maybe-configure-build-libcpp: +@if gcc-bootstrap +configure-build-libcpp: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if build-libcpp +maybe-configure-build-libcpp: configure-build-libcpp +configure-build-libcpp: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + test ! -f $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libcpp/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ + echo Configuring in $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + cd "$(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libcpp" || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(BUILD_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${build_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} --disable-nls am_cv_func_iconv=no \ + || exit 1 +@endif build-libcpp + + + + + +.PHONY: all-build-libcpp maybe-all-build-libcpp +maybe-all-build-libcpp: +@if gcc-bootstrap +all-build-libcpp: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if build-libcpp +TARGET-build-libcpp=all +maybe-all-build-libcpp: all-build-libcpp +all-build-libcpp: configure-build-libcpp + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(BUILD_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(BUILD_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS) \ + $(TARGET-build-libcpp)) +@endif build-libcpp + + + + + # -------------------------------------- # Modules which run on the host machine # -------------------------------------- @@ -2986,7 +3175,7 @@ configure-bfd: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd" || exit 1; \ @@ -2995,11 +3184,12 @@ configure-bfd: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bfd"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bfd"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bfd; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif bfd @@ -3020,19 +3210,20 @@ configure-stage1-bfd: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bfd"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bfd"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif bfd-bootstrap @@ -3052,19 +3243,19 @@ configure-stage2-bfd: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bfd"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bfd"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif bfd-bootstrap @@ -3085,19 +3276,19 @@ configure-stage3-bfd: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bfd"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bfd"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif bfd-bootstrap @@ -3118,19 +3309,19 @@ configure-stage4-bfd: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bfd"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bfd"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif bfd-bootstrap @@ -3151,19 +3342,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-bfd: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bfd"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bfd"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif bfd-bootstrap @@ -3184,19 +3375,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-bfd: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bfd"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bfd"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bfd; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif bfd-bootstrap @@ -3483,9 +3674,9 @@ check-bfd: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif bfd @@ -3535,7 +3726,7 @@ info-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing info in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3560,7 +3751,7 @@ dvi-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3585,7 +3776,7 @@ pdf-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3610,7 +3801,7 @@ html-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing html in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3635,7 +3826,7 @@ TAGS-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3661,7 +3852,7 @@ install-info-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3687,7 +3878,7 @@ install-pdf-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3713,7 +3904,7 @@ install-html-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3738,7 +3929,7 @@ installcheck-bfd: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3762,7 +3953,7 @@ mostlyclean-bfd: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3786,7 +3977,7 @@ clean-bfd: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3810,7 +4001,7 @@ distclean-bfd: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3834,7 +4025,7 @@ maintainer-clean-bfd: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in bfd" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in bfd"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -3858,7 +4049,7 @@ configure-opcodes: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes" || exit 1; \ @@ -3867,11 +4058,12 @@ configure-opcodes: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/opcodes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/opcodes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif opcodes @@ -3892,19 +4084,20 @@ configure-stage1-opcodes: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/opcodes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/opcodes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif opcodes-bootstrap @@ -3924,19 +4117,19 @@ configure-stage2-opcodes: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/opcodes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/opcodes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif opcodes-bootstrap @@ -3957,19 +4150,19 @@ configure-stage3-opcodes: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/opcodes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/opcodes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif opcodes-bootstrap @@ -3990,19 +4183,19 @@ configure-stage4-opcodes: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/opcodes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/opcodes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif opcodes-bootstrap @@ -4023,19 +4216,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-opcodes: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/opcodes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/opcodes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif opcodes-bootstrap @@ -4056,19 +4249,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-opcodes: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/opcodes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/opcodes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=opcodes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif opcodes-bootstrap @@ -4355,9 +4548,9 @@ check-opcodes: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif opcodes @@ -4407,7 +4600,7 @@ info-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing info in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4432,7 +4625,7 @@ dvi-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4457,7 +4650,7 @@ pdf-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4482,7 +4675,7 @@ html-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing html in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4507,7 +4700,7 @@ TAGS-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4533,7 +4726,7 @@ install-info-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4559,7 +4752,7 @@ install-pdf-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4585,7 +4778,7 @@ install-html-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4610,7 +4803,7 @@ installcheck-opcodes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4634,7 +4827,7 @@ mostlyclean-opcodes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4658,7 +4851,7 @@ clean-opcodes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4682,7 +4875,7 @@ distclean-opcodes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4706,7 +4899,7 @@ maintainer-clean-opcodes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in opcodes" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in opcodes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -4730,7 +4923,7 @@ configure-binutils: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils" || exit 1; \ @@ -4739,11 +4932,12 @@ configure-binutils: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/binutils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/binutils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=binutils; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif binutils @@ -4764,19 +4958,20 @@ configure-stage1-binutils: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/binutils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/binutils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif binutils-bootstrap @@ -4796,19 +4991,19 @@ configure-stage2-binutils: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/binutils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/binutils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif binutils-bootstrap @@ -4829,19 +5024,19 @@ configure-stage3-binutils: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/binutils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/binutils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif binutils-bootstrap @@ -4862,19 +5057,19 @@ configure-stage4-binutils: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/binutils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/binutils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif binutils-bootstrap @@ -4895,19 +5090,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-binutils: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/binutils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/binutils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif binutils-bootstrap @@ -4928,19 +5123,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-binutils: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/binutils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/binutils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=binutils; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif binutils-bootstrap @@ -5227,9 +5422,9 @@ check-binutils: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif binutils @@ -5279,7 +5474,7 @@ info-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing info in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5304,7 +5499,7 @@ dvi-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5329,7 +5524,7 @@ pdf-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5354,7 +5549,7 @@ html-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing html in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5379,7 +5574,7 @@ TAGS-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5405,7 +5600,7 @@ install-info-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5431,7 +5626,7 @@ install-pdf-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5457,7 +5652,7 @@ install-html-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5482,7 +5677,7 @@ installcheck-binutils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5506,7 +5701,7 @@ mostlyclean-binutils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5530,7 +5725,7 @@ clean-binutils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5554,7 +5749,7 @@ distclean-binutils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5578,7 +5773,7 @@ maintainer-clean-binutils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in binutils" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in binutils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5603,7 +5798,7 @@ configure-bison: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison" || exit 1; \ @@ -5612,11 +5807,12 @@ configure-bison: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/bison"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/bison"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=bison; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif bison @@ -5653,12 +5849,12 @@ maybe-check-bison: check-bison # This module is only tested in a native toolchain. check-bison: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ] ; then \ + @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ]; then \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check); \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) fi @endif bison @@ -5710,7 +5906,7 @@ info-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing info in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5736,7 +5932,7 @@ dvi-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5762,7 +5958,7 @@ pdf-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5788,7 +5984,7 @@ html-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing html in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5814,7 +6010,7 @@ TAGS-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5841,7 +6037,7 @@ install-info-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5868,7 +6064,7 @@ install-pdf-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5895,7 +6091,7 @@ install-html-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5921,7 +6117,7 @@ installcheck-bison: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5946,7 +6142,7 @@ mostlyclean-bison: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5971,7 +6167,7 @@ clean-bison: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -5996,7 +6192,7 @@ distclean-bison: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6021,7 +6217,7 @@ maintainer-clean-bison: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in bison" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in bison"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bison && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6046,7 +6242,7 @@ configure-cgen: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen" || exit 1; \ @@ -6055,11 +6251,12 @@ configure-cgen: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cgen"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cgen"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=cgen; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif cgen @@ -6097,7 +6294,7 @@ check-cgen: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -6150,7 +6347,7 @@ info-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing info in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6176,7 +6373,7 @@ dvi-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6202,7 +6399,7 @@ pdf-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6228,7 +6425,7 @@ html-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing html in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6254,7 +6451,7 @@ TAGS-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6281,7 +6478,7 @@ install-info-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6308,7 +6505,7 @@ install-pdf-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6335,7 +6532,7 @@ install-html-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6361,7 +6558,7 @@ installcheck-cgen: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6386,7 +6583,7 @@ mostlyclean-cgen: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6411,7 +6608,7 @@ clean-cgen: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6436,7 +6633,7 @@ distclean-cgen: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6461,7 +6658,7 @@ maintainer-clean-cgen: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in cgen" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in cgen"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cgen && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6486,7 +6683,7 @@ configure-dejagnu: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu" || exit 1; \ @@ -6495,11 +6692,12 @@ configure-dejagnu: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/dejagnu"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/dejagnu"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=dejagnu; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif dejagnu @@ -6537,7 +6735,7 @@ check-dejagnu: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -6590,7 +6788,7 @@ info-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing info in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6616,7 +6814,7 @@ dvi-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6642,7 +6840,7 @@ pdf-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6668,7 +6866,7 @@ html-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing html in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6694,7 +6892,7 @@ TAGS-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6721,7 +6919,7 @@ install-info-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6748,7 +6946,7 @@ install-pdf-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6775,7 +6973,7 @@ install-html-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6801,7 +6999,7 @@ installcheck-dejagnu: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6826,7 +7024,7 @@ mostlyclean-dejagnu: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6851,7 +7049,7 @@ clean-dejagnu: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6876,7 +7074,7 @@ distclean-dejagnu: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6901,7 +7099,7 @@ maintainer-clean-dejagnu: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in dejagnu" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in dejagnu"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/dejagnu && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -6926,7 +7124,7 @@ configure-etc: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc" || exit 1; \ @@ -6935,11 +7133,12 @@ configure-etc: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/etc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/etc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=etc; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif etc @@ -6977,7 +7176,7 @@ check-etc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -7030,7 +7229,7 @@ info-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing info in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7056,7 +7255,7 @@ dvi-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7082,7 +7281,7 @@ pdf-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7108,7 +7307,7 @@ html-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing html in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7134,7 +7333,7 @@ TAGS-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7161,7 +7360,7 @@ install-info-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7188,7 +7387,7 @@ install-pdf-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7215,7 +7414,7 @@ install-html-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7241,7 +7440,7 @@ installcheck-etc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7266,7 +7465,7 @@ mostlyclean-etc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7291,7 +7490,7 @@ clean-etc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7316,7 +7515,7 @@ distclean-etc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7341,7 +7540,7 @@ maintainer-clean-etc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in etc" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in etc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/etc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7366,7 +7565,7 @@ configure-fastjar: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar" || exit 1; \ @@ -7375,11 +7574,12 @@ configure-fastjar: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/fastjar"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/fastjar"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=fastjar; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif fastjar @@ -7416,12 +7616,12 @@ maybe-check-fastjar: check-fastjar # This module is only tested in a native toolchain. check-fastjar: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ] ; then \ + @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ]; then \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check); \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) fi @endif fastjar @@ -7473,7 +7673,7 @@ info-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing info in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7499,7 +7699,7 @@ dvi-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7525,7 +7725,7 @@ pdf-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7551,7 +7751,7 @@ html-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing html in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7577,7 +7777,7 @@ TAGS-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7604,7 +7804,7 @@ install-info-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7631,7 +7831,7 @@ install-pdf-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7658,7 +7858,7 @@ install-html-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7684,7 +7884,7 @@ installcheck-fastjar: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7709,7 +7909,7 @@ mostlyclean-fastjar: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7734,7 +7934,7 @@ clean-fastjar: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7759,7 +7959,7 @@ distclean-fastjar: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7784,7 +7984,7 @@ maintainer-clean-fastjar: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in fastjar" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in fastjar"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fastjar && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7805,11 +8005,10 @@ configure-fixincludes: stage_current @if fixincludes maybe-configure-fixincludes: configure-fixincludes configure-fixincludes: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes" || exit 1; \ @@ -7818,16 +8017,216 @@ configure-fixincludes: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/fixincludes"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/fixincludes"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif fixincludes +.PHONY: configure-stage1-fixincludes maybe-configure-stage1-fixincludes +maybe-configure-stage1-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage1-fixincludes: configure-stage1-fixincludes +configure-stage1-fixincludes: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ + $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage2-fixincludes maybe-configure-stage2-fixincludes +maybe-configure-stage2-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage2-fixincludes: configure-stage2-fixincludes +configure-stage2-fixincludes: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage3-fixincludes maybe-configure-stage3-fixincludes +maybe-configure-stage3-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage3-fixincludes: configure-stage3-fixincludes +configure-stage3-fixincludes: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage4-fixincludes maybe-configure-stage4-fixincludes +maybe-configure-stage4-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage4-fixincludes: configure-stage4-fixincludes +configure-stage4-fixincludes: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stageprofile-fixincludes maybe-configure-stageprofile-fixincludes +maybe-configure-stageprofile-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stageprofile-fixincludes: configure-stageprofile-fixincludes +configure-stageprofile-fixincludes: + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-fixincludes maybe-configure-stagefeedback-fixincludes +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-fixincludes: configure-stagefeedback-fixincludes +configure-stagefeedback-fixincludes: + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=fixincludes; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + + + .PHONY: all-fixincludes maybe-all-fixincludes @@ -7839,7 +8238,6 @@ all-fixincludes: stage_current TARGET-fixincludes=all maybe-all-fixincludes: all-fixincludes all-fixincludes: configure-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ @@ -7850,6 +8248,255 @@ all-fixincludes: configure-fixincludes +.PHONY: all-stage1-fixincludes maybe-all-stage1-fixincludes +.PHONY: clean-stage1-fixincludes maybe-clean-stage1-fixincludes +maybe-all-stage1-fixincludes: +maybe-clean-stage1-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage1-fixincludes: all-stage1-fixincludes +all-stage1: all-stage1-fixincludes +TARGET-stage1-fixincludes = $(TARGET-fixincludes) +all-stage1-fixincludes: configure-stage1-fixincludes + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage1-fixincludes) + +maybe-clean-stage1-fixincludes: clean-stage1-fixincludes +clean-stage1: clean-stage1-fixincludes +clean-stage1-fixincludes: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage1 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage1-fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage1-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage2-fixincludes maybe-all-stage2-fixincludes +.PHONY: clean-stage2-fixincludes maybe-clean-stage2-fixincludes +maybe-all-stage2-fixincludes: +maybe-clean-stage2-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage2-fixincludes: all-stage2-fixincludes +all-stage2: all-stage2-fixincludes +TARGET-stage2-fixincludes = $(TARGET-fixincludes) +all-stage2-fixincludes: configure-stage2-fixincludes + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage2-fixincludes) + +maybe-clean-stage2-fixincludes: clean-stage2-fixincludes +clean-stage2: clean-stage2-fixincludes +clean-stage2-fixincludes: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage2 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage2-fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage3-fixincludes maybe-all-stage3-fixincludes +.PHONY: clean-stage3-fixincludes maybe-clean-stage3-fixincludes +maybe-all-stage3-fixincludes: +maybe-clean-stage3-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage3-fixincludes: all-stage3-fixincludes +all-stage3: all-stage3-fixincludes +TARGET-stage3-fixincludes = $(TARGET-fixincludes) +all-stage3-fixincludes: configure-stage3-fixincludes + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage3-fixincludes) + +maybe-clean-stage3-fixincludes: clean-stage3-fixincludes +clean-stage3: clean-stage3-fixincludes +clean-stage3-fixincludes: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage3 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage3-fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage4-fixincludes maybe-all-stage4-fixincludes +.PHONY: clean-stage4-fixincludes maybe-clean-stage4-fixincludes +maybe-all-stage4-fixincludes: +maybe-clean-stage4-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage4-fixincludes: all-stage4-fixincludes +all-stage4: all-stage4-fixincludes +TARGET-stage4-fixincludes = $(TARGET-fixincludes) +all-stage4-fixincludes: configure-stage4-fixincludes + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage4-fixincludes) + +maybe-clean-stage4-fixincludes: clean-stage4-fixincludes +clean-stage4: clean-stage4-fixincludes +clean-stage4-fixincludes: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage4 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage4-fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stageprofile-fixincludes maybe-all-stageprofile-fixincludes +.PHONY: clean-stageprofile-fixincludes maybe-clean-stageprofile-fixincludes +maybe-all-stageprofile-fixincludes: +maybe-clean-stageprofile-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-all-stageprofile-fixincludes: all-stageprofile-fixincludes +all-stageprofile: all-stageprofile-fixincludes +TARGET-stageprofile-fixincludes = $(TARGET-fixincludes) +all-stageprofile-fixincludes: configure-stageprofile-fixincludes + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stageprofile-fixincludes) + +maybe-clean-stageprofile-fixincludes: clean-stageprofile-fixincludes +clean-stageprofile: clean-stageprofile-fixincludes +clean-stageprofile-fixincludes: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stageprofile-fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stagefeedback-fixincludes maybe-all-stagefeedback-fixincludes +.PHONY: clean-stagefeedback-fixincludes maybe-clean-stagefeedback-fixincludes +maybe-all-stagefeedback-fixincludes: +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-fixincludes: +@if fixincludes-bootstrap +maybe-all-stagefeedback-fixincludes: all-stagefeedback-fixincludes +all-stagefeedback: all-stagefeedback-fixincludes +TARGET-stagefeedback-fixincludes = $(TARGET-fixincludes) +all-stagefeedback-fixincludes: configure-stagefeedback-fixincludes + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stagefeedback-fixincludes) + +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-fixincludes: clean-stagefeedback-fixincludes +clean-stagefeedback: clean-stagefeedback-fixincludes +clean-stagefeedback-fixincludes: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stagefeedback-fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif fixincludes-bootstrap + + + + .PHONY: check-fixincludes maybe-check-fixincludes maybe-check-fixincludes: @@ -7860,9 +8507,9 @@ check-fixincludes: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif fixincludes @@ -7905,7 +8552,6 @@ maybe-info-fixincludes: info-fixincludes info-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -7913,7 +8559,7 @@ info-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing info in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7931,7 +8577,6 @@ maybe-dvi-fixincludes: dvi-fixincludes dvi-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -7939,7 +8584,7 @@ dvi-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7957,7 +8602,6 @@ maybe-pdf-fixincludes: pdf-fixincludes pdf-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -7965,7 +8609,7 @@ pdf-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -7983,7 +8627,6 @@ maybe-html-fixincludes: html-fixincludes html-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -7991,7 +8634,7 @@ html-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing html in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8020,7 +8663,6 @@ maybe-install-info-fixincludes: install-info-fixincludes install-info-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes \ info-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8028,7 +8670,7 @@ install-info-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8047,7 +8689,6 @@ maybe-install-pdf-fixincludes: install-pdf-fixincludes install-pdf-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes \ pdf-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8055,7 +8696,7 @@ install-pdf-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8074,7 +8715,6 @@ maybe-install-html-fixincludes: install-html-fixincludes install-html-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes \ html-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8082,7 +8722,7 @@ install-html-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8100,7 +8740,6 @@ maybe-installcheck-fixincludes: installcheck-fixincludes installcheck-fixincludes: \ configure-fixincludes - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8108,7 +8747,7 @@ installcheck-fixincludes: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8125,7 +8764,6 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-fixincludes: maybe-mostlyclean-fixincludes: mostlyclean-fixincludes mostlyclean-fixincludes: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8133,7 +8771,7 @@ mostlyclean-fixincludes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8150,7 +8788,6 @@ maybe-clean-fixincludes: maybe-clean-fixincludes: clean-fixincludes clean-fixincludes: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8158,7 +8795,7 @@ clean-fixincludes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8175,7 +8812,6 @@ maybe-distclean-fixincludes: maybe-distclean-fixincludes: distclean-fixincludes distclean-fixincludes: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8183,7 +8819,7 @@ distclean-fixincludes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8200,7 +8836,6 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-fixincludes: maybe-maintainer-clean-fixincludes: maintainer-clean-fixincludes maintainer-clean-fixincludes: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./fixincludes/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -8208,7 +8843,7 @@ maintainer-clean-fixincludes: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in fixincludes" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in fixincludes"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8233,7 +8868,7 @@ configure-flex: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex" || exit 1; \ @@ -8242,11 +8877,12 @@ configure-flex: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/flex"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/flex"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=flex; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif flex @@ -8283,12 +8919,12 @@ maybe-check-flex: check-flex # This module is only tested in a native toolchain. check-flex: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ] ; then \ + @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ]; then \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check); \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) fi @endif flex @@ -8340,7 +8976,7 @@ info-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing info in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8366,7 +9002,7 @@ dvi-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8392,7 +9028,7 @@ pdf-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8418,7 +9054,7 @@ html-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing html in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8444,7 +9080,7 @@ TAGS-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8471,7 +9107,7 @@ install-info-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8498,7 +9134,7 @@ install-pdf-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8525,7 +9161,7 @@ install-html-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8551,7 +9187,7 @@ installcheck-flex: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8576,7 +9212,7 @@ mostlyclean-flex: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8601,7 +9237,7 @@ clean-flex: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8626,7 +9262,7 @@ distclean-flex: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8651,7 +9287,7 @@ maintainer-clean-flex: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in flex" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in flex"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/flex && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -8675,7 +9311,7 @@ configure-gas: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas" || exit 1; \ @@ -8684,11 +9320,12 @@ configure-gas: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gas"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gas"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gas; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif gas @@ -8709,19 +9346,20 @@ configure-stage1-gas: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gas"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gas"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gas; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gas-bootstrap @@ -8741,19 +9379,19 @@ configure-stage2-gas: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gas"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gas"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gas; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gas-bootstrap @@ -8774,19 +9412,19 @@ configure-stage3-gas: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gas"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gas"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gas; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gas-bootstrap @@ -8807,19 +9445,19 @@ configure-stage4-gas: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gas"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gas"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gas; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gas-bootstrap @@ -8840,19 +9478,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-gas: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gas"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gas"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gas; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gas-bootstrap @@ -8873,19 +9511,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-gas: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gas"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gas"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gas; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gas-bootstrap @@ -9172,9 +9810,9 @@ check-gas: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif gas @@ -9224,7 +9862,7 @@ info-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing info in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9249,7 +9887,7 @@ dvi-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9274,7 +9912,7 @@ pdf-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9299,7 +9937,7 @@ html-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing html in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9324,7 +9962,7 @@ TAGS-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9350,7 +9988,7 @@ install-info-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9376,7 +10014,7 @@ install-pdf-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9402,7 +10040,7 @@ install-html-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9427,7 +10065,7 @@ installcheck-gas: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9451,7 +10089,7 @@ mostlyclean-gas: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9475,7 +10113,7 @@ clean-gas: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9499,7 +10137,7 @@ distclean-gas: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9523,7 +10161,7 @@ maintainer-clean-gas: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gas" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gas"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -9547,7 +10185,7 @@ configure-gcc: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc" || exit 1; \ @@ -9556,11 +10194,12 @@ configure-gcc: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gcc; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif gcc @@ -9581,19 +10220,20 @@ configure-stage1-gcc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -9613,19 +10253,19 @@ configure-stage2-gcc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -9646,19 +10286,19 @@ configure-stage3-gcc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -9679,19 +10319,19 @@ configure-stage4-gcc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -9712,19 +10352,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-gcc: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -9745,19 +10385,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-gcc: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -10044,9 +10684,9 @@ check-gcc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif gcc @@ -10096,7 +10736,7 @@ info-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing info in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10121,7 +10761,7 @@ dvi-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10146,7 +10786,7 @@ pdf-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10171,7 +10811,7 @@ html-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing html in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10196,7 +10836,7 @@ TAGS-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10222,7 +10862,7 @@ install-info-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10248,7 +10888,7 @@ install-pdf-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10274,7 +10914,7 @@ install-html-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10299,7 +10939,7 @@ installcheck-gcc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10323,7 +10963,7 @@ mostlyclean-gcc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10347,7 +10987,7 @@ clean-gcc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10371,7 +11011,7 @@ distclean-gcc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10395,7 +11035,7 @@ maintainer-clean-gcc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(EXTRA_GCC_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gcc" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gcc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10419,7 +11059,7 @@ configure-gmp: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp" || exit 1; \ @@ -10428,11 +11068,12 @@ configure-gmp: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gmp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gmp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gmp; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ - --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} $${srcdiroption} --disable-shared \ + --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} --disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c" \ || exit 1 @endif gmp @@ -10453,21 +11094,22 @@ configure-stage1-gmp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gmp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gmp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ - --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared + --disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c" @endif gmp-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage2-gmp maybe-configure-stage2-gmp @@ -10486,22 +11128,22 @@ configure-stage2-gmp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gmp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gmp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ - --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared + --disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c" @endif gmp-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage3-gmp maybe-configure-stage3-gmp @@ -10520,22 +11162,22 @@ configure-stage3-gmp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gmp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gmp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ - --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared + --disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c" @endif gmp-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage4-gmp maybe-configure-stage4-gmp @@ -10554,22 +11196,22 @@ configure-stage4-gmp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gmp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gmp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ - --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared + --disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c" @endif gmp-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stageprofile-gmp maybe-configure-stageprofile-gmp @@ -10588,22 +11230,22 @@ configure-stageprofile-gmp: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gmp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gmp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ - --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared + --disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c" @endif gmp-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-gmp maybe-configure-stagefeedback-gmp @@ -10622,22 +11264,22 @@ configure-stagefeedback-gmp: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gmp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gmp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gmp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ - --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=none-${host_vendor}-${host_os} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared + --disable-shared LEX="touch lex.yy.c" @endif gmp-bootstrap @@ -10922,9 +11564,9 @@ check-gmp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif gmp @@ -10962,7 +11604,7 @@ info-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing info in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -10987,7 +11629,7 @@ dvi-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11012,7 +11654,7 @@ pdf-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11037,7 +11679,7 @@ html-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing html in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11062,7 +11704,7 @@ TAGS-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11088,7 +11730,7 @@ install-info-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11114,7 +11756,7 @@ install-pdf-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11140,7 +11782,7 @@ install-html-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11165,7 +11807,7 @@ installcheck-gmp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11189,7 +11831,7 @@ mostlyclean-gmp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11213,7 +11855,7 @@ clean-gmp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11237,7 +11879,7 @@ distclean-gmp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11261,7 +11903,7 @@ maintainer-clean-gmp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gmp" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gmp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11285,7 +11927,7 @@ configure-mpfr: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr" || exit 1; \ @@ -11294,11 +11936,12 @@ configure-mpfr: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpfr"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpfr"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ \ + --target=${target_alias} --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ \ || exit 1 @endif mpfr @@ -11319,19 +11962,20 @@ configure-stage1-mpfr: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpfr"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpfr"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ @endif mpfr-bootstrap @@ -11352,19 +11996,19 @@ configure-stage2-mpfr: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpfr"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpfr"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -11386,19 +12030,19 @@ configure-stage3-mpfr: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpfr"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpfr"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -11420,19 +12064,19 @@ configure-stage4-mpfr: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpfr"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpfr"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -11454,19 +12098,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-mpfr: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpfr"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpfr"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -11488,19 +12132,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-mpfr: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpfr"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpfr"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpfr; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -11523,7 +12167,7 @@ all-mpfr: configure-mpfr s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" \ $(TARGET-mpfr)) @endif mpfr @@ -11552,7 +12196,7 @@ all-stage1-mpfr: configure-stage1-mpfr CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ - $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage1-mpfr) @@ -11567,7 +12211,7 @@ clean-stage1-mpfr: fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ - $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" clean @endif mpfr-bootstrap @@ -11594,7 +12238,7 @@ all-stage2-mpfr: configure-stage2-mpfr CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage2-mpfr) @@ -11608,7 +12252,7 @@ clean-stage2-mpfr: $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" clean @endif mpfr-bootstrap @@ -11635,7 +12279,7 @@ all-stage3-mpfr: configure-stage3-mpfr CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage3-mpfr) @@ -11649,7 +12293,7 @@ clean-stage3-mpfr: $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" clean @endif mpfr-bootstrap @@ -11676,7 +12320,7 @@ all-stage4-mpfr: configure-stage4-mpfr CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage4-mpfr) @@ -11690,7 +12334,7 @@ clean-stage4-mpfr: $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" clean @endif mpfr-bootstrap @@ -11717,7 +12361,7 @@ all-stageprofile-mpfr: configure-stageprofile-mpfr CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stageprofile-mpfr) @@ -11731,7 +12375,7 @@ clean-stageprofile-mpfr: $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" clean @endif mpfr-bootstrap @@ -11758,7 +12402,7 @@ all-stagefeedback-mpfr: configure-stagefeedback-mpfr CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stagefeedback-mpfr) @@ -11772,7 +12416,7 @@ clean-stagefeedback-mpfr: $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" clean @endif mpfr-bootstrap @@ -11788,9 +12432,9 @@ check-mpfr: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM" $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif mpfr @@ -11825,10 +12469,10 @@ info-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing info in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11850,10 +12494,10 @@ dvi-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11875,10 +12519,10 @@ pdf-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11900,10 +12544,10 @@ html-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing html in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11925,10 +12569,10 @@ TAGS-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11951,10 +12595,10 @@ install-info-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -11977,10 +12621,10 @@ install-pdf-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12003,10 +12647,10 @@ install-html-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12028,10 +12672,10 @@ installcheck-mpfr: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12052,10 +12696,10 @@ mostlyclean-mpfr: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12076,10 +12720,10 @@ clean-mpfr: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12100,10 +12744,10 @@ distclean-mpfr: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12124,10 +12768,10 @@ maintainer-clean-mpfr: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) AM_CFLAGS="-DNO_ASM"; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in mpfr" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in mpfr"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12151,7 +12795,7 @@ configure-mpc: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc" || exit 1; \ @@ -12160,11 +12804,12 @@ configure-mpc: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpc; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ \ + --target=${target_alias} --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ \ || exit 1 @endif mpc @@ -12185,19 +12830,20 @@ configure-stage1-mpc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ @endif mpc-bootstrap @@ -12218,19 +12864,19 @@ configure-stage2-mpc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -12252,19 +12898,19 @@ configure-stage3-mpc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -12286,19 +12932,19 @@ configure-stage4-mpc: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -12320,19 +12966,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-mpc: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -12354,19 +13000,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-mpc: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/mpc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/mpc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=mpc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags@ @extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags@ @@ -12654,9 +13300,9 @@ check-mpc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif mpc @@ -12694,7 +13340,7 @@ info-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing info in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12719,7 +13365,7 @@ dvi-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12744,7 +13390,7 @@ pdf-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12769,7 +13415,7 @@ html-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing html in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12794,7 +13440,7 @@ TAGS-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12820,7 +13466,7 @@ install-info-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12846,7 +13492,7 @@ install-pdf-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12872,7 +13518,7 @@ install-html-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12897,7 +13543,7 @@ installcheck-mpc: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12921,7 +13567,7 @@ mostlyclean-mpc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12945,7 +13591,7 @@ clean-mpc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12969,7 +13615,7 @@ distclean-mpc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -12993,7 +13639,7 @@ maintainer-clean-mpc: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in mpc" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in mpc"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13017,7 +13663,7 @@ configure-isl: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl" || exit 1; \ @@ -13026,11 +13672,12 @@ configure-isl: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/isl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/isl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=isl; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ \ + --target=${target_alias} --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ \ || exit 1 @endif isl @@ -13051,19 +13698,20 @@ configure-stage1-isl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/isl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/isl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=isl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ @endif isl-bootstrap @@ -13084,19 +13732,19 @@ configure-stage2-isl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/isl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/isl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=isl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ @@ -13118,19 +13766,19 @@ configure-stage3-isl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/isl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/isl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=isl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ @@ -13152,19 +13800,19 @@ configure-stage4-isl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/isl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/isl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=isl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ @@ -13186,19 +13834,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-isl: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/isl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/isl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=isl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ @@ -13220,19 +13868,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-isl: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/isl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/isl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=isl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags@ @@ -13520,9 +14168,9 @@ check-isl: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) V=1 check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) V=1 $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif isl @@ -13560,7 +14208,7 @@ info-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing info in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13585,7 +14233,7 @@ dvi-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13610,7 +14258,7 @@ pdf-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13635,7 +14283,7 @@ html-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing html in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13660,7 +14308,7 @@ TAGS-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13686,7 +14334,7 @@ install-info-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13712,7 +14360,7 @@ install-pdf-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13738,7 +14386,7 @@ install-html-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13763,7 +14411,7 @@ installcheck-isl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13787,7 +14435,7 @@ mostlyclean-isl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13811,7 +14459,7 @@ clean-isl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13835,7 +14483,7 @@ distclean-isl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13859,7 +14507,7 @@ maintainer-clean-isl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) V=1; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in isl" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in isl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -13872,872 +14520,6 @@ maintainer-clean-isl: -.PHONY: configure-cloog maybe-configure-cloog -maybe-configure-cloog: -@if gcc-bootstrap -configure-cloog: stage_current -@endif gcc-bootstrap -@if cloog -maybe-configure-cloog: configure-cloog -configure-cloog: - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog; \ - cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog" || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cloog"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cloog"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} --disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system \ - || exit 1 -@endif cloog - - - -.PHONY: configure-stage1-cloog maybe-configure-stage1-cloog -maybe-configure-stage1-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-configure-stage1-cloog: configure-stage1-cloog -configure-stage1-cloog: - @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start - @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ - test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cloog"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cloog"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system -@endif cloog-bootstrap - -.PHONY: configure-stage2-cloog maybe-configure-stage2-cloog -maybe-configure-stage2-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-configure-stage2-cloog: configure-stage2-cloog -configure-stage2-cloog: - @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start - @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ - test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cloog"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cloog"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system -@endif cloog-bootstrap - -.PHONY: configure-stage3-cloog maybe-configure-stage3-cloog -maybe-configure-stage3-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-configure-stage3-cloog: configure-stage3-cloog -configure-stage3-cloog: - @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start - @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ - test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cloog"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cloog"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system -@endif cloog-bootstrap - -.PHONY: configure-stage4-cloog maybe-configure-stage4-cloog -maybe-configure-stage4-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-configure-stage4-cloog: configure-stage4-cloog -configure-stage4-cloog: - @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start - @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ - test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cloog"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cloog"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system -@endif cloog-bootstrap - -.PHONY: configure-stageprofile-cloog maybe-configure-stageprofile-cloog -maybe-configure-stageprofile-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-configure-stageprofile-cloog: configure-stageprofile-cloog -configure-stageprofile-cloog: - @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start - @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ - test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cloog"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cloog"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system -@endif cloog-bootstrap - -.PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-cloog maybe-configure-stagefeedback-cloog -maybe-configure-stagefeedback-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-configure-stagefeedback-cloog: configure-stagefeedback-cloog -configure-stagefeedback-cloog: - @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start - @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ - test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/cloog"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/cloog"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --disable-shared --with-gmp=system --with-bits=gmp --with-isl=system -@endif cloog-bootstrap - - - - - -.PHONY: all-cloog maybe-all-cloog -maybe-all-cloog: -@if gcc-bootstrap -all-cloog: stage_current -@endif gcc-bootstrap -@if cloog -TARGET-cloog=all -maybe-all-cloog: all-cloog -all-cloog: configure-cloog - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 \ - $(TARGET-cloog)) -@endif cloog - - - -.PHONY: all-stage1-cloog maybe-all-stage1-cloog -.PHONY: clean-stage1-cloog maybe-clean-stage1-cloog -maybe-all-stage1-cloog: -maybe-clean-stage1-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-all-stage1-cloog: all-stage1-cloog -all-stage1: all-stage1-cloog -TARGET-stage1-cloog = $(TARGET-cloog) -all-stage1-cloog: configure-stage1-cloog - @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)" \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)" \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)" \ - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ - $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)" \ - $(TARGET-stage1-cloog) - -maybe-clean-stage1-cloog: clean-stage1-cloog -clean-stage1: clean-stage1-cloog -clean-stage1-cloog: - @if [ $(current_stage) = stage1 ]; then \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - else \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage1-cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - $(MAKE) stage1-start; \ - fi; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ - $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 clean -@endif cloog-bootstrap - - -.PHONY: all-stage2-cloog maybe-all-stage2-cloog -.PHONY: clean-stage2-cloog maybe-clean-stage2-cloog -maybe-all-stage2-cloog: -maybe-clean-stage2-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-all-stage2-cloog: all-stage2-cloog -all-stage2: all-stage2-cloog -TARGET-stage2-cloog = $(TARGET-cloog) -all-stage2-cloog: configure-stage2-cloog - @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)" \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)" \ - $(TARGET-stage2-cloog) - -maybe-clean-stage2-cloog: clean-stage2-cloog -clean-stage2: clean-stage2-cloog -clean-stage2-cloog: - @if [ $(current_stage) = stage2 ]; then \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - else \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage2-cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ - fi; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 clean -@endif cloog-bootstrap - - -.PHONY: all-stage3-cloog maybe-all-stage3-cloog -.PHONY: clean-stage3-cloog maybe-clean-stage3-cloog -maybe-all-stage3-cloog: -maybe-clean-stage3-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-all-stage3-cloog: all-stage3-cloog -all-stage3: all-stage3-cloog -TARGET-stage3-cloog = $(TARGET-cloog) -all-stage3-cloog: configure-stage3-cloog - @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)" \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)" \ - $(TARGET-stage3-cloog) - -maybe-clean-stage3-cloog: clean-stage3-cloog -clean-stage3: clean-stage3-cloog -clean-stage3-cloog: - @if [ $(current_stage) = stage3 ]; then \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - else \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage3-cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ - fi; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 clean -@endif cloog-bootstrap - - -.PHONY: all-stage4-cloog maybe-all-stage4-cloog -.PHONY: clean-stage4-cloog maybe-clean-stage4-cloog -maybe-all-stage4-cloog: -maybe-clean-stage4-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-all-stage4-cloog: all-stage4-cloog -all-stage4: all-stage4-cloog -TARGET-stage4-cloog = $(TARGET-cloog) -all-stage4-cloog: configure-stage4-cloog - @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)" \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)" \ - $(TARGET-stage4-cloog) - -maybe-clean-stage4-cloog: clean-stage4-cloog -clean-stage4: clean-stage4-cloog -clean-stage4-cloog: - @if [ $(current_stage) = stage4 ]; then \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - else \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage4-cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ - fi; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 clean -@endif cloog-bootstrap - - -.PHONY: all-stageprofile-cloog maybe-all-stageprofile-cloog -.PHONY: clean-stageprofile-cloog maybe-clean-stageprofile-cloog -maybe-all-stageprofile-cloog: -maybe-clean-stageprofile-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-all-stageprofile-cloog: all-stageprofile-cloog -all-stageprofile: all-stageprofile-cloog -TARGET-stageprofile-cloog = $(TARGET-cloog) -all-stageprofile-cloog: configure-stageprofile-cloog - @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)" \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)" \ - $(TARGET-stageprofile-cloog) - -maybe-clean-stageprofile-cloog: clean-stageprofile-cloog -clean-stageprofile: clean-stageprofile-cloog -clean-stageprofile-cloog: - @if [ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ]; then \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - else \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stageprofile-cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ - fi; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 clean -@endif cloog-bootstrap - - -.PHONY: all-stagefeedback-cloog maybe-all-stagefeedback-cloog -.PHONY: clean-stagefeedback-cloog maybe-clean-stagefeedback-cloog -maybe-all-stagefeedback-cloog: -maybe-clean-stagefeedback-cloog: -@if cloog-bootstrap -maybe-all-stagefeedback-cloog: all-stagefeedback-cloog -all-stagefeedback: all-stagefeedback-cloog -TARGET-stagefeedback-cloog = $(TARGET-cloog) -all-stagefeedback-cloog: configure-stagefeedback-cloog - @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) CPPFLAGS="$(HOST_GMPINC) $(HOST_ISLINC) $$CPPFLAGS"; export CPPFLAGS; LDFLAGS="-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp/.libs -L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/.libs $$LDFLAGS"; export LDFLAGS; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ - CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ - CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)" \ - LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 \ - TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)" \ - $(TARGET-stagefeedback-cloog) - -maybe-clean-stagefeedback-cloog: clean-stagefeedback-cloog -clean-stagefeedback: clean-stagefeedback-cloog -clean-stagefeedback-cloog: - @if [ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ]; then \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - else \ - [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stagefeedback-cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ - fi; \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 clean -@endif cloog-bootstrap - - - - - -.PHONY: check-cloog maybe-check-cloog -maybe-check-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-check-cloog: check-cloog - -check-cloog: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1 check) - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: install-cloog maybe-install-cloog -maybe-install-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-install-cloog: install-cloog - -install-cloog: - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: install-strip-cloog maybe-install-strip-cloog -maybe-install-strip-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-install-strip-cloog: install-strip-cloog - -install-strip-cloog: - -@endif cloog - -# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) - -.PHONY: maybe-info-cloog info-cloog -maybe-info-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-info-cloog: info-cloog - -info-cloog: \ - configure-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing info in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - info) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-dvi-cloog dvi-cloog -maybe-dvi-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-dvi-cloog: dvi-cloog - -dvi-cloog: \ - configure-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - dvi) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-pdf-cloog pdf-cloog -maybe-pdf-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-pdf-cloog: pdf-cloog - -pdf-cloog: \ - configure-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - pdf) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-html-cloog html-cloog -maybe-html-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-html-cloog: html-cloog - -html-cloog: \ - configure-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing html in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - html) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-cloog TAGS-cloog -maybe-TAGS-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-TAGS-cloog: TAGS-cloog - -TAGS-cloog: \ - configure-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - TAGS) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-install-info-cloog install-info-cloog -maybe-install-info-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-install-info-cloog: install-info-cloog - -install-info-cloog: \ - configure-cloog \ - info-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - install-info) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-cloog install-pdf-cloog -maybe-install-pdf-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-install-pdf-cloog: install-pdf-cloog - -install-pdf-cloog: \ - configure-cloog \ - pdf-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - install-pdf) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-install-html-cloog install-html-cloog -maybe-install-html-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-install-html-cloog: install-html-cloog - -install-html-cloog: \ - configure-cloog \ - html-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - install-html) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-cloog installcheck-cloog -maybe-installcheck-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-installcheck-cloog: installcheck-cloog - -installcheck-cloog: \ - configure-cloog - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - installcheck) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-cloog mostlyclean-cloog -maybe-mostlyclean-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-mostlyclean-cloog: mostlyclean-cloog - -mostlyclean-cloog: - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - mostlyclean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-clean-cloog clean-cloog -maybe-clean-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-clean-cloog: clean-cloog - -clean-cloog: - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing clean in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - clean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-distclean-cloog distclean-cloog -maybe-distclean-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-distclean-cloog: distclean-cloog - -distclean-cloog: - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - distclean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - -.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-cloog maintainer-clean-cloog -maybe-maintainer-clean-cloog: -@if cloog -maybe-maintainer-clean-cloog: maintainer-clean-cloog - -maintainer-clean-cloog: - @[ -f ./cloog/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) CPPFLAGS="$$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" V=1; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in cloog" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - maintainer-clean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif cloog - - - .PHONY: configure-libelf maybe-configure-libelf maybe-configure-libelf: @if gcc-bootstrap @@ -14749,7 +14531,7 @@ configure-libelf: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf" || exit 1; \ @@ -14758,11 +14540,12 @@ configure-libelf: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libelf"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libelf"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libelf; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} --disable-shared \ + --target=${target_alias} --disable-shared \ || exit 1 @endif libelf @@ -14783,19 +14566,20 @@ configure-stage1-libelf: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libelf"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libelf"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @endif libelf-bootstrap @@ -14816,19 +14600,19 @@ configure-stage2-libelf: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libelf"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libelf"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @@ -14850,19 +14634,19 @@ configure-stage3-libelf: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libelf"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libelf"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @@ -14884,19 +14668,19 @@ configure-stage4-libelf: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libelf"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libelf"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @@ -14918,19 +14702,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-libelf: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libelf"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libelf"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @@ -14952,19 +14736,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-libelf: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libelf"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libelf"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libelf; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ --disable-shared @@ -15252,9 +15036,9 @@ check-libelf: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif libelf @@ -15292,7 +15076,7 @@ info-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing info in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15317,7 +15101,7 @@ dvi-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15342,7 +15126,7 @@ pdf-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15367,7 +15151,7 @@ html-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing html in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15392,7 +15176,7 @@ TAGS-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15418,7 +15202,7 @@ install-info-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15444,7 +15228,7 @@ install-pdf-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15470,7 +15254,7 @@ install-html-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15495,7 +15279,7 @@ installcheck-libelf: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15519,7 +15303,7 @@ mostlyclean-libelf: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15543,7 +15327,7 @@ clean-libelf: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15567,7 +15351,7 @@ distclean-libelf: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15591,7 +15375,7 @@ maintainer-clean-libelf: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libelf" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libelf"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -15615,7 +15399,7 @@ configure-gold: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold" || exit 1; \ @@ -15624,11 +15408,12 @@ configure-gold: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gold"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gold"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gold; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif gold @@ -15649,19 +15434,20 @@ configure-stage1-gold: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gold"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gold"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gold; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gold-bootstrap @@ -15681,19 +15467,19 @@ configure-stage2-gold: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gold"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gold"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gold; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gold-bootstrap @@ -15714,19 +15500,19 @@ configure-stage3-gold: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gold"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gold"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gold; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gold-bootstrap @@ -15747,19 +15533,19 @@ configure-stage4-gold: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gold"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gold"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gold; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gold-bootstrap @@ -15780,19 +15566,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-gold: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gold"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gold"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gold; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gold-bootstrap @@ -15813,19 +15599,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-gold: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gold"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gold"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gold; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif gold-bootstrap @@ -16112,9 +15898,9 @@ check-gold: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif gold @@ -16164,7 +15950,7 @@ info-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing info in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16189,7 +15975,7 @@ dvi-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16214,7 +16000,7 @@ pdf-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16239,7 +16025,7 @@ html-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing html in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16264,7 +16050,7 @@ TAGS-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16290,7 +16076,7 @@ install-info-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16316,7 +16102,7 @@ install-pdf-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16342,7 +16128,7 @@ install-html-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16367,7 +16153,7 @@ installcheck-gold: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16391,7 +16177,7 @@ mostlyclean-gold: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16415,7 +16201,7 @@ clean-gold: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16439,7 +16225,7 @@ distclean-gold: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16463,7 +16249,7 @@ maintainer-clean-gold: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gold" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gold"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16488,7 +16274,7 @@ configure-gprof: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof" || exit 1; \ @@ -16497,11 +16283,12 @@ configure-gprof: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gprof"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gprof"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gprof; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif gprof @@ -16539,7 +16326,7 @@ check-gprof: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -16592,7 +16379,7 @@ info-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing info in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16618,7 +16405,7 @@ dvi-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16644,7 +16431,7 @@ pdf-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16670,7 +16457,7 @@ html-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing html in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16696,7 +16483,7 @@ TAGS-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16723,7 +16510,7 @@ install-info-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16750,7 +16537,7 @@ install-pdf-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16777,7 +16564,7 @@ install-html-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16803,7 +16590,7 @@ installcheck-gprof: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16828,7 +16615,7 @@ mostlyclean-gprof: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16853,7 +16640,7 @@ clean-gprof: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16878,7 +16665,7 @@ distclean-gprof: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16903,7 +16690,7 @@ maintainer-clean-gprof: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gprof" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gprof"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gprof && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -16927,7 +16714,7 @@ configure-intl: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl" || exit 1; \ @@ -16936,11 +16723,12 @@ configure-intl: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/intl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/intl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=intl; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif intl @@ -16961,19 +16749,20 @@ configure-stage1-intl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/intl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/intl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=intl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif intl-bootstrap @@ -16993,19 +16782,19 @@ configure-stage2-intl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/intl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/intl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=intl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif intl-bootstrap @@ -17026,19 +16815,19 @@ configure-stage3-intl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/intl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/intl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=intl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif intl-bootstrap @@ -17059,19 +16848,19 @@ configure-stage4-intl: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/intl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/intl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=intl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif intl-bootstrap @@ -17092,19 +16881,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-intl: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/intl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/intl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=intl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif intl-bootstrap @@ -17125,19 +16914,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-intl: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/intl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/intl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=intl; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif intl-bootstrap @@ -17424,9 +17213,9 @@ check-intl: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif intl @@ -17476,7 +17265,7 @@ info-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing info in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17501,7 +17290,7 @@ dvi-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17526,7 +17315,7 @@ pdf-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17551,7 +17340,7 @@ html-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing html in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17576,7 +17365,7 @@ TAGS-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17602,7 +17391,7 @@ install-info-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17628,7 +17417,7 @@ install-pdf-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17654,7 +17443,7 @@ install-html-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17679,7 +17468,7 @@ installcheck-intl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17703,7 +17492,7 @@ mostlyclean-intl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17727,7 +17516,7 @@ clean-intl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17751,7 +17540,7 @@ distclean-intl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17775,7 +17564,7 @@ maintainer-clean-intl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in intl" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in intl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17800,7 +17589,7 @@ configure-tcl: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl" || exit 1; \ @@ -17809,11 +17598,12 @@ configure-tcl: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/tcl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/tcl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=tcl; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif tcl @@ -17851,7 +17641,7 @@ check-tcl: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -17904,7 +17694,7 @@ info-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing info in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17930,7 +17720,7 @@ dvi-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17956,7 +17746,7 @@ pdf-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -17982,7 +17772,7 @@ html-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing html in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18008,7 +17798,7 @@ TAGS-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18035,7 +17825,7 @@ install-info-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18062,7 +17852,7 @@ install-pdf-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18089,7 +17879,7 @@ install-html-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18115,7 +17905,7 @@ installcheck-tcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18150,7 +17940,7 @@ clean-tcl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18175,7 +17965,7 @@ distclean-tcl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18200,7 +17990,7 @@ maintainer-clean-tcl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in tcl" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in tcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18225,7 +18015,7 @@ configure-itcl: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl" || exit 1; \ @@ -18234,11 +18024,12 @@ configure-itcl: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/itcl"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/itcl"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=itcl; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif itcl @@ -18276,7 +18067,7 @@ check-itcl: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -18329,7 +18120,7 @@ info-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing info in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18355,7 +18146,7 @@ dvi-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18381,7 +18172,7 @@ pdf-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18407,7 +18198,7 @@ html-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing html in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18433,7 +18224,7 @@ TAGS-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18460,7 +18251,7 @@ install-info-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18487,7 +18278,7 @@ install-pdf-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18514,7 +18305,7 @@ install-html-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18540,7 +18331,7 @@ installcheck-itcl: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18565,7 +18356,7 @@ mostlyclean-itcl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18590,7 +18381,7 @@ clean-itcl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18615,7 +18406,7 @@ distclean-itcl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18640,7 +18431,7 @@ maintainer-clean-itcl: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in itcl" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in itcl"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/itcl && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -18664,7 +18455,7 @@ configure-ld: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld" || exit 1; \ @@ -18673,11 +18464,12 @@ configure-ld: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/ld"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/ld"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=ld; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif ld @@ -18698,19 +18490,20 @@ configure-stage1-ld: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/ld"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/ld"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=ld; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif ld-bootstrap @@ -18730,19 +18523,19 @@ configure-stage2-ld: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/ld"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/ld"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=ld; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif ld-bootstrap @@ -18763,19 +18556,19 @@ configure-stage3-ld: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/ld"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/ld"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=ld; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif ld-bootstrap @@ -18796,19 +18589,19 @@ configure-stage4-ld: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/ld"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/ld"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=ld; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif ld-bootstrap @@ -18829,19 +18622,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-ld: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/ld"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/ld"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=ld; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif ld-bootstrap @@ -18862,19 +18655,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-ld: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/ld"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/ld"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=ld; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif ld-bootstrap @@ -19161,9 +18954,9 @@ check-ld: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif ld @@ -19213,7 +19006,7 @@ info-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing info in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19238,7 +19031,7 @@ dvi-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19263,7 +19056,7 @@ pdf-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19288,7 +19081,7 @@ html-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing html in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19313,7 +19106,7 @@ TAGS-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19339,7 +19132,7 @@ install-info-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19365,7 +19158,7 @@ install-pdf-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19391,7 +19184,7 @@ install-html-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19416,7 +19209,7 @@ installcheck-ld: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19440,7 +19233,7 @@ mostlyclean-ld: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19464,7 +19257,7 @@ clean-ld: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19488,7 +19281,7 @@ distclean-ld: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19512,7 +19305,7 @@ maintainer-clean-ld: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in ld" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in ld"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -19536,7 +19329,7 @@ configure-libbacktrace: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" || exit 1; \ @@ -19545,11 +19338,12 @@ configure-libbacktrace: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif libbacktrace @@ -19570,19 +19364,20 @@ configure-stage1-libbacktrace: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libbacktrace-bootstrap @@ -19602,19 +19397,19 @@ configure-stage2-libbacktrace: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libbacktrace-bootstrap @@ -19635,19 +19430,19 @@ configure-stage3-libbacktrace: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libbacktrace-bootstrap @@ -19668,19 +19463,19 @@ configure-stage4-libbacktrace: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libbacktrace-bootstrap @@ -19701,19 +19496,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-libbacktrace: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libbacktrace-bootstrap @@ -19734,19 +19529,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-libbacktrace: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libbacktrace-bootstrap @@ -20033,9 +19828,9 @@ check-libbacktrace: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif libbacktrace @@ -20085,7 +19880,7 @@ info-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing info in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20110,7 +19905,7 @@ dvi-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20135,7 +19930,7 @@ pdf-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20160,7 +19955,7 @@ html-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing html in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20185,7 +19980,7 @@ TAGS-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20211,7 +20006,7 @@ install-info-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20237,7 +20032,7 @@ install-pdf-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20263,7 +20058,7 @@ install-html-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20288,7 +20083,7 @@ installcheck-libbacktrace: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20312,7 +20107,7 @@ mostlyclean-libbacktrace: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20336,7 +20131,7 @@ clean-libbacktrace: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20360,7 +20155,7 @@ distclean-libbacktrace: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20384,7 +20179,7 @@ maintainer-clean-libbacktrace: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libbacktrace"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20408,7 +20203,7 @@ configure-libcpp: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp" || exit 1; \ @@ -20417,11 +20212,12 @@ configure-libcpp: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libcpp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libcpp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif libcpp @@ -20442,19 +20238,20 @@ configure-stage1-libcpp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libcpp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libcpp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libcpp-bootstrap @@ -20474,19 +20271,19 @@ configure-stage2-libcpp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libcpp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libcpp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libcpp-bootstrap @@ -20507,19 +20304,19 @@ configure-stage3-libcpp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libcpp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libcpp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libcpp-bootstrap @@ -20540,19 +20337,19 @@ configure-stage4-libcpp: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libcpp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libcpp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libcpp-bootstrap @@ -20573,19 +20370,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-libcpp: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libcpp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libcpp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libcpp-bootstrap @@ -20606,19 +20403,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-libcpp: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libcpp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libcpp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libcpp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libcpp-bootstrap @@ -20905,9 +20702,9 @@ check-libcpp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif libcpp @@ -20957,7 +20754,7 @@ info-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing info in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -20982,7 +20779,7 @@ dvi-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21007,7 +20804,7 @@ pdf-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21032,7 +20829,7 @@ html-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing html in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21057,7 +20854,7 @@ TAGS-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21083,7 +20880,7 @@ install-info-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21109,7 +20906,7 @@ install-pdf-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21135,7 +20932,7 @@ install-html-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21160,7 +20957,7 @@ installcheck-libcpp: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21184,7 +20981,7 @@ mostlyclean-libcpp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21208,7 +21005,7 @@ clean-libcpp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21232,7 +21029,7 @@ distclean-libcpp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21256,7 +21053,7 @@ maintainer-clean-libcpp: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libcpp" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libcpp"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21280,7 +21077,7 @@ configure-libdecnumber: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber" || exit 1; \ @@ -21289,11 +21086,12 @@ configure-libdecnumber: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libdecnumber"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libdecnumber"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif libdecnumber @@ -21314,19 +21112,20 @@ configure-stage1-libdecnumber: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libdecnumber"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libdecnumber"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libdecnumber-bootstrap @@ -21346,19 +21145,19 @@ configure-stage2-libdecnumber: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libdecnumber"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libdecnumber"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libdecnumber-bootstrap @@ -21379,19 +21178,19 @@ configure-stage3-libdecnumber: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libdecnumber"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libdecnumber"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libdecnumber-bootstrap @@ -21412,19 +21211,19 @@ configure-stage4-libdecnumber: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libdecnumber"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libdecnumber"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libdecnumber-bootstrap @@ -21445,19 +21244,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-libdecnumber: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libdecnumber"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libdecnumber"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libdecnumber-bootstrap @@ -21478,19 +21277,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-libdecnumber: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libdecnumber"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libdecnumber"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libdecnumber; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif libdecnumber-bootstrap @@ -21777,9 +21576,9 @@ check-libdecnumber: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif libdecnumber @@ -21829,7 +21628,7 @@ info-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing info in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21854,7 +21653,7 @@ dvi-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21879,7 +21678,7 @@ pdf-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21904,7 +21703,7 @@ html-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing html in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21929,7 +21728,7 @@ TAGS-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21955,7 +21754,7 @@ install-info-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -21981,7 +21780,7 @@ install-pdf-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22007,7 +21806,7 @@ install-html-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22032,7 +21831,7 @@ installcheck-libdecnumber: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22056,7 +21855,7 @@ mostlyclean-libdecnumber: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22080,7 +21879,7 @@ clean-libdecnumber: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22104,7 +21903,7 @@ distclean-libdecnumber: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22128,7 +21927,7 @@ maintainer-clean-libdecnumber: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libdecnumber" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libdecnumber"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22153,7 +21952,7 @@ configure-libgui: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui" || exit 1; \ @@ -22162,11 +21961,12 @@ configure-libgui: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgui"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgui"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgui; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif libgui @@ -22204,7 +22004,7 @@ check-libgui: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -22257,7 +22057,7 @@ info-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing info in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22283,7 +22083,7 @@ dvi-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22309,7 +22109,7 @@ pdf-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22335,7 +22135,7 @@ html-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing html in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22361,7 +22161,7 @@ TAGS-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22388,7 +22188,7 @@ install-info-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22415,7 +22215,7 @@ install-pdf-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22442,7 +22242,7 @@ install-html-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22468,7 +22268,7 @@ installcheck-libgui: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22493,7 +22293,7 @@ mostlyclean-libgui: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22518,7 +22318,7 @@ clean-libgui: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22543,7 +22343,7 @@ distclean-libgui: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22568,7 +22368,7 @@ maintainer-clean-libgui: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libgui" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libgui"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libgui && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -22592,7 +22392,7 @@ configure-libiberty: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty" || exit 1; \ @@ -22601,11 +22401,12 @@ configure-libiberty: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ \ + --target=${target_alias} @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ \ || exit 1 @endif libiberty @@ -22626,19 +22427,20 @@ configure-stage1-libiberty: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ @endif libiberty-bootstrap @@ -22659,19 +22461,19 @@ configure-stage2-libiberty: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ @@ -22693,19 +22495,19 @@ configure-stage3-libiberty: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ @@ -22727,19 +22529,19 @@ configure-stage4-libiberty: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ @@ -22761,19 +22563,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-libiberty: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ @@ -22795,19 +22597,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-libiberty: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiberty"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiberty"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ @@ -23095,9 +22897,9 @@ check-libiberty: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif libiberty @@ -23147,7 +22949,7 @@ info-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing info in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23172,7 +22974,7 @@ dvi-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23197,7 +22999,7 @@ pdf-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23222,7 +23024,7 @@ html-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing html in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23247,7 +23049,7 @@ TAGS-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23273,7 +23075,7 @@ install-info-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23299,7 +23101,7 @@ install-pdf-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23325,7 +23127,7 @@ install-html-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23350,7 +23152,7 @@ installcheck-libiberty: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23374,7 +23176,7 @@ mostlyclean-libiberty: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23398,7 +23200,7 @@ clean-libiberty: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23422,7 +23224,7 @@ distclean-libiberty: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23446,7 +23248,7 @@ maintainer-clean-libiberty: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libiberty" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libiberty"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23459,6 +23261,886 @@ maintainer-clean-libiberty: +.PHONY: configure-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-configure-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if gcc-bootstrap +configure-libiberty-linker-plugin: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin" || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ \ + || exit 1 +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + + + +.PHONY: configure-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-configure-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ + $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-configure-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-configure-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-configure-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-configure-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-configure-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiberty; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags@ --disable-install-libiberty @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + + + + + +.PHONY: all-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-all-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-all-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if gcc-bootstrap +all-libiberty-linker-plugin: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin=all +maybe-all-libiberty-linker-plugin: all-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-libiberty-linker-plugin + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ + $(TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin)) +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + + + +.PHONY: all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +.PHONY: clean-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-clean-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: +maybe-clean-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stage1: all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +TARGET-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin = $(TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin) +all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin) + +maybe-clean-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: clean-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage1: clean-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage1 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage1-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +.PHONY: clean-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-clean-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: +maybe-clean-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stage2: all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +TARGET-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin = $(TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin) +all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin) + +maybe-clean-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: clean-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage2: clean-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage2 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +.PHONY: clean-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-clean-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: +maybe-clean-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stage3: all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +TARGET-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin = $(TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin) +all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin) + +maybe-clean-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: clean-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage3: clean-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage3 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +.PHONY: clean-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-clean-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: +maybe-clean-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stage4: all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +TARGET-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin = $(TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin) +all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin) + +maybe-clean-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: clean-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage4: clean-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage4 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +.PHONY: clean-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-clean-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: +maybe-clean-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stageprofile: all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +TARGET-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin = $(TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin) +all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin) + +maybe-clean-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: clean-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stageprofile: clean-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +.PHONY: clean-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-clean-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap +maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stagefeedback: all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +TARGET-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin = $(TARGET-libiberty-linker-plugin) +all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: configure-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin) + +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: clean-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stagefeedback: clean-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +clean-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin-bootstrap + + + + + +.PHONY: check-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-check-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-check-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-check-libiberty-linker-plugin: check-libiberty-linker-plugin + +check-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: install-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-install-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-libiberty-linker-plugin: install-libiberty-linker-plugin + +install-libiberty-linker-plugin: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ install) + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: install-strip-libiberty-linker-plugin maybe-install-strip-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-strip-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-strip-libiberty-linker-plugin: install-strip-libiberty-linker-plugin + +install-strip-libiberty-linker-plugin: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ install-strip) + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) + +.PHONY: maybe-info-libiberty-linker-plugin info-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-info-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-info-libiberty-linker-plugin: info-libiberty-linker-plugin + +info-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing info in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-dvi-libiberty-linker-plugin dvi-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-dvi-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-dvi-libiberty-linker-plugin: dvi-libiberty-linker-plugin + +dvi-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + dvi) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin: pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin + +pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-html-libiberty-linker-plugin html-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-html-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-html-libiberty-linker-plugin: html-libiberty-linker-plugin + +html-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing html in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-libiberty-linker-plugin TAGS-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-TAGS-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-TAGS-libiberty-linker-plugin: TAGS-libiberty-linker-plugin + +TAGS-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + TAGS) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-install-info-libiberty-linker-plugin install-info-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-info-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-info-libiberty-linker-plugin: install-info-libiberty-linker-plugin + +install-info-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin \ + info-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin install-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin: install-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin + +install-pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin \ + pdf-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-install-html-libiberty-linker-plugin install-html-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-html-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-install-html-libiberty-linker-plugin: install-html-libiberty-linker-plugin + +install-html-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin \ + html-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-libiberty-linker-plugin installcheck-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-installcheck-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-installcheck-libiberty-linker-plugin: installcheck-libiberty-linker-plugin + +installcheck-libiberty-linker-plugin: \ + configure-libiberty-linker-plugin + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + installcheck) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-libiberty-linker-plugin mostlyclean-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-mostlyclean-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-mostlyclean-libiberty-linker-plugin: mostlyclean-libiberty-linker-plugin + +mostlyclean-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + mostlyclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin clean-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin: clean-libiberty-linker-plugin + +clean-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing clean in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-distclean-libiberty-linker-plugin distclean-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-distclean-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-distclean-libiberty-linker-plugin: distclean-libiberty-linker-plugin + +distclean-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + distclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + +.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin maintainer-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-maintainer-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin: +@if libiberty-linker-plugin +maybe-maintainer-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin: maintainer-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin + +maintainer-clean-libiberty-linker-plugin: + @[ -f ./libiberty-linker-plugin/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libiberty-linker-plugin"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + maintainer-clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin + + + .PHONY: configure-libiconv maybe-configure-libiconv maybe-configure-libiconv: @if gcc-bootstrap @@ -23467,11 +24149,10 @@ configure-libiconv: stage_current @if libiconv maybe-configure-libiconv: configure-libiconv configure-libiconv: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv" || exit 1; \ @@ -23480,16 +24161,222 @@ configure-libiconv: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libiconv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libiconv"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} --disable-shared \ + --target=${target_alias} --disable-shared \ || exit 1 @endif libiconv +.PHONY: configure-stage1-libiconv maybe-configure-stage1-libiconv +maybe-configure-stage1-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage1-libiconv: configure-stage1-libiconv +configure-stage1-libiconv: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ + $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --disable-shared +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage2-libiconv maybe-configure-stage2-libiconv +maybe-configure-stage2-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage2-libiconv: configure-stage2-libiconv +configure-stage2-libiconv: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --disable-shared +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage3-libiconv maybe-configure-stage3-libiconv +maybe-configure-stage3-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage3-libiconv: configure-stage3-libiconv +configure-stage3-libiconv: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --disable-shared +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage4-libiconv maybe-configure-stage4-libiconv +maybe-configure-stage4-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage4-libiconv: configure-stage4-libiconv +configure-stage4-libiconv: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --disable-shared +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stageprofile-libiconv maybe-configure-stageprofile-libiconv +maybe-configure-stageprofile-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stageprofile-libiconv: configure-stageprofile-libiconv +configure-stageprofile-libiconv: + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --disable-shared +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-libiconv maybe-configure-stagefeedback-libiconv +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-libiconv: configure-stagefeedback-libiconv +configure-stagefeedback-libiconv: + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libiconv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + --disable-shared +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + + + .PHONY: all-libiconv maybe-all-libiconv @@ -23501,7 +24388,6 @@ all-libiconv: stage_current TARGET-libiconv=all maybe-all-libiconv: all-libiconv all-libiconv: configure-libiconv - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ @@ -23512,6 +24398,255 @@ all-libiconv: configure-libiconv +.PHONY: all-stage1-libiconv maybe-all-stage1-libiconv +.PHONY: clean-stage1-libiconv maybe-clean-stage1-libiconv +maybe-all-stage1-libiconv: +maybe-clean-stage1-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage1-libiconv: all-stage1-libiconv +all-stage1: all-stage1-libiconv +TARGET-stage1-libiconv = $(TARGET-libiconv) +all-stage1-libiconv: configure-stage1-libiconv + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage1-libiconv) + +maybe-clean-stage1-libiconv: clean-stage1-libiconv +clean-stage1: clean-stage1-libiconv +clean-stage1-libiconv: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage1 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage1-libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage1-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage2-libiconv maybe-all-stage2-libiconv +.PHONY: clean-stage2-libiconv maybe-clean-stage2-libiconv +maybe-all-stage2-libiconv: +maybe-clean-stage2-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage2-libiconv: all-stage2-libiconv +all-stage2: all-stage2-libiconv +TARGET-stage2-libiconv = $(TARGET-libiconv) +all-stage2-libiconv: configure-stage2-libiconv + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage2-libiconv) + +maybe-clean-stage2-libiconv: clean-stage2-libiconv +clean-stage2: clean-stage2-libiconv +clean-stage2-libiconv: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage2 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage2-libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage3-libiconv maybe-all-stage3-libiconv +.PHONY: clean-stage3-libiconv maybe-clean-stage3-libiconv +maybe-all-stage3-libiconv: +maybe-clean-stage3-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage3-libiconv: all-stage3-libiconv +all-stage3: all-stage3-libiconv +TARGET-stage3-libiconv = $(TARGET-libiconv) +all-stage3-libiconv: configure-stage3-libiconv + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage3-libiconv) + +maybe-clean-stage3-libiconv: clean-stage3-libiconv +clean-stage3: clean-stage3-libiconv +clean-stage3-libiconv: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage3 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage3-libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage4-libiconv maybe-all-stage4-libiconv +.PHONY: clean-stage4-libiconv maybe-clean-stage4-libiconv +maybe-all-stage4-libiconv: +maybe-clean-stage4-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage4-libiconv: all-stage4-libiconv +all-stage4: all-stage4-libiconv +TARGET-stage4-libiconv = $(TARGET-libiconv) +all-stage4-libiconv: configure-stage4-libiconv + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage4-libiconv) + +maybe-clean-stage4-libiconv: clean-stage4-libiconv +clean-stage4: clean-stage4-libiconv +clean-stage4-libiconv: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage4 ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stage4-libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stageprofile-libiconv maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv +.PHONY: clean-stageprofile-libiconv maybe-clean-stageprofile-libiconv +maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv: +maybe-clean-stageprofile-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv: all-stageprofile-libiconv +all-stageprofile: all-stageprofile-libiconv +TARGET-stageprofile-libiconv = $(TARGET-libiconv) +all-stageprofile-libiconv: configure-stageprofile-libiconv + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stageprofile-libiconv) + +maybe-clean-stageprofile-libiconv: clean-stageprofile-libiconv +clean-stageprofile: clean-stageprofile-libiconv +clean-stageprofile-libiconv: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stageprofile-libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stagefeedback-libiconv maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv +.PHONY: clean-stagefeedback-libiconv maybe-clean-stagefeedback-libiconv +maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv: +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-libiconv: +@if libiconv-bootstrap +maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv: all-stagefeedback-libiconv +all-stagefeedback: all-stagefeedback-libiconv +TARGET-stagefeedback-libiconv = $(TARGET-libiconv) +all-stagefeedback-libiconv: configure-stagefeedback-libiconv + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stagefeedback-libiconv) + +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-libiconv: clean-stagefeedback-libiconv +clean-stagefeedback: clean-stagefeedback-libiconv +clean-stagefeedback-libiconv: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ]; then \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/stagefeedback-libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean +@endif libiconv-bootstrap + + + + .PHONY: check-libiconv maybe-check-libiconv maybe-check-libiconv: @@ -23522,9 +24657,9 @@ check-libiconv: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif libiconv @@ -23553,24 +24688,8 @@ maybe-info-libiconv: @if libiconv maybe-info-libiconv: info-libiconv -info-libiconv: \ - configure-libiconv - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing info in libiconv" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - info) \ - || exit 1 +# libiconv doesn't support info. +info-libiconv: @endif libiconv @@ -23581,7 +24700,6 @@ maybe-dvi-libiconv: dvi-libiconv dvi-libiconv: \ configure-libiconv - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -23589,7 +24707,7 @@ dvi-libiconv: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libiconv" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libiconv"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23605,24 +24723,8 @@ maybe-pdf-libiconv: @if libiconv maybe-pdf-libiconv: pdf-libiconv -pdf-libiconv: \ - configure-libiconv - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libiconv" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - pdf) \ - || exit 1 +# libiconv doesn't support pdf. +pdf-libiconv: @endif libiconv @@ -23631,24 +24733,8 @@ maybe-html-libiconv: @if libiconv maybe-html-libiconv: html-libiconv -html-libiconv: \ - configure-libiconv - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - echo "Doing html in libiconv" ; \ - (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - html) \ - || exit 1 +# libiconv doesn't support html. +html-libiconv: @endif libiconv @@ -23659,7 +24745,6 @@ maybe-TAGS-libiconv: TAGS-libiconv TAGS-libiconv: \ configure-libiconv - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -23667,7 +24752,7 @@ TAGS-libiconv: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libiconv" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libiconv"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23715,7 +24800,6 @@ maybe-installcheck-libiconv: installcheck-libiconv installcheck-libiconv: \ configure-libiconv - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -23723,7 +24807,7 @@ installcheck-libiconv: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libiconv" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libiconv"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23740,7 +24824,6 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-libiconv: maybe-mostlyclean-libiconv: mostlyclean-libiconv mostlyclean-libiconv: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -23748,7 +24831,7 @@ mostlyclean-libiconv: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in libiconv" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libiconv"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23765,7 +24848,6 @@ maybe-clean-libiconv: maybe-clean-libiconv: clean-libiconv clean-libiconv: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -23773,7 +24855,7 @@ clean-libiconv: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in libiconv" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in libiconv"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23790,7 +24872,6 @@ maybe-distclean-libiconv: maybe-distclean-libiconv: distclean-libiconv distclean-libiconv: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -23798,7 +24879,7 @@ distclean-libiconv: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in libiconv" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libiconv"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23815,7 +24896,6 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-libiconv: maybe-maintainer-clean-libiconv: maintainer-clean-libiconv maintainer-clean-libiconv: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @[ -f ./libiconv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ @@ -23823,7 +24903,7 @@ maintainer-clean-libiconv: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libiconv" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libiconv"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23848,7 +24928,7 @@ configure-m4: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4" || exit 1; \ @@ -23857,11 +24937,12 @@ configure-m4: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/m4"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/m4"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=m4; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif m4 @@ -23899,7 +24980,7 @@ check-m4: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -23952,7 +25033,7 @@ info-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing info in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -23978,7 +25059,7 @@ dvi-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24004,7 +25085,7 @@ pdf-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24030,7 +25111,7 @@ html-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing html in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24056,7 +25137,7 @@ TAGS-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24083,7 +25164,7 @@ install-info-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24110,7 +25191,7 @@ install-pdf-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24137,7 +25218,7 @@ install-html-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24163,7 +25244,7 @@ installcheck-m4: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24188,7 +25269,7 @@ mostlyclean-m4: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24213,7 +25294,7 @@ clean-m4: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24238,7 +25319,7 @@ distclean-m4: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24263,7 +25344,7 @@ maintainer-clean-m4: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in m4" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in m4"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/m4 && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24288,7 +25369,7 @@ configure-readline: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline" || exit 1; \ @@ -24297,11 +25378,12 @@ configure-readline: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/readline"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/readline"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=readline; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif readline @@ -24339,7 +25421,7 @@ check-readline: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -24392,7 +25474,7 @@ info-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing info in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24418,7 +25500,7 @@ dvi-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24444,7 +25526,7 @@ pdf-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24470,7 +25552,7 @@ html-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing html in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24496,7 +25578,7 @@ TAGS-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24523,7 +25605,7 @@ install-info-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24550,7 +25632,7 @@ install-pdf-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24577,7 +25659,7 @@ install-html-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24603,7 +25685,7 @@ installcheck-readline: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24628,7 +25710,7 @@ mostlyclean-readline: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24653,7 +25735,7 @@ clean-readline: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24678,7 +25760,7 @@ distclean-readline: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24703,7 +25785,7 @@ maintainer-clean-readline: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in readline" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in readline"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/readline && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24728,7 +25810,7 @@ configure-sid: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid" || exit 1; \ @@ -24737,11 +25819,12 @@ configure-sid: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/sid"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/sid"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=sid; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif sid @@ -24779,7 +25862,7 @@ check-sid: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -24832,7 +25915,7 @@ info-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing info in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24858,7 +25941,7 @@ dvi-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24884,7 +25967,7 @@ pdf-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24910,7 +25993,7 @@ html-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing html in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24936,7 +26019,7 @@ TAGS-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24963,7 +26046,7 @@ install-info-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -24990,7 +26073,7 @@ install-pdf-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25017,7 +26100,7 @@ install-html-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25043,7 +26126,7 @@ installcheck-sid: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25068,7 +26151,7 @@ mostlyclean-sid: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25093,7 +26176,7 @@ clean-sid: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25118,7 +26201,7 @@ distclean-sid: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25143,7 +26226,7 @@ maintainer-clean-sid: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in sid" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in sid"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sid && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25168,7 +26251,7 @@ configure-sim: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim" || exit 1; \ @@ -25177,11 +26260,12 @@ configure-sim: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/sim"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/sim"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=sim; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif sim @@ -25219,7 +26303,7 @@ check-sim: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -25272,7 +26356,7 @@ info-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing info in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25298,7 +26382,7 @@ dvi-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25324,7 +26408,7 @@ pdf-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25350,7 +26434,7 @@ html-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing html in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25376,7 +26460,7 @@ TAGS-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25403,7 +26487,7 @@ install-info-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25430,7 +26514,7 @@ install-pdf-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25457,7 +26541,7 @@ install-html-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25483,7 +26567,7 @@ installcheck-sim: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25508,7 +26592,7 @@ mostlyclean-sim: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25533,7 +26617,7 @@ clean-sim: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25558,7 +26642,7 @@ distclean-sim: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25583,7 +26667,7 @@ maintainer-clean-sim: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in sim" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in sim"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/sim && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25608,7 +26692,7 @@ configure-texinfo: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo" || exit 1; \ @@ -25617,11 +26701,12 @@ configure-texinfo: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/texinfo"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/texinfo"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=texinfo; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif texinfo @@ -25659,7 +26744,7 @@ check-texinfo: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -25700,7 +26785,7 @@ info-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing info in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25726,7 +26811,7 @@ dvi-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25752,7 +26837,7 @@ pdf-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25778,7 +26863,7 @@ html-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing html in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25804,7 +26889,7 @@ TAGS-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25831,7 +26916,7 @@ install-info-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25858,7 +26943,7 @@ install-pdf-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25885,7 +26970,7 @@ install-html-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25911,7 +26996,7 @@ installcheck-texinfo: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25936,7 +27021,7 @@ mostlyclean-texinfo: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25961,7 +27046,7 @@ clean-texinfo: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -25986,7 +27071,7 @@ distclean-texinfo: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26011,7 +27096,7 @@ maintainer-clean-texinfo: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in texinfo" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in texinfo"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/texinfo && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26035,7 +27120,7 @@ configure-zlib: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib" || exit 1; \ @@ -26044,11 +27129,12 @@ configure-zlib: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} @extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@ \ || exit 1 @endif zlib @@ -26069,20 +27155,22 @@ configure-stage1-zlib: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ + $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@ @endif zlib-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage2-zlib maybe-configure-stage2-zlib @@ -26101,21 +27189,22 @@ configure-stage2-zlib: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) + $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@ @endif zlib-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage3-zlib maybe-configure-stage3-zlib @@ -26134,21 +27223,22 @@ configure-stage3-zlib: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) + $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@ @endif zlib-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage4-zlib maybe-configure-stage4-zlib @@ -26167,21 +27257,22 @@ configure-stage4-zlib: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) + $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@ @endif zlib-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stageprofile-zlib maybe-configure-stageprofile-zlib @@ -26200,21 +27291,22 @@ configure-stageprofile-zlib: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) + $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@ @endif zlib-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-zlib maybe-configure-stagefeedback-zlib @@ -26233,21 +27325,22 @@ configure-stagefeedback-zlib: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ - $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) + $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ + @extra_host_zlib_configure_flags@ @endif zlib-bootstrap @@ -26566,7 +27659,7 @@ info-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing info in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26591,7 +27684,7 @@ dvi-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26616,7 +27709,7 @@ pdf-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26641,7 +27734,7 @@ html-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing html in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26666,7 +27759,7 @@ TAGS-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26692,7 +27785,7 @@ install-info-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26718,7 +27811,7 @@ install-pdf-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26744,7 +27837,7 @@ install-html-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26769,7 +27862,7 @@ installcheck-zlib: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26793,7 +27886,7 @@ mostlyclean-zlib: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26817,7 +27910,7 @@ clean-zlib: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26841,7 +27934,7 @@ distclean-zlib: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26865,7 +27958,7 @@ maintainer-clean-zlib: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in zlib"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -26890,7 +27983,7 @@ configure-gdb: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb" || exit 1; \ @@ -26899,11 +27992,12 @@ configure-gdb: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gdb"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gdb"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gdb; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif gdb @@ -26941,7 +28035,7 @@ check-gdb: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -26994,7 +28088,7 @@ info-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing info in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27020,7 +28114,7 @@ dvi-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27046,7 +28140,7 @@ pdf-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27072,7 +28166,7 @@ html-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing html in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27098,7 +28192,7 @@ TAGS-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27125,7 +28219,7 @@ install-info-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27152,7 +28246,7 @@ install-pdf-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27179,7 +28273,7 @@ install-html-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27205,7 +28299,7 @@ installcheck-gdb: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27230,7 +28324,7 @@ mostlyclean-gdb: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27255,7 +28349,7 @@ clean-gdb: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27280,7 +28374,7 @@ distclean-gdb: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27305,7 +28399,7 @@ maintainer-clean-gdb: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gdb" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gdb"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gdb && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27330,7 +28424,7 @@ configure-expect: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect" || exit 1; \ @@ -27339,11 +28433,12 @@ configure-expect: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/expect"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/expect"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=expect; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif expect @@ -27381,7 +28476,7 @@ check-expect: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -27434,7 +28529,7 @@ info-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing info in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27460,7 +28555,7 @@ dvi-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27486,7 +28581,7 @@ pdf-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27512,7 +28607,7 @@ html-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing html in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27538,7 +28633,7 @@ TAGS-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27565,7 +28660,7 @@ install-info-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27592,7 +28687,7 @@ install-pdf-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27619,7 +28714,7 @@ install-html-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27645,7 +28740,7 @@ installcheck-expect: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27670,7 +28765,7 @@ mostlyclean-expect: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27695,7 +28790,7 @@ clean-expect: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27720,7 +28815,7 @@ distclean-expect: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27745,7 +28840,7 @@ maintainer-clean-expect: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in expect" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in expect"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/expect && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27770,7 +28865,7 @@ configure-guile: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile" || exit 1; \ @@ -27779,11 +28874,12 @@ configure-guile: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/guile"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/guile"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=guile; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif guile @@ -27821,7 +28917,7 @@ check-guile: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -27874,7 +28970,7 @@ info-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing info in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27900,7 +28996,7 @@ dvi-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27926,7 +29022,7 @@ pdf-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27952,7 +29048,7 @@ html-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing html in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -27978,7 +29074,7 @@ TAGS-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28005,7 +29101,7 @@ install-info-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28032,7 +29128,7 @@ install-pdf-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28059,7 +29155,7 @@ install-html-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28085,7 +29181,7 @@ installcheck-guile: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28110,7 +29206,7 @@ mostlyclean-guile: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28135,7 +29231,7 @@ clean-guile: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28160,7 +29256,7 @@ distclean-guile: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28185,7 +29281,7 @@ maintainer-clean-guile: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in guile" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in guile"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/guile && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28210,7 +29306,7 @@ configure-tk: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk" || exit 1; \ @@ -28219,11 +29315,12 @@ configure-tk: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/tk"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/tk"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=tk; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif tk @@ -28261,7 +29358,7 @@ check-tk: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -28314,7 +29411,7 @@ info-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing info in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28340,7 +29437,7 @@ dvi-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28366,7 +29463,7 @@ pdf-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28392,7 +29489,7 @@ html-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing html in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28418,7 +29515,7 @@ TAGS-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28445,7 +29542,7 @@ install-info-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28472,7 +29569,7 @@ install-pdf-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28499,7 +29596,7 @@ install-html-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28525,7 +29622,7 @@ installcheck-tk: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28550,7 +29647,7 @@ mostlyclean-tk: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28575,7 +29672,7 @@ clean-tk: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28600,7 +29697,7 @@ distclean-tk: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28625,7 +29722,7 @@ maintainer-clean-tk: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in tk" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in tk"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/tk && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28650,7 +29747,7 @@ configure-libtermcap: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" || exit 1; \ @@ -28659,11 +29756,12 @@ configure-libtermcap: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libtermcap"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libtermcap"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libtermcap; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif libtermcap @@ -28748,7 +29846,7 @@ info-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing info in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28774,7 +29872,7 @@ dvi-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28800,7 +29898,7 @@ pdf-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28826,7 +29924,7 @@ html-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing html in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28852,7 +29950,7 @@ TAGS-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28879,7 +29977,7 @@ install-info-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28906,7 +30004,7 @@ install-pdf-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28933,7 +30031,7 @@ install-html-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -28959,7 +30057,7 @@ installcheck-libtermcap: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libtermcap"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libtermcap && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29024,7 +30122,7 @@ configure-utils: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils" || exit 1; \ @@ -29033,11 +30131,12 @@ configure-utils: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/utils"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/utils"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=utils; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif utils @@ -29122,7 +30221,7 @@ info-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing info in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29148,7 +30247,7 @@ dvi-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29174,7 +30273,7 @@ pdf-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29200,7 +30299,7 @@ html-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing html in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29226,7 +30325,7 @@ TAGS-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29253,7 +30352,7 @@ install-info-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29280,7 +30379,7 @@ install-pdf-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29307,7 +30406,7 @@ install-html-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29333,7 +30432,7 @@ installcheck-utils: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29358,7 +30457,7 @@ mostlyclean-utils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29383,7 +30482,7 @@ clean-utils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29408,7 +30507,7 @@ distclean-utils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29433,7 +30532,7 @@ maintainer-clean-utils: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in utils" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in utils"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/utils && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29458,7 +30557,7 @@ configure-gnattools: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools" || exit 1; \ @@ -29467,11 +30566,12 @@ configure-gnattools: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/gnattools"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/gnattools"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=gnattools; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif gnattools @@ -29509,7 +30609,7 @@ check-gnattools: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) @@ -29562,7 +30662,7 @@ info-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing info in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29588,7 +30688,7 @@ dvi-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29614,7 +30714,7 @@ pdf-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29640,7 +30740,7 @@ html-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing html in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29666,7 +30766,7 @@ TAGS-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29693,7 +30793,7 @@ install-info-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29720,7 +30820,7 @@ install-pdf-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29747,7 +30847,7 @@ install-html-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29773,7 +30873,7 @@ installcheck-gnattools: \ for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29798,7 +30898,7 @@ mostlyclean-gnattools: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29823,7 +30923,7 @@ clean-gnattools: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29848,7 +30948,7 @@ distclean-gnattools: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29873,7 +30973,7 @@ maintainer-clean-gnattools: for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gnattools" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gnattools"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gnattools && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -29897,7 +30997,7 @@ configure-lto-plugin: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin" || exit 1; \ @@ -29906,11 +31006,12 @@ configure-lto-plugin: *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/lto-plugin"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/lto-plugin"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} --enable-shared \ + --target=${target_alias} --enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ \ || exit 1 @endif lto-plugin @@ -29931,21 +31032,22 @@ configure-stage1-lto-plugin: CFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE1_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/lto-plugin"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/lto-plugin"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --enable-shared + --enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage2-lto-plugin maybe-configure-stage2-lto-plugin @@ -29964,22 +31066,22 @@ configure-stage2-lto-plugin: CFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE2_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/lto-plugin"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/lto-plugin"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --enable-shared + --enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage3-lto-plugin maybe-configure-stage3-lto-plugin @@ -29998,22 +31100,22 @@ configure-stage3-lto-plugin: CFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE3_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/lto-plugin"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/lto-plugin"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --enable-shared + --enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stage4-lto-plugin maybe-configure-stage4-lto-plugin @@ -30032,22 +31134,22 @@ configure-stage4-lto-plugin: CFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE4_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/lto-plugin"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/lto-plugin"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --enable-shared + --enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stageprofile-lto-plugin maybe-configure-stageprofile-lto-plugin @@ -30066,22 +31168,22 @@ configure-stageprofile-lto-plugin: CFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/lto-plugin"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/lto-plugin"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --enable-shared + --enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap .PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-lto-plugin maybe-configure-stagefeedback-lto-plugin @@ -30100,22 +31202,22 @@ configure-stagefeedback-lto-plugin: CFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CXXFLAGS)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_CFLAGS)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/lto-plugin"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/lto-plugin"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=lto-plugin; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) \ - --enable-shared + --enable-shared @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ @extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags@ @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap @@ -30135,7 +31237,7 @@ all-lto-plugin: configure-lto-plugin s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ $(TARGET-lto-plugin)) @endif lto-plugin @@ -30164,7 +31266,7 @@ all-stage1-lto-plugin: configure-stage1-lto-plugin CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ - $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage1-lto-plugin) @@ -30179,7 +31281,7 @@ clean-stage1-lto-plugin: fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) \ - $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap @@ -30206,7 +31308,7 @@ all-stage2-lto-plugin: configure-stage2-lto-plugin CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage2-lto-plugin) @@ -30220,7 +31322,7 @@ clean-stage2-lto-plugin: $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap @@ -30247,7 +31349,7 @@ all-stage3-lto-plugin: configure-stage3-lto-plugin CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage3-lto-plugin) @@ -30261,7 +31363,7 @@ clean-stage3-lto-plugin: $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap @@ -30288,7 +31390,7 @@ all-stage4-lto-plugin: configure-stage4-lto-plugin CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stage4-lto-plugin) @@ -30302,7 +31404,7 @@ clean-stage4-lto-plugin: $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap @@ -30329,7 +31431,7 @@ all-stageprofile-lto-plugin: configure-stageprofile-lto-plugin CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stageprofile-lto-plugin) @@ -30343,7 +31445,7 @@ clean-stageprofile-lto-plugin: $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap @@ -30370,7 +31472,7 @@ all-stagefeedback-lto-plugin: configure-stagefeedback-lto-plugin CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ - $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)" \ $(TARGET-stagefeedback-lto-plugin) @@ -30384,7 +31486,7 @@ clean-stagefeedback-lto-plugin: $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ fi; \ cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ clean @endif lto-plugin-bootstrap @@ -30400,9 +31502,9 @@ check-lto-plugin: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) $(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS) check) @endif lto-plugin @@ -30417,7 +31519,7 @@ install-lto-plugin: installdirs s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ install) @endif lto-plugin @@ -30432,7 +31534,7 @@ install-strip-lto-plugin: installdirs s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-strip) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@ install-strip) @endif lto-plugin @@ -30449,10 +31551,10 @@ info-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing info in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing info in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30474,10 +31576,10 @@ dvi-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing dvi in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30499,10 +31601,10 @@ pdf-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing pdf in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30524,10 +31626,10 @@ html-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing html in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing html in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30549,10 +31651,10 @@ TAGS-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing TAGS in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30575,10 +31677,10 @@ install-info-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-info in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30601,10 +31703,10 @@ install-pdf-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30627,10 +31729,10 @@ install-html-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing install-html in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30652,10 +31754,10 @@ installcheck-lto-plugin: \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing installcheck in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30676,10 +31778,10 @@ mostlyclean-lto-plugin: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30700,10 +31802,10 @@ clean-lto-plugin: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing clean in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30724,10 +31826,10 @@ distclean-lto-plugin: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing distclean in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30748,10 +31850,10 @@ maintainer-clean-lto-plugin: r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) @extra_linker_plugin_flags@; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in lto-plugin" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in lto-plugin"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -30764,6 +31866,888 @@ maintainer-clean-lto-plugin: +.PHONY: configure-libcc1 maybe-configure-libcc1 +maybe-configure-libcc1: +@if gcc-bootstrap +configure-libcc1: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if libcc1 +maybe-configure-libcc1: configure-libcc1 +configure-libcc1: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1; \ + cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1" || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libcc1; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} --enable-shared \ + || exit 1 +@endif libcc1 + + + + + +.PHONY: all-libcc1 maybe-all-libcc1 +maybe-all-libcc1: +@if gcc-bootstrap +all-libcc1: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if libcc1 +TARGET-libcc1=all +maybe-all-libcc1: all-libcc1 +all-libcc1: configure-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(TARGET-libcc1)) +@endif libcc1 + + + + +.PHONY: check-libcc1 maybe-check-libcc1 +maybe-check-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-check-libcc1: check-libcc1 + +check-libcc1: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: install-libcc1 maybe-install-libcc1 +maybe-install-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-install-libcc1: install-libcc1 + +install-libcc1: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install) + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: install-strip-libcc1 maybe-install-strip-libcc1 +maybe-install-strip-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-install-strip-libcc1: install-strip-libcc1 + +install-strip-libcc1: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-strip) + +@endif libcc1 + +# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) + +.PHONY: maybe-info-libcc1 info-libcc1 +maybe-info-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-info-libcc1: info-libcc1 + +info-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing info in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-dvi-libcc1 dvi-libcc1 +maybe-dvi-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-dvi-libcc1: dvi-libcc1 + +dvi-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing dvi in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + dvi) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-pdf-libcc1 pdf-libcc1 +maybe-pdf-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-pdf-libcc1: pdf-libcc1 + +pdf-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing pdf in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-html-libcc1 html-libcc1 +maybe-html-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-html-libcc1: html-libcc1 + +html-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing html in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-libcc1 TAGS-libcc1 +maybe-TAGS-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-TAGS-libcc1: TAGS-libcc1 + +TAGS-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + TAGS) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-install-info-libcc1 install-info-libcc1 +maybe-install-info-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-install-info-libcc1: install-info-libcc1 + +install-info-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 \ + info-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-info in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-libcc1 install-pdf-libcc1 +maybe-install-pdf-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-install-pdf-libcc1: install-pdf-libcc1 + +install-pdf-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 \ + pdf-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-install-html-libcc1 install-html-libcc1 +maybe-install-html-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-install-html-libcc1: install-html-libcc1 + +install-html-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 \ + html-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-html in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-libcc1 installcheck-libcc1 +maybe-installcheck-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-installcheck-libcc1: installcheck-libcc1 + +installcheck-libcc1: \ + configure-libcc1 + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + installcheck) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-libcc1 mostlyclean-libcc1 +maybe-mostlyclean-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-mostlyclean-libcc1: mostlyclean-libcc1 + +mostlyclean-libcc1: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + mostlyclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-clean-libcc1 clean-libcc1 +maybe-clean-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-clean-libcc1: clean-libcc1 + +clean-libcc1: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing clean in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-distclean-libcc1 distclean-libcc1 +maybe-distclean-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-distclean-libcc1: distclean-libcc1 + +distclean-libcc1: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing distclean in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + distclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + +.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-libcc1 maintainer-clean-libcc1 +maybe-maintainer-clean-libcc1: +@if libcc1 +maybe-maintainer-clean-libcc1: maintainer-clean-libcc1 + +maintainer-clean-libcc1: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./libcc1/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in libcc1"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcc1 && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + maintainer-clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif libcc1 + + + +.PHONY: configure-gotools maybe-configure-gotools +maybe-configure-gotools: +@if gcc-bootstrap +configure-gotools: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if gotools +maybe-configure-gotools: configure-gotools +configure-gotools: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + test ! -f $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + echo Configuring in $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools; \ + cd "$(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools" || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=gotools; \ + $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(HOST_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${host_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + || exit 1 +@endif gotools + + + + + +.PHONY: all-gotools maybe-all-gotools +maybe-all-gotools: +@if gcc-bootstrap +all-gotools: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if gotools +TARGET-gotools=all +maybe-all-gotools: all-gotools +all-gotools: configure-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) $(STAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + $(TARGET-gotools)) +@endif gotools + + + + +.PHONY: check-gotools maybe-check-gotools +maybe-check-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-check-gotools: check-gotools + +check-gotools: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: install-gotools maybe-install-gotools +maybe-install-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-install-gotools: install-gotools + +install-gotools: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install) + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: install-strip-gotools maybe-install-strip-gotools +maybe-install-strip-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-install-strip-gotools: install-strip-gotools + +install-strip-gotools: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-strip) + +@endif gotools + +# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) + +.PHONY: maybe-info-gotools info-gotools +maybe-info-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-info-gotools: info-gotools + +info-gotools: \ + configure-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing info in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-dvi-gotools dvi-gotools +maybe-dvi-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-dvi-gotools: dvi-gotools + +dvi-gotools: \ + configure-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing dvi in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + dvi) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-pdf-gotools pdf-gotools +maybe-pdf-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-pdf-gotools: pdf-gotools + +pdf-gotools: \ + configure-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing pdf in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-html-gotools html-gotools +maybe-html-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-html-gotools: html-gotools + +html-gotools: \ + configure-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing html in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-gotools TAGS-gotools +maybe-TAGS-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-TAGS-gotools: TAGS-gotools + +TAGS-gotools: \ + configure-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + TAGS) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-install-info-gotools install-info-gotools +maybe-install-info-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-install-info-gotools: install-info-gotools + +install-info-gotools: \ + configure-gotools \ + info-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-info in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-gotools install-pdf-gotools +maybe-install-pdf-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-install-pdf-gotools: install-pdf-gotools + +install-pdf-gotools: \ + configure-gotools \ + pdf-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-install-html-gotools install-html-gotools +maybe-install-html-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-install-html-gotools: install-html-gotools + +install-html-gotools: \ + configure-gotools \ + html-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing install-html in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-gotools installcheck-gotools +maybe-installcheck-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-installcheck-gotools: installcheck-gotools + +installcheck-gotools: \ + configure-gotools + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + installcheck) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-gotools mostlyclean-gotools +maybe-mostlyclean-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-mostlyclean-gotools: mostlyclean-gotools + +mostlyclean-gotools: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + mostlyclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-clean-gotools clean-gotools +maybe-clean-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-clean-gotools: clean-gotools + +clean-gotools: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing clean in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-distclean-gotools distclean-gotools +maybe-distclean-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-distclean-gotools: distclean-gotools + +distclean-gotools: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing distclean in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + distclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + +.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-gotools maintainer-clean-gotools +maybe-maintainer-clean-gotools: +@if gotools +maybe-maintainer-clean-gotools: maintainer-clean-gotools + +maintainer-clean-gotools: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f ./gotools/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) ; do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in gotools"; \ + (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gotools && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + maintainer-clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif gotools + + + # --------------------------------------- # Modules which run on the target machine # --------------------------------------- @@ -30782,8 +32766,8 @@ configure-target-libstdc++-v3: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libstdc++-v3..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -30795,7 +32779,7 @@ configure-target-libstdc++-v3: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" || exit 1; \ @@ -30804,12 +32788,13 @@ configure-target-libstdc++-v3: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libstdc++-v3"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libstdc++-v3"; \ + module_srcdir=libstdc++-v3; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libstdc++-v3 @@ -30826,7 +32811,7 @@ configure-stage1-target-libstdc++-v3: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libstdc++-v3..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -30842,19 +32827,20 @@ configure-stage1-target-libstdc++-v3: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libstdc++-v3"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libstdc++-v3"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libstdc++-v3-bootstrap @@ -30869,7 +32855,7 @@ configure-stage2-target-libstdc++-v3: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libstdc++-v3..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -30886,19 +32872,19 @@ configure-stage2-target-libstdc++-v3: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libstdc++-v3"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libstdc++-v3"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libstdc++-v3-bootstrap @@ -30914,7 +32900,7 @@ configure-stage3-target-libstdc++-v3: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libstdc++-v3..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -30931,19 +32917,19 @@ configure-stage3-target-libstdc++-v3: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libstdc++-v3"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libstdc++-v3"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libstdc++-v3-bootstrap @@ -30959,7 +32945,7 @@ configure-stage4-target-libstdc++-v3: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libstdc++-v3..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -30976,19 +32962,19 @@ configure-stage4-target-libstdc++-v3: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libstdc++-v3"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libstdc++-v3"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libstdc++-v3-bootstrap @@ -31004,7 +32990,7 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libstdc++-v3: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libstdc++-v3..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -31021,19 +33007,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libstdc++-v3: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libstdc++-v3"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libstdc++-v3"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libstdc++-v3-bootstrap @@ -31049,7 +33035,7 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libstdc++-v3: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libstdc++-v3..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -31066,19 +33052,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libstdc++-v3: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3 || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libstdc++-v3"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libstdc++-v3"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libstdc++-v3; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libstdc++-v3-bootstrap @@ -31412,11 +33398,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libstdc++-v3: info-target-libstdc++-v3 info-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31438,11 +33424,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libstdc++-v3: dvi-target-libstdc++-v3 dvi-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31464,11 +33450,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libstdc++-v3: pdf-target-libstdc++-v3 pdf-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31490,11 +33476,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libstdc++-v3: html-target-libstdc++-v3 html-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31516,11 +33502,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libstdc++-v3: TAGS-target-libstdc++-v3 TAGS-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31543,11 +33529,11 @@ install-info-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 \ info-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31570,11 +33556,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 \ pdf-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31597,11 +33583,11 @@ install-html-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 \ html-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31623,11 +33609,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libstdc++-v3: installcheck-target-libstdc++-v3 installcheck-target-libstdc++-v3: \ configure-target-libstdc++-v3 @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31648,11 +33634,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libstdc++-v3: mostlyclean-target-libstdc++-v3 mostlyclean-target-libstdc++-v3: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31673,11 +33659,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libstdc++-v3: clean-target-libstdc++-v3 clean-target-libstdc++-v3: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31698,11 +33684,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libstdc++-v3: distclean-target-libstdc++-v3 distclean-target-libstdc++-v3: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31723,11 +33709,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libstdc++-v3: maintainer-clean-target-libstdc++-v3 maintainer-clean-target-libstdc++-v3: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -31745,463 +33731,6 @@ maintainer-clean-target-libstdc++-v3: -.PHONY: configure-target-libmudflap maybe-configure-target-libmudflap -maybe-configure-target-libmudflap: -@if gcc-bootstrap -configure-target-libmudflap: stage_current -@endif gcc-bootstrap -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-configure-target-libmudflap: configure-target-libmudflap -configure-target-libmudflap: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmudflap..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ - if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.out; then \ - if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.out; then \ - rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.tmp; \ - else \ - rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile; \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.out; \ - fi; \ - else \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/multilib.out; \ - fi; \ - test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap ; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap; \ - cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" || exit 1; \ - case $(srcdir) in \ - /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ - *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/ | \ - sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ - esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libmudflap"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libmudflap"; \ - rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ - $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ - || exit 1 -@endif target-libmudflap - - - - - -.PHONY: all-target-libmudflap maybe-all-target-libmudflap -maybe-all-target-libmudflap: -@if gcc-bootstrap -all-target-libmudflap: stage_current -@endif gcc-bootstrap -@if target-libmudflap -TARGET-target-libmudflap=all -maybe-all-target-libmudflap: all-target-libmudflap -all-target-libmudflap: configure-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ - $(TARGET-target-libmudflap)) -@endif target-libmudflap - - - - - -.PHONY: check-target-libmudflap maybe-check-target-libmudflap -maybe-check-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-check-target-libmudflap: check-target-libmudflap - -check-target-libmudflap: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: install-target-libmudflap maybe-install-target-libmudflap -maybe-install-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-install-target-libmudflap: install-target-libmudflap - -install-target-libmudflap: installdirs - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install) - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: install-strip-target-libmudflap maybe-install-strip-target-libmudflap -maybe-install-strip-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-install-strip-target-libmudflap: install-strip-target-libmudflap - -install-strip-target-libmudflap: installdirs - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-strip) - -@endif target-libmudflap - -# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) - -.PHONY: maybe-info-target-libmudflap info-target-libmudflap -maybe-info-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-info-target-libmudflap: info-target-libmudflap - -info-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - info) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-dvi-target-libmudflap dvi-target-libmudflap -maybe-dvi-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-dvi-target-libmudflap: dvi-target-libmudflap - -dvi-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - dvi) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-pdf-target-libmudflap pdf-target-libmudflap -maybe-pdf-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-pdf-target-libmudflap: pdf-target-libmudflap - -pdf-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - pdf) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-html-target-libmudflap html-target-libmudflap -maybe-html-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-html-target-libmudflap: html-target-libmudflap - -html-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - html) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-target-libmudflap TAGS-target-libmudflap -maybe-TAGS-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-TAGS-target-libmudflap: TAGS-target-libmudflap - -TAGS-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - TAGS) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-install-info-target-libmudflap install-info-target-libmudflap -maybe-install-info-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-install-info-target-libmudflap: install-info-target-libmudflap - -install-info-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap \ - info-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - install-info) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-target-libmudflap install-pdf-target-libmudflap -maybe-install-pdf-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-install-pdf-target-libmudflap: install-pdf-target-libmudflap - -install-pdf-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap \ - pdf-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - install-pdf) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-install-html-target-libmudflap install-html-target-libmudflap -maybe-install-html-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-install-html-target-libmudflap: install-html-target-libmudflap - -install-html-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap \ - html-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - install-html) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-target-libmudflap installcheck-target-libmudflap -maybe-installcheck-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-installcheck-target-libmudflap: installcheck-target-libmudflap - -installcheck-target-libmudflap: \ - configure-target-libmudflap - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - installcheck) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmudflap mostlyclean-target-libmudflap -maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmudflap: mostlyclean-target-libmudflap - -mostlyclean-target-libmudflap: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - mostlyclean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-clean-target-libmudflap clean-target-libmudflap -maybe-clean-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-clean-target-libmudflap: clean-target-libmudflap - -clean-target-libmudflap: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - clean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-distclean-target-libmudflap distclean-target-libmudflap -maybe-distclean-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-distclean-target-libmudflap: distclean-target-libmudflap - -distclean-target-libmudflap: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - distclean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - -.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmudflap maintainer-clean-target-libmudflap -maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmudflap: -@if target-libmudflap -maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmudflap: maintainer-clean-target-libmudflap - -maintainer-clean-target-libmudflap: - @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap" ; \ - for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ - eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ - done; \ - (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmudflap && \ - $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ - "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ - "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ - "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ - maintainer-clean) \ - || exit 1 - -@endif target-libmudflap - - - - - .PHONY: configure-target-libsanitizer maybe-configure-target-libsanitizer maybe-configure-target-libsanitizer: @if gcc-bootstrap @@ -32213,8 +33742,8 @@ configure-target-libsanitizer: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libsanitizer..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -32226,7 +33755,7 @@ configure-target-libsanitizer: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" || exit 1; \ @@ -32235,12 +33764,13 @@ configure-target-libsanitizer: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libsanitizer"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libsanitizer"; \ + module_srcdir=libsanitizer; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libsanitizer @@ -32257,7 +33787,7 @@ configure-stage1-target-libsanitizer: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libsanitizer..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -32273,19 +33803,20 @@ configure-stage1-target-libsanitizer: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libsanitizer"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libsanitizer"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libsanitizer-bootstrap @@ -32300,7 +33831,7 @@ configure-stage2-target-libsanitizer: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libsanitizer..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -32317,19 +33848,19 @@ configure-stage2-target-libsanitizer: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libsanitizer"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libsanitizer"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libsanitizer-bootstrap @@ -32345,7 +33876,7 @@ configure-stage3-target-libsanitizer: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libsanitizer..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -32362,19 +33893,19 @@ configure-stage3-target-libsanitizer: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libsanitizer"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libsanitizer"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libsanitizer-bootstrap @@ -32390,7 +33921,7 @@ configure-stage4-target-libsanitizer: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libsanitizer..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -32407,19 +33938,19 @@ configure-stage4-target-libsanitizer: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libsanitizer"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libsanitizer"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libsanitizer-bootstrap @@ -32435,7 +33966,7 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libsanitizer: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libsanitizer..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -32452,19 +33983,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libsanitizer: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libsanitizer"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libsanitizer"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libsanitizer-bootstrap @@ -32480,7 +34011,7 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libsanitizer: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libsanitizer..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -32497,19 +34028,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libsanitizer: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libsanitizer"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libsanitizer"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libsanitizer; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libsanitizer-bootstrap @@ -32843,11 +34374,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libsanitizer: info-target-libsanitizer info-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -32869,11 +34400,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libsanitizer: dvi-target-libsanitizer dvi-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -32895,11 +34426,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libsanitizer: pdf-target-libsanitizer pdf-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -32921,11 +34452,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libsanitizer: html-target-libsanitizer html-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -32947,11 +34478,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libsanitizer: TAGS-target-libsanitizer TAGS-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -32974,11 +34505,11 @@ install-info-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer \ info-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33001,11 +34532,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer \ pdf-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33028,11 +34559,11 @@ install-html-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer \ html-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33054,11 +34585,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libsanitizer: installcheck-target-libsanitizer installcheck-target-libsanitizer: \ configure-target-libsanitizer @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33079,11 +34610,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libsanitizer: mostlyclean-target-libsanitizer mostlyclean-target-libsanitizer: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33104,11 +34635,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libsanitizer: clean-target-libsanitizer clean-target-libsanitizer: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33129,11 +34660,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libsanitizer: distclean-target-libsanitizer distclean-target-libsanitizer: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33154,11 +34685,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libsanitizer: maintainer-clean-target-libsanitizer maintainer-clean-target-libsanitizer: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33176,6 +34707,982 @@ maintainer-clean-target-libsanitizer: +.PHONY: configure-target-libmpx maybe-configure-target-libmpx +maybe-configure-target-libmpx: +@if gcc-bootstrap +configure-target-libmpx: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if target-libmpx +maybe-configure-target-libmpx: configure-target-libmpx +configure-target-libmpx: + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmpx..."; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx" || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libmpx; \ + rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + || exit 1 +@endif target-libmpx + + + +.PHONY: configure-stage1-target-libmpx maybe-configure-stage1-target-libmpx +maybe-configure-stage1-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage1-target-libmpx: configure-stage1-target-libmpx +configure-stage1-target-libmpx: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmpx..."; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ + $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage2-target-libmpx maybe-configure-stage2-target-libmpx +maybe-configure-stage2-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage2-target-libmpx: configure-stage2-target-libmpx +configure-stage2-target-libmpx: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmpx..."; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage3-target-libmpx maybe-configure-stage3-target-libmpx +maybe-configure-stage3-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage3-target-libmpx: configure-stage3-target-libmpx +configure-stage3-target-libmpx: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmpx..."; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stage4-target-libmpx maybe-configure-stage4-target-libmpx +maybe-configure-stage4-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stage4-target-libmpx: configure-stage4-target-libmpx +configure-stage4-target-libmpx: + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmpx..."; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx maybe-configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx +maybe-configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx: configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx +configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx: + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmpx..."; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + +.PHONY: configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx maybe-configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @$(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libmpx..."; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libmpx; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ + $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + + + + + +.PHONY: all-target-libmpx maybe-all-target-libmpx +maybe-all-target-libmpx: +@if gcc-bootstrap +all-target-libmpx: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if target-libmpx +TARGET-target-libmpx=all +maybe-all-target-libmpx: all-target-libmpx +all-target-libmpx: configure-target-libmpx + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + $(TARGET-target-libmpx)) +@endif target-libmpx + + + +.PHONY: all-stage1-target-libmpx maybe-all-stage1-target-libmpx +.PHONY: clean-stage1-target-libmpx maybe-clean-stage1-target-libmpx +maybe-all-stage1-target-libmpx: +maybe-clean-stage1-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage1-target-libmpx: all-stage1-target-libmpx +all-stage1: all-stage1-target-libmpx +TARGET-stage1-target-libmpx = $(TARGET-target-libmpx) +all-stage1-target-libmpx: configure-stage1-target-libmpx + @[ $(current_stage) = stage1 ] || $(MAKE) stage1-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage1-target-libmpx) + +maybe-clean-stage1-target-libmpx: clean-stage1-target-libmpx +clean-stage1: clean-stage1-target-libmpx +clean-stage1-target-libmpx: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage1 ]; then \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/stage1-libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage1-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + clean +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage2-target-libmpx maybe-all-stage2-target-libmpx +.PHONY: clean-stage2-target-libmpx maybe-clean-stage2-target-libmpx +maybe-all-stage2-target-libmpx: +maybe-clean-stage2-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage2-target-libmpx: all-stage2-target-libmpx +all-stage2: all-stage2-target-libmpx +TARGET-stage2-target-libmpx = $(TARGET-target-libmpx) +all-stage2-target-libmpx: configure-stage2-target-libmpx + @[ $(current_stage) = stage2 ] || $(MAKE) stage2-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage2-target-libmpx) + +maybe-clean-stage2-target-libmpx: clean-stage2-target-libmpx +clean-stage2: clean-stage2-target-libmpx +clean-stage2-target-libmpx: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage2 ]; then \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/stage2-libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) clean +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage3-target-libmpx maybe-all-stage3-target-libmpx +.PHONY: clean-stage3-target-libmpx maybe-clean-stage3-target-libmpx +maybe-all-stage3-target-libmpx: +maybe-clean-stage3-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage3-target-libmpx: all-stage3-target-libmpx +all-stage3: all-stage3-target-libmpx +TARGET-stage3-target-libmpx = $(TARGET-target-libmpx) +all-stage3-target-libmpx: configure-stage3-target-libmpx + @[ $(current_stage) = stage3 ] || $(MAKE) stage3-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage3-target-libmpx) + +maybe-clean-stage3-target-libmpx: clean-stage3-target-libmpx +clean-stage3: clean-stage3-target-libmpx +clean-stage3-target-libmpx: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage3 ]; then \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/stage3-libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) clean +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stage4-target-libmpx maybe-all-stage4-target-libmpx +.PHONY: clean-stage4-target-libmpx maybe-clean-stage4-target-libmpx +maybe-all-stage4-target-libmpx: +maybe-clean-stage4-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-all-stage4-target-libmpx: all-stage4-target-libmpx +all-stage4: all-stage4-target-libmpx +TARGET-stage4-target-libmpx = $(TARGET-target-libmpx) +all-stage4-target-libmpx: configure-stage4-target-libmpx + @[ $(current_stage) = stage4 ] || $(MAKE) stage4-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stage4-target-libmpx) + +maybe-clean-stage4-target-libmpx: clean-stage4-target-libmpx +clean-stage4: clean-stage4-target-libmpx +clean-stage4-target-libmpx: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stage4 ]; then \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/stage4-libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) clean +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stageprofile-target-libmpx maybe-all-stageprofile-target-libmpx +.PHONY: clean-stageprofile-target-libmpx maybe-clean-stageprofile-target-libmpx +maybe-all-stageprofile-target-libmpx: +maybe-clean-stageprofile-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-all-stageprofile-target-libmpx: all-stageprofile-target-libmpx +all-stageprofile: all-stageprofile-target-libmpx +TARGET-stageprofile-target-libmpx = $(TARGET-target-libmpx) +all-stageprofile-target-libmpx: configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx + @[ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ] || $(MAKE) stageprofile-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stageprofile-target-libmpx) + +maybe-clean-stageprofile-target-libmpx: clean-stageprofile-target-libmpx +clean-stageprofile: clean-stageprofile-target-libmpx +clean-stageprofile-target-libmpx: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stageprofile ]; then \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/stageprofile-libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) clean +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + + +.PHONY: all-stagefeedback-target-libmpx maybe-all-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +.PHONY: clean-stagefeedback-target-libmpx maybe-clean-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +maybe-all-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx-bootstrap +maybe-all-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: all-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +all-stagefeedback: all-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +TARGET-stagefeedback-target-libmpx = $(TARGET-target-libmpx) +all-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx + @[ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ] || $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ + CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)" \ + $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)" \ + $(TARGET-stagefeedback-target-libmpx) + +maybe-clean-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: clean-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +clean-stagefeedback: clean-stagefeedback-target-libmpx +clean-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: + @if [ $(current_stage) = stagefeedback ]; then \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + else \ + [ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/stagefeedback-libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ + fi; \ + cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) clean +@endif target-libmpx-bootstrap + + + + + + +.PHONY: check-target-libmpx maybe-check-target-libmpx +maybe-check-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-check-target-libmpx: check-target-libmpx + +check-target-libmpx: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: install-target-libmpx maybe-install-target-libmpx +maybe-install-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-install-target-libmpx: install-target-libmpx + +install-target-libmpx: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install) + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: install-strip-target-libmpx maybe-install-strip-target-libmpx +maybe-install-strip-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-install-strip-target-libmpx: install-strip-target-libmpx + +install-strip-target-libmpx: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-strip) + +@endif target-libmpx + +# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) + +.PHONY: maybe-info-target-libmpx info-target-libmpx +maybe-info-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-info-target-libmpx: info-target-libmpx + +info-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-dvi-target-libmpx dvi-target-libmpx +maybe-dvi-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-dvi-target-libmpx: dvi-target-libmpx + +dvi-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + dvi) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-pdf-target-libmpx pdf-target-libmpx +maybe-pdf-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-pdf-target-libmpx: pdf-target-libmpx + +pdf-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-html-target-libmpx html-target-libmpx +maybe-html-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-html-target-libmpx: html-target-libmpx + +html-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-target-libmpx TAGS-target-libmpx +maybe-TAGS-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-TAGS-target-libmpx: TAGS-target-libmpx + +TAGS-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + TAGS) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-install-info-target-libmpx install-info-target-libmpx +maybe-install-info-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-install-info-target-libmpx: install-info-target-libmpx + +install-info-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx \ + info-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-target-libmpx install-pdf-target-libmpx +maybe-install-pdf-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-install-pdf-target-libmpx: install-pdf-target-libmpx + +install-pdf-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx \ + pdf-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-install-html-target-libmpx install-html-target-libmpx +maybe-install-html-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-install-html-target-libmpx: install-html-target-libmpx + +install-html-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx \ + html-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-target-libmpx installcheck-target-libmpx +maybe-installcheck-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-installcheck-target-libmpx: installcheck-target-libmpx + +installcheck-target-libmpx: \ + configure-target-libmpx + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + installcheck) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmpx mostlyclean-target-libmpx +maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-mostlyclean-target-libmpx: mostlyclean-target-libmpx + +mostlyclean-target-libmpx: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + mostlyclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-clean-target-libmpx clean-target-libmpx +maybe-clean-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-clean-target-libmpx: clean-target-libmpx + +clean-target-libmpx: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-distclean-target-libmpx distclean-target-libmpx +maybe-distclean-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-distclean-target-libmpx: distclean-target-libmpx + +distclean-target-libmpx: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + distclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + +.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmpx maintainer-clean-target-libmpx +maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmpx: +@if target-libmpx +maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libmpx: maintainer-clean-target-libmpx + +maintainer-clean-target-libmpx: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + maintainer-clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libmpx + + + + + .PHONY: configure-target-libvtv maybe-configure-target-libvtv maybe-configure-target-libvtv: @if gcc-bootstrap @@ -33187,8 +35694,8 @@ configure-target-libvtv: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libvtv..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -33200,7 +35707,7 @@ configure-target-libvtv: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" || exit 1; \ @@ -33209,12 +35716,13 @@ configure-target-libvtv: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libvtv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libvtv"; \ + module_srcdir=libvtv; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libvtv @@ -33231,7 +35739,7 @@ configure-stage1-target-libvtv: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libvtv..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -33247,19 +35755,20 @@ configure-stage1-target-libvtv: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libvtv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libvtv"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libvtv-bootstrap @@ -33274,7 +35783,7 @@ configure-stage2-target-libvtv: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libvtv..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -33291,19 +35800,19 @@ configure-stage2-target-libvtv: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libvtv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libvtv"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libvtv-bootstrap @@ -33319,7 +35828,7 @@ configure-stage3-target-libvtv: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libvtv..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -33336,19 +35845,19 @@ configure-stage3-target-libvtv: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libvtv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libvtv"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libvtv-bootstrap @@ -33364,7 +35873,7 @@ configure-stage4-target-libvtv: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libvtv..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -33381,19 +35890,19 @@ configure-stage4-target-libvtv: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libvtv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libvtv"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libvtv-bootstrap @@ -33409,7 +35918,7 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libvtv: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libvtv..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -33426,19 +35935,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libvtv: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libvtv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libvtv"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libvtv-bootstrap @@ -33454,7 +35963,7 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libvtv: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libvtv..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -33471,19 +35980,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libvtv: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libvtv"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libvtv"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libvtv; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libvtv-bootstrap @@ -33817,11 +36326,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libvtv: info-target-libvtv info-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33843,11 +36352,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libvtv: dvi-target-libvtv dvi-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33869,11 +36378,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libvtv: pdf-target-libvtv pdf-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33895,11 +36404,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libvtv: html-target-libvtv html-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33921,11 +36430,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libvtv: TAGS-target-libvtv TAGS-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33948,11 +36457,11 @@ install-info-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv \ info-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -33975,11 +36484,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv \ pdf-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34002,11 +36511,11 @@ install-html-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv \ html-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34028,11 +36537,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libvtv: installcheck-target-libvtv installcheck-target-libvtv: \ configure-target-libvtv @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34053,11 +36562,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libvtv: mostlyclean-target-libvtv mostlyclean-target-libvtv: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34078,11 +36587,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libvtv: clean-target-libvtv clean-target-libvtv: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34103,11 +36612,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libvtv: distclean-target-libvtv distclean-target-libvtv: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34128,11 +36637,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libvtv: maintainer-clean-target-libvtv maintainer-clean-target-libvtv: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libvtv"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34150,6 +36659,922 @@ maintainer-clean-target-libvtv: +.PHONY: configure-target-libcilkrts maybe-configure-target-libcilkrts +maybe-configure-target-libcilkrts: +@if gcc-bootstrap +configure-target-libcilkrts: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-configure-target-libcilkrts: configure-target-libcilkrts +configure-target-libcilkrts: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for libcilkrts..."; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts; \ + cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts" || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=libcilkrts; \ + rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + || exit 1 +@endif target-libcilkrts + + + + + +.PHONY: all-target-libcilkrts maybe-all-target-libcilkrts +maybe-all-target-libcilkrts: +@if gcc-bootstrap +all-target-libcilkrts: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if target-libcilkrts +TARGET-target-libcilkrts=all +maybe-all-target-libcilkrts: all-target-libcilkrts +all-target-libcilkrts: configure-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + $(TARGET-target-libcilkrts)) +@endif target-libcilkrts + + + + + +.PHONY: check-target-libcilkrts maybe-check-target-libcilkrts +maybe-check-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-check-target-libcilkrts: check-target-libcilkrts + +check-target-libcilkrts: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: install-target-libcilkrts maybe-install-target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-target-libcilkrts: install-target-libcilkrts + +install-target-libcilkrts: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install) + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: install-strip-target-libcilkrts maybe-install-strip-target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-strip-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-strip-target-libcilkrts: install-strip-target-libcilkrts + +install-strip-target-libcilkrts: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-strip) + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) + +.PHONY: maybe-info-target-libcilkrts info-target-libcilkrts +maybe-info-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-info-target-libcilkrts: info-target-libcilkrts + +info-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-dvi-target-libcilkrts dvi-target-libcilkrts +maybe-dvi-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-dvi-target-libcilkrts: dvi-target-libcilkrts + +dvi-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + dvi) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-pdf-target-libcilkrts pdf-target-libcilkrts +maybe-pdf-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-pdf-target-libcilkrts: pdf-target-libcilkrts + +pdf-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-html-target-libcilkrts html-target-libcilkrts +maybe-html-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-html-target-libcilkrts: html-target-libcilkrts + +html-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-target-libcilkrts TAGS-target-libcilkrts +maybe-TAGS-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-TAGS-target-libcilkrts: TAGS-target-libcilkrts + +TAGS-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + TAGS) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-install-info-target-libcilkrts install-info-target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-info-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-info-target-libcilkrts: install-info-target-libcilkrts + +install-info-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts \ + info-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-target-libcilkrts install-pdf-target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-pdf-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-pdf-target-libcilkrts: install-pdf-target-libcilkrts + +install-pdf-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts \ + pdf-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-install-html-target-libcilkrts install-html-target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-html-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-install-html-target-libcilkrts: install-html-target-libcilkrts + +install-html-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts \ + html-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-target-libcilkrts installcheck-target-libcilkrts +maybe-installcheck-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-installcheck-target-libcilkrts: installcheck-target-libcilkrts + +installcheck-target-libcilkrts: \ + configure-target-libcilkrts + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + installcheck) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-target-libcilkrts mostlyclean-target-libcilkrts +maybe-mostlyclean-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-mostlyclean-target-libcilkrts: mostlyclean-target-libcilkrts + +mostlyclean-target-libcilkrts: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + mostlyclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-clean-target-libcilkrts clean-target-libcilkrts +maybe-clean-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-clean-target-libcilkrts: clean-target-libcilkrts + +clean-target-libcilkrts: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-distclean-target-libcilkrts distclean-target-libcilkrts +maybe-distclean-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-distclean-target-libcilkrts: distclean-target-libcilkrts + +distclean-target-libcilkrts: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + distclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + +.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libcilkrts maintainer-clean-target-libcilkrts +maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libcilkrts: +@if target-libcilkrts +maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libcilkrts: maintainer-clean-target-libcilkrts + +maintainer-clean-target-libcilkrts: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libcilkrts && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + maintainer-clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-libcilkrts + + + + + +.PHONY: configure-target-liboffloadmic maybe-configure-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-configure-target-liboffloadmic: +@if gcc-bootstrap +configure-target-liboffloadmic: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-configure-target-liboffloadmic: configure-target-liboffloadmic +configure-target-liboffloadmic: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + echo "Checking multilib configuration for liboffloadmic..."; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ + if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.out; then \ + if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.out; then \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.tmp; \ + else \ + rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile; \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + else \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/multilib.out; \ + fi; \ + test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile || exit 0; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic; \ + cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic" || exit 1; \ + case $(srcdir) in \ + /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ + *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/ | \ + sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ + esac; \ + module_srcdir=liboffloadmic; \ + rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ + $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ + --target=${target_alias} @extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags@ \ + || exit 1 +@endif target-liboffloadmic + + + + + +.PHONY: all-target-liboffloadmic maybe-all-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-all-target-liboffloadmic: +@if gcc-bootstrap +all-target-liboffloadmic: stage_current +@endif gcc-bootstrap +@if target-liboffloadmic +TARGET-target-liboffloadmic=all +maybe-all-target-liboffloadmic: all-target-liboffloadmic +all-target-liboffloadmic: configure-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) \ + $(TARGET-target-liboffloadmic)) +@endif target-liboffloadmic + + + + + +.PHONY: check-target-liboffloadmic maybe-check-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-check-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-check-target-liboffloadmic: check-target-liboffloadmic + +check-target-liboffloadmic: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) check) + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: install-target-liboffloadmic maybe-install-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-target-liboffloadmic: install-target-liboffloadmic + +install-target-liboffloadmic: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install) + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: install-strip-target-liboffloadmic maybe-install-strip-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-strip-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-strip-target-liboffloadmic: install-strip-target-liboffloadmic + +install-strip-target-liboffloadmic: installdirs + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-strip) + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +# Other targets (info, dvi, pdf, etc.) + +.PHONY: maybe-info-target-liboffloadmic info-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-info-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-info-target-liboffloadmic: info-target-liboffloadmic + +info-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-dvi-target-liboffloadmic dvi-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-dvi-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-dvi-target-liboffloadmic: dvi-target-liboffloadmic + +dvi-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + dvi) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-pdf-target-liboffloadmic pdf-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-pdf-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-pdf-target-liboffloadmic: pdf-target-liboffloadmic + +pdf-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-html-target-liboffloadmic html-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-html-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-html-target-liboffloadmic: html-target-liboffloadmic + +html-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-TAGS-target-liboffloadmic TAGS-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-TAGS-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-TAGS-target-liboffloadmic: TAGS-target-liboffloadmic + +TAGS-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + TAGS) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-install-info-target-liboffloadmic install-info-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-info-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-info-target-liboffloadmic: install-info-target-liboffloadmic + +install-info-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic \ + info-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-info) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-install-pdf-target-liboffloadmic install-pdf-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-pdf-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-pdf-target-liboffloadmic: install-pdf-target-liboffloadmic + +install-pdf-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic \ + pdf-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-pdf) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-install-html-target-liboffloadmic install-html-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-html-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-install-html-target-liboffloadmic: install-html-target-liboffloadmic + +install-html-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic \ + html-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + install-html) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-installcheck-target-liboffloadmic installcheck-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-installcheck-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-installcheck-target-liboffloadmic: installcheck-target-liboffloadmic + +installcheck-target-liboffloadmic: \ + configure-target-liboffloadmic + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + installcheck) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-mostlyclean-target-liboffloadmic mostlyclean-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-mostlyclean-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-mostlyclean-target-liboffloadmic: mostlyclean-target-liboffloadmic + +mostlyclean-target-liboffloadmic: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + mostlyclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-clean-target-liboffloadmic clean-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-clean-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-clean-target-liboffloadmic: clean-target-liboffloadmic + +clean-target-liboffloadmic: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-distclean-target-liboffloadmic distclean-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-distclean-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-distclean-target-liboffloadmic: distclean-target-liboffloadmic + +distclean-target-liboffloadmic: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + distclean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + +.PHONY: maybe-maintainer-clean-target-liboffloadmic maintainer-clean-target-liboffloadmic +maybe-maintainer-clean-target-liboffloadmic: +@if target-liboffloadmic +maybe-maintainer-clean-target-liboffloadmic: maintainer-clean-target-liboffloadmic + +maintainer-clean-target-liboffloadmic: + @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ + $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic"; \ + for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ + eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ + done; \ + (cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/liboffloadmic && \ + $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ + "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ + "RANLIB=$${RANLIB}" \ + "DLLTOOL=$${DLLTOOL}" "WINDRES=$${WINDRES}" "WINDMC=$${WINDMC}" \ + maintainer-clean) \ + || exit 1 + +@endif target-liboffloadmic + + + + + .PHONY: configure-target-libssp maybe-configure-target-libssp maybe-configure-target-libssp: @if gcc-bootstrap @@ -34162,8 +37587,8 @@ configure-target-libssp: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libssp..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -34175,7 +37600,7 @@ configure-target-libssp: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" || exit 1; \ @@ -34184,12 +37609,13 @@ configure-target-libssp: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libssp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libssp"; \ + module_srcdir=libssp; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libssp @@ -34274,11 +37700,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libssp: info-target-libssp info-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34300,11 +37726,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libssp: dvi-target-libssp dvi-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34326,11 +37752,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libssp: pdf-target-libssp pdf-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34352,11 +37778,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libssp: html-target-libssp html-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34378,11 +37804,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libssp: TAGS-target-libssp TAGS-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34405,11 +37831,11 @@ install-info-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp \ info-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34432,11 +37858,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp \ pdf-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34459,11 +37885,11 @@ install-html-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp \ html-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34485,11 +37911,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libssp: installcheck-target-libssp installcheck-target-libssp: \ configure-target-libssp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34510,11 +37936,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libssp: mostlyclean-target-libssp mostlyclean-target-libssp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34535,11 +37961,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libssp: clean-target-libssp clean-target-libssp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34560,11 +37986,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libssp: distclean-target-libssp distclean-target-libssp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34585,11 +38011,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libssp: maintainer-clean-target-libssp maintainer-clean-target-libssp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libssp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34619,8 +38045,8 @@ configure-target-newlib: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for newlib..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -34632,7 +38058,7 @@ configure-target-newlib: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" || exit 1; \ @@ -34641,12 +38067,13 @@ configure-target-newlib: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/newlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/newlib"; \ + module_srcdir=newlib; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-newlib @@ -34731,11 +38158,11 @@ maybe-info-target-newlib: info-target-newlib info-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34757,11 +38184,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-newlib: dvi-target-newlib dvi-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34783,11 +38210,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-newlib: pdf-target-newlib pdf-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34809,11 +38236,11 @@ maybe-html-target-newlib: html-target-newlib html-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34835,11 +38262,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-newlib: TAGS-target-newlib TAGS-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34862,11 +38289,11 @@ install-info-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib \ info-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34889,11 +38316,11 @@ install-pdf-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib \ pdf-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34916,11 +38343,11 @@ install-html-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib \ html-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34942,11 +38369,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-newlib: installcheck-target-newlib installcheck-target-newlib: \ configure-target-newlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34967,11 +38394,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-newlib: mostlyclean-target-newlib mostlyclean-target-newlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -34992,11 +38419,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-newlib: clean-target-newlib clean-target-newlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35017,11 +38444,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-newlib: distclean-target-newlib distclean-target-newlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35042,11 +38469,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-newlib: maintainer-clean-target-newlib maintainer-clean-target-newlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/newlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35075,8 +38502,8 @@ configure-target-libgcc: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgcc..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -35088,7 +38515,7 @@ configure-target-libgcc: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" || exit 1; \ @@ -35097,12 +38524,13 @@ configure-target-libgcc: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgcc"; \ + module_srcdir=libgcc; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libgcc @@ -35119,7 +38547,7 @@ configure-stage1-target-libgcc: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgcc..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -35135,19 +38563,20 @@ configure-stage1-target-libgcc: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgcc-bootstrap @@ -35162,7 +38591,7 @@ configure-stage2-target-libgcc: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgcc..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -35179,19 +38608,19 @@ configure-stage2-target-libgcc: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgcc-bootstrap @@ -35207,7 +38636,7 @@ configure-stage3-target-libgcc: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgcc..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -35224,19 +38653,19 @@ configure-stage3-target-libgcc: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgcc-bootstrap @@ -35252,7 +38681,7 @@ configure-stage4-target-libgcc: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgcc..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -35269,19 +38698,19 @@ configure-stage4-target-libgcc: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgcc-bootstrap @@ -35297,7 +38726,7 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libgcc: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgcc..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -35314,19 +38743,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libgcc: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgcc-bootstrap @@ -35342,7 +38771,7 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libgcc: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgcc..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -35359,19 +38788,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libgcc: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgcc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgcc"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgcc; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgcc-bootstrap @@ -35700,11 +39129,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libgcc: info-target-libgcc info-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35726,11 +39155,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libgcc: dvi-target-libgcc dvi-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35752,11 +39181,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libgcc: pdf-target-libgcc pdf-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35778,11 +39207,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libgcc: html-target-libgcc html-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35804,11 +39233,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libgcc: TAGS-target-libgcc TAGS-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35831,11 +39260,11 @@ install-info-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc \ info-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35858,11 +39287,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc \ pdf-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35885,11 +39314,11 @@ install-html-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc \ html-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35911,11 +39340,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libgcc: installcheck-target-libgcc installcheck-target-libgcc: \ configure-target-libgcc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35936,11 +39365,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libgcc: mostlyclean-target-libgcc mostlyclean-target-libgcc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35961,11 +39390,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libgcc: clean-target-libgcc clean-target-libgcc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -35986,11 +39415,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libgcc: distclean-target-libgcc distclean-target-libgcc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36011,11 +39440,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libgcc: maintainer-clean-target-libgcc maintainer-clean-target-libgcc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgcc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36045,8 +39474,8 @@ configure-target-libbacktrace: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libbacktrace..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -36058,7 +39487,7 @@ configure-target-libbacktrace: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" || exit 1; \ @@ -36067,12 +39496,13 @@ configure-target-libbacktrace: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libbacktrace"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libbacktrace"; \ + module_srcdir=libbacktrace; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libbacktrace @@ -36157,11 +39587,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libbacktrace: info-target-libbacktrace info-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36183,11 +39613,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libbacktrace: dvi-target-libbacktrace dvi-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36209,11 +39639,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libbacktrace: pdf-target-libbacktrace pdf-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36235,11 +39665,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libbacktrace: html-target-libbacktrace html-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36261,11 +39691,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libbacktrace: TAGS-target-libbacktrace TAGS-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36288,11 +39718,11 @@ install-info-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace \ info-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36315,11 +39745,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace \ pdf-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36342,11 +39772,11 @@ install-html-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace \ html-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36368,11 +39798,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libbacktrace: installcheck-target-libbacktrace installcheck-target-libbacktrace: \ configure-target-libbacktrace @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36393,11 +39823,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libbacktrace: mostlyclean-target-libbacktrace mostlyclean-target-libbacktrace: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36418,11 +39848,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libbacktrace: clean-target-libbacktrace clean-target-libbacktrace: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36443,11 +39873,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libbacktrace: distclean-target-libbacktrace distclean-target-libbacktrace: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36468,11 +39898,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libbacktrace: maintainer-clean-target-libbacktrace maintainer-clean-target-libbacktrace: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36502,8 +39932,8 @@ configure-target-libquadmath: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libquadmath..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -36515,7 +39945,7 @@ configure-target-libquadmath: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" || exit 1; \ @@ -36524,12 +39954,13 @@ configure-target-libquadmath: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libquadmath"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libquadmath"; \ + module_srcdir=libquadmath; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libquadmath @@ -36614,11 +40045,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libquadmath: info-target-libquadmath info-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36640,11 +40071,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libquadmath: dvi-target-libquadmath dvi-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36666,11 +40097,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libquadmath: pdf-target-libquadmath pdf-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36692,11 +40123,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libquadmath: html-target-libquadmath html-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36718,11 +40149,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libquadmath: TAGS-target-libquadmath TAGS-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36745,11 +40176,11 @@ install-info-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath \ info-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36772,11 +40203,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath \ pdf-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36799,11 +40230,11 @@ install-html-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath \ html-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36825,11 +40256,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libquadmath: installcheck-target-libquadmath installcheck-target-libquadmath: \ configure-target-libquadmath @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36850,11 +40281,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libquadmath: mostlyclean-target-libquadmath mostlyclean-target-libquadmath: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36875,11 +40306,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libquadmath: clean-target-libquadmath clean-target-libquadmath: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36900,11 +40331,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libquadmath: distclean-target-libquadmath distclean-target-libquadmath: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36925,11 +40356,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libquadmath: maintainer-clean-target-libquadmath maintainer-clean-target-libquadmath: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libquadmath"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -36959,8 +40390,8 @@ configure-target-libgfortran: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgfortran..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -36972,7 +40403,7 @@ configure-target-libgfortran: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" || exit 1; \ @@ -36981,12 +40412,13 @@ configure-target-libgfortran: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgfortran"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgfortran"; \ + module_srcdir=libgfortran; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libgfortran @@ -37071,11 +40503,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libgfortran: info-target-libgfortran info-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37097,11 +40529,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libgfortran: dvi-target-libgfortran dvi-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37123,11 +40555,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libgfortran: pdf-target-libgfortran pdf-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37149,11 +40581,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libgfortran: html-target-libgfortran html-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37175,11 +40607,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libgfortran: TAGS-target-libgfortran TAGS-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37202,11 +40634,11 @@ install-info-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran \ info-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37229,11 +40661,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran \ pdf-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37256,11 +40688,11 @@ install-html-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran \ html-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37282,11 +40714,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libgfortran: installcheck-target-libgfortran installcheck-target-libgfortran: \ configure-target-libgfortran @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37307,11 +40739,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libgfortran: mostlyclean-target-libgfortran mostlyclean-target-libgfortran: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37332,11 +40764,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libgfortran: clean-target-libgfortran clean-target-libgfortran: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37357,11 +40789,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libgfortran: distclean-target-libgfortran distclean-target-libgfortran: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37382,11 +40814,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libgfortran: maintainer-clean-target-libgfortran maintainer-clean-target-libgfortran: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgfortran"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37416,8 +40848,8 @@ configure-target-libobjc: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libobjc..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -37429,7 +40861,7 @@ configure-target-libobjc: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" || exit 1; \ @@ -37438,12 +40870,13 @@ configure-target-libobjc: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libobjc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libobjc"; \ + module_srcdir=libobjc; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libobjc @@ -37528,11 +40961,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libobjc: info-target-libobjc info-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37554,11 +40987,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libobjc: dvi-target-libobjc dvi-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37580,11 +41013,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libobjc: pdf-target-libobjc pdf-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37606,11 +41039,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libobjc: html-target-libobjc html-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37632,11 +41065,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libobjc: TAGS-target-libobjc TAGS-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37659,11 +41092,11 @@ install-info-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc \ info-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37686,11 +41119,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc \ pdf-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37713,11 +41146,11 @@ install-html-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc \ html-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37739,11 +41172,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libobjc: installcheck-target-libobjc installcheck-target-libobjc: \ configure-target-libobjc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37764,11 +41197,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libobjc: mostlyclean-target-libobjc mostlyclean-target-libobjc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37789,11 +41222,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libobjc: clean-target-libobjc clean-target-libobjc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37814,11 +41247,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libobjc: distclean-target-libobjc distclean-target-libobjc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37839,11 +41272,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libobjc: maintainer-clean-target-libobjc maintainer-clean-target-libobjc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libobjc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -37873,8 +41306,8 @@ configure-target-libgo: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgo..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -37886,7 +41319,7 @@ configure-target-libgo: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" || exit 1; \ @@ -37895,12 +41328,13 @@ configure-target-libgo: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgo"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgo"; \ + module_srcdir=libgo; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libgo @@ -37985,11 +41419,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libgo: info-target-libgo info-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38011,11 +41445,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libgo: dvi-target-libgo dvi-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38037,11 +41471,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libgo: pdf-target-libgo pdf-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38063,11 +41497,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libgo: html-target-libgo html-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38089,11 +41523,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libgo: TAGS-target-libgo TAGS-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38116,11 +41550,11 @@ install-info-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo \ info-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38143,11 +41577,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo \ pdf-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38170,11 +41604,11 @@ install-html-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo \ html-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38196,11 +41630,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libgo: installcheck-target-libgo installcheck-target-libgo: \ configure-target-libgo @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38221,11 +41655,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libgo: mostlyclean-target-libgo mostlyclean-target-libgo: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38246,11 +41680,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libgo: clean-target-libgo clean-target-libgo: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38271,11 +41705,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libgo: distclean-target-libgo distclean-target-libgo: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38296,11 +41730,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libgo: maintainer-clean-target-libgo maintainer-clean-target-libgo: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgo"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38330,8 +41764,8 @@ configure-target-libtermcap: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libtermcap..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -38343,7 +41777,7 @@ configure-target-libtermcap: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" || exit 1; \ @@ -38352,12 +41786,13 @@ configure-target-libtermcap: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libtermcap"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libtermcap"; \ + module_srcdir=libtermcap; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libtermcap @@ -38437,11 +41872,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libtermcap: info-target-libtermcap info-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38463,11 +41898,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libtermcap: dvi-target-libtermcap dvi-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38489,11 +41924,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libtermcap: pdf-target-libtermcap pdf-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38515,11 +41950,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libtermcap: html-target-libtermcap html-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38541,11 +41976,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libtermcap: TAGS-target-libtermcap TAGS-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38568,11 +42003,11 @@ install-info-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap \ info-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38595,11 +42030,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap \ pdf-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38622,11 +42057,11 @@ install-html-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap \ html-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38648,11 +42083,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libtermcap: installcheck-target-libtermcap installcheck-target-libtermcap: \ configure-target-libtermcap @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libtermcap"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38722,8 +42157,8 @@ configure-target-winsup: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for winsup..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -38735,7 +42170,7 @@ configure-target-winsup: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" || exit 1; \ @@ -38744,12 +42179,13 @@ configure-target-winsup: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/winsup"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/winsup"; \ + module_srcdir=winsup; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-winsup @@ -38834,11 +42270,11 @@ maybe-info-target-winsup: info-target-winsup info-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38860,11 +42296,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-winsup: dvi-target-winsup dvi-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38886,11 +42322,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-winsup: pdf-target-winsup pdf-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38912,11 +42348,11 @@ maybe-html-target-winsup: html-target-winsup html-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38938,11 +42374,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-winsup: TAGS-target-winsup TAGS-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38965,11 +42401,11 @@ install-info-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup \ info-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -38992,11 +42428,11 @@ install-pdf-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup \ pdf-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39019,11 +42455,11 @@ install-html-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup \ html-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39045,11 +42481,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-winsup: installcheck-target-winsup installcheck-target-winsup: \ configure-target-winsup @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39070,11 +42506,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-winsup: mostlyclean-target-winsup mostlyclean-target-winsup: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39095,11 +42531,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-winsup: clean-target-winsup clean-target-winsup: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39120,11 +42556,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-winsup: distclean-target-winsup distclean-target-winsup: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39145,11 +42581,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-winsup: maintainer-clean-target-winsup maintainer-clean-target-winsup: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/winsup"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39179,8 +42615,8 @@ configure-target-libgloss: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgloss..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -39192,7 +42628,7 @@ configure-target-libgloss: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" || exit 1; \ @@ -39201,12 +42637,13 @@ configure-target-libgloss: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgloss"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgloss"; \ + module_srcdir=libgloss; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libgloss @@ -39286,11 +42723,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libgloss: info-target-libgloss info-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39312,11 +42749,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libgloss: dvi-target-libgloss dvi-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39338,11 +42775,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libgloss: pdf-target-libgloss pdf-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39364,11 +42801,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libgloss: html-target-libgloss html-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39390,11 +42827,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libgloss: TAGS-target-libgloss TAGS-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39417,11 +42854,11 @@ install-info-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss \ info-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39444,11 +42881,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss \ pdf-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39471,11 +42908,11 @@ install-html-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss \ html-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39497,11 +42934,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libgloss: installcheck-target-libgloss installcheck-target-libgloss: \ configure-target-libgloss @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39522,11 +42959,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libgloss: mostlyclean-target-libgloss mostlyclean-target-libgloss: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39547,11 +42984,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libgloss: clean-target-libgloss clean-target-libgloss: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39572,11 +43009,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libgloss: distclean-target-libgloss distclean-target-libgloss: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39597,11 +43034,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libgloss: maintainer-clean-target-libgloss maintainer-clean-target-libgloss: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgloss"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39631,8 +43068,8 @@ configure-target-libffi: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libffi..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -39644,7 +43081,7 @@ configure-target-libffi: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" || exit 1; \ @@ -39653,12 +43090,13 @@ configure-target-libffi: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libffi"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libffi"; \ + module_srcdir=libffi; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libffi @@ -39733,11 +43171,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libffi: info-target-libffi info-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39759,11 +43197,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libffi: dvi-target-libffi dvi-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39785,11 +43223,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libffi: pdf-target-libffi pdf-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39811,11 +43249,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libffi: html-target-libffi html-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39837,11 +43275,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libffi: TAGS-target-libffi TAGS-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39864,11 +43302,11 @@ install-info-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi \ info-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39891,11 +43329,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi \ pdf-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39918,11 +43356,11 @@ install-html-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi \ html-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39944,11 +43382,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libffi: installcheck-target-libffi installcheck-target-libffi: \ configure-target-libffi @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39969,11 +43407,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libffi: mostlyclean-target-libffi mostlyclean-target-libffi: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -39994,11 +43432,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libffi: clean-target-libffi clean-target-libffi: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40019,11 +43457,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libffi: distclean-target-libffi distclean-target-libffi: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40044,11 +43482,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libffi: maintainer-clean-target-libffi maintainer-clean-target-libffi: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libffi"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40078,8 +43516,8 @@ configure-target-libjava: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libjava..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -40091,7 +43529,7 @@ configure-target-libjava: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" || exit 1; \ @@ -40100,12 +43538,13 @@ configure-target-libjava: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libjava"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libjava"; \ + module_srcdir=libjava; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} $(EXTRA_CONFIGARGS_LIBJAVA) \ + --target=${target_alias} $(EXTRA_CONFIGARGS_LIBJAVA) \ || exit 1 @endif target-libjava @@ -40190,11 +43629,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libjava: info-target-libjava info-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40216,11 +43655,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libjava: dvi-target-libjava dvi-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40242,11 +43681,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libjava: pdf-target-libjava pdf-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40268,11 +43707,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libjava: html-target-libjava html-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40294,11 +43733,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libjava: TAGS-target-libjava TAGS-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40321,11 +43760,11 @@ install-info-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava \ info-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40348,11 +43787,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava \ pdf-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40375,11 +43814,11 @@ install-html-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava \ html-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40401,11 +43840,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libjava: installcheck-target-libjava installcheck-target-libjava: \ configure-target-libjava @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40426,11 +43865,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libjava: mostlyclean-target-libjava mostlyclean-target-libjava: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40451,11 +43890,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libjava: clean-target-libjava clean-target-libjava: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40476,11 +43915,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libjava: distclean-target-libjava distclean-target-libjava: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40501,11 +43940,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libjava: maintainer-clean-target-libjava maintainer-clean-target-libjava: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(RAW_CXX_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libjava"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40535,8 +43974,8 @@ configure-target-zlib: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for zlib..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -40548,7 +43987,7 @@ configure-target-zlib: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" || exit 1; \ @@ -40557,12 +43996,13 @@ configure-target-zlib: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/zlib"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/zlib"; \ + module_srcdir=zlib; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-zlib @@ -40647,11 +44087,11 @@ maybe-info-target-zlib: info-target-zlib info-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40673,11 +44113,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-zlib: dvi-target-zlib dvi-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40699,11 +44139,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-zlib: pdf-target-zlib pdf-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40725,11 +44165,11 @@ maybe-html-target-zlib: html-target-zlib html-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40751,11 +44191,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-zlib: TAGS-target-zlib TAGS-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40778,11 +44218,11 @@ install-info-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib \ info-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40805,11 +44245,11 @@ install-pdf-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib \ pdf-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40832,11 +44272,11 @@ install-html-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib \ html-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40858,11 +44298,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-zlib: installcheck-target-zlib installcheck-target-zlib: \ configure-target-zlib @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40883,11 +44323,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-zlib: mostlyclean-target-zlib mostlyclean-target-zlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40908,11 +44348,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-zlib: clean-target-zlib clean-target-zlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40933,11 +44373,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-zlib: distclean-target-zlib distclean-target-zlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40958,11 +44398,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-zlib: maintainer-clean-target-zlib maintainer-clean-target-zlib: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/zlib"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -40992,8 +44432,8 @@ configure-target-boehm-gc: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for boehm-gc..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -41005,7 +44445,7 @@ configure-target-boehm-gc: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" || exit 1; \ @@ -41014,12 +44454,13 @@ configure-target-boehm-gc: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/boehm-gc"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/boehm-gc"; \ + module_srcdir=boehm-gc; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-boehm-gc @@ -41104,11 +44545,11 @@ maybe-info-target-boehm-gc: info-target-boehm-gc info-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41130,11 +44571,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-boehm-gc: dvi-target-boehm-gc dvi-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41156,11 +44597,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-boehm-gc: pdf-target-boehm-gc pdf-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41182,11 +44623,11 @@ maybe-html-target-boehm-gc: html-target-boehm-gc html-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41208,11 +44649,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-boehm-gc: TAGS-target-boehm-gc TAGS-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41235,11 +44676,11 @@ install-info-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc \ info-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41262,11 +44703,11 @@ install-pdf-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc \ pdf-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41289,11 +44730,11 @@ install-html-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc \ html-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41315,11 +44756,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-boehm-gc: installcheck-target-boehm-gc installcheck-target-boehm-gc: \ configure-target-boehm-gc @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41340,11 +44781,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-boehm-gc: mostlyclean-target-boehm-gc mostlyclean-target-boehm-gc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41365,11 +44806,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-boehm-gc: clean-target-boehm-gc clean-target-boehm-gc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41390,11 +44831,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-boehm-gc: distclean-target-boehm-gc distclean-target-boehm-gc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41415,11 +44856,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-boehm-gc: maintainer-clean-target-boehm-gc maintainer-clean-target-boehm-gc: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/boehm-gc"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41449,8 +44890,8 @@ configure-target-rda: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for rda..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -41462,7 +44903,7 @@ configure-target-rda: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" || exit 1; \ @@ -41471,12 +44912,13 @@ configure-target-rda: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/rda"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/rda"; \ + module_srcdir=rda; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-rda @@ -41561,11 +45003,11 @@ maybe-info-target-rda: info-target-rda info-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41587,11 +45029,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-rda: dvi-target-rda dvi-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41613,11 +45055,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-rda: pdf-target-rda pdf-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41639,11 +45081,11 @@ maybe-html-target-rda: html-target-rda html-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41665,11 +45107,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-rda: TAGS-target-rda TAGS-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41692,11 +45134,11 @@ install-info-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda \ info-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41719,11 +45161,11 @@ install-pdf-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda \ pdf-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41746,11 +45188,11 @@ install-html-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda \ html-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41772,11 +45214,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-rda: installcheck-target-rda installcheck-target-rda: \ configure-target-rda @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41797,11 +45239,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-rda: mostlyclean-target-rda mostlyclean-target-rda: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41822,11 +45264,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-rda: clean-target-rda clean-target-rda: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41847,11 +45289,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-rda: distclean-target-rda distclean-target-rda: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41872,11 +45314,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-rda: maintainer-clean-target-rda maintainer-clean-target-rda: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/rda"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -41906,8 +45348,8 @@ configure-target-libada: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libada..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -41919,7 +45361,7 @@ configure-target-libada: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" || exit 1; \ @@ -41928,12 +45370,13 @@ configure-target-libada: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libada"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libada"; \ + module_srcdir=libada; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libada @@ -42018,11 +45461,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libada: info-target-libada info-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42044,11 +45487,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libada: dvi-target-libada dvi-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42070,11 +45513,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libada: pdf-target-libada pdf-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42096,11 +45539,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libada: html-target-libada html-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42122,11 +45565,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libada: TAGS-target-libada TAGS-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42149,11 +45592,11 @@ install-info-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada \ info-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42176,11 +45619,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada \ pdf-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42203,11 +45646,11 @@ install-html-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada \ html-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42229,11 +45672,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libada: installcheck-target-libada installcheck-target-libada: \ configure-target-libada @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42254,11 +45697,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libada: mostlyclean-target-libada mostlyclean-target-libada: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42279,11 +45722,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libada: clean-target-libada clean-target-libada: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42304,11 +45747,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libada: distclean-target-libada distclean-target-libada: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42329,11 +45772,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libada: maintainer-clean-target-libada maintainer-clean-target-libada: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libada"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -42362,8 +45805,8 @@ configure-target-libgomp: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgomp..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -42375,7 +45818,7 @@ configure-target-libgomp: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" || exit 1; \ @@ -42384,12 +45827,13 @@ configure-target-libgomp: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgomp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgomp"; \ + module_srcdir=libgomp; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libgomp @@ -42406,7 +45850,7 @@ configure-stage1-target-libgomp: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE1_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgomp..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -42422,19 +45866,20 @@ configure-stage1-target-libgomp: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 1 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgomp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgomp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ + \ $(STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgomp-bootstrap @@ -42449,7 +45894,7 @@ configure-stage2-target-libgomp: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE2_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgomp..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -42466,19 +45911,19 @@ configure-stage2-target-libgomp: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 2 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgomp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgomp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE2_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgomp-bootstrap @@ -42494,7 +45939,7 @@ configure-stage3-target-libgomp: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE3_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgomp..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -42511,19 +45956,19 @@ configure-stage3-target-libgomp: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 3 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgomp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgomp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE3_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgomp-bootstrap @@ -42539,7 +45984,7 @@ configure-stage4-target-libgomp: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGE4_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgomp..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -42556,19 +46001,19 @@ configure-stage4-target-libgomp: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ + echo Configuring stage 4 in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgomp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgomp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGE4_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgomp-bootstrap @@ -42584,7 +46029,7 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libgomp: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEprofile_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgomp..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -42601,19 +46046,19 @@ configure-stageprofile-target-libgomp: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ + echo Configuring stage profile in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgomp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgomp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEprofile_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgomp-bootstrap @@ -42629,7 +46074,7 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libgomp: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ TFLAGS="$(STAGEfeedback_TFLAGS)"; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libgomp..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -42646,19 +46091,19 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libgomp: CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CFLAGS; \ CXXFLAGS="$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export CXXFLAGS; \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIBCFLAGS; \ - echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp ; \ + echo Configuring stage feedback in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp; \ cd $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libgomp"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libgomp"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=libgomp; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) \ $(STAGEfeedback_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) @endif target-libgomp-bootstrap @@ -42992,11 +46437,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libgomp: info-target-libgomp info-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43018,11 +46463,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libgomp: dvi-target-libgomp dvi-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43044,11 +46489,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libgomp: pdf-target-libgomp pdf-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43070,11 +46515,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libgomp: html-target-libgomp html-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43096,11 +46541,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libgomp: TAGS-target-libgomp TAGS-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43123,11 +46568,11 @@ install-info-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp \ info-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43150,11 +46595,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp \ pdf-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43177,11 +46622,11 @@ install-html-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp \ html-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43203,11 +46648,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libgomp: installcheck-target-libgomp installcheck-target-libgomp: \ configure-target-libgomp @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43228,11 +46673,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libgomp: mostlyclean-target-libgomp mostlyclean-target-libgomp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43253,11 +46698,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libgomp: clean-target-libgomp clean-target-libgomp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43278,11 +46723,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libgomp: distclean-target-libgomp distclean-target-libgomp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43303,11 +46748,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libgomp: maintainer-clean-target-libgomp maintainer-clean-target-libgomp: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libgomp"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43337,8 +46782,8 @@ configure-target-libitm: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libitm..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -43350,7 +46795,7 @@ configure-target-libitm: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" || exit 1; \ @@ -43359,12 +46804,13 @@ configure-target-libitm: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libitm"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libitm"; \ + module_srcdir=libitm; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libitm @@ -43449,11 +46895,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libitm: info-target-libitm info-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43475,11 +46921,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libitm: dvi-target-libitm dvi-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43501,11 +46947,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libitm: pdf-target-libitm pdf-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43527,11 +46973,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libitm: html-target-libitm html-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43553,11 +46999,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libitm: TAGS-target-libitm TAGS-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43580,11 +47026,11 @@ install-info-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm \ info-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43607,11 +47053,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm \ pdf-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43634,11 +47080,11 @@ install-html-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm \ html-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43660,11 +47106,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libitm: installcheck-target-libitm installcheck-target-libitm: \ configure-target-libitm @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43685,11 +47131,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libitm: mostlyclean-target-libitm mostlyclean-target-libitm: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43710,11 +47156,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libitm: clean-target-libitm clean-target-libitm: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43735,11 +47181,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libitm: distclean-target-libitm distclean-target-libitm: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43760,11 +47206,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libitm: maintainer-clean-target-libitm maintainer-clean-target-libitm: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libitm"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43794,8 +47240,8 @@ configure-target-libatomic: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Checking multilib configuration for libatomic..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.out; then \ rm -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -43807,7 +47253,7 @@ configure-target-libatomic: mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.tmp $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/multilib.out; \ fi; \ test ! -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ echo Configuring in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic; \ cd "$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" || exit 1; \ @@ -43816,12 +47262,13 @@ configure-target-libatomic: *) topdir=`echo $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/libatomic"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/libatomic"; \ + module_srcdir=libatomic; \ rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file $(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ $(TARGET_CONFIGARGS) --build=${build_alias} --host=${target_alias} \ - --target=${target_alias} $${srcdiroption} \ + --target=${target_alias} \ || exit 1 @endif target-libatomic @@ -43906,11 +47353,11 @@ maybe-info-target-libatomic: info-target-libatomic info-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43932,11 +47379,11 @@ maybe-dvi-target-libatomic: dvi-target-libatomic dvi-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing dvi in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43958,11 +47405,11 @@ maybe-pdf-target-libatomic: pdf-target-libatomic pdf-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -43984,11 +47431,11 @@ maybe-html-target-libatomic: html-target-libatomic html-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44010,11 +47457,11 @@ maybe-TAGS-target-libatomic: TAGS-target-libatomic TAGS-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing TAGS in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44037,11 +47484,11 @@ install-info-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic \ info-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing install-info in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44064,11 +47511,11 @@ install-pdf-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic \ pdf-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing install-pdf in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44091,11 +47538,11 @@ install-html-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic \ html-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing install-html in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44117,11 +47564,11 @@ maybe-installcheck-target-libatomic: installcheck-target-libatomic installcheck-target-libatomic: \ configure-target-libatomic @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing installcheck in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44142,11 +47589,11 @@ maybe-mostlyclean-target-libatomic: mostlyclean-target-libatomic mostlyclean-target-libatomic: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing mostlyclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44167,11 +47614,11 @@ maybe-clean-target-libatomic: clean-target-libatomic clean-target-libatomic: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44192,11 +47639,11 @@ maybe-distclean-target-libatomic: distclean-target-libatomic distclean-target-libatomic: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing distclean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44217,11 +47664,11 @@ maybe-maintainer-clean-target-libatomic: maintainer-clean-target-libatomic maintainer-clean-target-libatomic: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \ - echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic" ; \ + echo "Doing maintainer-clean in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libatomic"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -44237,13 +47684,6 @@ maintainer-clean-target-libatomic: -@if target-libmudflap -.PHONY: check-target-libmudflap-c++ -check-target-libmudflap-c++: - $(MAKE) RUNTESTFLAGS="$(RUNTESTFLAGS) c++frags.exp" check-target-libmudflap - -@endif target-libmudflap - @if target-libgomp .PHONY: check-target-libgomp-c++ check-target-libgomp-c++: @@ -44271,7 +47711,7 @@ cross: all-build all-gas all-ld echo "Building the C and C++ compiler"; \ cd gcc && $(MAKE) $(GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS) LANGUAGES="c c++" @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}` ; export s; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Building runtime libraries"; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) LANGUAGES="c c++" all @endif gcc-no-bootstrap @@ -44292,7 +47732,7 @@ check-gcc-c++: s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd gcc && $(MAKE) $(GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS) check-c++); -check-c++: check-gcc-c++ check-target-libstdc++-v3 check-target-libmudflap-c++ check-target-libitm-c++ check-target-libgomp-c++ +check-c++: check-gcc-c++ check-target-libstdc++-v3 check-target-libitm-c++ check-target-libgomp-c++ .PHONY: check-gcc-fortran check-fortran check-gcc-fortran: @@ -44411,216 +47851,236 @@ objext = .o stage1-start:: @: $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - echo stage1 > stage_current ; \ + echo stage1 > stage_current; \ echo stage1 > stage_last; \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR) @if bfd @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-bfd ] || \ mkdir stage1-bfd; \ - mv stage1-bfd bfd + mv stage1-bfd bfd @endif bfd @if opcodes @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-opcodes ] || \ mkdir stage1-opcodes; \ - mv stage1-opcodes opcodes + mv stage1-opcodes opcodes @endif opcodes @if binutils @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-binutils ] || \ mkdir stage1-binutils; \ - mv stage1-binutils binutils + mv stage1-binutils binutils @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-fixincludes ] || \ + mkdir stage1-fixincludes; \ + mv stage1-fixincludes fixincludes +@endif fixincludes @if gas @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-gas ] || \ mkdir stage1-gas; \ - mv stage1-gas gas + mv stage1-gas gas @endif gas @if gcc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-gcc ] || \ mkdir stage1-gcc; \ - mv stage1-gcc gcc + mv stage1-gcc gcc @endif gcc @if gmp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-gmp ] || \ mkdir stage1-gmp; \ - mv stage1-gmp gmp + mv stage1-gmp gmp @endif gmp @if mpfr @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-mpfr ] || \ mkdir stage1-mpfr; \ - mv stage1-mpfr mpfr + mv stage1-mpfr mpfr @endif mpfr @if mpc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-mpc ] || \ mkdir stage1-mpc; \ - mv stage1-mpc mpc + mv stage1-mpc mpc @endif mpc @if isl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-isl ] || \ mkdir stage1-isl; \ - mv stage1-isl isl + mv stage1-isl isl @endif isl -@if cloog - @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-cloog ] || \ - mkdir stage1-cloog; \ - mv stage1-cloog cloog -@endif cloog @if libelf @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-libelf ] || \ mkdir stage1-libelf; \ - mv stage1-libelf libelf + mv stage1-libelf libelf @endif libelf @if gold @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-gold ] || \ mkdir stage1-gold; \ - mv stage1-gold gold + mv stage1-gold gold @endif gold @if intl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-intl ] || \ mkdir stage1-intl; \ - mv stage1-intl intl + mv stage1-intl intl @endif intl @if ld @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-ld ] || \ mkdir stage1-ld; \ - mv stage1-ld ld + mv stage1-ld ld @endif ld @if libbacktrace @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-libbacktrace ] || \ mkdir stage1-libbacktrace; \ - mv stage1-libbacktrace libbacktrace + mv stage1-libbacktrace libbacktrace @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-libcpp ] || \ mkdir stage1-libcpp; \ - mv stage1-libcpp libcpp + mv stage1-libcpp libcpp @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-libdecnumber ] || \ mkdir stage1-libdecnumber; \ - mv stage1-libdecnumber libdecnumber + mv stage1-libdecnumber libdecnumber @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-libiberty ] || \ mkdir stage1-libiberty; \ - mv stage1-libiberty libiberty + mv stage1-libiberty libiberty @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin ] || \ + mkdir stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin libiberty-linker-plugin +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-libiconv ] || \ + mkdir stage1-libiconv; \ + mv stage1-libiconv libiconv +@endif libiconv @if zlib @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-zlib ] || \ mkdir stage1-zlib; \ - mv stage1-zlib zlib + mv stage1-zlib zlib @endif zlib @if lto-plugin @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage1-lto-plugin ] || \ mkdir stage1-lto-plugin; \ - mv stage1-lto-plugin lto-plugin + mv stage1-lto-plugin lto-plugin @endif lto-plugin @[ -d stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \ mkdir stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ - mv stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) + mv stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage1-end:: @if bfd - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage1-bfd ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage1-bfd; \ fi @endif bfd @if opcodes - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage1-opcodes ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage1-opcodes; \ fi @endif opcodes @if binutils - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage1-binutils ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage1-binutils; \ fi @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv fixincludes stage1-fixincludes; \ + fi +@endif fixincludes @if gas - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage1-gas ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage1-gas; \ fi @endif gas @if gcc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage1-gcc ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage1-gcc; \ fi @endif gcc @if gmp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage1-gmp ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage1-gmp; \ fi @endif gmp @if mpfr - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage1-mpfr ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage1-mpfr; \ fi @endif mpfr @if mpc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage1-mpc ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage1-mpc; \ fi @endif mpc @if isl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage1-isl ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage1-isl; \ fi @endif isl -@if cloog - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv cloog stage1-cloog ; \ - fi -@endif cloog @if libelf - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage1-libelf ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage1-libelf; \ fi @endif libelf @if gold - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage1-gold ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage1-gold; \ fi @endif gold @if intl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage1-intl ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage1-intl; \ fi @endif intl @if ld - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage1-ld ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage1-ld; \ fi @endif ld @if libbacktrace - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage1-libbacktrace ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage1-libbacktrace; \ fi @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage1-libcpp ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage1-libcpp; \ fi @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage1-libdecnumber ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage1-libdecnumber; \ fi @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage1-libiberty ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage1-libiberty; \ fi @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty-linker-plugin stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + fi +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiconv stage1-libiconv; \ + fi +@endif libiconv @if zlib - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage1-zlib ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage1-zlib; \ fi @endif zlib @if lto-plugin - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage1-lto-plugin ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage1-lto-plugin; \ fi @endif lto-plugin - @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ + @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR); then \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ fi rm -f stage_current @@ -44631,8 +48091,8 @@ stage1-end:: stage1-bubble:: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if test -f stage1-lean ; then \ - echo Skipping rebuild of stage1 ; \ + if test -f stage1-lean ; then \ + echo Skipping rebuild of stage1; \ else \ $(MAKE) stage1-start; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stage1; \ @@ -44664,258 +48124,282 @@ distclean-stage1:: stage2-start:: @: $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - echo stage2 > stage_current ; \ + echo stage2 > stage_current; \ echo stage2 > stage_last; \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR) @if bfd @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-bfd ] || \ mkdir stage2-bfd; \ - mv stage2-bfd bfd ; \ + mv stage2-bfd bfd; \ mv stage1-bfd prev-bfd || test -f stage1-lean @endif bfd @if opcodes @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-opcodes ] || \ mkdir stage2-opcodes; \ - mv stage2-opcodes opcodes ; \ + mv stage2-opcodes opcodes; \ mv stage1-opcodes prev-opcodes || test -f stage1-lean @endif opcodes @if binutils @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-binutils ] || \ mkdir stage2-binutils; \ - mv stage2-binutils binutils ; \ + mv stage2-binutils binutils; \ mv stage1-binutils prev-binutils || test -f stage1-lean @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-fixincludes ] || \ + mkdir stage2-fixincludes; \ + mv stage2-fixincludes fixincludes; \ + mv stage1-fixincludes prev-fixincludes || test -f stage1-lean +@endif fixincludes @if gas @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-gas ] || \ mkdir stage2-gas; \ - mv stage2-gas gas ; \ + mv stage2-gas gas; \ mv stage1-gas prev-gas || test -f stage1-lean @endif gas @if gcc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-gcc ] || \ mkdir stage2-gcc; \ - mv stage2-gcc gcc ; \ + mv stage2-gcc gcc; \ mv stage1-gcc prev-gcc || test -f stage1-lean @endif gcc @if gmp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-gmp ] || \ mkdir stage2-gmp; \ - mv stage2-gmp gmp ; \ + mv stage2-gmp gmp; \ mv stage1-gmp prev-gmp || test -f stage1-lean @endif gmp @if mpfr @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-mpfr ] || \ mkdir stage2-mpfr; \ - mv stage2-mpfr mpfr ; \ + mv stage2-mpfr mpfr; \ mv stage1-mpfr prev-mpfr || test -f stage1-lean @endif mpfr @if mpc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-mpc ] || \ mkdir stage2-mpc; \ - mv stage2-mpc mpc ; \ + mv stage2-mpc mpc; \ mv stage1-mpc prev-mpc || test -f stage1-lean @endif mpc @if isl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-isl ] || \ mkdir stage2-isl; \ - mv stage2-isl isl ; \ + mv stage2-isl isl; \ mv stage1-isl prev-isl || test -f stage1-lean @endif isl -@if cloog - @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-cloog ] || \ - mkdir stage2-cloog; \ - mv stage2-cloog cloog ; \ - mv stage1-cloog prev-cloog || test -f stage1-lean -@endif cloog @if libelf @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-libelf ] || \ mkdir stage2-libelf; \ - mv stage2-libelf libelf ; \ + mv stage2-libelf libelf; \ mv stage1-libelf prev-libelf || test -f stage1-lean @endif libelf @if gold @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-gold ] || \ mkdir stage2-gold; \ - mv stage2-gold gold ; \ + mv stage2-gold gold; \ mv stage1-gold prev-gold || test -f stage1-lean @endif gold @if intl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-intl ] || \ mkdir stage2-intl; \ - mv stage2-intl intl ; \ + mv stage2-intl intl; \ mv stage1-intl prev-intl || test -f stage1-lean @endif intl @if ld @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-ld ] || \ mkdir stage2-ld; \ - mv stage2-ld ld ; \ + mv stage2-ld ld; \ mv stage1-ld prev-ld || test -f stage1-lean @endif ld @if libbacktrace @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-libbacktrace ] || \ mkdir stage2-libbacktrace; \ - mv stage2-libbacktrace libbacktrace ; \ + mv stage2-libbacktrace libbacktrace; \ mv stage1-libbacktrace prev-libbacktrace || test -f stage1-lean @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-libcpp ] || \ mkdir stage2-libcpp; \ - mv stage2-libcpp libcpp ; \ + mv stage2-libcpp libcpp; \ mv stage1-libcpp prev-libcpp || test -f stage1-lean @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-libdecnumber ] || \ mkdir stage2-libdecnumber; \ - mv stage2-libdecnumber libdecnumber ; \ + mv stage2-libdecnumber libdecnumber; \ mv stage1-libdecnumber prev-libdecnumber || test -f stage1-lean @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-libiberty ] || \ mkdir stage2-libiberty; \ - mv stage2-libiberty libiberty ; \ + mv stage2-libiberty libiberty; \ mv stage1-libiberty prev-libiberty || test -f stage1-lean @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin ] || \ + mkdir stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin prev-libiberty-linker-plugin || test -f stage1-lean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-libiconv ] || \ + mkdir stage2-libiconv; \ + mv stage2-libiconv libiconv; \ + mv stage1-libiconv prev-libiconv || test -f stage1-lean +@endif libiconv @if zlib @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-zlib ] || \ mkdir stage2-zlib; \ - mv stage2-zlib zlib ; \ + mv stage2-zlib zlib; \ mv stage1-zlib prev-zlib || test -f stage1-lean @endif zlib @if lto-plugin @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage2-lto-plugin ] || \ mkdir stage2-lto-plugin; \ - mv stage2-lto-plugin lto-plugin ; \ + mv stage2-lto-plugin lto-plugin; \ mv stage1-lto-plugin prev-lto-plugin || test -f stage1-lean @endif lto-plugin @[ -d stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \ mkdir stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ - mv stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ + mv stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ mv stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) || test -f stage1-lean stage2-end:: @if bfd - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage2-bfd ; \ - mv prev-bfd stage1-bfd ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage2-bfd; \ + mv prev-bfd stage1-bfd; : ; \ fi @endif bfd @if opcodes - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage2-opcodes ; \ - mv prev-opcodes stage1-opcodes ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage2-opcodes; \ + mv prev-opcodes stage1-opcodes; : ; \ fi @endif opcodes @if binutils - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage2-binutils ; \ - mv prev-binutils stage1-binutils ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage2-binutils; \ + mv prev-binutils stage1-binutils; : ; \ fi @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv fixincludes stage2-fixincludes; \ + mv prev-fixincludes stage1-fixincludes; : ; \ + fi +@endif fixincludes @if gas - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage2-gas ; \ - mv prev-gas stage1-gas ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage2-gas; \ + mv prev-gas stage1-gas; : ; \ fi @endif gas @if gcc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage2-gcc ; \ - mv prev-gcc stage1-gcc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage2-gcc; \ + mv prev-gcc stage1-gcc; : ; \ fi @endif gcc @if gmp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage2-gmp ; \ - mv prev-gmp stage1-gmp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage2-gmp; \ + mv prev-gmp stage1-gmp; : ; \ fi @endif gmp @if mpfr - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage2-mpfr ; \ - mv prev-mpfr stage1-mpfr ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage2-mpfr; \ + mv prev-mpfr stage1-mpfr; : ; \ fi @endif mpfr @if mpc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage2-mpc ; \ - mv prev-mpc stage1-mpc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage2-mpc; \ + mv prev-mpc stage1-mpc; : ; \ fi @endif mpc @if isl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage2-isl ; \ - mv prev-isl stage1-isl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage2-isl; \ + mv prev-isl stage1-isl; : ; \ fi @endif isl -@if cloog - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv cloog stage2-cloog ; \ - mv prev-cloog stage1-cloog ; : ; \ - fi -@endif cloog @if libelf - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage2-libelf ; \ - mv prev-libelf stage1-libelf ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage2-libelf; \ + mv prev-libelf stage1-libelf; : ; \ fi @endif libelf @if gold - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage2-gold ; \ - mv prev-gold stage1-gold ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage2-gold; \ + mv prev-gold stage1-gold; : ; \ fi @endif gold @if intl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage2-intl ; \ - mv prev-intl stage1-intl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage2-intl; \ + mv prev-intl stage1-intl; : ; \ fi @endif intl @if ld - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage2-ld ; \ - mv prev-ld stage1-ld ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage2-ld; \ + mv prev-ld stage1-ld; : ; \ fi @endif ld @if libbacktrace - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage2-libbacktrace ; \ - mv prev-libbacktrace stage1-libbacktrace ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage2-libbacktrace; \ + mv prev-libbacktrace stage1-libbacktrace; : ; \ fi @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage2-libcpp ; \ - mv prev-libcpp stage1-libcpp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage2-libcpp; \ + mv prev-libcpp stage1-libcpp; : ; \ fi @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage2-libdecnumber ; \ - mv prev-libdecnumber stage1-libdecnumber ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage2-libdecnumber; \ + mv prev-libdecnumber stage1-libdecnumber; : ; \ fi @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage2-libiberty ; \ - mv prev-libiberty stage1-libiberty ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage2-libiberty; \ + mv prev-libiberty stage1-libiberty; : ; \ fi @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty-linker-plugin stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv prev-libiberty-linker-plugin stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiconv stage2-libiconv; \ + mv prev-libiconv stage1-libiconv; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiconv @if zlib - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage2-zlib ; \ - mv prev-zlib stage1-zlib ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage2-zlib; \ + mv prev-zlib stage1-zlib; : ; \ fi @endif zlib @if lto-plugin - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage2-lto-plugin ; \ - mv prev-lto-plugin stage1-lto-plugin ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage2-lto-plugin; \ + mv prev-lto-plugin stage1-lto-plugin; : ; \ fi @endif lto-plugin - @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ - mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR); then \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ + mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); : ; \ fi rm -f stage_current @@ -44926,8 +48410,8 @@ stage2-end:: stage2-bubble:: stage1-bubble @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if test -f stage2-lean || test -f stage1-lean ; then \ - echo Skipping rebuild of stage2 ; \ + if test -f stage2-lean || test -f stage1-lean ; then \ + echo Skipping rebuild of stage2; \ else \ $(MAKE) stage2-start; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stage2; \ @@ -44982,258 +48466,282 @@ distclean-stage2:: stage3-start:: @: $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - echo stage3 > stage_current ; \ + echo stage3 > stage_current; \ echo stage3 > stage_last; \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR) @if bfd @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-bfd ] || \ mkdir stage3-bfd; \ - mv stage3-bfd bfd ; \ + mv stage3-bfd bfd; \ mv stage2-bfd prev-bfd || test -f stage2-lean @endif bfd @if opcodes @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-opcodes ] || \ mkdir stage3-opcodes; \ - mv stage3-opcodes opcodes ; \ + mv stage3-opcodes opcodes; \ mv stage2-opcodes prev-opcodes || test -f stage2-lean @endif opcodes @if binutils @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-binutils ] || \ mkdir stage3-binutils; \ - mv stage3-binutils binutils ; \ + mv stage3-binutils binutils; \ mv stage2-binutils prev-binutils || test -f stage2-lean @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-fixincludes ] || \ + mkdir stage3-fixincludes; \ + mv stage3-fixincludes fixincludes; \ + mv stage2-fixincludes prev-fixincludes || test -f stage2-lean +@endif fixincludes @if gas @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-gas ] || \ mkdir stage3-gas; \ - mv stage3-gas gas ; \ + mv stage3-gas gas; \ mv stage2-gas prev-gas || test -f stage2-lean @endif gas @if gcc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-gcc ] || \ mkdir stage3-gcc; \ - mv stage3-gcc gcc ; \ + mv stage3-gcc gcc; \ mv stage2-gcc prev-gcc || test -f stage2-lean @endif gcc @if gmp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-gmp ] || \ mkdir stage3-gmp; \ - mv stage3-gmp gmp ; \ + mv stage3-gmp gmp; \ mv stage2-gmp prev-gmp || test -f stage2-lean @endif gmp @if mpfr @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-mpfr ] || \ mkdir stage3-mpfr; \ - mv stage3-mpfr mpfr ; \ + mv stage3-mpfr mpfr; \ mv stage2-mpfr prev-mpfr || test -f stage2-lean @endif mpfr @if mpc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-mpc ] || \ mkdir stage3-mpc; \ - mv stage3-mpc mpc ; \ + mv stage3-mpc mpc; \ mv stage2-mpc prev-mpc || test -f stage2-lean @endif mpc @if isl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-isl ] || \ mkdir stage3-isl; \ - mv stage3-isl isl ; \ + mv stage3-isl isl; \ mv stage2-isl prev-isl || test -f stage2-lean @endif isl -@if cloog - @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-cloog ] || \ - mkdir stage3-cloog; \ - mv stage3-cloog cloog ; \ - mv stage2-cloog prev-cloog || test -f stage2-lean -@endif cloog @if libelf @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-libelf ] || \ mkdir stage3-libelf; \ - mv stage3-libelf libelf ; \ + mv stage3-libelf libelf; \ mv stage2-libelf prev-libelf || test -f stage2-lean @endif libelf @if gold @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-gold ] || \ mkdir stage3-gold; \ - mv stage3-gold gold ; \ + mv stage3-gold gold; \ mv stage2-gold prev-gold || test -f stage2-lean @endif gold @if intl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-intl ] || \ mkdir stage3-intl; \ - mv stage3-intl intl ; \ + mv stage3-intl intl; \ mv stage2-intl prev-intl || test -f stage2-lean @endif intl @if ld @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-ld ] || \ mkdir stage3-ld; \ - mv stage3-ld ld ; \ + mv stage3-ld ld; \ mv stage2-ld prev-ld || test -f stage2-lean @endif ld @if libbacktrace @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-libbacktrace ] || \ mkdir stage3-libbacktrace; \ - mv stage3-libbacktrace libbacktrace ; \ + mv stage3-libbacktrace libbacktrace; \ mv stage2-libbacktrace prev-libbacktrace || test -f stage2-lean @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-libcpp ] || \ mkdir stage3-libcpp; \ - mv stage3-libcpp libcpp ; \ + mv stage3-libcpp libcpp; \ mv stage2-libcpp prev-libcpp || test -f stage2-lean @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-libdecnumber ] || \ mkdir stage3-libdecnumber; \ - mv stage3-libdecnumber libdecnumber ; \ + mv stage3-libdecnumber libdecnumber; \ mv stage2-libdecnumber prev-libdecnumber || test -f stage2-lean @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-libiberty ] || \ mkdir stage3-libiberty; \ - mv stage3-libiberty libiberty ; \ + mv stage3-libiberty libiberty; \ mv stage2-libiberty prev-libiberty || test -f stage2-lean @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin ] || \ + mkdir stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin prev-libiberty-linker-plugin || test -f stage2-lean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-libiconv ] || \ + mkdir stage3-libiconv; \ + mv stage3-libiconv libiconv; \ + mv stage2-libiconv prev-libiconv || test -f stage2-lean +@endif libiconv @if zlib @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-zlib ] || \ mkdir stage3-zlib; \ - mv stage3-zlib zlib ; \ + mv stage3-zlib zlib; \ mv stage2-zlib prev-zlib || test -f stage2-lean @endif zlib @if lto-plugin @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage3-lto-plugin ] || \ mkdir stage3-lto-plugin; \ - mv stage3-lto-plugin lto-plugin ; \ + mv stage3-lto-plugin lto-plugin; \ mv stage2-lto-plugin prev-lto-plugin || test -f stage2-lean @endif lto-plugin @[ -d stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \ mkdir stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ - mv stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ + mv stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ mv stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) || test -f stage2-lean stage3-end:: @if bfd - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage3-bfd ; \ - mv prev-bfd stage2-bfd ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage3-bfd; \ + mv prev-bfd stage2-bfd; : ; \ fi @endif bfd @if opcodes - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage3-opcodes ; \ - mv prev-opcodes stage2-opcodes ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage3-opcodes; \ + mv prev-opcodes stage2-opcodes; : ; \ fi @endif opcodes @if binutils - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage3-binutils ; \ - mv prev-binutils stage2-binutils ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage3-binutils; \ + mv prev-binutils stage2-binutils; : ; \ fi @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv fixincludes stage3-fixincludes; \ + mv prev-fixincludes stage2-fixincludes; : ; \ + fi +@endif fixincludes @if gas - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage3-gas ; \ - mv prev-gas stage2-gas ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage3-gas; \ + mv prev-gas stage2-gas; : ; \ fi @endif gas @if gcc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage3-gcc ; \ - mv prev-gcc stage2-gcc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage3-gcc; \ + mv prev-gcc stage2-gcc; : ; \ fi @endif gcc @if gmp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage3-gmp ; \ - mv prev-gmp stage2-gmp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage3-gmp; \ + mv prev-gmp stage2-gmp; : ; \ fi @endif gmp @if mpfr - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage3-mpfr ; \ - mv prev-mpfr stage2-mpfr ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage3-mpfr; \ + mv prev-mpfr stage2-mpfr; : ; \ fi @endif mpfr @if mpc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage3-mpc ; \ - mv prev-mpc stage2-mpc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage3-mpc; \ + mv prev-mpc stage2-mpc; : ; \ fi @endif mpc @if isl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage3-isl ; \ - mv prev-isl stage2-isl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage3-isl; \ + mv prev-isl stage2-isl; : ; \ fi @endif isl -@if cloog - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv cloog stage3-cloog ; \ - mv prev-cloog stage2-cloog ; : ; \ - fi -@endif cloog @if libelf - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage3-libelf ; \ - mv prev-libelf stage2-libelf ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage3-libelf; \ + mv prev-libelf stage2-libelf; : ; \ fi @endif libelf @if gold - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage3-gold ; \ - mv prev-gold stage2-gold ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage3-gold; \ + mv prev-gold stage2-gold; : ; \ fi @endif gold @if intl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage3-intl ; \ - mv prev-intl stage2-intl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage3-intl; \ + mv prev-intl stage2-intl; : ; \ fi @endif intl @if ld - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage3-ld ; \ - mv prev-ld stage2-ld ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage3-ld; \ + mv prev-ld stage2-ld; : ; \ fi @endif ld @if libbacktrace - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage3-libbacktrace ; \ - mv prev-libbacktrace stage2-libbacktrace ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage3-libbacktrace; \ + mv prev-libbacktrace stage2-libbacktrace; : ; \ fi @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage3-libcpp ; \ - mv prev-libcpp stage2-libcpp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage3-libcpp; \ + mv prev-libcpp stage2-libcpp; : ; \ fi @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage3-libdecnumber ; \ - mv prev-libdecnumber stage2-libdecnumber ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage3-libdecnumber; \ + mv prev-libdecnumber stage2-libdecnumber; : ; \ fi @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage3-libiberty ; \ - mv prev-libiberty stage2-libiberty ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage3-libiberty; \ + mv prev-libiberty stage2-libiberty; : ; \ fi @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty-linker-plugin stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv prev-libiberty-linker-plugin stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiconv stage3-libiconv; \ + mv prev-libiconv stage2-libiconv; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiconv @if zlib - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage3-zlib ; \ - mv prev-zlib stage2-zlib ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage3-zlib; \ + mv prev-zlib stage2-zlib; : ; \ fi @endif zlib @if lto-plugin - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage3-lto-plugin ; \ - mv prev-lto-plugin stage2-lto-plugin ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage3-lto-plugin; \ + mv prev-lto-plugin stage2-lto-plugin; : ; \ fi @endif lto-plugin - @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ - mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR); then \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ + mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage2-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); : ; \ fi rm -f stage_current @@ -45244,13 +48752,13 @@ stage3-end:: stage3-bubble:: stage2-bubble @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if test -f stage3-lean || test -f stage2-lean ; then \ - echo Skipping rebuild of stage3 ; \ + if test -f stage3-lean || test -f stage2-lean ; then \ + echo Skipping rebuild of stage3; \ else \ $(MAKE) stage3-start; \ if $(LEAN); then \ - rm -rf stage1-* ; \ - $(STAMP) stage1-lean ; \ + rm -rf stage1-*; \ + $(STAMP) stage1-lean; \ fi; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stage3; \ fi @@ -45267,16 +48775,16 @@ compare: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ if test -f stage2-lean; then \ - echo Cannot compare object files as stage 2 was deleted. ; \ - exit 0 ; \ + echo Cannot compare object files as stage 2 was deleted.; \ + exit 0; \ fi; \ : $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - rm -f .bad_compare ; \ - echo Comparing stages 2 and 3 ; \ + rm -f .bad_compare; \ + echo Comparing stages 2 and 3; \ sed=`echo stage3 | sed 's,^stage,,;s,.,.,g'`; \ files=`find stage3-* -name "*$(objext)" -print | \ - sed -n s,^stage$$sed-,,p` ; \ - for file in $${files} ; do \ + sed -n s,^stage$$sed-,,p`; \ + for file in $${files}; do \ f1=$$r/stage2-$$file; f2=$$r/stage3-$$file; \ if test ! -f $$f1; then continue; fi; \ $(do-compare) > /dev/null 2>&1; \ @@ -45286,16 +48794,16 @@ compare: echo warning: $$file differs ;; \ *) \ echo $$file differs >> .bad_compare ;; \ - esac ; \ - fi ; \ - done ; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + done; \ if [ -f .bad_compare ]; then \ echo "Bootstrap comparison failure!"; \ cat .bad_compare; \ exit 1; \ else \ echo Comparison successful.; \ - fi ; \ + fi; \ $(STAMP) compare if $(LEAN); then \ rm -rf stage2-*; \ @@ -45356,258 +48864,282 @@ cleanstrap: do-distclean local-clean stage4-start:: @: $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - echo stage4 > stage_current ; \ + echo stage4 > stage_current; \ echo stage4 > stage_last; \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR) @if bfd @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-bfd ] || \ mkdir stage4-bfd; \ - mv stage4-bfd bfd ; \ + mv stage4-bfd bfd; \ mv stage3-bfd prev-bfd || test -f stage3-lean @endif bfd @if opcodes @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-opcodes ] || \ mkdir stage4-opcodes; \ - mv stage4-opcodes opcodes ; \ + mv stage4-opcodes opcodes; \ mv stage3-opcodes prev-opcodes || test -f stage3-lean @endif opcodes @if binutils @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-binutils ] || \ mkdir stage4-binutils; \ - mv stage4-binutils binutils ; \ + mv stage4-binutils binutils; \ mv stage3-binutils prev-binutils || test -f stage3-lean @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-fixincludes ] || \ + mkdir stage4-fixincludes; \ + mv stage4-fixincludes fixincludes; \ + mv stage3-fixincludes prev-fixincludes || test -f stage3-lean +@endif fixincludes @if gas @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-gas ] || \ mkdir stage4-gas; \ - mv stage4-gas gas ; \ + mv stage4-gas gas; \ mv stage3-gas prev-gas || test -f stage3-lean @endif gas @if gcc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-gcc ] || \ mkdir stage4-gcc; \ - mv stage4-gcc gcc ; \ + mv stage4-gcc gcc; \ mv stage3-gcc prev-gcc || test -f stage3-lean @endif gcc @if gmp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-gmp ] || \ mkdir stage4-gmp; \ - mv stage4-gmp gmp ; \ + mv stage4-gmp gmp; \ mv stage3-gmp prev-gmp || test -f stage3-lean @endif gmp @if mpfr @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-mpfr ] || \ mkdir stage4-mpfr; \ - mv stage4-mpfr mpfr ; \ + mv stage4-mpfr mpfr; \ mv stage3-mpfr prev-mpfr || test -f stage3-lean @endif mpfr @if mpc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-mpc ] || \ mkdir stage4-mpc; \ - mv stage4-mpc mpc ; \ + mv stage4-mpc mpc; \ mv stage3-mpc prev-mpc || test -f stage3-lean @endif mpc @if isl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-isl ] || \ mkdir stage4-isl; \ - mv stage4-isl isl ; \ + mv stage4-isl isl; \ mv stage3-isl prev-isl || test -f stage3-lean @endif isl -@if cloog - @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-cloog ] || \ - mkdir stage4-cloog; \ - mv stage4-cloog cloog ; \ - mv stage3-cloog prev-cloog || test -f stage3-lean -@endif cloog @if libelf @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-libelf ] || \ mkdir stage4-libelf; \ - mv stage4-libelf libelf ; \ + mv stage4-libelf libelf; \ mv stage3-libelf prev-libelf || test -f stage3-lean @endif libelf @if gold @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-gold ] || \ mkdir stage4-gold; \ - mv stage4-gold gold ; \ + mv stage4-gold gold; \ mv stage3-gold prev-gold || test -f stage3-lean @endif gold @if intl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-intl ] || \ mkdir stage4-intl; \ - mv stage4-intl intl ; \ + mv stage4-intl intl; \ mv stage3-intl prev-intl || test -f stage3-lean @endif intl @if ld @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-ld ] || \ mkdir stage4-ld; \ - mv stage4-ld ld ; \ + mv stage4-ld ld; \ mv stage3-ld prev-ld || test -f stage3-lean @endif ld @if libbacktrace @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-libbacktrace ] || \ mkdir stage4-libbacktrace; \ - mv stage4-libbacktrace libbacktrace ; \ + mv stage4-libbacktrace libbacktrace; \ mv stage3-libbacktrace prev-libbacktrace || test -f stage3-lean @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-libcpp ] || \ mkdir stage4-libcpp; \ - mv stage4-libcpp libcpp ; \ + mv stage4-libcpp libcpp; \ mv stage3-libcpp prev-libcpp || test -f stage3-lean @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-libdecnumber ] || \ mkdir stage4-libdecnumber; \ - mv stage4-libdecnumber libdecnumber ; \ + mv stage4-libdecnumber libdecnumber; \ mv stage3-libdecnumber prev-libdecnumber || test -f stage3-lean @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-libiberty ] || \ mkdir stage4-libiberty; \ - mv stage4-libiberty libiberty ; \ + mv stage4-libiberty libiberty; \ mv stage3-libiberty prev-libiberty || test -f stage3-lean @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin ] || \ + mkdir stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin prev-libiberty-linker-plugin || test -f stage3-lean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-libiconv ] || \ + mkdir stage4-libiconv; \ + mv stage4-libiconv libiconv; \ + mv stage3-libiconv prev-libiconv || test -f stage3-lean +@endif libiconv @if zlib @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-zlib ] || \ mkdir stage4-zlib; \ - mv stage4-zlib zlib ; \ + mv stage4-zlib zlib; \ mv stage3-zlib prev-zlib || test -f stage3-lean @endif zlib @if lto-plugin @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage4-lto-plugin ] || \ mkdir stage4-lto-plugin; \ - mv stage4-lto-plugin lto-plugin ; \ + mv stage4-lto-plugin lto-plugin; \ mv stage3-lto-plugin prev-lto-plugin || test -f stage3-lean @endif lto-plugin @[ -d stage4-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \ mkdir stage4-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ - mv stage4-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ + mv stage4-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ mv stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) || test -f stage3-lean stage4-end:: @if bfd - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage4-bfd ; \ - mv prev-bfd stage3-bfd ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stage4-bfd; \ + mv prev-bfd stage3-bfd; : ; \ fi @endif bfd @if opcodes - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage4-opcodes ; \ - mv prev-opcodes stage3-opcodes ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stage4-opcodes; \ + mv prev-opcodes stage3-opcodes; : ; \ fi @endif opcodes @if binutils - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage4-binutils ; \ - mv prev-binutils stage3-binutils ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stage4-binutils; \ + mv prev-binutils stage3-binutils; : ; \ fi @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv fixincludes stage4-fixincludes; \ + mv prev-fixincludes stage3-fixincludes; : ; \ + fi +@endif fixincludes @if gas - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage4-gas ; \ - mv prev-gas stage3-gas ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stage4-gas; \ + mv prev-gas stage3-gas; : ; \ fi @endif gas @if gcc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage4-gcc ; \ - mv prev-gcc stage3-gcc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stage4-gcc; \ + mv prev-gcc stage3-gcc; : ; \ fi @endif gcc @if gmp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage4-gmp ; \ - mv prev-gmp stage3-gmp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stage4-gmp; \ + mv prev-gmp stage3-gmp; : ; \ fi @endif gmp @if mpfr - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage4-mpfr ; \ - mv prev-mpfr stage3-mpfr ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stage4-mpfr; \ + mv prev-mpfr stage3-mpfr; : ; \ fi @endif mpfr @if mpc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage4-mpc ; \ - mv prev-mpc stage3-mpc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stage4-mpc; \ + mv prev-mpc stage3-mpc; : ; \ fi @endif mpc @if isl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage4-isl ; \ - mv prev-isl stage3-isl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stage4-isl; \ + mv prev-isl stage3-isl; : ; \ fi @endif isl -@if cloog - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv cloog stage4-cloog ; \ - mv prev-cloog stage3-cloog ; : ; \ - fi -@endif cloog @if libelf - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage4-libelf ; \ - mv prev-libelf stage3-libelf ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stage4-libelf; \ + mv prev-libelf stage3-libelf; : ; \ fi @endif libelf @if gold - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage4-gold ; \ - mv prev-gold stage3-gold ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stage4-gold; \ + mv prev-gold stage3-gold; : ; \ fi @endif gold @if intl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage4-intl ; \ - mv prev-intl stage3-intl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stage4-intl; \ + mv prev-intl stage3-intl; : ; \ fi @endif intl @if ld - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage4-ld ; \ - mv prev-ld stage3-ld ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stage4-ld; \ + mv prev-ld stage3-ld; : ; \ fi @endif ld @if libbacktrace - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage4-libbacktrace ; \ - mv prev-libbacktrace stage3-libbacktrace ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stage4-libbacktrace; \ + mv prev-libbacktrace stage3-libbacktrace; : ; \ fi @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage4-libcpp ; \ - mv prev-libcpp stage3-libcpp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stage4-libcpp; \ + mv prev-libcpp stage3-libcpp; : ; \ fi @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage4-libdecnumber ; \ - mv prev-libdecnumber stage3-libdecnumber ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stage4-libdecnumber; \ + mv prev-libdecnumber stage3-libdecnumber; : ; \ fi @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage4-libiberty ; \ - mv prev-libiberty stage3-libiberty ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stage4-libiberty; \ + mv prev-libiberty stage3-libiberty; : ; \ fi @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty-linker-plugin stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv prev-libiberty-linker-plugin stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiconv stage4-libiconv; \ + mv prev-libiconv stage3-libiconv; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiconv @if zlib - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage4-zlib ; \ - mv prev-zlib stage3-zlib ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stage4-zlib; \ + mv prev-zlib stage3-zlib; : ; \ fi @endif zlib @if lto-plugin - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage4-lto-plugin ; \ - mv prev-lto-plugin stage3-lto-plugin ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stage4-lto-plugin; \ + mv prev-lto-plugin stage3-lto-plugin; : ; \ fi @endif lto-plugin - @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage4-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ - mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR); then \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage4-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ + mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage3-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); : ; \ fi rm -f stage_current @@ -45618,13 +49150,13 @@ stage4-end:: stage4-bubble:: stage3-bubble @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if test -f stage4-lean || test -f stage3-lean ; then \ - echo Skipping rebuild of stage4 ; \ + if test -f stage4-lean || test -f stage3-lean ; then \ + echo Skipping rebuild of stage4; \ else \ $(MAKE) stage4-start; \ if $(LEAN); then \ - rm -rf stage2-* ; \ - $(STAMP) stage2-lean ; \ + rm -rf stage2-*; \ + $(STAMP) stage2-lean; \ fi; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stage4; \ fi @@ -45641,16 +49173,16 @@ compare3: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ if test -f stage3-lean; then \ - echo Cannot compare object files as stage 3 was deleted. ; \ - exit 0 ; \ + echo Cannot compare object files as stage 3 was deleted.; \ + exit 0; \ fi; \ : $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - rm -f .bad_compare ; \ - echo Comparing stages 3 and 4 ; \ + rm -f .bad_compare; \ + echo Comparing stages 3 and 4; \ sed=`echo stage4 | sed 's,^stage,,;s,.,.,g'`; \ files=`find stage4-* -name "*$(objext)" -print | \ - sed -n s,^stage$$sed-,,p` ; \ - for file in $${files} ; do \ + sed -n s,^stage$$sed-,,p`; \ + for file in $${files}; do \ f1=$$r/stage3-$$file; f2=$$r/stage4-$$file; \ if test ! -f $$f1; then continue; fi; \ $(do-compare3) > /dev/null 2>&1; \ @@ -45660,16 +49192,16 @@ compare3: echo warning: $$file differs ;; \ *) \ echo $$file differs >> .bad_compare ;; \ - esac ; \ - fi ; \ - done ; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + done; \ if [ -f .bad_compare ]; then \ echo "Bootstrap comparison failure!"; \ cat .bad_compare; \ exit 1; \ else \ echo Comparison successful.; \ - fi ; \ + fi; \ $(STAMP) compare3 if $(LEAN); then \ rm -rf stage3-*; \ @@ -45718,258 +49250,282 @@ distclean-stage4:: stageprofile-start:: @: $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - echo stageprofile > stage_current ; \ + echo stageprofile > stage_current; \ echo stageprofile > stage_last; \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR) @if bfd @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-bfd ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-bfd; \ - mv stageprofile-bfd bfd ; \ + mv stageprofile-bfd bfd; \ mv stage1-bfd prev-bfd || test -f stage1-lean @endif bfd @if opcodes @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-opcodes ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-opcodes; \ - mv stageprofile-opcodes opcodes ; \ + mv stageprofile-opcodes opcodes; \ mv stage1-opcodes prev-opcodes || test -f stage1-lean @endif opcodes @if binutils @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-binutils ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-binutils; \ - mv stageprofile-binutils binutils ; \ + mv stageprofile-binutils binutils; \ mv stage1-binutils prev-binutils || test -f stage1-lean @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-fixincludes ] || \ + mkdir stageprofile-fixincludes; \ + mv stageprofile-fixincludes fixincludes; \ + mv stage1-fixincludes prev-fixincludes || test -f stage1-lean +@endif fixincludes @if gas @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-gas ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-gas; \ - mv stageprofile-gas gas ; \ + mv stageprofile-gas gas; \ mv stage1-gas prev-gas || test -f stage1-lean @endif gas @if gcc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-gcc ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-gcc; \ - mv stageprofile-gcc gcc ; \ + mv stageprofile-gcc gcc; \ mv stage1-gcc prev-gcc || test -f stage1-lean @endif gcc @if gmp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-gmp ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-gmp; \ - mv stageprofile-gmp gmp ; \ + mv stageprofile-gmp gmp; \ mv stage1-gmp prev-gmp || test -f stage1-lean @endif gmp @if mpfr @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-mpfr ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-mpfr; \ - mv stageprofile-mpfr mpfr ; \ + mv stageprofile-mpfr mpfr; \ mv stage1-mpfr prev-mpfr || test -f stage1-lean @endif mpfr @if mpc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-mpc ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-mpc; \ - mv stageprofile-mpc mpc ; \ + mv stageprofile-mpc mpc; \ mv stage1-mpc prev-mpc || test -f stage1-lean @endif mpc @if isl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-isl ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-isl; \ - mv stageprofile-isl isl ; \ + mv stageprofile-isl isl; \ mv stage1-isl prev-isl || test -f stage1-lean @endif isl -@if cloog - @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-cloog ] || \ - mkdir stageprofile-cloog; \ - mv stageprofile-cloog cloog ; \ - mv stage1-cloog prev-cloog || test -f stage1-lean -@endif cloog @if libelf @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-libelf ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-libelf; \ - mv stageprofile-libelf libelf ; \ + mv stageprofile-libelf libelf; \ mv stage1-libelf prev-libelf || test -f stage1-lean @endif libelf @if gold @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-gold ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-gold; \ - mv stageprofile-gold gold ; \ + mv stageprofile-gold gold; \ mv stage1-gold prev-gold || test -f stage1-lean @endif gold @if intl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-intl ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-intl; \ - mv stageprofile-intl intl ; \ + mv stageprofile-intl intl; \ mv stage1-intl prev-intl || test -f stage1-lean @endif intl @if ld @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-ld ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-ld; \ - mv stageprofile-ld ld ; \ + mv stageprofile-ld ld; \ mv stage1-ld prev-ld || test -f stage1-lean @endif ld @if libbacktrace @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-libbacktrace ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-libbacktrace; \ - mv stageprofile-libbacktrace libbacktrace ; \ + mv stageprofile-libbacktrace libbacktrace; \ mv stage1-libbacktrace prev-libbacktrace || test -f stage1-lean @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-libcpp ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-libcpp; \ - mv stageprofile-libcpp libcpp ; \ + mv stageprofile-libcpp libcpp; \ mv stage1-libcpp prev-libcpp || test -f stage1-lean @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-libdecnumber ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-libdecnumber; \ - mv stageprofile-libdecnumber libdecnumber ; \ + mv stageprofile-libdecnumber libdecnumber; \ mv stage1-libdecnumber prev-libdecnumber || test -f stage1-lean @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-libiberty ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-libiberty; \ - mv stageprofile-libiberty libiberty ; \ + mv stageprofile-libiberty libiberty; \ mv stage1-libiberty prev-libiberty || test -f stage1-lean @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin ] || \ + mkdir stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin prev-libiberty-linker-plugin || test -f stage1-lean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-libiconv ] || \ + mkdir stageprofile-libiconv; \ + mv stageprofile-libiconv libiconv; \ + mv stage1-libiconv prev-libiconv || test -f stage1-lean +@endif libiconv @if zlib @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-zlib ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-zlib; \ - mv stageprofile-zlib zlib ; \ + mv stageprofile-zlib zlib; \ mv stage1-zlib prev-zlib || test -f stage1-lean @endif zlib @if lto-plugin @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stageprofile-lto-plugin ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-lto-plugin; \ - mv stageprofile-lto-plugin lto-plugin ; \ + mv stageprofile-lto-plugin lto-plugin; \ mv stage1-lto-plugin prev-lto-plugin || test -f stage1-lean @endif lto-plugin @[ -d stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \ mkdir stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ - mv stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ + mv stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ mv stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) || test -f stage1-lean stageprofile-end:: @if bfd - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stageprofile-bfd ; \ - mv prev-bfd stage1-bfd ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stageprofile-bfd; \ + mv prev-bfd stage1-bfd; : ; \ fi @endif bfd @if opcodes - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stageprofile-opcodes ; \ - mv prev-opcodes stage1-opcodes ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stageprofile-opcodes; \ + mv prev-opcodes stage1-opcodes; : ; \ fi @endif opcodes @if binutils - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stageprofile-binutils ; \ - mv prev-binutils stage1-binutils ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stageprofile-binutils; \ + mv prev-binutils stage1-binutils; : ; \ fi @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv fixincludes stageprofile-fixincludes; \ + mv prev-fixincludes stage1-fixincludes; : ; \ + fi +@endif fixincludes @if gas - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stageprofile-gas ; \ - mv prev-gas stage1-gas ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stageprofile-gas; \ + mv prev-gas stage1-gas; : ; \ fi @endif gas @if gcc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stageprofile-gcc ; \ - mv prev-gcc stage1-gcc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stageprofile-gcc; \ + mv prev-gcc stage1-gcc; : ; \ fi @endif gcc @if gmp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stageprofile-gmp ; \ - mv prev-gmp stage1-gmp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stageprofile-gmp; \ + mv prev-gmp stage1-gmp; : ; \ fi @endif gmp @if mpfr - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stageprofile-mpfr ; \ - mv prev-mpfr stage1-mpfr ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stageprofile-mpfr; \ + mv prev-mpfr stage1-mpfr; : ; \ fi @endif mpfr @if mpc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stageprofile-mpc ; \ - mv prev-mpc stage1-mpc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stageprofile-mpc; \ + mv prev-mpc stage1-mpc; : ; \ fi @endif mpc @if isl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stageprofile-isl ; \ - mv prev-isl stage1-isl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stageprofile-isl; \ + mv prev-isl stage1-isl; : ; \ fi @endif isl -@if cloog - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv cloog stageprofile-cloog ; \ - mv prev-cloog stage1-cloog ; : ; \ - fi -@endif cloog @if libelf - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stageprofile-libelf ; \ - mv prev-libelf stage1-libelf ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stageprofile-libelf; \ + mv prev-libelf stage1-libelf; : ; \ fi @endif libelf @if gold - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stageprofile-gold ; \ - mv prev-gold stage1-gold ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stageprofile-gold; \ + mv prev-gold stage1-gold; : ; \ fi @endif gold @if intl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stageprofile-intl ; \ - mv prev-intl stage1-intl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stageprofile-intl; \ + mv prev-intl stage1-intl; : ; \ fi @endif intl @if ld - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stageprofile-ld ; \ - mv prev-ld stage1-ld ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stageprofile-ld; \ + mv prev-ld stage1-ld; : ; \ fi @endif ld @if libbacktrace - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stageprofile-libbacktrace ; \ - mv prev-libbacktrace stage1-libbacktrace ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stageprofile-libbacktrace; \ + mv prev-libbacktrace stage1-libbacktrace; : ; \ fi @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stageprofile-libcpp ; \ - mv prev-libcpp stage1-libcpp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stageprofile-libcpp; \ + mv prev-libcpp stage1-libcpp; : ; \ fi @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stageprofile-libdecnumber ; \ - mv prev-libdecnumber stage1-libdecnumber ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stageprofile-libdecnumber; \ + mv prev-libdecnumber stage1-libdecnumber; : ; \ fi @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stageprofile-libiberty ; \ - mv prev-libiberty stage1-libiberty ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stageprofile-libiberty; \ + mv prev-libiberty stage1-libiberty; : ; \ fi @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty-linker-plugin stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv prev-libiberty-linker-plugin stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiconv stageprofile-libiconv; \ + mv prev-libiconv stage1-libiconv; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiconv @if zlib - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stageprofile-zlib ; \ - mv prev-zlib stage1-zlib ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stageprofile-zlib; \ + mv prev-zlib stage1-zlib; : ; \ fi @endif zlib @if lto-plugin - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stageprofile-lto-plugin ; \ - mv prev-lto-plugin stage1-lto-plugin ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stageprofile-lto-plugin; \ + mv prev-lto-plugin stage1-lto-plugin; : ; \ fi @endif lto-plugin - @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ - mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR); then \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ + mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage1-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); : ; \ fi rm -f stage_current @@ -45980,8 +49536,8 @@ stageprofile-end:: stageprofile-bubble:: stage1-bubble @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if test -f stageprofile-lean || test -f stage1-lean ; then \ - echo Skipping rebuild of stageprofile ; \ + if test -f stageprofile-lean || test -f stage1-lean ; then \ + echo Skipping rebuild of stageprofile; \ else \ $(MAKE) stageprofile-start; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stageprofile; \ @@ -46013,258 +49569,282 @@ distclean-stageprofile:: stagefeedback-start:: @: $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - echo stagefeedback > stage_current ; \ + echo stagefeedback > stage_current; \ echo stagefeedback > stage_last; \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR) @if bfd @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-bfd ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-bfd; \ - mv stagefeedback-bfd bfd ; \ + mv stagefeedback-bfd bfd; \ mv stageprofile-bfd prev-bfd || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif bfd @if opcodes @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-opcodes ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-opcodes; \ - mv stagefeedback-opcodes opcodes ; \ + mv stagefeedback-opcodes opcodes; \ mv stageprofile-opcodes prev-opcodes || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif opcodes @if binutils @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-binutils ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-binutils; \ - mv stagefeedback-binutils binutils ; \ + mv stagefeedback-binutils binutils; \ mv stageprofile-binutils prev-binutils || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-fixincludes ] || \ + mkdir stagefeedback-fixincludes; \ + mv stagefeedback-fixincludes fixincludes; \ + mv stageprofile-fixincludes prev-fixincludes || test -f stageprofile-lean +@endif fixincludes @if gas @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-gas ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-gas; \ - mv stagefeedback-gas gas ; \ + mv stagefeedback-gas gas; \ mv stageprofile-gas prev-gas || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif gas @if gcc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-gcc ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-gcc; \ - mv stagefeedback-gcc gcc ; \ + mv stagefeedback-gcc gcc; \ mv stageprofile-gcc prev-gcc || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif gcc @if gmp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-gmp ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-gmp; \ - mv stagefeedback-gmp gmp ; \ + mv stagefeedback-gmp gmp; \ mv stageprofile-gmp prev-gmp || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif gmp @if mpfr @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-mpfr ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-mpfr; \ - mv stagefeedback-mpfr mpfr ; \ + mv stagefeedback-mpfr mpfr; \ mv stageprofile-mpfr prev-mpfr || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif mpfr @if mpc @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-mpc ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-mpc; \ - mv stagefeedback-mpc mpc ; \ + mv stagefeedback-mpc mpc; \ mv stageprofile-mpc prev-mpc || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif mpc @if isl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-isl ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-isl; \ - mv stagefeedback-isl isl ; \ + mv stagefeedback-isl isl; \ mv stageprofile-isl prev-isl || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif isl -@if cloog - @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-cloog ] || \ - mkdir stagefeedback-cloog; \ - mv stagefeedback-cloog cloog ; \ - mv stageprofile-cloog prev-cloog || test -f stageprofile-lean -@endif cloog @if libelf @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-libelf ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-libelf; \ - mv stagefeedback-libelf libelf ; \ + mv stagefeedback-libelf libelf; \ mv stageprofile-libelf prev-libelf || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif libelf @if gold @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-gold ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-gold; \ - mv stagefeedback-gold gold ; \ + mv stagefeedback-gold gold; \ mv stageprofile-gold prev-gold || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif gold @if intl @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-intl ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-intl; \ - mv stagefeedback-intl intl ; \ + mv stagefeedback-intl intl; \ mv stageprofile-intl prev-intl || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif intl @if ld @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-ld ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-ld; \ - mv stagefeedback-ld ld ; \ + mv stagefeedback-ld ld; \ mv stageprofile-ld prev-ld || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif ld @if libbacktrace @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-libbacktrace ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-libbacktrace; \ - mv stagefeedback-libbacktrace libbacktrace ; \ + mv stagefeedback-libbacktrace libbacktrace; \ mv stageprofile-libbacktrace prev-libbacktrace || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-libcpp ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-libcpp; \ - mv stagefeedback-libcpp libcpp ; \ + mv stagefeedback-libcpp libcpp; \ mv stageprofile-libcpp prev-libcpp || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-libdecnumber ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-libdecnumber; \ - mv stagefeedback-libdecnumber libdecnumber ; \ + mv stagefeedback-libdecnumber libdecnumber; \ mv stageprofile-libdecnumber prev-libdecnumber || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-libiberty ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-libiberty; \ - mv stagefeedback-libiberty libiberty ; \ + mv stagefeedback-libiberty libiberty; \ mv stageprofile-libiberty prev-libiberty || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin ] || \ + mkdir stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin prev-libiberty-linker-plugin || test -f stageprofile-lean +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-libiconv ] || \ + mkdir stagefeedback-libiconv; \ + mv stagefeedback-libiconv libiconv; \ + mv stageprofile-libiconv prev-libiconv || test -f stageprofile-lean +@endif libiconv @if zlib @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-zlib ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-zlib; \ - mv stagefeedback-zlib zlib ; \ + mv stagefeedback-zlib zlib; \ mv stageprofile-zlib prev-zlib || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif zlib @if lto-plugin @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stagefeedback-lto-plugin ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-lto-plugin; \ - mv stagefeedback-lto-plugin lto-plugin ; \ + mv stagefeedback-lto-plugin lto-plugin; \ mv stageprofile-lto-plugin prev-lto-plugin || test -f stageprofile-lean @endif lto-plugin @[ -d stagefeedback-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \ mkdir stagefeedback-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ - mv stagefeedback-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ + mv stagefeedback-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ mv stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) || test -f stageprofile-lean stagefeedback-end:: @if bfd - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stagefeedback-bfd ; \ - mv prev-bfd stageprofile-bfd ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/bfd; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv bfd stagefeedback-bfd; \ + mv prev-bfd stageprofile-bfd; : ; \ fi @endif bfd @if opcodes - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stagefeedback-opcodes ; \ - mv prev-opcodes stageprofile-opcodes ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/opcodes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv opcodes stagefeedback-opcodes; \ + mv prev-opcodes stageprofile-opcodes; : ; \ fi @endif opcodes @if binutils - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stagefeedback-binutils ; \ - mv prev-binutils stageprofile-binutils ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv binutils stagefeedback-binutils; \ + mv prev-binutils stageprofile-binutils; : ; \ fi @endif binutils +@if fixincludes + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/fixincludes; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv fixincludes stagefeedback-fixincludes; \ + mv prev-fixincludes stageprofile-fixincludes; : ; \ + fi +@endif fixincludes @if gas - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stagefeedback-gas ; \ - mv prev-gas stageprofile-gas ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gas; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gas stagefeedback-gas; \ + mv prev-gas stageprofile-gas; : ; \ fi @endif gas @if gcc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stagefeedback-gcc ; \ - mv prev-gcc stageprofile-gcc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gcc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gcc stagefeedback-gcc; \ + mv prev-gcc stageprofile-gcc; : ; \ fi @endif gcc @if gmp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stagefeedback-gmp ; \ - mv prev-gmp stageprofile-gmp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gmp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gmp stagefeedback-gmp; \ + mv prev-gmp stageprofile-gmp; : ; \ fi @endif gmp @if mpfr - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stagefeedback-mpfr ; \ - mv prev-mpfr stageprofile-mpfr ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpfr; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpfr stagefeedback-mpfr; \ + mv prev-mpfr stageprofile-mpfr; : ; \ fi @endif mpfr @if mpc - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stagefeedback-mpc ; \ - mv prev-mpc stageprofile-mpc ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/mpc; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv mpc stagefeedback-mpc; \ + mv prev-mpc stageprofile-mpc; : ; \ fi @endif mpc @if isl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stagefeedback-isl ; \ - mv prev-isl stageprofile-isl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv isl stagefeedback-isl; \ + mv prev-isl stageprofile-isl; : ; \ fi @endif isl -@if cloog - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv cloog stagefeedback-cloog ; \ - mv prev-cloog stageprofile-cloog ; : ; \ - fi -@endif cloog @if libelf - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stagefeedback-libelf ; \ - mv prev-libelf stageprofile-libelf ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libelf; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libelf stagefeedback-libelf; \ + mv prev-libelf stageprofile-libelf; : ; \ fi @endif libelf @if gold - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stagefeedback-gold ; \ - mv prev-gold stageprofile-gold ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/gold; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv gold stagefeedback-gold; \ + mv prev-gold stageprofile-gold; : ; \ fi @endif gold @if intl - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stagefeedback-intl ; \ - mv prev-intl stageprofile-intl ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/intl; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv intl stagefeedback-intl; \ + mv prev-intl stageprofile-intl; : ; \ fi @endif intl @if ld - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stagefeedback-ld ; \ - mv prev-ld stageprofile-ld ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/ld; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv ld stagefeedback-ld; \ + mv prev-ld stageprofile-ld; : ; \ fi @endif ld @if libbacktrace - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stagefeedback-libbacktrace ; \ - mv prev-libbacktrace stageprofile-libbacktrace ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libbacktrace; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libbacktrace stagefeedback-libbacktrace; \ + mv prev-libbacktrace stageprofile-libbacktrace; : ; \ fi @endif libbacktrace @if libcpp - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stagefeedback-libcpp ; \ - mv prev-libcpp stageprofile-libcpp ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libcpp; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libcpp stagefeedback-libcpp; \ + mv prev-libcpp stageprofile-libcpp; : ; \ fi @endif libcpp @if libdecnumber - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stagefeedback-libdecnumber ; \ - mv prev-libdecnumber stageprofile-libdecnumber ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libdecnumber; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libdecnumber stagefeedback-libdecnumber; \ + mv prev-libdecnumber stageprofile-libdecnumber; : ; \ fi @endif libdecnumber @if libiberty - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stagefeedback-libiberty ; \ - mv prev-libiberty stageprofile-libiberty ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty stagefeedback-libiberty; \ + mv prev-libiberty stageprofile-libiberty; : ; \ fi @endif libiberty +@if libiberty-linker-plugin + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiberty-linker-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiberty-linker-plugin stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin; \ + mv prev-libiberty-linker-plugin stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiberty-linker-plugin +@if libiconv + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/libiconv; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv libiconv stagefeedback-libiconv; \ + mv prev-libiconv stageprofile-libiconv; : ; \ + fi +@endif libiconv @if zlib - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stagefeedback-zlib ; \ - mv prev-zlib stageprofile-zlib ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/zlib; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv zlib stagefeedback-zlib; \ + mv prev-zlib stageprofile-zlib; : ; \ fi @endif zlib @if lto-plugin - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stagefeedback-lto-plugin ; \ - mv prev-lto-plugin stageprofile-lto-plugin ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/lto-plugin; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv lto-plugin stagefeedback-lto-plugin; \ + mv prev-lto-plugin stageprofile-lto-plugin; : ; \ fi @endif lto-plugin - @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stagefeedback-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; \ - mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; : ; \ + @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR); then \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stagefeedback-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ + mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stageprofile-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); : ; \ fi rm -f stage_current @@ -46275,8 +49855,8 @@ stagefeedback-end:: stagefeedback-bubble:: stageprofile-bubble @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if test -f stagefeedback-lean || test -f stageprofile-lean ; then \ - echo Skipping rebuild of stagefeedback ; \ + if test -f stagefeedback-lean || test -f stageprofile-lean ; then \ + echo Skipping rebuild of stagefeedback; \ else \ $(MAKE) stagefeedback-start; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stagefeedback; \ @@ -46335,10 +49915,10 @@ stagefeedback-start:: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ for i in prev-*; do \ - j=`echo $$i | sed s/^prev-//` ; \ + j=`echo $$i | sed s/^prev-//`; \ cd $$r/$$i && \ - { find . -type d | sort | sed 's,.*,$(SHELL) '"$$s"'/mkinstalldirs "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL) ; } && \ - { find . -name '*.*da' | sed 's,.*,$(LN) -f "&" "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL) ; } ; \ + { find . -type d | sort | sed 's,.*,$(SHELL) '"$$s"'/mkinstalldirs "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL); } && \ + { find . -name '*.*da' | sed 's,.*,$(LN) -f "&" "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL); }; \ done @if gcc-bootstrap @@ -46375,19 +49955,26 @@ configure-stage3-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-all-stage3-gcc configure-stage4-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-all-stage4-gcc configure-stageprofile-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-all-stageprofile-gcc configure-stagefeedback-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gcc -configure-target-libmudflap: stage_last configure-stage1-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stage1-gcc configure-stage2-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stage2-gcc configure-stage3-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stage3-gcc configure-stage4-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stage4-gcc configure-stageprofile-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stageprofile-gcc configure-stagefeedback-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gcc +configure-stage1-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage1-gcc +configure-stage2-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage2-gcc +configure-stage3-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage3-gcc +configure-stage4-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage4-gcc +configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stageprofile-gcc +configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gcc configure-stage1-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stage1-gcc configure-stage2-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stage2-gcc configure-stage3-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stage3-gcc configure-stage4-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stage4-gcc configure-stageprofile-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stageprofile-gcc configure-stagefeedback-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gcc +configure-target-libcilkrts: stage_last +configure-target-liboffloadmic: stage_last configure-target-libssp: stage_last configure-target-newlib: stage_last configure-stage1-target-libgcc: maybe-all-stage1-gcc @@ -46422,9 +50009,11 @@ configure-target-libatomic: stage_last @if gcc-no-bootstrap configure-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-all-gcc -configure-target-libmudflap: maybe-all-gcc configure-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-gcc +configure-target-libmpx: maybe-all-gcc configure-target-libvtv: maybe-all-gcc +configure-target-libcilkrts: maybe-all-gcc +configure-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-all-gcc configure-target-libssp: maybe-all-gcc configure-target-newlib: maybe-all-gcc configure-target-libgcc: maybe-all-gcc @@ -46472,6 +50061,7 @@ all-build-flex: maybe-all-build-m4 all-build-libiberty: maybe-all-build-texinfo all-build-m4: maybe-all-build-texinfo all-build-fixincludes: maybe-all-build-libiberty +all-build-libcpp: maybe-all-build-libiberty configure-gcc: maybe-configure-intl configure-stage1-gcc: maybe-configure-stage1-intl @@ -46488,6 +50078,30 @@ configure-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-gmp configure-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-gmp configure-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-gmp configure-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gmp +configure-gcc: maybe-all-mpfr + +configure-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-mpfr +configure-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-mpfr +configure-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-mpfr +configure-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-mpfr +configure-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-mpfr +configure-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-mpfr +configure-gcc: maybe-all-mpc + +configure-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-mpc +configure-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-mpc +configure-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-mpc +configure-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-mpc +configure-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-mpc +configure-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-mpc +configure-gcc: maybe-all-isl + +configure-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-isl +configure-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-isl +configure-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-isl +configure-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-isl +configure-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-isl +configure-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-isl configure-gcc: maybe-all-lto-plugin configure-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-lto-plugin @@ -46536,6 +50150,14 @@ configure-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-libelf configure-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-libelf configure-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-libelf configure-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libelf +configure-gcc: maybe-all-libiconv + +configure-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-libiconv +configure-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-libiconv +configure-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-libiconv +configure-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-libiconv +configure-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv +configure-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv all-gcc: all-libiberty all-stage1-gcc: all-stage1-libiberty @@ -46568,14 +50190,14 @@ all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-mpc all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-mpc all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-mpc all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-mpc -all-gcc: maybe-all-cloog +all-gcc: maybe-all-isl -all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-cloog -all-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-cloog -all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-cloog -all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-cloog -all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-cloog -all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-cloog +all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-isl +all-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-isl +all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-isl +all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-isl +all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-isl +all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-isl all-gcc: maybe-all-build-texinfo all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-build-texinfo @@ -46616,6 +50238,14 @@ all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-build-fixincludes all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-build-fixincludes all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-build-fixincludes all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-build-fixincludes +all-gcc: maybe-all-build-libcpp + +all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-build-libcpp +all-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-build-libcpp +all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-build-libcpp +all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-build-libcpp +all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-build-libcpp +all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-build-libcpp all-gcc: maybe-all-zlib all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-zlib @@ -46657,6 +50287,13 @@ all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-libiberty all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiberty all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiberty all-gcc: maybe-all-fixincludes + +all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-fixincludes +all-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-fixincludes +all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-fixincludes +all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-fixincludes +all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-fixincludes +all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-fixincludes all-gcc: maybe-all-lto-plugin all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-lto-plugin @@ -46665,6 +50302,14 @@ all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-lto-plugin all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-lto-plugin all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-lto-plugin all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-lto-plugin +all-gcc: maybe-all-libiconv + +all-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-stage1-libiconv +all-stage2-gcc: maybe-all-stage2-libiconv +all-stage3-gcc: maybe-all-stage3-libiconv +all-stage4-gcc: maybe-all-stage4-libiconv +all-stageprofile-gcc: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv +all-stagefeedback-gcc: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv info-gcc: maybe-all-build-libiberty info-stage1-gcc: maybe-all-build-libiberty @@ -46717,6 +50362,14 @@ configure-stage3-libcpp: maybe-configure-stage3-intl configure-stage4-libcpp: maybe-configure-stage4-intl configure-stageprofile-libcpp: maybe-configure-stageprofile-intl configure-stagefeedback-libcpp: maybe-configure-stagefeedback-intl +configure-libcpp: maybe-all-libiconv + +configure-stage1-libcpp: maybe-all-stage1-libiconv +configure-stage2-libcpp: maybe-all-stage2-libiconv +configure-stage3-libcpp: maybe-all-stage3-libiconv +configure-stage4-libcpp: maybe-all-stage4-libiconv +configure-stageprofile-libcpp: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv +configure-stagefeedback-libcpp: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv all-libcpp: all-libiberty all-stage1-libcpp: all-stage1-libiberty @@ -46733,8 +50386,24 @@ all-stage3-libcpp: maybe-all-stage3-intl all-stage4-libcpp: maybe-all-stage4-intl all-stageprofile-libcpp: maybe-all-stageprofile-intl all-stagefeedback-libcpp: maybe-all-stagefeedback-intl +all-libcpp: maybe-all-libiconv + +all-stage1-libcpp: maybe-all-stage1-libiconv +all-stage2-libcpp: maybe-all-stage2-libiconv +all-stage3-libcpp: maybe-all-stage3-libiconv +all-stage4-libcpp: maybe-all-stage4-libiconv +all-stageprofile-libcpp: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv +all-stagefeedback-libcpp: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv all-fixincludes: maybe-all-libiberty + +all-stage1-fixincludes: maybe-all-stage1-libiberty +all-stage2-fixincludes: maybe-all-stage2-libiberty +all-stage3-fixincludes: maybe-all-stage3-libiberty +all-stage4-fixincludes: maybe-all-stage4-libiberty +all-stageprofile-fixincludes: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiberty +all-stagefeedback-fixincludes: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiberty all-gnattools: maybe-all-target-libada +all-gnattools: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3 all-lto-plugin: maybe-all-libiberty all-stage1-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stage1-libiberty @@ -46743,7 +50412,26 @@ all-stage3-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stage3-libiberty all-stage4-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stage4-libiberty all-stageprofile-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiberty all-stagefeedback-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiberty +all-lto-plugin: maybe-all-libiberty-linker-plugin + +all-stage1-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stage1-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stage2-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stage2-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stage3-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stage3-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stage4-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stage4-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stageprofile-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiberty-linker-plugin +all-stagefeedback-lto-plugin: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiberty-linker-plugin +configure-libcc1: maybe-configure-gcc +all-libcc1: maybe-all-gcc +all-gotools: maybe-all-target-libgo all-utils: maybe-all-libiberty +configure-intl: maybe-all-libiconv + +configure-stage1-intl: maybe-all-stage1-libiconv +configure-stage2-intl: maybe-all-stage2-libiconv +configure-stage3-intl: maybe-all-stage3-libiconv +configure-stage4-intl: maybe-all-stage4-libiconv +configure-stageprofile-intl: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv +configure-stagefeedback-intl: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv configure-mpfr: maybe-all-gmp configure-stage1-mpfr: maybe-all-stage1-gmp @@ -46768,22 +50456,14 @@ configure-stage3-isl: maybe-all-stage3-gmp configure-stage4-isl: maybe-all-stage4-gmp configure-stageprofile-isl: maybe-all-stageprofile-gmp configure-stagefeedback-isl: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gmp -configure-cloog: maybe-all-isl +all-intl: maybe-all-libiconv -configure-stage1-cloog: maybe-all-stage1-isl -configure-stage2-cloog: maybe-all-stage2-isl -configure-stage3-cloog: maybe-all-stage3-isl -configure-stage4-cloog: maybe-all-stage4-isl -configure-stageprofile-cloog: maybe-all-stageprofile-isl -configure-stagefeedback-cloog: maybe-all-stagefeedback-isl -configure-cloog: maybe-all-gmp - -configure-stage1-cloog: maybe-all-stage1-gmp -configure-stage2-cloog: maybe-all-stage2-gmp -configure-stage3-cloog: maybe-all-stage3-gmp -configure-stage4-cloog: maybe-all-stage4-gmp -configure-stageprofile-cloog: maybe-all-stageprofile-gmp -configure-stagefeedback-cloog: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gmp +all-stage1-intl: maybe-all-stage1-libiconv +all-stage2-intl: maybe-all-stage2-libiconv +all-stage3-intl: maybe-all-stage3-libiconv +all-stage4-intl: maybe-all-stage4-libiconv +all-stageprofile-intl: maybe-all-stageprofile-libiconv +all-stagefeedback-intl: maybe-all-stagefeedback-libiconv configure-gdb: maybe-all-intl configure-gdb: maybe-configure-sim configure-gdb: maybe-all-bfd @@ -46833,6 +50513,14 @@ all-stage3-bfd: maybe-all-stage3-intl all-stage4-bfd: maybe-all-stage4-intl all-stageprofile-bfd: maybe-all-stageprofile-intl all-stagefeedback-bfd: maybe-all-stagefeedback-intl +all-bfd: maybe-all-zlib + +all-stage1-bfd: maybe-all-stage1-zlib +all-stage2-bfd: maybe-all-stage2-zlib +all-stage3-bfd: maybe-all-stage3-zlib +all-stage4-bfd: maybe-all-stage4-zlib +all-stageprofile-bfd: maybe-all-stageprofile-zlib +all-stagefeedback-bfd: maybe-all-stagefeedback-zlib configure-opcodes: configure-libiberty configure-stage1-opcodes: configure-stage1-libiberty @@ -47027,6 +50715,14 @@ all-stage3-ld: maybe-all-stage3-gas all-stage4-ld: maybe-all-stage4-gas all-stageprofile-ld: maybe-all-stageprofile-gas all-stagefeedback-ld: maybe-all-stagefeedback-gas +all-ld: maybe-all-binutils + +all-stage1-ld: maybe-all-stage1-binutils +all-stage2-ld: maybe-all-stage2-binutils +all-stage3-ld: maybe-all-stage3-binutils +all-stage4-ld: maybe-all-stage4-binutils +all-stageprofile-ld: maybe-all-stageprofile-binutils +all-stagefeedback-ld: maybe-all-stagefeedback-binutils install-ld: maybe-install-gold install-strip-ld: maybe-install-strip-gold configure-gold: maybe-configure-intl @@ -47192,6 +50888,7 @@ configure-stage3-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stage3-target-libgomp configure-stage4-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stage4-target-libgomp configure-stageprofile-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stageprofile-target-libgomp configure-stagefeedback-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stagefeedback-target-libgomp +configure-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-configure-target-libgomp configure-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3 configure-stage1-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stage1-target-libstdc++-v3 @@ -47216,6 +50913,7 @@ all-stage3-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stage3-target-libgomp all-stage4-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stage4-target-libgomp all-stageprofile-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stageprofile-target-libgomp all-stagefeedback-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-configure-stagefeedback-target-libgomp +all-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-all-target-libgomp install-target-libgo: maybe-install-target-libatomic install-target-libgfortran: maybe-install-target-libquadmath install-target-libgfortran: maybe-install-target-libgcc @@ -47223,6 +50921,10 @@ install-target-libsanitizer: maybe-install-target-libstdc++-v3 install-target-libsanitizer: maybe-install-target-libgcc install-target-libvtv: maybe-install-target-libstdc++-v3 install-target-libvtv: maybe-install-target-libgcc +install-target-libcilkrts: maybe-install-target-libstdc++-v3 +install-target-libcilkrts: maybe-install-target-libgcc +install-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-install-target-libstdc++-v3 +install-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-install-target-libgcc install-target-libjava: maybe-install-target-libgcc install-target-libitm: maybe-install-target-libgcc install-target-libobjc: maybe-install-target-libgcc @@ -47232,6 +50934,7 @@ all-target-winsup: maybe-all-target-libtermcap configure-target-newlib: maybe-all-binutils configure-target-newlib: maybe-all-ld configure-target-libgfortran: maybe-all-target-libquadmath +configure-target-libgfortran: maybe-all-target-libbacktrace # Dependencies for target modules on other target modules are @@ -47252,6 +50955,12 @@ configure-stage3-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stage3-target-libgcc configure-stage4-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stage4-target-libgcc configure-stageprofile-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stageprofile-target-libgcc configure-stagefeedback-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-stagefeedback-target-libgcc +configure-stage1-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage1-target-libgcc +configure-stage2-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage2-target-libgcc +configure-stage3-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage3-target-libgcc +configure-stage4-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stage4-target-libgcc +configure-stageprofile-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stageprofile-target-libgcc +configure-stagefeedback-target-libmpx: maybe-all-stagefeedback-target-libgcc configure-stage1-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stage1-target-libgcc configure-stage2-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stage2-target-libgcc configure-stage3-target-libvtv: maybe-all-stage3-target-libgcc @@ -47268,9 +50977,11 @@ configure-stagefeedback-target-libgomp: maybe-all-stagefeedback-target-libgcc @if gcc-no-bootstrap configure-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-all-target-libgcc -configure-target-libmudflap: maybe-all-target-libgcc configure-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-target-libgcc +configure-target-libmpx: maybe-all-target-libgcc configure-target-libvtv: maybe-all-target-libgcc +configure-target-libcilkrts: maybe-all-target-libgcc +configure-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-all-target-libgcc configure-target-libssp: maybe-all-target-libgcc configure-target-newlib: maybe-all-target-libgcc configure-target-libbacktrace: maybe-all-target-libgcc @@ -47295,12 +51006,18 @@ configure-target-libatomic: maybe-all-target-libgcc configure-target-libstdc++-v3: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss -configure-target-libmudflap: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss - configure-target-libsanitizer: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss +configure-target-libmpx: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss + configure-target-libvtv: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss +configure-target-libcilkrts: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss +configure-target-libcilkrts: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3 + +configure-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss +configure-target-liboffloadmic: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3 + configure-target-libssp: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss @@ -47321,6 +51038,7 @@ configure-target-winsup: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss configure-target-libffi: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss +configure-target-libffi: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3 configure-target-libjava: maybe-all-target-newlib maybe-all-target-libgloss configure-target-libjava: maybe-all-target-libstdc++-v3 diff --git a/Makefile.tpl b/Makefile.tpl index 3233a788d..829f664ae 100644 --- a/Makefile.tpl +++ b/Makefile.tpl @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ BUILD_EXPORTS = \ WINDMC="$(WINDMC_FOR_BUILD)"; export WINDMC; # These variables must be set on the make command line for directories -# built for the build system to override those in BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASSS. +# built for the build system to override those in BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS. EXTRA_BUILD_FLAGS = \ CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD)" \ LDFLAGS="$(LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD)" @@ -216,17 +216,19 @@ HOST_EXPORTS = \ LD_FOR_TARGET="$(LD_FOR_TARGET)"; export LD_FOR_TARGET; \ NM_FOR_TARGET="$(NM_FOR_TARGET)"; export NM_FOR_TARGET; \ OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET="$(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET; \ + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET; \ RANLIB_FOR_TARGET="$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)"; export RANLIB_FOR_TARGET; \ READELF_FOR_TARGET="$(READELF_FOR_TARGET)"; export READELF_FOR_TARGET; \ TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS="$(TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS)"; export TOPLEVEL_CONFIGURE_ARGUMENTS; \ HOST_LIBS="$(STAGE1_LIBS)"; export HOST_LIBS; \ GMPLIBS="$(HOST_GMPLIBS)"; export GMPLIBS; \ GMPINC="$(HOST_GMPINC)"; export GMPINC; \ + ISLLIBS="$(HOST_ISLLIBS)"; export ISLLIBS; \ ISLINC="$(HOST_ISLINC)"; export ISLINC; \ - CLOOGLIBS="$(HOST_CLOOGLIBS)"; export CLOOGLIBS; \ - CLOOGINC="$(HOST_CLOOGINC)"; export CLOOGINC; \ - LIBELFLIBS="$(HOST_LIBELFLIBS)" ; export LIBELFLIBS; \ - LIBELFINC="$(HOST_LIBELFINC)" ; export LIBELFINC; \ + ISLVER="$(HOST_ISLVER)"; export ISLVER; \ + LIBELFLIBS="$(HOST_LIBELFLIBS)"; export LIBELFLIBS; \ + LIBELFINC="$(HOST_LIBELFINC)"; export LIBELFINC; \ + XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET="$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET)"; export XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET; \ @if gcc-bootstrap $(RPATH_ENVVAR)=`echo "$(TARGET_LIB_PATH)$$$(RPATH_ENVVAR)" | sed 's,::*,:,g;s,^:*,,;s,:*$$,,'`; export $(RPATH_ENVVAR); \ @endif gcc-bootstrap @@ -242,9 +244,9 @@ POSTSTAGE1_CXX_EXPORT = \ -B$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/ -B$(build_tooldir)/bin/ -nostdinc++ \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs \ - -I$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include/$(TARGET_SUBDIR) \ - -I$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include \ - -I$$s/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++ \ + `if $(LEAN); then echo ' -isystem '; else echo ' -I'; fi`$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include/$(TARGET_SUBDIR) \ + `if $(LEAN); then echo ' -isystem '; else echo ' -I'; fi`$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/include \ + `if $(LEAN); then echo ' -isystem '; else echo ' -I'; fi`$$s/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++ \ -L$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \ -L$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs"; \ export CXX; \ @@ -259,6 +261,7 @@ POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS = \ $(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$TFLAGS"; export CC; \ CC_FOR_BUILD="$$CC"; export CC_FOR_BUILD; \ $(POSTSTAGE1_CXX_EXPORT) \ + $(LTO_EXPORTS) \ GNATBIND="$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/gnatbind"; export GNATBIND; \ LDFLAGS="$(POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS) $(BOOT_LDFLAGS)"; export LDFLAGS; \ HOST_LIBS="$(POSTSTAGE1_LIBS)"; export HOST_LIBS; @@ -288,6 +291,7 @@ BASE_TARGET_EXPORTS = \ LIPO="$(LIPO_FOR_TARGET)"; export LIPO; \ NM="$(COMPILER_NM_FOR_TARGET)"; export NM; \ OBJDUMP="$(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJDUMP; \ + OBJCOPY="$(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET)"; export OBJCOPY; \ RANLIB="$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)"; export RANLIB; \ READELF="$(READELF_FOR_TARGET)"; export READELF; \ STRIP="$(STRIP_FOR_TARGET)"; export STRIP; \ @@ -312,12 +316,10 @@ NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS = \ HOST_GMPLIBS = @gmplibs@ HOST_GMPINC = @gmpinc@ -# Where to find ISL +# Where to find isl +HOST_ISLLIBS = @isllibs@ HOST_ISLINC = @islinc@ - -# Where to find CLOOG -HOST_CLOOGLIBS = @clooglibs@ -HOST_CLOOGINC = @clooginc@ +HOST_ISLVER = @islver@ # Where to find libelf HOST_LIBELFLIBS = @libelflibs@ @@ -436,11 +438,9 @@ STAGE[+id+]_TFLAGS = $(STAGE_TFLAGS) STAGE[+id+]_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = $(STAGE_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) [+ ENDFOR bootstrap-stage +] -# Only build the C compiler for stage1, because that is the only one that -# we can guarantee will build with the native compiler, and also it is the -# only thing useful for building stage2. STAGE1_CFLAGS (via CFLAGS), -# MAKEINFO and MAKEINFOFLAGS are explicitly passed here to make them -# overrideable (for a bootstrap build stage1 also builds +# By default, C and C++ are the only stage1 languages, because they are the +# only ones we require to build with the bootstrap compiler, and also the +# only ones useful for building stage2. STAGE1_CFLAGS = @stage1_cflags@ STAGE1_CHECKING = @stage1_checking@ @@ -451,8 +451,10 @@ STAGE1_LANGUAGES = @stage1_languages@ # the last argument when conflicting --enable arguments are passed. # * Likewise, we force-disable coverage flags, since the installed # compiler probably has never heard of them. +# * We also disable -Wformat, since older GCCs don't understand newer %s. STAGE1_CONFIGURE_FLAGS = --disable-intermodule $(STAGE1_CHECKING) \ - --disable-coverage --enable-languages="$(STAGE1_LANGUAGES)" + --disable-coverage --enable-languages="$(STAGE1_LANGUAGES)" \ + --disable-build-format-warnings STAGEprofile_CFLAGS = $(STAGE2_CFLAGS) -fprofile-generate STAGEprofile_TFLAGS = $(STAGE2_TFLAGS) @@ -487,6 +489,7 @@ LD_FOR_TARGET=@LD_FOR_TARGET@ LIPO_FOR_TARGET=@LIPO_FOR_TARGET@ NM_FOR_TARGET=@NM_FOR_TARGET@ OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET=@OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET@ +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=@OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET@ RANLIB_FOR_TARGET=@RANLIB_FOR_TARGET@ READELF_FOR_TARGET=@READELF_FOR_TARGET@ STRIP_FOR_TARGET=@STRIP_FOR_TARGET@ @@ -577,7 +580,9 @@ CXX_FOR_TARGET_FLAG_TO_PASS = \ $(shell if echo "$(CXX_FOR_TARGET)" | grep " -funconfigured-" > /dev/null; then :; else echo '"CXX_FOR_TARGET=$(CXX_FOR_TARGET)"'; fi) @endif target-libstdc++-v3 -# Flags to pass down to all sub-makes. +# Flags to pass down to all sub-makes. STAGE*FLAGS, +# MAKEINFO and MAKEINFOFLAGS are explicitly passed here to make them +# overrideable (for a bootstrap build stage1 also builds BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS =[+ FOR flags_to_pass +][+ IF optional +] \ "`echo '[+flag+]=$([+flag+])' | sed -e s'/[^=][^=]*=$$/XFOO=/'`"[+ ELSE optional +] \ "[+flag+]=$([+flag+])"[+ ENDIF optional+][+ ENDFOR flags_to_pass +][+ FOR bootstrap-stage +] \ @@ -587,7 +592,8 @@ BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS =[+ FOR flags_to_pass +][+ IF optional +] \ $(CXX_FOR_TARGET_FLAG_TO_PASS) \ "TFLAGS=$(TFLAGS)" \ "CONFIG_SHELL=$(SHELL)" \ - "MAKEINFO=$(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS)" + "MAKEINFO=$(MAKEINFO) $(MAKEINFOFLAGS)" \ + $(if $(LSAN_OPTIONS),"LSAN_OPTIONS=$(LSAN_OPTIONS)") # We leave this in just in case, but it is not needed anymore. RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS = $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) @@ -629,8 +635,17 @@ POSTSTAGE1_FLAGS_TO_PASS = \ GNATBIND="$${GNATBIND}" \ LDFLAGS="$${LDFLAGS}" \ HOST_LIBS="$${HOST_LIBS}" \ + $(LTO_FLAGS_TO_PASS) \ "`echo 'ADAFLAGS=$(BOOT_ADAFLAGS)' | sed -e s'/[^=][^=]*=$$/XFOO=/'`" +@if gcc-bootstrap +EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS = if [ $(current_stage) != stage1 ]; then \ + $(POSTSTAGE1_HOST_EXPORTS) \ + fi; + +EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS = CC="$$CC" CXX="$$CXX" LDFLAGS="$$LDFLAGS" +@endif gcc-bootstrap + # Flags to pass down to makes which are built with the target environment. # The double $ decreases the length of the command line; those variables # are set in BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS, and the sub-make will expand them. The @@ -641,7 +656,9 @@ EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS = \ 'AS=$(COMPILER_AS_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'CC=$$(CC_FOR_TARGET) $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ 'CFLAGS=$$(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ - 'CXX=$$(CXX_FOR_TARGET) $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ + 'CXX=$$(CXX_FOR_TARGET) -B$$r/$$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/src/.libs \ + -B$$r/$$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libstdc++-v3/libsupc++/.libs \ + $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ 'CXXFLAGS=$$(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'DLLTOOL=$$(DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'GCJ=$$(GCJ_FOR_TARGET) $$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $$(TFLAGS)' \ @@ -654,11 +671,14 @@ EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS = \ 'LIBCXXFLAGS=$$(LIBCXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'NM=$(COMPILER_NM_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'OBJDUMP=$$(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET)' \ + 'OBJCOPY=$$(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'RANLIB=$$(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'READELF=$$(READELF_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'WINDRES=$$(WINDRES_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'WINDMC=$$(WINDMC_FOR_TARGET)' \ 'XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$(XGCC_FLAGS_FOR_TARGET)' \ + 'STAGE1_LDFLAGS=$$(POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS)' \ + 'STAGE1_LIBS=$$(POSTSTAGE1_LIBS)' \ "TFLAGS=$$TFLAGS" TARGET_FLAGS_TO_PASS = $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS) @@ -777,9 +797,9 @@ do-info: maybe-all-texinfo install-info: do-install-info s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - if [ -f ] ; then \ - $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/ ; \ - else true ; fi + if [ -f ]; then \ + $(INSTALL_DATA) $(DESTDIR)$(infodir)/; \ + else true; fi install-pdf: do-install-pdf @@ -861,6 +881,27 @@ mail-report-with-warnings.log: warning.log chmod +x $@ echo If you really want to send e-mail, run ./$@ now +# Local Vim config + +$(srcdir)/.local.vimrc: + $(LN_S) contrib/vimrc $@ + +$(srcdir)/.lvimrc: + $(LN_S) contrib/vimrc $@ + +vimrc: $(srcdir)/.local.vimrc $(srcdir)/.lvimrc + +.PHONY: vimrc + +# clang-format config + +$(srcdir)/.clang-format: + $(LN_S) contrib/clang-format $@ + +clang-format: $(srcdir)/.clang-format + +.PHONY: clang-format + # Installation targets. .PHONY: install uninstall @@ -893,14 +934,14 @@ uninstall: .PHONY: install.all install.all: install-no-fixedincludes - @if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ] ; then \ - r=`${PWD_COMMAND}` ; export r ; \ + @if [ -f ./gcc/Makefile ]; then \ + r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ (cd ./gcc && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-headers) ; \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) install-headers); \ else \ - true ; \ + true; \ fi # install-no-fixedincludes is used to allow the elaboration of binary packages @@ -940,10 +981,10 @@ installdirs: mkinstalldirs $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(MAKEDIRS) do-install-info - if [ -f $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir ] ; then \ - $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir $(DESTDIR)$(infodir) $(srcdir)/texinfo/ > ; \ - mv -f ; \ - else true ; \ + if [ -f $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir ]; then \ + $(srcdir)/texinfo/gen-info-dir $(DESTDIR)$(infodir) $(srcdir)/texinfo/ >; \ + mv -f; \ + else true; \ fi dist: @@ -978,8 +1019,8 @@ configure-[+prefix+][+module+]: [+ IF bootstrap +][+ ELSE +] s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ [+ IF check_multilibs +]echo "Checking multilib configuration for [+module+]..."; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs [+subdir+]/[+module+] ; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs [+subdir+]/[+module+]; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.out; then \ rm -f [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -991,7 +1032,7 @@ configure-[+prefix+][+module+]: [+ IF bootstrap +][+ ELSE +] mv [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.out; \ fi; \ [+ ENDIF check_multilibs +]test ! -f [+subdir+]/[+module+]/Makefile || exit 0; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs [+subdir+]/[+module+] ; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs [+subdir+]/[+module+]; \ [+exports+] [+extra_exports+] \ echo Configuring in [+subdir+]/[+module+]; \ cd "[+subdir+]/[+module+]" || exit 1; \ @@ -1000,12 +1041,13 @@ configure-[+prefix+][+module+]: [+ IF bootstrap +][+ ELSE +] *) topdir=`echo [+subdir+]/[+module+]/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/[+module+]"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/[+module+]"; \ + module_srcdir=[+? module_srcdir (get "module_srcdir") (get "module")+]; \ [+ IF no-config-site +]rm -f no-such-file || : ; \ - CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file [+ ENDIF +]$(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + CONFIG_SITE=no-such-file [+ ENDIF +]$(SHELL) \ + $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ [+args+] --build=${build_alias} --host=[+host_alias+] \ - --target=[+target_alias+] $${srcdiroption} [+extra_configure_flags+] \ + --target=[+target_alias+] [+extra_configure_flags+] \ || exit 1 @endif [+prefix+][+module+] @@ -1023,7 +1065,7 @@ configure-stage[+id+]-[+prefix+][+module+]: TFLAGS="$(STAGE[+id+]_TFLAGS)"; \ [+ IF check_multilibs +]echo "Checking multilib configuration for [+module+]..."; \ - $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null ; \ + $(CC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib > [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp 2> /dev/null; \ if test -r [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.out; then \ if cmp -s [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.out; then \ rm -f [+subdir+]/[+module+]/multilib.tmp; \ @@ -1045,20 +1087,20 @@ configure-stage[+id+]-[+prefix+][+module+]: LIBCFLAGS="$(STAGE[+id+]_CFLAGS)"[+ ELSE prev +] \ LIBCFLAGS="$(LIBCFLAGS)"[+ ENDIF prev +]; export LIBCFLAGS;[+ ENDIF prefix +] [+extra_exports+] \ - echo Configuring stage [+id+] in [+subdir+]/[+module+] ; \ - $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs [+subdir+]/[+module+] ; \ + echo Configuring stage [+id+] in [+subdir+]/[+module+]; \ + $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs [+subdir+]/[+module+]; \ cd [+subdir+]/[+module+] || exit 1; \ case $(srcdir) in \ /* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) topdir=$(srcdir) ;; \ *) topdir=`echo [+subdir+]/[+module+]/ | \ sed -e 's,\./,,g' -e 's,[^/]*/,../,g' `$(srcdir) ;; \ esac; \ - srcdiroption="--srcdir=$${topdir}/[+module+]"; \ - libsrcdir="$$s/[+module+]"; \ - $(SHELL) $${libsrcdir}/configure \ + module_srcdir=[+? module_srcdir (get "module_srcdir") (get "module")+]; \ + $(SHELL) $$s/$$module_srcdir/configure \ + --srcdir=$${topdir}/$$module_srcdir \ [+args+] --build=${build_alias} --host=[+host_alias+] \ - --target=[+target_alias+] $${srcdiroption} [+ IF prev +]\ - --with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR) [+ ENDIF prev +]\ + --target=[+target_alias+] \ + [+ IF prev +]--with-build-libsubdir=$(HOST_SUBDIR)[+ ENDIF prev +] \ $(STAGE[+id+]_CONFIGURE_FLAGS)[+ IF extra_configure_flags +] \ [+extra_configure_flags+][+ ENDIF extra_configure_flags +] @endif [+prefix+][+module+]-bootstrap @@ -1179,21 +1221,25 @@ check-[+module+]: # This module is only tested in a native toolchain. check-[+module+]: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ] ; then \ + @if [ '$(host)' = '$(target)' ]; then \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) [+ IF bootstrap +]$(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS)[+ + ENDIF bootstrap +] \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) [+extra_make_flags+] check); \ + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) [+extra_make_flags+][+ + IF bootstrap +] $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS)[+ ENDIF bootstrap +] check) fi [+ ELSE check +] check-[+module+]: @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ - $(HOST_EXPORTS) \ + $(HOST_EXPORTS) [+ IF bootstrap +]$(EXTRA_HOST_EXPORTS)[+ + ENDIF bootstrap +] \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \ - $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) [+extra_make_flags+] check) + $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) [+extra_make_flags+][+ + IF bootstrap +] $(EXTRA_BOOTSTRAP_FLAGS)[+ ENDIF bootstrap +] check) [+ ENDIF no_check +] @endif [+module+] @@ -1253,7 +1299,7 @@ maybe-[+make_target+]-[+module+]: [+make_target+]-[+module+] for flag in $(EXTRA_HOST_FLAGS) [+extra_make_flags+]; do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ - echo "Doing [+make_target+] in [+module+]" ; \ + echo "Doing [+make_target+] in [+module+]"; \ (cd $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+] && \ $(MAKE) $(BASE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) "AR=$${AR}" "AS=$${AS}" \ "CC=$${CC}" "CXX=$${CXX}" "LD=$${LD}" "NM=$${NM}" \ @@ -1380,7 +1426,7 @@ maybe-[+make_target+]-target-[+module+]: [+make_target+]-target-[+module+] [+depend+]-target-[+module+] [+ ENDFOR depend +] @: $(MAKE); $(unstage) - @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+]/Makefile ] || exit 0 ; \ + @[ -f $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+]/Makefile ] || exit 0; \ r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \[+ IF raw_cxx +] @@ -1388,7 +1434,7 @@ IF raw_cxx +] ELSE normal_cxx +] $(NORMAL_TARGET_EXPORTS) \[+ ENDIF raw_cxx +] - echo "Doing [+make_target+] in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+]" ; \ + echo "Doing [+make_target+] in $(TARGET_SUBDIR)/[+module+]"; \ for flag in $(EXTRA_TARGET_FLAGS); do \ eval `echo "$$flag" | sed -e "s|^\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)|\1='\2'; export \1|"`; \ done; \ @@ -1404,13 +1450,6 @@ ENDIF raw_cxx +] [+ ENDFOR recursive_targets +] [+ ENDFOR target_modules +] -@if target-libmudflap -.PHONY: check-target-libmudflap-c++ -check-target-libmudflap-c++: - $(MAKE) RUNTESTFLAGS="$(RUNTESTFLAGS) c++frags.exp" check-target-libmudflap - -@endif target-libmudflap - @if target-libgomp .PHONY: check-target-libgomp-c++ check-target-libgomp-c++: @@ -1438,7 +1477,7 @@ cross: all-build all-gas all-ld echo "Building the C and C++ compiler"; \ cd gcc && $(MAKE) $(GCC_FLAGS_TO_PASS) LANGUAGES="c c++" @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ - s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}` ; export s; \ + s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ echo "Building runtime libraries"; \ $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) LANGUAGES="c c++" all @endif gcc-no-bootstrap @@ -1522,31 +1561,31 @@ objext = .o stage[+id+]-start:: @: $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - echo stage[+id+] > stage_current ; \ + echo stage[+id+] > stage_current; \ echo stage[+id+] > stage_last; \ $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/mkinstalldirs $(HOST_SUBDIR)[+ FOR host_modules +][+ IF bootstrap +] @if [+ module +] @cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); [ -d stage[+id+]-[+module+] ] || \ mkdir stage[+id+]-[+module+]; \ - mv stage[+id+]-[+module+] [+module+] [+ IF prev +] ; \ + mv stage[+id+]-[+module+] [+module+][+ IF prev +]; \ mv stage[+prev+]-[+module+] prev-[+module+] || test -f stage[+prev+]-lean [+ ENDIF prev +] @endif [+ module +][+ ENDIF bootstrap +][+ ENDFOR host_modules +] @[ -d stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ] || \ mkdir stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); \ - mv stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR) [+ IF prev +] ; \ + mv stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) $(TARGET_SUBDIR)[+ IF prev +]; \ mv stage[+prev+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) || test -f stage[+prev+]-lean [+ ENDIF prev +] stage[+id+]-end:: [+ FOR host_modules +][+ IF bootstrap +] @if [+ module +] - @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+] ; then \ - cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv [+module+] stage[+id+]-[+module+] [+ IF prev +]; \ - mv prev-[+module+] stage[+prev+]-[+module+] ; : [+ ENDIF prev +] ; \ + @if test -d $(HOST_SUBDIR)/[+module+]; then \ + cd $(HOST_SUBDIR); mv [+module+] stage[+id+]-[+module+][+ IF prev +]; \ + mv prev-[+module+] stage[+prev+]-[+module+]; : [+ ENDIF prev +]; \ fi @endif [+ module +][+ ENDIF bootstrap +][+ ENDFOR host_modules +] - @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; then \ - mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) [+ IF prev +] ; \ - mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage[+prev+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) ; : [+ ENDIF prev +] ; \ + @if test -d $(TARGET_SUBDIR); then \ + mv $(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage[+id+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)[+ IF prev +]; \ + mv prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR) stage[+prev+]-$(TARGET_SUBDIR); : [+ ENDIF prev +]; \ fi rm -f stage_current @@ -1558,13 +1597,13 @@ stage[+id+]-bubble:: [+ IF prev +]stage[+prev+]-bubble[+ ENDIF +] @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ if test -f stage[+id+]-lean [+ - IF prev +]|| test -f stage[+prev+]-lean [+ ENDIF prev +] ; then \ - echo Skipping rebuild of stage[+id+] ; \ + IF prev +]|| test -f stage[+prev+]-lean [+ ENDIF prev +]; then \ + echo Skipping rebuild of stage[+id+]; \ else \ $(MAKE) stage[+id+]-start; \[+IF lean +] if $(LEAN); then \ - rm -rf stage[+lean+]-* ; \ - $(STAMP) stage[+lean+]-lean ; \ + rm -rf stage[+lean+]-*; \ + $(STAMP) stage[+lean+]-lean; \ fi; \[+ ENDIF lean +] $(MAKE) $(RECURSE_FLAGS_TO_PASS) all-stage[+id+]; \ fi[+ IF compare-target +] @@ -1581,16 +1620,16 @@ do-clean: clean-stage[+id+] @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ if test -f stage[+prev+]-lean; then \ - echo Cannot compare object files as stage [+prev+] was deleted. ; \ - exit 0 ; \ + echo Cannot compare object files as stage [+prev+] was deleted.; \ + exit 0; \ fi; \ : $(MAKE); $(stage); \ - rm -f .bad_compare ; \ - echo Comparing stages [+prev+] and [+id+] ; \ + rm -f .bad_compare; \ + echo Comparing stages [+prev+] and [+id+]; \ sed=`echo stage[+id+] | sed 's,^stage,,;s,.,.,g'`; \ files=`find stage[+id+]-* -name "*$(objext)" -print | \ - sed -n s,^stage$$sed-,,p` ; \ - for file in $${files} ; do \ + sed -n s,^stage$$sed-,,p`; \ + for file in $${files}; do \ f1=$$r/stage[+prev+]-$$file; f2=$$r/stage[+id+]-$$file; \ if test ! -f $$f1; then continue; fi; \ $(do-[+compare-target+]) > /dev/null 2>&1; \ @@ -1600,16 +1639,16 @@ do-clean: clean-stage[+id+] echo warning: $$file differs ;; \ *) \ echo $$file differs >> .bad_compare ;; \ - esac ; \ - fi ; \ - done ; \ + esac; \ + fi; \ + done; \ if [ -f .bad_compare ]; then \ echo "Bootstrap comparison failure!"; \ cat .bad_compare; \ exit 1; \ else \ echo Comparison successful.; \ - fi ; \ + fi; \ $(STAMP) [+compare-target+][+ IF prev +] if $(LEAN); then \ rm -rf stage[+prev+]-*; \ @@ -1675,10 +1714,10 @@ stagefeedback-start:: @r=`${PWD_COMMAND}`; export r; \ s=`cd $(srcdir); ${PWD_COMMAND}`; export s; \ for i in prev-*; do \ - j=`echo $$i | sed s/^prev-//` ; \ + j=`echo $$i | sed s/^prev-//`; \ cd $$r/$$i && \ - { find . -type d | sort | sed 's,.*,$(SHELL) '"$$s"'/mkinstalldirs "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL) ; } && \ - { find . -name '*.*da' | sed 's,.*,$(LN) -f "&" "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL) ; } ; \ + { find . -type d | sort | sed 's,.*,$(SHELL) '"$$s"'/mkinstalldirs "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL); } && \ + { find . -name '*.*da' | sed 's,.*,$(LN) -f "&" "../'$$j'/&",' | $(SHELL); }; \ done @if gcc-bootstrap diff --git a/compile b/compile index ec64c6220..a85b723c7 100755 --- a/compile +++ b/compile @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ #! /bin/sh -# Wrapper for compilers which do not understand `-c -o'. +# Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'. -scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC +scriptversion=2012-10-14.11; # UTC -# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software -# Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Written by Tom Tromey . # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -29,21 +28,224 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC # bugs to or send patches to # . +nl=' +' + +# We need space, tab and new line, in precisely that order. Quoting is +# there to prevent tools from complaining about whitespace usage. +IFS=" "" $nl" + +file_conv= + +# func_file_conv build_file lazy +# Convert a $build file to $host form and store it in $file +# Currently only supports Windows hosts. If the determined conversion +# type is listed in (the comma separated) LAZY, no conversion will +# take place. +func_file_conv () +{ + file=$1 + case $file in + / | /[!/]*) # absolute file, and not a UNC file + if test -z "$file_conv"; then + # lazily determine how to convert abs files + case `uname -s` in + MINGW*) + file_conv=mingw + ;; + CYGWIN*) + file_conv=cygwin + ;; + *) + file_conv=wine + ;; + esac + fi + case $file_conv/,$2, in + *,$file_conv,*) + ;; + mingw/*) + file=`cmd //C echo "$file " | sed -e 's/"\(.*\) " *$/\1/'` + ;; + cygwin/*) + file=`cygpath -m "$file" || echo "$file"` + ;; + wine/*) + file=`winepath -w "$file" || echo "$file"` + ;; + esac + ;; + esac +} + +# func_cl_dashL linkdir +# Make cl look for libraries in LINKDIR +func_cl_dashL () +{ + func_file_conv "$1" + if test -z "$lib_path"; then + lib_path=$file + else + lib_path="$lib_path;$file" + fi + linker_opts="$linker_opts -LIBPATH:$file" +} + +# func_cl_dashl library +# Do a library search-path lookup for cl +func_cl_dashl () +{ + lib=$1 + found=no + save_IFS=$IFS + IFS=';' + for dir in $lib_path $LIB + do + IFS=$save_IFS + if $shared && test -f "$dir/$lib.dll.lib"; then + found=yes + lib=$dir/$lib.dll.lib + break + fi + if test -f "$dir/$lib.lib"; then + found=yes + lib=$dir/$lib.lib + break + fi + if test -f "$dir/lib$lib.a"; then + found=yes + lib=$dir/lib$lib.a + break + fi + done + IFS=$save_IFS + + if test "$found" != yes; then + lib=$lib.lib + fi +} + +# func_cl_wrapper cl arg... +# Adjust compile command to suit cl +func_cl_wrapper () +{ + # Assume a capable shell + lib_path= + shared=: + linker_opts= + for arg + do + if test -n "$eat"; then + eat= + else + case $1 in + -o) + # configure might choose to run compile as 'compile cc -o foo foo.c'. + eat=1 + case $2 in + *.o | *.[oO][bB][jJ]) + func_file_conv "$2" + set x "$@" -Fo"$file" + shift + ;; + *) + func_file_conv "$2" + set x "$@" -Fe"$file" + shift + ;; + esac + ;; + -I) + eat=1 + func_file_conv "$2" mingw + set x "$@" -I"$file" + shift + ;; + -I*) + func_file_conv "${1#-I}" mingw + set x "$@" -I"$file" + shift + ;; + -l) + eat=1 + func_cl_dashl "$2" + set x "$@" "$lib" + shift + ;; + -l*) + func_cl_dashl "${1#-l}" + set x "$@" "$lib" + shift + ;; + -L) + eat=1 + func_cl_dashL "$2" + ;; + -L*) + func_cl_dashL "${1#-L}" + ;; + -static) + shared=false + ;; + -Wl,*) + arg=${1#-Wl,} + save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=',' + for flag in $arg; do + IFS="$save_ifs" + linker_opts="$linker_opts $flag" + done + IFS="$save_ifs" + ;; + -Xlinker) + eat=1 + linker_opts="$linker_opts $2" + ;; + -*) + set x "$@" "$1" + shift + ;; + *.cc | *.CC | *.cxx | *.CXX | *.[cC]++) + func_file_conv "$1" + set x "$@" -Tp"$file" + shift + ;; + *.c | *.cpp | *.CPP | *.lib | *.LIB | *.Lib | *.OBJ | *.obj | *.[oO]) + func_file_conv "$1" mingw + set x "$@" "$file" + shift + ;; + *) + set x "$@" "$1" + shift + ;; + esac + fi + shift + done + if test -n "$linker_opts"; then + linker_opts="-link$linker_opts" + fi + exec "$@" $linker_opts + exit 1 +} + +eat= + case $1 in '') - echo "$0: No command. Try \`$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 + echo "$0: No command. Try '$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 exit 1; ;; -h | --h*) cat <<\EOF Usage: compile [--help] [--version] PROGRAM [ARGS] -Wrapper for compilers which do not understand `-c -o'. -Remove `-o dest.o' from ARGS, run PROGRAM with the remaining +Wrapper for compilers which do not understand '-c -o'. +Remove '-o dest.o' from ARGS, run PROGRAM with the remaining arguments, and rename the output as expected. If you are trying to build a whole package this is not the -right script to run: please start by reading the file `INSTALL'. +right script to run: please start by reading the file 'INSTALL'. Report bugs to . EOF @@ -53,11 +255,13 @@ EOF echo "compile $scriptversion" exit $? ;; + cl | *[/\\]cl | cl.exe | *[/\\]cl.exe ) + func_cl_wrapper "$@" # Doesn't return... + ;; esac ofile= cfile= -eat= for arg do @@ -66,8 +270,8 @@ do else case $1 in -o) - # configure might choose to run compile as `compile cc -o foo foo.c'. - # So we strip `-o arg' only if arg is an object. + # configure might choose to run compile as 'compile cc -o foo foo.c'. + # So we strip '-o arg' only if arg is an object. eat=1 case $2 in *.o | *.obj) @@ -94,10 +298,10 @@ do done if test -z "$ofile" || test -z "$cfile"; then - # If no `-o' option was seen then we might have been invoked from a + # If no '-o' option was seen then we might have been invoked from a # pattern rule where we don't need one. That is ok -- this is a # normal compilation that the losing compiler can handle. If no - # `.c' file was seen then we are probably linking. That is also + # '.c' file was seen then we are probably linking. That is also # ok. exec "$@" fi @@ -106,7 +310,7 @@ fi cofile=`echo "$cfile" | sed 's|^.*[\\/]||; s|^[a-zA-Z]:||; s/\.c$/.o/'` # Create the lock directory. -# Note: use `[/\\:.-]' here to ensure that we don't use the same name +# Note: use '[/\\:.-]' here to ensure that we don't use the same name # that we are using for the .o file. Also, base the name on the expected # object file name, since that is what matters with a parallel build. lockdir=`echo "$cofile" | sed -e 's|[/\\:.-]|_|g'`.d @@ -124,9 +328,9 @@ trap "rmdir '$lockdir'; exit 1" 1 2 15 ret=$? if test -f "$cofile"; then - mv "$cofile" "$ofile" + test "$cofile" = "$ofile" || mv "$cofile" "$ofile" elif test -f "${cofile}bj"; then - mv "${cofile}bj" "$ofile" + test "${cofile}bj" = "$ofile" || mv "${cofile}bj" "$ofile" fi rmdir "$lockdir" diff --git a/ b/ index 11983461c..5e519942b 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # wanting multilib support. # # Copyright (C) 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, -# 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ # user select which libraries s/he really wants. # # Subdirectories wishing to use multilib should put the following lines -# in the "post-target" section of +# in the "post-target" section of # # if [ "${srcdir}" = "." ] ; then # if [ "${with_target_subdir}" != "." ] ; then @@ -105,31 +105,34 @@ ml_realsrcdir=${srcdir} # Scan all the arguments and set all the ones we need. -ml_verbose=--verbose -for option in ${ac_configure_args} -do - # strip single quotes surrounding individual options - case $option in - \'*\') eval option=$option ;; - esac +scan_arguments () +{ + ml_verbose=--verbose + for option + do + # Strip single quotes surrounding individual options, that is, remove one + # level of shell quoting for these. + case $option in + \'*\') eval option=$option ;; + esac - case $option in - --*) ;; - -*) option=-$option ;; - esac + case $option in + --*) ;; + -*) option=-$option ;; + esac - case $option in - --*=*) + case $option in + --*=*) optarg=`echo $option | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//'` ;; - esac + esac - case $option in - --disable-*) + case $option in + --disable-*) enableopt=`echo ${option} | sed 's:^--disable-:enable_:;s:-:_:g'` eval $enableopt=no ;; - --enable-*) + --enable-*) case "$option" in *=*) ;; *) optarg=yes ;; @@ -139,32 +142,37 @@ do # Don't undo its work. case $enableopt in enable_shared | enable_static) ;; - *) eval $enableopt="$optarg" ;; + *) eval $enableopt='$optarg' ;; esac ;; - --norecursion | --no-recursion) + --norecursion | --no-recursion) ml_norecursion=yes ;; - --silent | --sil* | --quiet | --q*) + --silent | --sil* | --quiet | --q*) ml_verbose=--silent ;; - --verbose | --v | --verb*) + --verbose | --v | --verb*) ml_verbose=--verbose ;; - --with-*) + --with-*) case "$option" in *=*) ;; *) optarg=yes ;; esac withopt=`echo ${option} | sed 's:^--::;s:=.*$::;s:-:_:g'` - eval $withopt="$optarg" + eval $withopt='$optarg' ;; - --without-*) + --without-*) withopt=`echo ${option} | sed 's:^--::;s:out::;s:-:_:g'` eval $withopt=no ;; - esac -done + esac + done +} +# Use eval to properly handle configure arguments such as +# --enable-foo='--enable-a=1 --enable-b=2 --enable-c=3'. +eval scan_arguments "${ac_configure_args}" +unset scan_arguments # Only do this if --enable-multilib. if [ "${enable_multilib}" = yes ]; then @@ -174,8 +182,8 @@ if [ "${enable_multilib}" = yes ]; then # ${with_multisubdir} tells us we're in the right branch, but we could be # in a subdir of that. # ??? The previous version could void this test by separating the process into -# two files: one that only the library's toplevel ran (to -# configure the multilib subdirs), and another that all's ran to +# two files: one that only the library's toplevel ran (to +# configure the multilib subdirs), and another that all's ran to # update the Makefile. It seemed reasonable to collapse all multilib support # into one file, but it does leave us with having to perform this test. ml_toplevel_p=no @@ -860,7 +868,7 @@ if [ -n "${multidirs}" ] && [ -z "${ml_norecursion}" ]; then if eval ${ml_config_env} ${ml_config_shell} ${ml_recprog} \ --with-multisubdir=${ml_dir} --with-multisrctop=${multisrctop} \ - ${ac_configure_args} ${ml_config_env} ${ml_srcdiroption} ; then + "${ac_configure_args}" ${ml_config_env} ${ml_srcdiroption} ; then true else exit 1 diff --git a/config.guess b/config.guess index 3c022c5bb..dcd514968 100755 --- a/config.guess +++ b/config.guess @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ #! /bin/sh # Attempt to guess a canonical system name. -# Copyright 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -timestamp='2015-09-14' +timestamp='2016-01-01' # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ timestamp='2015-09-14' # Originally written by Per Bothner; maintained since 2000 by Ben Elliston. # # You can get the latest version of this script from: -#;a=blob_plain;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD +#;a=blob_plain;f=config.guess # # Please send patches to . @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ version="\ GNU config.guess ($timestamp) Originally written by Per Bothner. -Copyright 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +Copyright 1992-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE." @@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@ EOF # uname -m prints for DJGPP always 'pc', but it prints nothing about # the processor, so we play safe by assuming i586. # Note: whatever this is, it MUST be the same as what config.sub - # prints for the "djgpp" host, or else GDB configury will decide that + # prints for the "djgpp" host, or else GDB configure will decide that # this is a cross-build. echo i586-pc-msdosdjgpp exit ;; @@ -1393,6 +1393,9 @@ EOF x86_64:VMkernel:*:*) echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-esx exit ;; + amd64:Isilon\ OneFS:*:*) + echo x86_64-unknown-onefs + exit ;; esac cat >&2 < + + * Replace ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks with + LSAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks. + +2015-08-24 Yaakov Selkowitz + + * iconv.m4 (AM_ICONV_LINK): Use in-tree libiconv when present. + +2015-07-24 Micahel Darling + + PR other/66259 + * gettext.m4: Reflects renaming of to + * po.m4: Likewise + * stdint.m4: Likewise + * tcl.m4: Likewise + +2015-07-14 H.J. Lu + + * zlib.m4: Sync with binutils-gdb. + +2015-06-30 H.J. Lu + + * dfp.m4 (enable_decimal_float): Also set to yes for + i?86*-*-elfiamcu target. + +2015-05-27 Jason Merrill + + PR bootstrap/66304 + * warnings.m4 (ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_OPTS) + (ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS) + (ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC): New. + (ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_OPTS, ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC) + (ACX_PROG_CC_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS): Push into C language context. + +2015-05-13 Eric Botcazou + + * sjlj.m4: New file. + +2015-05-04 Trevor Saunders + + * bitfields.m4: Change int to long long, and use bitfields of + width 1 instead of 0. + +2015-05-01 Trevor Saunders + + * bitfields.m4: New file. + +2015-04-14 H.J. Lu + + * New file. + +2015-04-10 Jakub Jelinek + Iain Sandoe + + PR target/65351 + * mh-darwin: Only apply -mdynamic-no-pic for m32 Darwin when the + compiler in use supports -mno-dynamic-no-pic. + * picflag.m4: Only append -mno-dynamic-no-pic for Darwin when + -mdynamic-no-pic is present in CFLAGS. + +2015-04-07 Jakub Jelinek + Iain Sandoe + + PR target/65351 + * picflag.m4: Append -mno-dynamic-no-pic for Darwin. + +2015-03-25 Uros Bizjak + + PR bootstrap/65537 + * New build configuration. + +2015-02-18 Thomas Schwinge + + * elf.m4 (ACX_ELF_TARGET_IFELSE): nvptx-*-none isn't ELF. + +2014-11-17 Bob Dunlop + + * mt-ospace (CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET): Append -g -Os rather than + overwriting. + (CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET): Similarly. + +2014-11-17 H.J. Lu + + PR bootstrap/63888 + * (ASAN_OPTIONS): Export "detect_leaks=0". + +2014-11-13 Kirill Yukhin + + * target-posix: New file. + +2014-11-11 Tobias Burnus + + * cloog.m4: Remove. + +2014-10-27 Tom Tromey + + * gcc-plugin.m4: New file. + +2014-09-01 Andi Kleen + + * Implement slim bootstrap. + +2014-08-21 Bin Cheng + + * isl.m4 (ISL_CHECK_VERSION): Check link of isl library + for cross_compiling. + +2014-08-19 Alan Modra + + * plugins.m4 (AC_PLUGINS): If plugins are enabled, add -ldl to + LIBS via AC_SEARCH_LIBS. + +2014-08-18 Roman Gareev + + * cloog.m4: Remove the path to isllibs from clooglibs. + * isl.m4: Add paths to islinc, isllibs. + +2014-08-14 Alan Modra + + * plugins.m4: Test for dlfcn.h or windows.h here to set default + for --enable-plugins. Report error if someone tries to enable + plugins on a host we don't support. + +2014-07-26 Uros Bizjak + + PR target/47230 + * mh-alpha-linux: New file. + 2014-05-14 Sandra Loosemore * mt-nios2-elf: New file. +2014-04-25 Marc Glisse + + PR target/43538 + * mt-gnu: Don't reset CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET. + +2013-12-07 Mike Frysinger + + * acinclude.m4: Remove +x file mode. + +2013-11-29 Marek Polacek + + * (POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS): Remove -lpthread -ldl. + Add -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/. + +2013-11-29 H.J. Lu + + * (POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS): Add + -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/. + +2013-11-19 Marek Polacek + + * (POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS): Add -ldl. + +2013-11-18 Jan Hubicka + + * Use -ffat-lto-objects. + +2013-11-15 Andreas Schwab + + * picflag.m4 (m68k-*-*): Use default PIC flag. + 2013-09-29 Iain Sandoe * mh-darwin (BOOT_CFLAGS): Only add -mdynamic-no-pic for m32 hosts. @@ -22,6 +182,10 @@ * (POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS): Add -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/asan/. +2013-01-23 Shenghou Ma + + * isl.m4: don't echo $CFLAGS for ISL_CHECK_VERSION. + 2013-01-15 Richard Biener PR other/55973 diff --git a/config/acinclude.m4 b/config/acinclude.m4 old mode 100755 new mode 100644 diff --git a/config/bitfields.m4 b/config/bitfields.m4 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8185cd302 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/bitfields.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +dnl Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU +dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General +dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program +dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under +dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. + +# Define HAVE_BITFIELD_TYPE_MATTERS if the type of bitfields effects their +# alignment. + +AC_DEFUN([gt_BITFIELD_TYPE_MATTERS], +[ + AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the type of bitfields matters], gt_cv_bitfield_type_matters, + [ + AC_TRY_COMPILE( + [struct foo1 { char x; char y:1; char z; }; +struct foo2 { char x; long long int y:1; char z; }; +int foo1test[ sizeof (struct foo1) < sizeof (struct foo2) ? 1 : -1 ]; ], + [], gt_cv_bitfield_type_matters=yes, gt_cv_bitfield_type_matters=no) + ]) + if test $gt_cv_bitfield_type_matters = yes; then + AC_DEFINE(HAVE_BITFIELD_TYPE_MATTERS, 1, + [Define if the type of bitfields effects alignment.]) + fi +]) diff --git a/config/ b/config/ index e3f34f5ad..70baaf9bb 100644 --- a/config/ +++ b/config/ @@ -1,7 +1,11 @@ # This option enables -fsanitize=address for stage2 and stage3. +# Suppress LeakSanitizer in bootstrap. +export LSAN_OPTIONS="detect_leaks=0" + STAGE2_CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address STAGE3_CFLAGS += -fsanitize=address POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=address -static-libasan \ + -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/asan/ \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/asan/.libs diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5073365b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +# This option enables LTO for stage2 and stage3 on +# hosts without linker plugin support. + +STAGE2_CFLAGS += -flto=jobserver -frandom-seed=1 -ffat-lto-objects +STAGE3_CFLAGS += -flto=jobserver -frandom-seed=1 -ffat-lto-objects +STAGEprofile_CFLAGS += -fno-lto diff --git a/config/ b/config/ index bbd3515ea..9e065e1d8 100644 --- a/config/ +++ b/config/ @@ -1,5 +1,13 @@ -# This option enables LTO for stage2 and stage3. +# This option enables LTO for stage2 and stage3 in slim mode STAGE2_CFLAGS += -flto=jobserver -frandom-seed=1 STAGE3_CFLAGS += -flto=jobserver -frandom-seed=1 STAGEprofile_CFLAGS += -fno-lto + +# assumes the host supports the linker plugin +LTO_AR = $$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/gcc-ar$(exeext) -B$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/ +LTO_RANLIB = $$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/gcc-ranlib$(exeext) -B$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/prev-gcc/ + +LTO_EXPORTS = AR="$(LTO_AR)"; export AR; \ + RANLIB="$(LTO_RANLIB)"; export RANLIB; +LTO_FLAGS_TO_PASS = AR="$(LTO_AR)" RANLIB="$(LTO_RANLIB)" diff --git a/config/ b/config/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acc2a2e7a --- /dev/null +++ b/config/ @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +# This option enables -fcheck-pointer-bounds -mmpx for stage2 and stage3. + +STAGE2_CFLAGS += -fcheck-pointer-bounds -mmpx -frandom-seed=1 +STAGE3_CFLAGS += -fcheck-pointer-bounds -mmpx -frandom-seed=1 +POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS += -fcheck-pointer-bounds -mmpx -frandom-seed=1 \ + -static-libmpx -static-libmpxwrappers \ + -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx \ + -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/mpxrt/.libs \ + -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libmpx/mpxwrap/.libs diff --git a/config/ b/config/ index 2d21e832e..d2615e8f8 100644 --- a/config/ +++ b/config/ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ STAGE2_CFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined STAGE3_CFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined -POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined -static-libubsan -lpthread \ +POSTSTAGE1_LDFLAGS += -fsanitize=undefined -static-libubsan \ + -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ubsan/ \ -B$$r/prev-$(TARGET_SUBDIR)/libsanitizer/ubsan/.libs diff --git a/config/dfp.m4 b/config/dfp.m4 index 48683f0f9..5b29089ce 100644 --- a/config/dfp.m4 +++ b/config/dfp.m4 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Valid choices are 'yes', 'bid', 'dpd', and 'no'.]) ;; [ case $1 in powerpc*-*-linux* | i?86*-*-linux* | x86_64*-*-linux* | s390*-*-linux* | \ - i?86*-*-gnu* | \ + i?86*-*-elfiamcu | i?86*-*-gnu* | \ i?86*-*-mingw* | x86_64*-*-mingw* | \ i?86*-*-cygwin* | x86_64*-*-cygwin*) enable_decimal_float=yes diff --git a/config/elf.m4 b/config/elf.m4 index da051cbe6..1772a4431 100644 --- a/config/elf.m4 +++ b/config/elf.m4 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -dnl Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +dnl Copyright (C) 2010, 2011, 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program @@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. dnl From Paolo Bonzini. +dnl Is this an ELF target supporting the LTO plugin? + dnl usage: ACX_ELF_TARGET_IFELSE([if-elf], [if-not-elf]) AC_DEFUN([ACX_ELF_TARGET_IFELSE], [ AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_TARGET]) @@ -15,7 +17,8 @@ target_elf=no case $target in *-darwin* | *-aix* | *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *-aout* | *-*coff* | \ *-msdosdjgpp* | *-vms* | *-wince* | *-*-pe* | \ - alpha*-dec-osf* | *-interix* | hppa[[12]]*-*-hpux*) + alpha*-dec-osf* | *-interix* | hppa[[12]]*-*-hpux* | \ + nvptx-*-none) target_elf=no ;; *) diff --git a/config/gcc-plugin.m4 b/config/gcc-plugin.m4 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd06a58cd --- /dev/null +++ b/config/gcc-plugin.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +# gcc-plugin.m4 -*- Autoconf -*- +# Check whether GCC is able to be built with plugin support. + +dnl Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +dnl This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU +dnl General Public License. As a special exception to the GNU General +dnl Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program +dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under +dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. + +# Check for plugin support. +# Respects --enable-plugin. +# Sets the shell variables enable_plugin and pluginlibs. +AC_DEFUN([GCC_ENABLE_PLUGINS], + [# Check for plugin support + AC_ARG_ENABLE(plugin, + [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-plugin], [enable plugin support])], + enable_plugin=$enableval, + enable_plugin=yes; default_plugin=yes) + + pluginlibs= + + case "${host}" in + *-*-darwin*) + if test x$build = x$host; then + export_sym_check="nm${exeext} -g" + elif test x$host = x$target; then + export_sym_check="$gcc_cv_nm -g" + else + export_sym_check= + fi + ;; + *) + if test x$build = x$host; then + export_sym_check="objdump${exeext} -T" + elif test x$host = x$target; then + export_sym_check="$gcc_cv_objdump -T" + else + export_sym_check= + fi + ;; + esac + + if test x"$enable_plugin" = x"yes"; then + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for exported symbols]) + if test "x$export_sym_check" != x; then + echo "int main() {return 0;} int foobar() {return 0;}" > conftest.c + ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} conftest.c -o conftest$ac_exeext > /dev/null 2>&1 + if $export_sym_check conftest$ac_exeext | grep -q foobar > /dev/null; then + : # No need to use a flag + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for -rdynamic]) + ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -rdynamic conftest.c -o conftest$ac_exeext > /dev/null 2>&1 + if $export_sym_check conftest$ac_exeext | grep -q foobar > /dev/null; then + plugin_rdynamic=yes + pluginlibs="-rdynamic" + else + plugin_rdynamic=no + enable_plugin=no + fi + AC_MSG_RESULT([$plugin_rdynamic]) + fi + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([unable to check]) + fi + + # Check -ldl + saved_LIBS="$LIBS" + AC_SEARCH_LIBS([dlopen], [dl]) + if test x"$ac_cv_search_dlopen" = x"-ldl"; then + pluginlibs="$pluginlibs -ldl" + fi + LIBS="$saved_LIBS" + + # Check that we can build shared objects with -fPIC -shared + saved_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" + saved_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" + case "${host}" in + *-*-darwin*) + CFLAGS=`echo $CFLAGS | sed s/-mdynamic-no-pic//g` + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -shared -undefined dynamic_lookup" + ;; + *) + CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC" + LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -fPIC -shared" + ;; + esac + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for -fPIC -shared]) + AC_TRY_LINK( + [extern int X;],[return X == 0;], + [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]); have_pic_shared=yes], + [AC_MSG_RESULT([no]); have_pic_shared=no]) + if test x"$have_pic_shared" != x"yes" -o x"$ac_cv_search_dlopen" = x"no"; then + pluginlibs= + enable_plugin=no + fi + LDFLAGS="$saved_LDFLAGS" + CFLAGS="$saved_CFLAGS" + + # If plugin support had been requested but not available, fail. + if test x"$enable_plugin" = x"no" ; then + if test x"$default_plugin" != x"yes"; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([ + Building GCC with plugin support requires a host that supports + -fPIC, -shared, -ldl and -rdynamic.]) + fi + fi + fi +]) diff --git a/config/gettext.m4 b/config/gettext.m4 index 16070b40a..45fa6b4ab 100644 --- a/config/gettext.m4 +++ b/config/gettext.m4 @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_GNU_GETTEXT], dnl Ideally we would do this search only after the dnl if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then dnl if test "$gt_cv_func_gnugettext_libc" != "yes"; then - dnl tests. But if invokes AM_ICONV after AM_GNU_GETTEXT + dnl tests. But if invokes AM_ICONV after AM_GNU_GETTEXT dnl the configure script would need to contain the same shell code dnl again, outside any 'if'. There are two solutions: dnl - Invoke AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY here, outside any 'if'. @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ return (int) gettext ("")]ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], [ + (int) ngettext ("", AC_SUBST(USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) AC_SUBST(CATOBJEXT) - dnl For backward compatibility. Some configure.ins may be using this. + dnl For backward compatibility. Some configure.acs may be using this. nls_cv_header_intl= nls_cv_header_libgt= diff --git a/config/iconv.m4 b/config/iconv.m4 index c5f357982..5f9304a6b 100644 --- a/config/iconv.m4 +++ b/config/iconv.m4 @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ dnl that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under dnl the same distribution terms as the rest of that program. dnl From Bruno Haible. +dnl with modifications to support building with in-tree libiconv AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY], [ @@ -28,24 +29,51 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], dnl accordingly. AC_REQUIRE([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY]) - dnl Add $INCICONV to CPPFLAGS before performing the following checks, - dnl because if the user has installed libiconv and not disabled its use - dnl via --without-libiconv-prefix, he wants to use it. The first - dnl AC_TRY_LINK will then fail, the second AC_TRY_LINK will succeed. - am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INCICONV]) - AC_CACHE_CHECK(for iconv, am_cv_func_iconv, [ am_cv_func_iconv="no, consider installing GNU libiconv" am_cv_lib_iconv=no + dnl Add $INCICONV to CPPFLAGS before performing the first check, + dnl because if the user has installed libiconv and not disabled its use + dnl via --without-libiconv-prefix, he wants to use it. This first + dnl AC_TRY_LINK will then fail, the second AC_TRY_LINK will succeed. + am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $INCICONV" AC_TRY_LINK([#include #include ], [iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); iconv_close(cd);], am_cv_func_iconv=yes) + CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" + + if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" != yes && test -d ../libiconv; then + for _libs in .libs _libs; do + am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" + am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I../libiconv/include" + LIBS="$LIBS ../libiconv/lib/$_libs/libiconv.a" + AC_TRY_LINK([#include +#include ], + [iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); + iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); + iconv_close(cd);], + INCICONV="-I../libiconv/include" + LIBICONV='${top_builddir}'/../libiconv/lib/$_libs/libiconv.a + LTLIBICONV='${top_builddir}'/../libiconv/lib/ + am_cv_lib_iconv=yes + am_cv_func_iconv=yes) + CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" + LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" + if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = "yes"; then + break + fi + done + fi + if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" != yes; then + am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" + CPPFLAGS="$LIBS $INCICONV" LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" AC_TRY_LINK([#include #include ], @@ -54,6 +82,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], iconv_close(cd);], am_cv_lib_iconv=yes am_cv_func_iconv=yes) + CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" fi ]) @@ -61,12 +90,10 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV, 1, [Define if you have the iconv() function.]) fi if test "$am_cv_lib_iconv" = yes; then + AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INCICONV]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with libiconv]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$LIBICONV]) else - dnl If $LIBICONV didn't lead to a usable library, we don't need $INCICONV - dnl either. - CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" LIBICONV= LTLIBICONV= fi diff --git a/config/isl.m4 b/config/isl.m4 index f45854d22..92524af32 100644 --- a/config/isl.m4 +++ b/config/isl.m4 @@ -19,23 +19,23 @@ # ISL_INIT_FLAGS () # ------------------------- -# Provide configure switches for ISL support. +# Provide configure switches for isl support. # Initialize isllibs/islinc according to the user input. AC_DEFUN([ISL_INIT_FLAGS], [ AC_ARG_WITH([isl-include], [AS_HELP_STRING( [--with-isl-include=PATH], - [Specify directory for installed ISL include files])]) + [Specify directory for installed isl include files])]) AC_ARG_WITH([isl-lib], [AS_HELP_STRING( [--with-isl-lib=PATH], - [Specify the directory for the installed ISL library])]) + [Specify the directory for the installed isl library])]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(isl-version-check, [AS_HELP_STRING( [--disable-isl-version-check], - [disable check for ISL version])], + [disable check for isl version])], ENABLE_ISL_CHECK=$enableval, ENABLE_ISL_CHECK=yes) @@ -58,22 +58,24 @@ AC_DEFUN([ISL_INIT_FLAGS], if test "x${with_isl_lib}" != x; then isllibs="-L$with_isl_lib" fi - dnl If no --with-isl flag was specified and there is in-tree ISL + dnl If no --with-isl flag was specified and there is in-tree isl dnl source, set up flags to use that and skip any version tests - dnl as we cannot run them before building ISL. + dnl as we cannot run them before building isl. if test "x${islinc}" = x && test "x${isllibs}" = x \ && test -d ${srcdir}/isl; then isllibs='-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/'"$lt_cv_objdir"' ' islinc='-I$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/include -I$$s/isl/include' ENABLE_ISL_CHECK=no - AC_MSG_WARN([using in-tree ISL, disabling version check]) + AC_MSG_WARN([using in-tree isl, disabling version check]) fi + + isllibs="${isllibs} -lisl" ] ) # ISL_REQUESTED (ACTION-IF-REQUESTED, ACTION-IF-NOT) # ---------------------------------------------------- -# Provide actions for failed ISL detection. +# Provide actions for failed isl detection. AC_DEFUN([ISL_REQUESTED], [ AC_REQUIRE([ISL_INIT_FLAGS]) @@ -90,20 +92,9 @@ AC_DEFUN([ISL_REQUESTED], ] ) -# _ISL_CHECK_CT_PROG(MAJOR, MINOR) -# -------------------------------------------- -# Helper for verifying ISL compile time version. -m4_define([_ISL_CHECK_CT_PROG],[AC_LANG_PROGRAM( - [#include - #include ], - [if (strncmp (isl_version (), "isl-$1.$2", strlen ("isl-$1.$2")) != 0) - return 1; - ])]) - -# ISL_CHECK_VERSION ISL_CHECK_VERSION (MAJOR, MINOR) +# ISL_CHECK_VERSION ISL_CHECK_VERSION () # ---------------------------------------------------------------- -# Test the found ISL to be exact of version MAJOR.MINOR and at least -# REVISION. +# Test whether isl contains functionality added to the minimum expected version. AC_DEFUN([ISL_CHECK_VERSION], [ if test "${ENABLE_ISL_CHECK}" = yes ; then @@ -112,16 +103,32 @@ AC_DEFUN([ISL_CHECK_VERSION], _isl_saved_LIBS=$LIBS CFLAGS="${_isl_saved_CFLAGS} ${islinc} ${gmpinc}" - LDFLAGS="${_isl_saved_LDFLAGS} ${isllibs}" - LIBS="${_isl_saved_LIBS} -lisl" + LDFLAGS="${_isl_saved_LDFLAGS} ${isllibs} ${gmplibs}" + LIBS="${_isl_saved_LIBS} -lisl -lgmp" - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for version $1.$2 of ISL]) - AC_RUN_IFELSE([_ISL_CHECK_CT_PROG($1,$2)], - [gcc_cv_isl=yes], - [gcc_cv_isl=no], - [gcc_cv_isl=yes]) + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for isl 0.16, 0.15, or deprecated 0.14]) + AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], + [isl_ctx_get_max_operations (isl_ctx_alloc ());], + [gcc_cv_isl=yes], + [gcc_cv_isl=no]) AC_MSG_RESULT([$gcc_cv_isl]) + if test "${gcc_cv_isl}" = no ; then + AC_MSG_RESULT([recommended isl version is 0.16 or 0.15, the minimum required isl version 0.14 is deprecated]) + fi + + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for isl 0.16 or 0.15]) + AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], + [isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs (NULL, 0);], + [ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs=yes], + [ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs=no]) + AC_MSG_RESULT($ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs) + + if test x"$ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs" = x"yes"; then + islver="0.15" + AC_SUBST([islver]) + fi + CFLAGS=$_isl_saved_CFLAGS LDFLAGS=$_isl_saved_LDFLAGS LIBS=$_isl_saved_LIBS diff --git a/config/mh-alpha-linux b/config/mh-alpha-linux new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a9244baa --- /dev/null +++ b/config/mh-alpha-linux @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# Prevent GPREL16 relocation truncation +LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-relax +BOOT_LDFLAGS += -Wl,--no-relax diff --git a/config/mh-darwin b/config/mh-darwin index a039f2014..148b73038 100644 --- a/config/mh-darwin +++ b/config/mh-darwin @@ -1,18 +1,29 @@ # The -mdynamic-no-pic ensures that the compiler executable is built without # position-independent-code -- the usual default on Darwin. This fix speeds -# compiles by 3-5%. -BOOT_CFLAGS += \ +# compiles by 3-5%. Don't add it if the compiler doesn't also support +# -mno-dynamic-no-pic to undo it. +DARWIN_MDYNAMIC_NO_PIC := \ `case ${host} in i?86-*-darwin* | powerpc-*-darwin*) \ - echo -mdynamic-no-pic ;; esac;` + $(CC) -S -xc /dev/null -o /dev/null -mno-dynamic-no-pic 2>/dev/null \ + && echo -mdynamic-no-pic ;; esac` +DARWIN_GCC_MDYNAMIC_NO_PIC := \ +`case ${host} in i?86-*-darwin* | powerpc-*-darwin*) \ + $(CC) -S -xc /dev/null -o /dev/null -mno-dynamic-no-pic 2>/dev/null \ + || echo -mdynamic-no-pic ;; esac` # ld on Darwin versions >= 10.7 defaults to PIE executables. Disable this for # gcc components, since it is incompatible with our pch implementation. -BOOT_LDFLAGS += \ -`case ${host} in *-*-darwin[1][1-9]*) echo -Wl,-no_pie ;; esac;` +DARWIN_NO_PIE := `case ${host} in *-*-darwin[1][1-9]*) echo -Wl,-no_pie ;; esac;` + +BOOT_CFLAGS += $(DARWIN_MDYNAMIC_NO_PIC) +BOOT_LDFLAGS += $(DARWIN_NO_PIE) # Similarly, for cross-compilation. -STAGE1_CFLAGS += \ -`case ${host} in i?86-*-darwin* | powerpc-*-darwin*)\ - echo -mdynamic-no-pic ;; esac;` -STAGE1_LDFLAGS += \ -`case ${host} in *-*-darwin[1][1-9]*) echo -Wl,-no_pie ;; esac;` +STAGE1_CFLAGS += $(DARWIN_MDYNAMIC_NO_PIC) +STAGE1_LDFLAGS += $(DARWIN_NO_PIE) + +# Without -mno-dynamic-no-pic support, add -mdynamic-no-pic just to later +# stages when we know it is built with gcc. +STAGE2_CFLAGS += $(DARWIN_GCC_MDYNAMIC_NO_PIC) +STAGE3_CFLAGS += $(DARWIN_GCC_MDYNAMIC_NO_PIC) +STAGE4_CFLAGS += $(DARWIN_GCC_MDYNAMIC_NO_PIC) diff --git a/config/mt-gnu b/config/mt-gnu index 15bf41716..5c696f51b 100644 --- a/config/mt-gnu +++ b/config/mt-gnu @@ -1 +1 @@ -CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = $(CXXFLAGS) -D_GNU_SOURCE +CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET += -D_GNU_SOURCE diff --git a/config/mt-ospace b/config/mt-ospace index 7f091041d..ce29ff431 100644 --- a/config/mt-ospace +++ b/config/mt-ospace @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # Build libraries optimizing for space, not speed. - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = -g -Os - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET = -g -Os + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET += -g -Os + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET += -g -Os diff --git a/config/picflag.m4 b/config/picflag.m4 index 2ee5cd078..2f5b9721e 100644 --- a/config/picflag.m4 +++ b/config/picflag.m4 @@ -7,9 +7,15 @@ AC_DEFUN([_GCC_PICFLAG], [ case "${$2}" in # PIC is the default on some targets or must not be used. *-*-darwin*) - # PIC is the default on this platform - # Common symbols not allowed in MH_DYLIB files - $1=-fno-common + # For darwin, common symbols are not allowed in MH_DYLIB files + case "${CFLAGS}" in + # If we are using a compiler supporting mdynamic-no-pic + # and the option has been tested as safe to add, then cancel + # it here, since the code generated is incompatible with shared + # libs. + *-mdynamic-no-pic*) $1='-fno-common -mno-dynamic-no-pic' ;; + *) $1=-fno-common ;; + esac ;; alpha*-dec-osf5*) # PIC is the default. @@ -50,9 +56,6 @@ case "${$2}" in i[[34567]]86-*-* | x86_64-*-*) $1=-fpic ;; - m68k-*-*) - $1=-fpic - ;; # FIXME: Override -fPIC default in libgcc only? sh-*-linux* | sh[[2346lbe]]*-*-linux*) $1=-fpic diff --git a/config/plugins.m4 b/config/plugins.m4 index 7ee8412aa..513c690e1 100644 --- a/config/plugins.m4 +++ b/config/plugins.m4 @@ -1,11 +1,21 @@ AC_DEFUN([AC_PLUGINS], [ -AC_ARG_ENABLE([plugins], -AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-plugins], [Enable support for plugins (defaults no)]), -[case "${enableval}" in - yes | "") plugins=yes ;; - no) plugins=no ;; - *) plugins=yes ;; - esac], -[plugins=no]) + maybe_plugins=no + AC_CHECK_HEADERS([dlfcn.h], [maybe_plugins=yes], [], [AC_INCLUDES_DEFAULT]) + AC_CHECK_HEADERS([windows.h], [maybe_plugins=yes], [], [AC_INCLUDES_DEFAULT]) + + AC_ARG_ENABLE([plugins], + AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-plugins], [Enable support for plugins]), + [case "${enableval}" in + no) plugins=no ;; + *) plugins=yes + if test "$maybe_plugins" != "yes" ; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([Building with plugin support requires a host that supports dlopen.]) + fi ;; + esac], + [plugins=$maybe_plugins] + ) + if test "$plugins" = "yes"; then + AC_SEARCH_LIBS([dlopen], [dl]) + fi ]) diff --git a/config/po.m4 b/config/po.m4 index 2edd5a7d3..6ceef420f 100644 --- a/config/po.m4 +++ b/config/po.m4 @@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ AC_DEFUN([AM_PO_SUBDIRS], if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"; then # The LINGUAS file contains the set of available languages. if test -n "$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS"; then - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in is obsolete" + test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in is obsolete" fi ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake. eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" else - # The set of available languages was given in + # The set of available languages was given in eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' fi case "$ac_given_srcdir" in diff --git a/config/sjlj.m4 b/config/sjlj.m4 new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71c8b319b --- /dev/null +++ b/config/sjlj.m4 @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +dnl Check if the compiler is configured for setjmp/longjmp exceptions. +AC_DEFUN([GCC_CHECK_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS], + [AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the compiler is configured for setjmp/longjmp exceptions], + ac_cv_sjlj_exceptions, + [AC_COMPILE_IFELSE( + [AC_LANG_PROGRAM( + [[#ifdef __USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__ + this will fail + #endif]], + [[int i;]])], + [ac_cv_sjlj_exceptions=no], + [ac_cv_sjlj_exceptions=yes])])]) diff --git a/config/stdint.m4 b/config/stdint.m4 index 61898a75f..59f435954 100644 --- a/config/stdint.m4 +++ b/config/stdint.m4 @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ dnl If your installed header files require the stdint-types you will want to dnl create an installable file mylib-int.h that all your other installable dnl header may include. So, for a library package named "mylib", just use dnl GCC_HEADER_STDINT(mylib-int.h) -dnl in and install that header file in along with +dnl in and install that header file in along with dnl the other headers (mylib.h). The mylib-specific headers can simply dnl use "#include " to obtain the stdint-types. dnl diff --git a/config/target-posix b/config/target-posix new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2fba066c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/target-posix @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +case "${target}" in + *-*-linux* | *-*-gnu* | *-*-k*bsd*-gnu | *-*-kopensolaris*-gnu) + ;; + *-*-netbsd* | *-*-freebsd* | *-*-openbsd* | *-*-dragonfly*) + ;; + *-*-solaris2* | *-*-hpux11*) + ;; + *-*-darwin* | *-*-aix*) + ;; + *) + UNSUPPORTED=1 ;; + esac diff --git a/config/tcl.m4 b/config/tcl.m4 index 59a0c7e0a..4542a4b23 100644 --- a/config/tcl.m4 +++ b/config/tcl.m4 @@ -2136,7 +2136,7 @@ dnl # preprocessing tests use only CPPFLAGS. INSTALL_LIB='$(INSTALL_LIBRARY) $(LIB_FILE) $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR)/$(LIB_FILE) ; (cd $(LIB_INSTALL_DIR) ; $(RANLIB) $(LIB_FILE))' fi -dnl Not at all clear what this was doing in Tcl's +dnl Not at all clear what this was doing in Tcl's dnl or why it was needed was needed. In any event, this sort of dnl things needs to be done in the big loop above. dnl REMOVE THIS BLOCK LATER! (mdejong) @@ -3235,7 +3235,7 @@ AC_DEFUN([SC_TCL_GETGRNAM_R], [AC_CHECK_FUNC(getgrnam_r, [ # created. Accumulates. # # Requires presence of SC_OUTPUT_COMMANDS_PRE at the end -# of (right before AC_OUTPUT). +# of (right before AC_OUTPUT). # #-------------------------------------------------------------------- diff --git a/config/warnings.m4 b/config/warnings.m4 index b64b594e6..ce007f9b7 100644 --- a/config/warnings.m4 +++ b/config/warnings.m4 @@ -18,11 +18,12 @@ #along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see #. -# ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_OPTS(WARNINGS, [VARIABLE = WARN_CFLAGS) +# ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_OPTS(WARNINGS, [VARIABLE = WARN_CFLAGS]) # Sets @VARIABLE@ to the subset of the given options which the # compiler accepts. AC_DEFUN([ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_OPTS], [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH(C) m4_pushdef([acx_Var], [m4_default([$2], [WARN_CFLAGS])])dnl AC_SUBST(acx_Var)dnl m4_expand_once([acx_Var= @@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ for real_option in $1; do done CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS" m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl +AC_LANG_POP(C) ])# ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_OPTS # ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC(WARNINGS, [VARIABLE = WARN_PEDANTIC]) @@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl # and accepts all of those options simultaneously, otherwise to nothing. AC_DEFUN([ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC], [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH(C) m4_pushdef([acx_Var], [m4_default([$2], [WARN_PEDANTIC])])dnl AC_SUBST(acx_Var)dnl m4_expand_once([acx_Var= @@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ AS_IF([test AS_VAR_GET(acx_Pedantic) = yes], AS_VAR_POPDEF([acx_Pedantic])dnl m4_popdef([acx_Woptions])dnl m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl +AC_LANG_POP(C) ])# ACX_PROG_CC_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC # ACX_PROG_CC_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS([x.y.z], [VARIABLE = WERROR]) @@ -88,6 +92,7 @@ m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl # appeared on the configure command line. AC_DEFUN([ACX_PROG_CC_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS], [AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH(C) m4_pushdef([acx_Var], [m4_default([$2], [WERROR])])dnl AC_SUBST(acx_Var)dnl m4_expand_once([acx_Var= @@ -114,4 +119,109 @@ AS_IF([test $enable_werror_always = yes], [acx_Var="$acx_Var${acx_Var:+ }-Werror"]) AS_VAR_POPDEF([acx_GCCvers])]) m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl +AC_LANG_POP(C) ])# ACX_PROG_CC_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS + +# ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_OPTS(WARNINGS, [VARIABLE = WARN_CXXFLAGS]) +# Sets @VARIABLE@ to the subset of the given options which the +# compiler accepts. +AC_DEFUN([ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_OPTS], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CXX])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) +m4_pushdef([acx_Var], [m4_default([$2], [WARN_CXXFLAGS])])dnl +AC_SUBST(acx_Var)dnl +m4_expand_once([acx_Var= +],m4_quote(acx_Var=))dnl +save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" +for real_option in $1; do + # Do the check with the no- prefix removed since gcc silently + # accepts any -Wno-* option on purpose + case $real_option in + -Wno-*) option=-W`expr x$real_option : 'x-Wno-\(.*\)'` ;; + *) option=$real_option ;; + esac + AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([acx_Woption], [acx_cv_prog_cc_warning_$option]) + AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $CXX supports $option], acx_Woption, + [CXXFLAGS="$option" + AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[])], + [AS_VAR_SET(acx_Woption, yes)], + [AS_VAR_SET(acx_Woption, no)]) + ]) + AS_IF([test AS_VAR_GET(acx_Woption) = yes], + [acx_Var="$acx_Var${acx_Var:+ }$real_option"]) + AS_VAR_POPDEF([acx_Woption])dnl +done +CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS" +m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl +AC_LANG_POP(C++) +])# ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_OPTS + +# ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC(WARNINGS, [VARIABLE = WARN_PEDANTIC]) +# Append to VARIABLE "-pedantic" + the argument, if the compiler is G++ +# and accepts all of those options simultaneously, otherwise to nothing. +AC_DEFUN([ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CXX])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) +m4_pushdef([acx_Var], [m4_default([$2], [WARN_PEDANTIC])])dnl +AC_SUBST(acx_Var)dnl +m4_expand_once([acx_Var= +],m4_quote(acx_Var=))dnl +# Do the check with the no- prefix removed from the warning options +# since gcc silently accepts any -Wno-* option on purpose +m4_pushdef([acx_Woptions], [m4_bpatsubst([$1], [-Wno-], [-W])])dnl +AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([acx_Pedantic], [acx_cv_prog_cc_pedantic_]acx_Woptions)dnl +AS_IF([test "$GXX" = yes], +[AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $CXX supports -pedantic ]acx_Woptions, acx_Pedantic, +[save_CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" +CXXFLAGS="-pedantic acx_Woptions" +AC_COMPILE_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([],[])], + [AS_VAR_SET(acx_Pedantic, yes)], + [AS_VAR_SET(acx_Pedantic, no)]) +CXXFLAGS="$save_CXXFLAGS"]) +AS_IF([test AS_VAR_GET(acx_Pedantic) = yes], + [acx_Var="$acx_Var${acx_Var:+ }-pedantic $1"]) +]) +AS_VAR_POPDEF([acx_Pedantic])dnl +m4_popdef([acx_Woptions])dnl +m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl +AC_LANG_POP(C++) +])# ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNING_ALMOST_PEDANTIC + +# ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS([x.y.z], [VARIABLE = WERROR]) +# sets @VARIABLE@ to "-Werror" if the compiler is G++ >=x.y.z, or if +# --enable-werror-always was given on the command line, otherwise +# to nothing. +# If the argument is the word "manual" instead of a version number, +# then @VARIABLE@ will be set to -Werror only if --enable-werror-always +# appeared on the configure command line. +AC_DEFUN([ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS], +[AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CXX])dnl +AC_LANG_PUSH(C++) +m4_pushdef([acx_Var], [m4_default([$2], [WERROR])])dnl +AC_SUBST(acx_Var)dnl +m4_expand_once([acx_Var= +],m4_quote(acx_Var=))dnl +AC_ARG_ENABLE(werror-always, + AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-werror-always], + [enable -Werror despite compiler version]), +[], [enable_werror_always=no]) +AS_IF([test $enable_werror_always = yes], + [acx_Var="$acx_Var${acx_Var:+ }-Werror"]) + m4_if($1, [manual],, + [AS_VAR_PUSHDEF([acx_GXXvers], [acx_cv_prog_cxx_gxx_$1_or_newer])dnl + AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether $CXX is G++ >=$1], acx_GXXvers, + [set fnord `echo $1 | tr '.' ' '` + shift + AC_PREPROC_IFELSE( +[#if __GNUC__ * 10000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ \ + < [$]1 * 10000 + [$]2 * 100 + [$]3 +#error insufficient +#endif], + [AS_VAR_SET(acx_GXXvers, yes)], + [AS_VAR_SET(acx_GXXvers, no)])]) + AS_IF([test AS_VAR_GET(acx_GXXvers) = yes], + [acx_Var="$acx_Var${acx_Var:+ }-Werror"]) + AS_VAR_POPDEF([acx_GXXvers])]) +m4_popdef([acx_Var])dnl +AC_LANG_POP(C++) +])# ACX_PROG_CXX_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS diff --git a/config/zlib.m4 b/config/zlib.m4 index b0174994e..afa57d112 100644 --- a/config/zlib.m4 +++ b/config/zlib.m4 @@ -1,18 +1,19 @@ -dnl A function to check for zlib availability. zlib is used by default -dnl unless the user configured with --disable-nls. +dnl A function to check if the system's zlib library should be used. The +dnl builtin zlib dnl is used by default unless the user configured with +dnl --with-system-zlib. AC_DEFUN([AM_ZLIB], [ - # See if the user specified whether he wants zlib support or not. - AC_ARG_WITH(zlib, - [ --with-zlib include zlib support (auto/yes/no) [default=auto]], - [], [with_zlib=auto]) - - if test "$with_zlib" != "no"; then - AC_SEARCH_LIBS(zlibVersion, z, [AC_CHECK_HEADERS(zlib.h)]) - if test "$with_zlib" = "yes" -a "$ac_cv_header_zlib_h" != "yes"; then - AC_MSG_ERROR([zlib (libz) library was explicitly requested but not found]) - fi + # Use the system's zlib library. + zlibdir="-L\$(top_builddir)/../zlib" + zlibinc="-I\$(top_srcdir)/../zlib" + AC_ARG_WITH(system-zlib, + [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system-zlib], [use installed libz])], + if test x$with_system_zlib = xyes ; then + zlibdir= + zlibinc= fi + ) + AC_SUBST(zlibdir) + AC_SUBST(zlibinc) ]) - diff --git a/configure b/configure index 79b933674..35f231ea9 100755 --- a/configure +++ b/configure @@ -574,6 +574,7 @@ STRIP_FOR_TARGET READELF_FOR_TARGET RANLIB_FOR_TARGET OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET NM_FOR_TARGET LIPO_FOR_TARGET LD_FOR_TARGET @@ -642,11 +643,14 @@ CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET DEBUG_PREFIX_CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET SYSROOT_CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET -stage1_languages +extra_host_zlib_configure_flags extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags -clooginc -clooglibs +stage1_languages +extra_linker_plugin_flags +extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags islinc +isllibs +islver poststage1_ldflags poststage1_libs stage1_ldflags @@ -671,6 +675,7 @@ LDFLAGS CFLAGS CC EXTRA_CONFIGARGS_LIBJAVA +extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags target_subdir host_subdir build_subdir @@ -744,13 +749,18 @@ ospace_frag' ac_user_opts=' enable_option_checking with_build_libsubdir +with_system_zlib +enable_as_accelerator_for +enable_offload_targets enable_gold enable_ld +enable_compressed_debug_sections enable_libquadmath enable_libquadmath_support enable_libada enable_libssp enable_libstdcxx +enable_liboffloadmic enable_static_libjava enable_bootstrap with_mpc @@ -764,25 +774,23 @@ with_gmp_dir with_gmp with_gmp_include with_gmp_lib -with_host_libstdcxx with_stage1_libs with_stage1_ldflags with_boot_libs with_boot_ldflags -with_cloog with_isl with_isl_include with_isl_lib enable_isl_version_check -with_cloog_include -with_cloog_lib -enable_cloog_version_check enable_lto +enable_linker_plugin_configure_flags +enable_linker_plugin_flags enable_stage1_languages enable_objc_gc with_build_sysroot with_debug_prefix_map with_build_config +enable_vtable_verify enable_serial_configure with_build_time_tools enable_maintainer_mode @@ -829,6 +837,7 @@ DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET LD_FOR_TARGET LIPO_FOR_TARGET NM_FOR_TARGET +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET RANLIB_FOR_TARGET READELF_FOR_TARGET @@ -1460,27 +1469,44 @@ Optional Features: --disable-option-checking ignore unrecognized --enable/--with options --disable-FEATURE do not include FEATURE (same as --enable-FEATURE=no) --enable-FEATURE[=ARG] include FEATURE [ARG=yes] + --enable-as-accelerator-for=ARG + build as offload target compiler. Specify offload + host triple by ARG + --enable-offload-targets=LIST + enable offloading to devices from comma-separated + LIST of TARGET[=DIR]. Use optional path to find + offload target compiler during the build --enable-gold[=ARG] build gold [ARG={default,yes,no}] --enable-ld[=ARG] build ld [ARG={default,yes,no}] + --enable-compressed-debug-sections={all,gas,gold,ld,none} + Enable compressed debug sections for gas, gold or ld + by default --disable-libquadmath do not build libquadmath directory --disable-libquadmath-support disable libquadmath support for Fortran --enable-libada build libada directory --enable-libssp build libssp directory --disable-libstdcxx do not build libstdc++-v3 directory + --enable-liboffloadmic=ARG + build liboffloadmic [ARG={no,host,target}] --enable-static-libjava[=ARG] build static libjava [default=no] --enable-bootstrap enable bootstrapping [yes if native build] --disable-isl-version-check - disable check for ISL version - --disable-cloog-version-check - disable check for CLooG version + disable check for isl version --enable-lto enable link time optimization support + --enable-linker-plugin-configure-flags=FLAGS + additional flags for configuring linker plugins + [none] + --enable-linker-plugin-flags=FLAGS + additional flags for configuring and building linker + plugins [none] --enable-stage1-languages[=all] choose additional languages to build during stage1. Mostly useful for compiler development --enable-objc-gc enable use of Boehm's garbage collector with the GNU Objective-C runtime + --enable-vtable-verify Enable vtable verification feature --enable-serial-[{host,target,build}-]configure force sequential configuration of sub-packages for the host, target or build machine, or all @@ -1498,6 +1524,7 @@ Optional Packages: --with-PACKAGE[=ARG] use PACKAGE [ARG=yes] --without-PACKAGE do not use PACKAGE (same as --with-PACKAGE=no) --with-build-libsubdir=DIR Directory where to find libraries for build system + --with-system-zlib use installed libz --with-mpc=PATH specify prefix directory for installed MPC package. Equivalent to --with-mpc-include=PATH/include plus --with-mpc-lib=PATH/lib @@ -1517,28 +1544,18 @@ Optional Packages: --with-gmp-lib=PATH/lib --with-gmp-include=PATH specify directory for installed GMP include files --with-gmp-lib=PATH specify directory for the installed GMP library - --with-host-libstdcxx=L use linker arguments L to link with libstdc++ when - linking with PPL --with-stage1-libs=LIBS libraries for stage1 --with-stage1-ldflags=FLAGS linker flags for stage1 --with-boot-libs=LIBS libraries for stage2 and later --with-boot-ldflags=FLAGS linker flags for stage2 and later - --with-cloog=PATH Specify prefix directory for the installed CLooG-ISL - package. Equivalent to - --with-cloog-include=PATH/include plus - --with-cloog-lib=PATH/lib - --with-isl=PATH Specify prefix directory for the installed ISL + --with-isl=PATH Specify prefix directory for the installed isl package. Equivalent to --with-isl-include=PATH/include plus --with-isl-lib=PATH/lib - --with-isl-include=PATH Specify directory for installed ISL include files - --with-isl-lib=PATH Specify the directory for the installed ISL library - --with-cloog-include=PATH - Specify directory for installed CLooG include files - --with-cloog-lib=PATH Specify the directory for the installed CLooG - library + --with-isl-include=PATH Specify directory for installed isl include files + --with-isl-lib=PATH Specify the directory for the installed isl library --with-build-sysroot=SYSROOT use sysroot as the system root during the build --with-debug-prefix-map='A=B C=D ...' @@ -1601,6 +1618,8 @@ Some influential environment variables: LIPO for the target NM_FOR_TARGET NM for the target + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET + OBJCOPY for the target OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET OBJDUMP for the target RANLIB_FOR_TARGET @@ -1861,48 +1880,6 @@ fi return $ac_retval } # ac_fn_c_try_link - -# ac_fn_c_try_run LINENO -# ---------------------- -# Try to link conftest.$ac_ext, and return whether this succeeded. Assumes -# that executables *can* be run. -ac_fn_c_try_run () -{ - as_lineno=${as_lineno-"$1"} as_lineno_stack=as_lineno_stack=$as_lineno_stack - if { { ac_try="$ac_link" -case "(($ac_try" in - *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; - *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; -esac -eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" -$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 - (eval "$ac_link") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; } && { ac_try='./conftest$ac_exeext' - { { case "(($ac_try" in - *\"* | *\`* | *\\*) ac_try_echo=\$ac_try;; - *) ac_try_echo=$ac_try;; -esac -eval ac_try_echo="\"\$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: $ac_try_echo\"" -$as_echo "$ac_try_echo"; } >&5 - (eval "$ac_try") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; }; }; then : - ac_retval=0 -else - $as_echo "$as_me: program exited with status $ac_status" >&5 - $as_echo "$as_me: failed program was:" >&5 -sed 's/^/| /' conftest.$ac_ext >&5 - - ac_retval=$ac_status -fi - rm -rf conftest.dSYM conftest_ipa8_conftest.oo - eval $as_lineno_stack; test "x$as_lineno_stack" = x && { as_lineno=; unset as_lineno;} - return $ac_retval - -} # ac_fn_c_try_run cat >config.log <<_ACEOF This file contains any messages produced by compilers while running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. @@ -2742,14 +2719,14 @@ extra_host_args= # these library is used by various programs built for the build # environment # -build_libs="build-libiberty" +build_libs="build-libiberty build-libcpp" # these tools are built for the build environment build_tools="build-texinfo build-flex build-bison build-m4 build-fixincludes" # these libraries are used by various programs built for the host environment -# -host_libs="intl libiberty opcodes bfd readline tcl tk itcl libgui zlib libbacktrace libcpp libdecnumber gmp mpfr mpc isl cloog libelf libiconv" +#f +host_libs="intl libiberty opcodes bfd readline tcl tk itcl libgui zlib libbacktrace libcpp libdecnumber gmp mpfr mpc isl libelf libiconv" # these tools are built for the host environment # Note, the powerpc-eabi build depends on sim occurring before gdb in order to @@ -2757,7 +2734,7 @@ host_libs="intl libiberty opcodes bfd readline tcl tk itcl libgui zlib libbacktr # binutils, gas and ld appear in that order because it makes sense to run # "make check" in that particular order. # If --enable-gold is used, "gold" may replace "ld". -host_tools="texinfo flex bison binutils gas ld fixincludes gcc cgen sid sim gdb gprof etc expect dejagnu m4 utils guile fastjar gnattools" +host_tools="texinfo flex bison binutils gas ld fixincludes gcc cgen sid sim gdb gprof etc expect dejagnu m4 utils guile fastjar gnattools libcc1 gotools" # libgcj represents the runtime libraries only used by gcj. libgcj="target-libffi \ @@ -2772,12 +2749,14 @@ target_libraries="target-libgcc \ target-libgloss \ target-newlib \ target-libgomp \ + target-libcilkrts \ + target-liboffloadmic \ target-libatomic \ target-libitm \ target-libstdc++-v3 \ - target-libmudflap \ target-libsanitizer \ target-libvtv \ + target-libmpx \ target-libssp \ target-libquadmath \ target-libgfortran \ @@ -2880,6 +2859,12 @@ if test x$with_gnu_as = xno ; then fi use_included_zlib= + +# Check whether --with-system-zlib was given. +if test "${with_system_zlib+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_system_zlib; +fi + # Make sure we don't let ZLIB be added if we didn't want it. if test x$with_system_zlib = xyes ; then use_included_zlib=no @@ -2922,6 +2907,24 @@ case ${with_newlib} in yes) skipdirs=`echo " ${skipdirs} " | sed -e 's/ target-newlib / /'` ;; esac +# Check whether --enable-as-accelerator-for was given. +if test "${enable_as_accelerator_for+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_as_accelerator_for; +fi + + +# Check whether --enable-offload-targets was given. +if test "${enable_offload_targets+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_offload_targets; + if test x"$enable_offload_targets" = x; then + as_fn_error "no offload targets specified" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + +else + enable_offload_targets= +fi + + # Handle --enable-gold, --enable-ld. # --disable-gold [--enable-ld] # Build only ld. Default option. @@ -2969,7 +2972,8 @@ case "${ENABLE_GOLD}" in if test "$is_elf" = "yes"; then # Check for target supported by gold. case "${target}" in - i?86-*-* | x86_64-*-* | sparc*-*-* | powerpc*-*-* | arm*-*-* | tilegx*-*-*) + i?86-*-* | x86_64-*-* | sparc*-*-* | powerpc*-*-* | arm*-*-* \ + | aarch64*-*-* | tilegx*-*-* | mips*-*-* | s390*-*-*) configdirs="$configdirs gold" if test x${ENABLE_GOLD} = xdefault; then default_ld=gold @@ -3014,6 +3018,21 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: neither ld nor gold are enabled" >&2;} ;; esac +# PR gas/19109 +# Decide the default method for compressing debug sections. +# Provide a configure time option to override our default. +# Check whether --enable-compressed_debug_sections was given. +if test "${enable_compressed_debug_sections+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_compressed_debug_sections; + if test x"$enable_compressed_debug_sections" = xyes; then + as_fn_error "no program with compressed debug sections specified" "$LINENO" 5 + fi + +else + enable_compressed_debug_sections= +fi + + # Configure extra directories which are host specific case "${host}" in @@ -3088,9 +3107,47 @@ else fi if test "${ENABLE_LIBSTDCXX}" = "no" ; then - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs libstdc++-v3" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libstdc++-v3" fi +# If this is accelerator compiler and its target is intelmic we enable +# target liboffloadmic by default. If this is compiler with offloading +# for intelmic we enable host liboffloadmic by default. Otherwise +# liboffloadmic is disabled by default. +# Check whether --enable-liboffloadmic was given. +if test "${enable_liboffloadmic+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_liboffloadmic; case "$enableval" in + no | host | target) + enable_liboffloadmic=$enableval ;; + *) + as_fn_error "--enable-liboffloadmic=no/host/target" "$LINENO" 5 ;; +esac +else + if test x"$enable_as_accelerator_for" != x; then + case "${target}" in + *-intelmic-* | *-intelmicemul-*) + enable_liboffloadmic=target + extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags="--enable-liboffloadmic=target" + ;; + *) + enable_liboffloadmic=no + ;; + esac +else + case "${enable_offload_targets}" in + *-intelmic-* | *-intelmicemul-*) + enable_liboffloadmic=host + extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags="--enable-liboffloadmic=host" + ;; + *) + enable_liboffloadmic=no + ;; + esac +fi +fi + + + # Save it here so that, even in case of --enable-libgcj, if the Java # front-end isn't enabled, we still get libgcj disabled. libgcj_saved=$libgcj @@ -3128,25 +3185,8 @@ if test x$enable_static_libjava != xyes ; then fi -# Disable libmudflap on some systems. -if test x$enable_libmudflap = x ; then - case "${target}" in - *-*-linux* | *-*-gnu* | *-*-k*bsd*-gnu | bfin*-*-uclinux* | *-*-kopensolaris*-gnu) - # Enable libmudflap by default in GNU and friends. - ;; - *-*-freebsd*) - # Enable libmudflap by default in FreeBSD. - ;; - *) - # Disable it by default everywhere else. - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libmudflap" - ;; - esac -fi - -# Disable libgomp on non POSIX hosted systems. +# Enable libgomp by default on hosted POSIX systems, and a few others. if test x$enable_libgomp = x ; then - # Enable libgomp by default on hosted POSIX systems. case "${target}" in *-*-linux* | *-*-gnu* | *-*-k*bsd*-gnu | *-*-kopensolaris*-gnu) ;; @@ -3156,6 +3196,8 @@ if test x$enable_libgomp = x ; then ;; *-*-darwin* | *-*-aix*) ;; + nvptx*-*-*) + ;; *) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgomp" ;; @@ -3181,6 +3223,44 @@ $as_echo "yes" >&6; } fi fi +# Disable libcilkrts on unsupported systems. +if test -d ${srcdir}/libcilkrts; then + if test x$enable_libcilkrts = x; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for libcilkrts support" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for libcilkrts support... " >&6; } + if (srcdir=${srcdir}/libcilkrts; \ + . ${srcdir}/configure.tgt; \ + test -n "$UNSUPPORTED") + then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libcilkrts" + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + fi + fi +fi + +# Disable liboffloadmic on unsupported systems. +if test -d ${srcdir}/liboffloadmic; then + if test x$enable_liboffloadmic != xno; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for liboffloadmic support" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for liboffloadmic support... " >&6; } + if (srcdir=${srcdir}/liboffloadmic; \ + . ${srcdir}/configure.tgt; \ + test -n "$UNSUPPORTED") + then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-liboffloadmic" + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + fi + fi +fi + # Disable libitm on unsupported systems. if test -d ${srcdir}/libitm; then if test x$enable_libitm = x; then @@ -3238,6 +3318,28 @@ $as_echo "yes" >&6; } fi fi + +# Enable libmpx on supported systems by request. +if test -d ${srcdir}/libmpx; then + if test x$enable_libmpx = x; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for libmpx support" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for libmpx support... " >&6; } + if (srcdir=${srcdir}/libmpx; \ + . ${srcdir}/configure.tgt; \ + test "$LIBMPX_SUPPORTED" != "yes") + then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libmpx" + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + fi + fi +fi + + + # Disable libquadmath for some systems. case "${target}" in avr-*-*) @@ -3265,6 +3367,10 @@ case "${target}" in # for explicit misaligned loads. noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libssp" ;; + visium-*-*) + # No hosted I/O support. + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libssp" + ;; esac # Disable libstdc++-v3 for some systems. @@ -3282,6 +3388,9 @@ if test "${ENABLE_LIBSTDCXX}" = "default" ; then avr-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libstdc++-v3" ;; + ft32-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libstdc++-v3" + ;; esac fi @@ -3377,6 +3486,9 @@ case "${target}" in alpha*-*-*vms*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; + arm*-*-freebsd*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" + ;; arm-wince-pe) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; @@ -3433,11 +3545,22 @@ case "${target}" in rs6000-*-aix*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; + ft32-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" + ;; *-*-lynxos*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; esac +# Disable the go frontend on systems where it is known to not work. Please keep +# this in sync with contrib/ +case "${target}" in +*-*-darwin* | *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-aix*) + unsupported_languages="$unsupported_languages go" + ;; +esac + # Disable libgo for some systems where it is known to not work. # For testing, you can easily override this with --enable-libgo. if test x$enable_libgo = x; then @@ -3564,6 +3687,14 @@ esac case "${target}" in *-*-chorusos) ;; + aarch64-*-darwin*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gas gdb gprof" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim target-rda" + ;; + arm-*-darwin*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gas gdb gprof" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim target-rda" + ;; powerpc-*-darwin*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gas gdb gprof" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim target-rda" @@ -3598,6 +3729,10 @@ case "${target}" in ;; *-*-rtems*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" + # this is not caught below because this stanza matches earlier + case $target in + or1k*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" ;; + esac ;; # The tpf target doesn't support gdb yet. *-*-tpf*) @@ -3623,6 +3758,9 @@ case "${target}" in sh*-*-pe|mips*-*-pe|*arm-wince-pe) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs tcl tk itcl libgui sim" ;; + arc-*-*|arceb-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" + ;; arm-*-pe*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" ;; @@ -3651,8 +3789,11 @@ case "${target}" in fr30-*-elf*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" ;; + ft32-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-rda gprof" + ;; moxie-*-*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs" ;; h8300*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" @@ -3662,6 +3803,12 @@ case "${target}" in ;; hppa1.1-*-osf* | hppa1.1-*-bsd* ) ;; + hppa*64*-*-hpux*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" + ;; + hppa*-*-hpux11*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb ld" + ;; hppa*64*-*-linux*) ;; hppa*-*-linux*) @@ -3671,9 +3818,6 @@ case "${target}" in hppa*-*-openbsd* | \ hppa*64*-*-*) ;; - hppa*-hp-hpux11*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld" - ;; hppa*-*-pro*) ;; hppa*-*-*) @@ -3688,7 +3832,7 @@ case "${target}" in ;; ia64*-**-hpux*) # No ld support yet. - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs libgui itcl ld" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb libgui itcl ld" ;; ia64*-*-*vms*) # No ld support yet. @@ -3770,7 +3914,7 @@ case "${target}" in microblaze*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" ;; - mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf*) + mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf* | mips*-img-elf*) if test x$with_newlib = xyes; then noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" fi @@ -3793,6 +3937,15 @@ case "${target}" in mips*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" ;; + nds32*-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" + ;; + nvptx*-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libssp target-libstdc++-v3 target-libobjc" + ;; + or1k*-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" + ;; sh-*-* | sh64-*-*) case "${target}" in sh*-*-elf) @@ -3809,7 +3962,7 @@ case "${target}" in tic6x-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim" ;; - tilepro-*-* | tilegx-*-*) + tilepro*-*-* | tilegx*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim" ;; v810-*-*) @@ -3860,6 +4013,9 @@ fi *-mingw*) host_makefile_frag="config/mh-mingw" ;; + alpha*-linux*) + host_makefile_frag="config/mh-alpha-linux" + ;; hppa*-hp-hpux10*) host_makefile_frag="config/mh-pa-hpux10" ;; @@ -5292,6 +5448,12 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: trying to bootstrap a cross compiler" >&2;} ;; esac +# When bootstrapping with GCC, build stage 1 in C++98 mode to ensure that a +# C++98 compiler can still start the bootstrap. +if test "$enable_bootstrap:$GXX" = "yes:yes"; then + CXX="$CXX -std=gnu++98" +fi + # Used for setting $lt_cv_objdir { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for objdir" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking for objdir... " >&6; } @@ -5710,20 +5872,6 @@ fi -# Allow host libstdc++ to be specified for static linking with PPL. - -# Check whether --with-host-libstdcxx was given. -if test "${with_host_libstdcxx+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_host_libstdcxx; -fi - - -case $with_host_libstdcxx in - no|yes) - as_fn_error "-with-host-libstdcxx needs an argument" "$LINENO" 5 - ;; -esac - # Libraries to use for stage1 or when not bootstrapping. # Check whether --with-stage1-libs was given. @@ -5734,7 +5882,7 @@ if test "${with_stage1_libs+set}" = set; then : stage1_libs=$withval fi else - stage1_libs=$with_host_libstdcxx + stage1_libs= fi @@ -5760,8 +5908,7 @@ fi -# Libraries to use for stage2 and later builds. This defaults to the -# argument passed to --with-host-libstdcxx. +# Libraries to use for stage2 and later builds. # Check whether --with-boot-libs was given. if test "${with_boot_libs+set}" = set; then : @@ -5771,7 +5918,7 @@ if test "${with_boot_libs+set}" = set; then : poststage1_libs=$withval fi else - poststage1_libs=$with_host_libstdcxx + poststage1_libs= fi @@ -5797,15 +5944,8 @@ fi -# GCC GRAPHITE dependences, ISL and CLOOG which in turn requires ISL. -# Basic setup is inlined here, actual checks are in config/cloog.m4 and -# config/isl.m4 - - -# Check whether --with-cloog was given. -if test "${with_cloog+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_cloog; -fi +# GCC GRAPHITE dependency isl. +# Basic setup is inlined here, actual checks are in config/isl.m4 # Check whether --with-isl was given. @@ -5814,11 +5954,10 @@ if test "${with_isl+set}" = set; then : fi -# Treat either --without-cloog or --without-isl as a request to disable +# Treat --without-isl as a request to disable # GRAPHITE support and skip all following checks. -if test "x$with_isl" != "xno" && - test "x$with_cloog" != "xno"; then - # Check for ISL +if test "x$with_isl" != "xno"; then + # Check for isl # Check whether --with-isl-include was given. @@ -5865,10 +6004,12 @@ fi isllibs='-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/'"$lt_cv_objdir"' ' islinc='-I$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/isl/include -I$$s/isl/include' ENABLE_ISL_CHECK=no - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using in-tree ISL, disabling version check" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using in-tree ISL, disabling version check" >&2;} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using in-tree isl, disabling version check" >&5 +$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using in-tree isl, disabling version check" >&2;} fi + isllibs="${isllibs} -lisl" + if test "${ENABLE_ISL_CHECK}" = yes ; then @@ -5877,95 +6018,71 @@ $as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using in-tree ISL, disabling version check" >&2;} _isl_saved_LIBS=$LIBS CFLAGS="${_isl_saved_CFLAGS} ${islinc} ${gmpinc}" - LDFLAGS="${_isl_saved_LDFLAGS} ${isllibs}" - LIBS="${_isl_saved_LIBS} -lisl" + LDFLAGS="${_isl_saved_LDFLAGS} ${isllibs} ${gmplibs}" + LIBS="${_isl_saved_LIBS} -lisl -lgmp" - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for version 0.11 of ISL" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for version 0.11 of ISL... " >&6; } - if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : - gcc_cv_isl=yes -else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for isl 0.16, 0.15, or deprecated 0.14" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for isl 0.16, 0.15, or deprecated 0.14... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext /* end confdefs.h. */ -#include - #include +#include int main () { -if (strncmp (isl_version (), "isl-0.11", strlen ("isl-0.11")) != 0) - return 1; - +isl_ctx_get_max_operations (isl_ctx_alloc ()); ; return 0; } _ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : gcc_cv_isl=yes else gcc_cv_isl=no fi -rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ - conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext -fi - +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gcc_cv_isl" >&5 $as_echo "$gcc_cv_isl" >&6; } + if test "${gcc_cv_isl}" = no ; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: recommended isl version is 0.16 or 0.15, the minimum required isl version 0.14 is deprecated" >&5 +$as_echo "recommended isl version is 0.16 or 0.15, the minimum required isl version 0.14 is deprecated" >&6; } + fi + + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for isl 0.16 or 0.15" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for isl 0.16 or 0.15... " >&6; } + cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext +/* end confdefs.h. */ +#include +int +main () +{ +isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs (NULL, 0); + ; + return 0; +} +_ACEOF +if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : + ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs=yes +else + ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs=no +fi +rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ + conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs" >&6; } + + if test x"$ac_has_isl_options_set_schedule_serialize_sccs" = x"yes"; then + islver="0.15" + + fi + CFLAGS=$_isl_saved_CFLAGS LDFLAGS=$_isl_saved_LDFLAGS LIBS=$_isl_saved_LIBS fi - if test "${gcc_cv_isl}" = no ; then - - if test "${ENABLE_ISL_CHECK}" = yes ; then - _isl_saved_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS - _isl_saved_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS - _isl_saved_LIBS=$LIBS - - CFLAGS="${_isl_saved_CFLAGS} ${islinc} ${gmpinc}" - LDFLAGS="${_isl_saved_LDFLAGS} ${isllibs}" - LIBS="${_isl_saved_LIBS} -lisl" - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for version 0.12 of ISL" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for version 0.12 of ISL... " >&6; } - if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : - gcc_cv_isl=yes -else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include - #include -int -main () -{ -if (strncmp (isl_version (), "isl-0.12", strlen ("isl-0.12")) != 0) - return 1; - - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : - gcc_cv_isl=yes -else - gcc_cv_isl=no -fi -rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ - conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext -fi - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gcc_cv_isl" >&5 -$as_echo "$gcc_cv_isl" >&6; } - - CFLAGS=$_isl_saved_CFLAGS - LDFLAGS=$_isl_saved_LDFLAGS - LIBS=$_isl_saved_LIBS - fi - - - fi @@ -5991,201 +6108,22 @@ $as_echo "$gcc_cv_isl" >&6; } && test "x${isllibs}" = x \ && test "x${islinc}" = x ; then - as_fn_error "Unable to find a usable ISL. See config.log for details." "$LINENO" 5 + as_fn_error "Unable to find a usable isl. See config.log for details." "$LINENO" 5 fi - - if test "x$gcc_cv_isl" != "xno"; then - # Check for CLOOG - - -# Check whether --with-cloog-include was given. -if test "${with_cloog_include+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_cloog_include; fi - -# Check whether --with-cloog-lib was given. -if test "${with_cloog_lib+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_cloog_lib; -fi - - - # Check whether --enable-cloog-version-check was given. -if test "${enable_cloog_version_check+set}" = set; then : - enableval=$enable_cloog_version_check; ENABLE_CLOOG_CHECK=$enableval -else - ENABLE_CLOOG_CHECK=yes -fi - - - # Initialize clooglibs and clooginc. - case $with_cloog in - no) - clooglibs= - clooginc= - ;; - "" | yes) - ;; - *) - clooglibs="-L$with_cloog/lib" - clooginc="-I$with_cloog/include" - ;; - esac - if test "x${with_cloog_include}" != x ; then - clooginc="-I$with_cloog_include" - fi - if test "x${with_cloog_lib}" != x; then - clooglibs="-L$with_cloog_lib" - fi - if test "x${clooginc}" = x && test "x${clooglibs}" = x \ - && test -d ${srcdir}/cloog; then - clooglibs='-L$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/'"$lt_cv_objdir"' ' - clooginc='-I$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/cloog/include -I$$s/cloog/include -I'${srcdir}'/cloog/include ' - ENABLE_CLOOG_CHECK=no - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: WARNING: using in-tree CLooG, disabling version check" >&5 -$as_echo "$as_me: WARNING: using in-tree CLooG, disabling version check" >&2;} - fi - - clooginc="-DCLOOG_INT_GMP ${clooginc}" - clooglibs="${clooglibs} -lcloog-isl ${isllibs} -lisl" - - - - - - if test "${ENABLE_CLOOG_CHECK}" = yes ; then - _cloog_saved_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS - _cloog_saved_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS - - CFLAGS="${_cloog_saved_CFLAGS} ${clooginc} ${islinc} ${gmpinc}" - LDFLAGS="${_cloog_saved_LDFLAGS} ${clooglibs} ${isllibs} ${gmplib}" - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for version 0.17.0 of CLooG" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for version 0.17.0 of CLooG... " >&6; } - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include "cloog/version.h" -int -main () -{ -#if CLOOG_VERSION_MAJOR != 0 \ - || CLOOG_VERSION_MINOR != 17 \ - || CLOOG_VERSION_REVISION < 0 - choke me - #endif - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : - gcc_cv_cloog=yes -else - gcc_cv_cloog=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gcc_cv_cloog" >&5 -$as_echo "$gcc_cv_cloog" >&6; } - - CFLAGS=$_cloog_saved_CFLAGS - LDFLAGS=$_cloog_saved_LDFLAGS - fi - - - if test "${gcc_cv_cloog}" = no ; then - - - - if test "${ENABLE_CLOOG_CHECK}" = yes ; then - _cloog_saved_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS - _cloog_saved_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS - - CFLAGS="${_cloog_saved_CFLAGS} ${clooginc} ${islinc} ${gmpinc}" - LDFLAGS="${_cloog_saved_LDFLAGS} ${clooglibs} ${isllibs} ${gmplib}" - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for version 0.18.0 of CLooG" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for version 0.18.0 of CLooG... " >&6; } - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include "cloog/version.h" -int -main () -{ -#if CLOOG_VERSION_MAJOR != 0 \ - || CLOOG_VERSION_MINOR != 18 \ - || CLOOG_VERSION_REVISION < 0 - choke me - #endif - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_compile "$LINENO"; then : - gcc_cv_cloog=yes -else - gcc_cv_cloog=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext conftest.$ac_ext - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gcc_cv_cloog" >&5 -$as_echo "$gcc_cv_cloog" >&6; } - - CFLAGS=$_cloog_saved_CFLAGS - LDFLAGS=$_cloog_saved_LDFLAGS - fi - - - fi - - - - - - if test "x${with_cloog}" = xno; then - graphite_requested=no - elif test "x${with_cloog}" != x \ - || test "x${with_cloog_include}" != x \ - || test "x${with_cloog_lib}" != x ; then - graphite_requested=yes - else - graphite_requested=no - fi - - - - if test "${gcc_cv_cloog}" = no ; then - clooglibs= - clooginc= - fi - - if test "${graphite_requested}" = yes \ - && test "x${clooglibs}" = x \ - && test "x${clooginc}" = x ; then - - as_fn_error "Unable to find a usable CLooG. See config.log for details." "$LINENO" 5 - fi - - - fi -fi - -# If either the ISL or the CLooG check failed, disable builds of in-tree -# variants of both +# If the isl check failed, disable builds of in-tree variant of isl if test "x$with_isl" = xno || - test "x$with_cloog" = xno || - test "x$gcc_cv_cloog" = xno || test "x$gcc_cv_isl" = xno; then - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs cloog isl" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs isl" islinc= - clooginc= - clooglibs= fi - - # Check for LTO support. # Check whether --enable-lto was given. if test "${enable_lto+set}" = set; then : @@ -6202,7 +6140,8 @@ target_elf=no case $target in *-darwin* | *-aix* | *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *-aout* | *-*coff* | \ *-msdosdjgpp* | *-vms* | *-wince* | *-*-pe* | \ - alpha*-dec-osf* | *-interix* | hppa[12]*-*-hpux*) + alpha*-dec-osf* | *-interix* | hppa[12]*-*-hpux* | \ + nvptx-*-none) target_elf=no ;; *) @@ -6217,7 +6156,7 @@ if test $target_elf = yes; then : else if test x"$default_enable_lto" = x"yes" ; then case $target in - *-apple-darwin9* | *-cygwin* | *-mingw*) ;; + *-apple-darwin9* | *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *djgpp*) ;; # On other non-ELF platforms, LTO has yet to be validated. *) enable_lto=no ;; esac @@ -6228,7 +6167,7 @@ else # warn during gcc/ subconfigure; unless you're bootstrapping with # -flto it won't be needed until after installation anyway. case $target in - *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *-apple-darwin*) ;; + *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *-apple-darwin* | *djgpp*) ;; *) if test x"$enable_lto" = x"yes"; then as_fn_error "LTO support is not enabled for this target." "$LINENO" 5 fi @@ -6245,6 +6184,23 @@ else fi +# Check whether --enable-linker-plugin-configure-flags was given. +if test "${enable_linker_plugin_configure_flags+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_linker_plugin_configure_flags; extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags=$enableval +else + extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags= +fi + + +# Check whether --enable-linker-plugin-flags was given. +if test "${enable_linker_plugin_flags+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_linker_plugin_flags; extra_linker_plugin_flags=$enableval +else + extra_linker_plugin_flags= +fi + + + # By default, C and C++ are the only stage 1 languages. stage1_languages=,c, @@ -6261,7 +6217,7 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then if test x"${enable_languages+set}" != xset; then if test x"${LANGUAGES+set}" = xset; then enable_languages="${LANGUAGES}" - echo warning: setting LANGUAGES is deprecated, use --enable-languages instead 1>&2 + echo warning: setting LANGUAGES is deprecated, use --enable-languages instead 1>&2 else enable_languages=all fi @@ -6269,7 +6225,7 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then if test x"${enable_languages}" = x || test x"${enable_languages}" = xyes; then - echo --enable-languages needs at least one language argument 1>&2 + echo --enable-languages needs at least one language argument 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi @@ -6279,7 +6235,7 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then # and make the substitution. case ,${enable_languages}, in *,f95,*) - echo warning: 'f95' as language name is deprecated, use 'fortran' instead 1>&2 + echo warning: 'f95' as language name is deprecated, use 'fortran' instead 1>&2 enable_languages=`echo "${enable_languages}" | sed -e 's/f95/fortran/g'` ;; esac @@ -6345,7 +6301,6 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then new_enable_languages=,c, # If LTO is enabled, add the LTO front end. - extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags= if test "$enable_lto" = "yes" ; then case ,${enable_languages}, in *,lto,*) ;; @@ -6353,10 +6308,16 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then esac if test "${build_lto_plugin}" = "yes" ; then configdirs="$configdirs lto-plugin" - extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags=--enable-shared fi fi + # If we're building an offloading compiler, add the LTO front end. + if test x"$enable_as_accelerator_for" != x ; then + case ,${enable_languages}, in + *,lto,*) ;; + *) enable_languages="${enable_languages},lto" ;; + esac + fi missing_languages=`echo ",$enable_languages," | sed -e s/,all,/,/ -e s/,c,/,/ ` potential_languages=,c, @@ -6571,11 +6532,19 @@ case ,${enable_languages},:${enable_objc_gc} in ;; esac -# Disable libitm, libsanitizer, libvtv if we're not building C++ +# Disable libcilkrts, libitm, libsanitizer, libvtv, liboffloadmic if we're not building C++ case ,${enable_languages}, in - *,c++,*) ;; + *,c++,*) + # Disable libcilkrts, libitm, libsanitizer if we're not building libstdc++ + case "${noconfigdirs}" in + *target-libstdc++-v3*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libcilkrts target-libitm target-libsanitizer" + ;; + *) ;; + esac + ;; *) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libitm target-libsanitizer target-libvtv" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libcilkrts target-liboffloadmic target-libitm target-libsanitizer target-libvtv" ;; esac @@ -6647,6 +6616,50 @@ for i in ${target_configdirs_all} ; do fi done +# Exclude target-zlib if target-libjava isn't built. +case ${target_configdirs} in +*target-libjava*) + ;; +*) + target_configdirs="`echo ${target_configdirs} | sed -e 's/target-zlib//'`" + ;; +esac + +# libiberty-linker-plugin is special: it doesn't have its own source directory, +# so we have to add it after the preceding checks. +if test x"$extra_linker_plugin_flags$extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags" != x +then + case " $configdirs " in + *" libiberty "*) + # If we can build libiberty, we can also build libiberty-linker-plugin. + configdirs="$configdirs libiberty-linker-plugin" + extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags="$extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags \ + --with-libiberty=../libiberty-linker-plugin";; + *) + as_fn_error "libiberty missing" "$LINENO" 5;; + esac +fi + +# Sometimes we have special requirements for the host libiberty. +extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags= +extra_host_zlib_configure_flags= +case " $configdirs " in + *" lto-plugin "* | *" libcc1 "*) + # When these are to be built as shared libraries, the same applies to + # libiberty. + extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags=--enable-shared + ;; + *" bfd "*) + # When bfd is to be built as a shared library, the same applies to + # zlib. + if test "$enable_shared" = "yes"; then + extra_host_zlib_configure_flags=--enable-host-shared + fi + ;; +esac + + + # Produce a warning message for the subdirs we can't configure. # This isn't especially interesting in the Cygnus tree, but in the individual # FSF releases, it's important to let people know when their machine isn't @@ -6771,28 +6784,36 @@ fi # gcc) are built with "-O2 -g", so include those options when setting # CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET and CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET. if test "x$CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" = x; then - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CFLAGS - case " $CFLAGS " in - *" -O2 "*) ;; - *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac - case " $CFLAGS " in - *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; - *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac + if test "x${is_cross_compiler}" = xyes; then + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g -O2" + else + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CFLAGS + case " $CFLAGS " in + *" -O2 "*) ;; + *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + case " $CFLAGS " in + *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; + *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + fi fi if test "x$CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" = x; then - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CXXFLAGS - case " $CXXFLAGS " in - *" -O2 "*) ;; - *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac - case " $CXXFLAGS " in - *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; - *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac + if test "x${is_cross_compiler}" = xyes; then + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g -O2" + else + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CXXFLAGS + case " $CXXFLAGS " in + *" -O2 "*) ;; + *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + case " $CXXFLAGS " in + *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; + *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + fi fi @@ -6836,7 +6857,7 @@ fi # have requested that this magic not happen. # # The command line options always override the explicit settings in -#, and the settings in override this magic. +#, and the settings in override this magic. # # If the default for a toolchain is to use GNU as and ld, and you don't # want to do that, then you should use the --without-gnu-as and @@ -6926,7 +6947,7 @@ case "${target}" in spu-*-*) target_makefile_frag="config/mt-spu" ;; - mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf*) + mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf* | mips*-img-elf*) target_makefile_frag="config/mt-sde" ;; mipsisa*-*-elfoabi*) @@ -6970,7 +6991,7 @@ case "${enable_target_optspace}:${target}" in :d30v-*) ospace_frag="config/mt-d30v" ;; - :m32r-* | :d10v-* | :fr30-*) + :m32r-* | :d10v-* | :fr30-* | :i?86*-*-elfiamcu) ospace_frag="config/mt-ospace" ;; no:* | :*) @@ -7040,26 +7061,104 @@ else GCC_SHLIB_SUBDIR= fi +# Adjust the toplevel makefile according to whether bootstrap was selected. +case $enable_bootstrap in + yes) + bootstrap_suffix=bootstrap + BUILD_CONFIG=bootstrap-debug + ;; + no) + bootstrap_suffix=no-bootstrap + BUILD_CONFIG= + ;; +esac + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for default BUILD_CONFIG" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for default BUILD_CONFIG... " >&6; } + + +# Check whether --with-build-config was given. +if test "${with_build_config+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_build_config; case $with_build_config in + yes) with_build_config= ;; + no) with_build_config= BUILD_CONFIG= ;; + esac +fi + + +if test "x${with_build_config}" != x; then + BUILD_CONFIG=$with_build_config +else + case $BUILD_CONFIG in + bootstrap-debug) + if echo "int f (void) { return 0; }" > conftest.c && + ${CC} -c conftest.c && + mv conftest.o conftest.o.g0 && + ${CC} -c -g conftest.c && + mv conftest.o conftest.o.g && + ${srcdir}/contrib/compare-debug conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g > /dev/null 2>&1; then + : + else + BUILD_CONFIG= + fi + rm -f conftest.c conftest.o conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g + ;; + esac +fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $BUILD_CONFIG" >&5 +$as_echo "$BUILD_CONFIG" >&6; } + + +# Use same top-level configure hooks in libgcc/libstdc++/libvtv. +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for --enable-vtable-verify" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for --enable-vtable-verify... " >&6; } +# Check whether --enable-vtable-verify was given. +if test "${enable_vtable_verify+set}" = set; then : + enableval=$enable_vtable_verify; case "$enableval" in + yes) enable_vtable_verify=yes ;; + no) enable_vtable_verify=no ;; + *) enable_vtable_verify=no;; + esac +else + enable_vtable_verify=no +fi + +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $enable_vtable_verify" >&5 +$as_echo "$enable_vtable_verify" >&6; } + # Record target_configdirs and the configure arguments for target and # build configuration in Makefile. target_configdirs=`echo "${target_configdirs}" | sed -e 's/target-//g'` build_configdirs=`echo "${build_configdirs}" | sed -e 's/build-//g'` +bootstrap_fixincludes=no # If we are building libgomp, bootstrap it. if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libgomp " > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libgomp, fi -# If we are building libsanitizer, bootstrap it. -if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libsanitizer " > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then - bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libsanitizer, +# If we are building libsanitizer and $BUILD_CONFIG contains bootstrap-asan +# or bootstrap-ubsan, bootstrap it. +if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libsanitizer " > /dev/null 2>&1; then + case "$BUILD_CONFIG" in + *bootstrap-asan* | *bootstrap-ubsan* ) + bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libsanitizer, + bootstrap_fixincludes=yes + ;; + esac fi -# If we are building libvtv, bootstrap it. -if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libvtv " > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then +# If we are building libvtv and --enable-vtable-verify, bootstrap it. +if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libvtv " > /dev/null 2>&1 && + test "$enable_vtable_verify" != no; then bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libvtv, fi +# If we are building libmpx, bootstrap it. +if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libmpx " > /dev/null 2>&1; then + bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libmpx, +fi + # Determine whether gdb needs tk/tcl or not. # Use 'maybe' since enable_gdbtk might be true even if tk isn't available # and in that case we want gdb to be built without tk. Ugh! @@ -7109,54 +7208,6 @@ case "$enable_bootstrap:$ENABLE_GOLD: $configdirs :,$stage1_languages," in ;; esac -# Adjust the toplevel makefile according to whether bootstrap was selected. -case $enable_bootstrap in - yes) - bootstrap_suffix=bootstrap - BUILD_CONFIG=bootstrap-debug - ;; - no) - bootstrap_suffix=no-bootstrap - BUILD_CONFIG= - ;; -esac - -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for default BUILD_CONFIG" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for default BUILD_CONFIG... " >&6; } - - -# Check whether --with-build-config was given. -if test "${with_build_config+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_build_config; case $with_build_config in - yes) with_build_config= ;; - no) with_build_config= BUILD_CONFIG= ;; - esac -fi - - -if test "x${with_build_config}" != x; then - BUILD_CONFIG=$with_build_config -else - case $BUILD_CONFIG in - bootstrap-debug) - if echo "int f (void) { return 0; }" > conftest.c && - ${CC} -c conftest.c && - mv conftest.o conftest.o.g0 && - ${CC} -c -g conftest.c && - mv conftest.o conftest.o.g && - ${srcdir}/contrib/compare-debug conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g > /dev/null 2>&1; then - : - else - BUILD_CONFIG= - fi - rm -f conftest.c conftest.o conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g - ;; - esac -fi -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $BUILD_CONFIG" >&5 -$as_echo "$BUILD_CONFIG" >&6; } - - extrasub_build= for module in ${build_configdirs} ; do if test -z "${no_recursion}" \ @@ -7180,11 +7231,15 @@ for module in ${configdirs} ; do fi done fi + case ${module},${bootstrap_fixincludes} in + fixincludes,no) host_bootstrap_suffix=no-bootstrap ;; + *) host_bootstrap_suffix=$bootstrap_suffix ;; + esac extrasub_host="$extrasub_host /^@if $module\$/d /^@endif $module\$/d -/^@if $module-$bootstrap_suffix\$/d -/^@endif $module-$bootstrap_suffix\$/d" +/^@if $module-$host_bootstrap_suffix\$/d +/^@endif $module-$host_bootstrap_suffix\$/d" done extrasub_target= for module in ${target_configdirs} ; do @@ -7327,7 +7382,7 @@ do case $lib in - mpc | mpfr | gmp | cloog) + mpc | mpfr | gmp | isl) # If we're processing --with-$lib, --with-$lib-include or # --with-$lib-lib, for one of the libs above, and target is # different from host, don't pass the current argument to any @@ -7420,8 +7475,10 @@ tbaseargs="$tbaseargs --disable-option-checking" # For the build-side libraries, we just need to pretend we're native, # and not use the same cache file. Multilibs are neither needed nor -# desired. -build_configargs="$build_configargs --cache-file=../config.cache ${baseargs}" +# desired. We can't even use the same cache file for all build-side +# libraries, as they're compiled differently; some with C, some with +# C++ or with different feature-enabling options. +build_configargs="$build_configargs --cache-file=./config.cache ${baseargs}" # For host modules, accept cache file option, or specification as blank. case "${cache_file}" in @@ -7448,6 +7505,26 @@ if test x${is_cross_compiler} = xyes ; then target_configargs="--with-cross-host=${host_noncanonical} ${target_configargs}" fi +# Special user-friendly check for native x86_64-linux build, if +# multilib is not explicitly enabled. +case "$target:$have_compiler:$host:$target:$enable_multilib" in + x86_64-*linux*:yes:$build:$build:) + # Make sure we have a development environment that handles 32-bit + dev64=no + echo "int main () { return 0; }" > conftest.c + ${CC} -m32 -o conftest ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} conftest.c + if test $? = 0 ; then + if test -s conftest || test -s conftest.exe ; then + dev64=yes + fi + fi + rm -f conftest* + if test x${dev64} != xyes ; then + as_fn_error "I suspect your system does not have 32-bit development libraries (libc and headers). If you have them, rerun configure with --enable-multilib. If you do not have them, and want to build a 64-bit-only compiler, rerun configure with --disable-multilib." "$LINENO" 5 + fi + ;; +esac + # Default to --enable-multilib. if test x${enable_multilib} = x ; then target_configargs="--enable-multilib ${target_configargs}" @@ -12244,6 +12321,236 @@ fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" ; then + if test -n "$with_build_time_tools"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for objcopy in $with_build_time_tools" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for objcopy in $with_build_time_tools... " >&6; } + if test -x $with_build_time_tools/objcopy; then + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=`cd $with_build_time_tools && pwd`/objcopy + ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&5 +$as_echo "$ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&6; } + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + fi + elif test $build != $host && test $have_gcc_for_target = yes; then + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=`$GCC_FOR_TARGET --print-prog-name=objcopy` + test $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET = objcopy && OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET= + test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" && ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET + fi +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" && test -n "$gcc_cv_tool_dirs"; then + # Extract the first word of "objcopy", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy objcopy; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if test "${ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET+set}" = set; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + case $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) + ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" # Let the user override the test with a path. + ;; + *) + as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $gcc_cv_tool_dirs +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then + ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + + ;; +esac +fi +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET +if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&5 +$as_echo "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + +fi +if test -z "$ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" ; then + + +if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET +elif test -n "$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET +fi + +if test -n "$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + for ncn_progname in objcopy; do + # Extract the first word of "${ncn_progname}", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ncn_progname}; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if test "${ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET+set}" = set; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="${ncn_progname}" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET +if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&5 +$as_echo "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + done +fi + +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" && test -n "$with_build_time_tools"; then + for ncn_progname in objcopy; do + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ${ncn_progname} in $with_build_time_tools" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for ${ncn_progname} in $with_build_time_tools... " >&6; } + if test -x $with_build_time_tools/${ncn_progname}; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$with_build_time_tools/${ncn_progname} + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + break + else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } + fi + done +fi + +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + for ncn_progname in objcopy; do + if test -n "$ncn_target_tool_prefix"; then + # Extract the first word of "${ncn_target_tool_prefix}${ncn_progname}", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ncn_target_tool_prefix}${ncn_progname}; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if test "${ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET+set}" = set; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="${ncn_target_tool_prefix}${ncn_progname}" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET +if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&5 +$as_echo "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + fi + if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" && test $build = $target ; then + # Extract the first word of "${ncn_progname}", so it can be a program name with args. +set dummy ${ncn_progname}; ac_word=$2 +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } +if test "${ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET+set}" = set; then : + $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 +else + if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" # Let the user override the test. +else +as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR +for as_dir in $PATH +do + IFS=$as_save_IFS + test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. + for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do + if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then + ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="${ncn_progname}" + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 + break 2 + fi +done + done +IFS=$as_save_IFS + +fi +fi +OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET +if test -n "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET"; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&5 +$as_echo "$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" >&6; } +else + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } +fi + + + fi + test -n "$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" && break + done +fi + +if test -z "$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" ; then + set dummy objcopy + if test $build = $target ; then + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$2" + else + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="${ncn_target_tool_prefix}$2" + fi +else + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET="$ac_cv_prog_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" +fi + +else + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET=$ac_cv_path_OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET +fi + + + + if test -z "$ac_cv_path_OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET" ; then if test -n "$with_build_time_tools"; then { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for objdump in $with_build_time_tools" >&5 @@ -14174,6 +14481,48 @@ $as_echo "pre-installed" >&6; } fi fi +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking where to find the target objcopy" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking where to find the target objcopy... " >&6; } +if test "x${build}" != "x${host}" ; then + if expr "x$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" : "x/" > /dev/null; then + # We already found the complete path + ac_dir=`dirname $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET` + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: pre-installed in $ac_dir" >&5 +$as_echo "pre-installed in $ac_dir" >&6; } + else + # Canadian cross, just use what we found + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: pre-installed" >&5 +$as_echo "pre-installed" >&6; } + fi +else + ok=yes + case " ${configdirs} " in + *" binutils "*) ;; + *) ok=no ;; + esac + + if test $ok = yes; then + # An in-tree tool is available and we can use it + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET='$$r/$(HOST_SUBDIR)/binutils/objcopy' + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: just compiled" >&5 +$as_echo "just compiled" >&6; } + elif expr "x$OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET" : "x/" > /dev/null; then + # We already found the complete path + ac_dir=`dirname $OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET` + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: pre-installed in $ac_dir" >&5 +$as_echo "pre-installed in $ac_dir" >&6; } + elif test "x$target" = "x$host"; then + # We can use an host tool + OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET='$(OBJCOPY)' + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: host tool" >&5 +$as_echo "host tool" >&6; } + else + # We need a cross tool + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: pre-installed" >&5 +$as_echo "pre-installed" >&6; } + fi +fi + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking where to find the target objdump" >&5 $as_echo_n "checking where to find the target objdump... " >&6; } if test "x${build}" != "x${host}" ; then @@ -14498,7 +14847,19 @@ if test "${enable_stage1_checking+set}" = set; then : enableval=$enable_stage1_checking; stage1_checking=--enable-checking=${enable_stage1_checking} else if test "x$enable_checking" = xno || test "x$enable_checking" = x; then - stage1_checking=--enable-checking=yes,types + # For --disable-checking or implicit --enable-checking=release, avoid + # setting --enable-checking=gc in the default stage1 checking for LTO + # bootstraps. See PR62077. + stage1_checking=--enable-checking=release,misc,gimple,rtlflag,tree,types + case $BUILD_CONFIG in + *lto*) + if test "x$enable_checking" = x && \ + test -d ${srcdir}/gcc && \ + test x"`cat ${srcdir}/gcc/DEV-PHASE`" = xexperimental; then + stage1_checking=--enable-checking=yes,types + fi;; + *) stage1_checking=--enable-checking=yes,types;; + esac else stage1_checking=--enable-checking=$enable_checking,types fi @@ -14534,6 +14895,30 @@ fi +# PR jit/64780: Require the user to explicitly specify +# --enable-host-shared if the jit is enabled, hinting +# that they might want to do a separate configure/build of +# the jit, to avoid users from slowing down the rest of the +# compiler by enabling the jit. +if test ${host_shared} = "no" ; then + case "${enable_languages}" in + *jit*) + as_fn_error " +Enabling language \"jit\" requires --enable-host-shared. + +--enable-host-shared typically slows the rest of the compiler down by +a few %, so you must explicitly enable it. + +If you want to build both the jit and the regular compiler, it is often +best to do this via two separate configure/builds, in separate +directories, to avoid imposing the performance cost of +--enable-host-shared on the regular compiler." "$LINENO" 5 + ;; + *) + ;; + esac +fi + # Specify what files to not compare during bootstrap. compare_exclusions="gcc/cc*-checksum\$(objext) | gcc/ada/*tools/*" diff --git a/ b/ index 2873bdca5..74bf58aad 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, -# 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 -# Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, +# 2014, 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ m4_include([ltsugar.m4]) m4_include([ltversion.m4]) m4_include([lt~obsolete.m4]) m4_include([config/isl.m4]) -m4_include([config/cloog.m4]) AC_INIT(move-if-change) AC_PREREQ(2.64) @@ -126,14 +125,14 @@ extra_host_args= # these library is used by various programs built for the build # environment # -build_libs="build-libiberty" +build_libs="build-libiberty build-libcpp" # these tools are built for the build environment build_tools="build-texinfo build-flex build-bison build-m4 build-fixincludes" # these libraries are used by various programs built for the host environment -# -host_libs="intl libiberty opcodes bfd readline tcl tk itcl libgui zlib libbacktrace libcpp libdecnumber gmp mpfr mpc isl cloog libelf libiconv" +#f +host_libs="intl libiberty opcodes bfd readline tcl tk itcl libgui zlib libbacktrace libcpp libdecnumber gmp mpfr mpc isl libelf libiconv" # these tools are built for the host environment # Note, the powerpc-eabi build depends on sim occurring before gdb in order to @@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ host_libs="intl libiberty opcodes bfd readline tcl tk itcl libgui zlib libbacktr # binutils, gas and ld appear in that order because it makes sense to run # "make check" in that particular order. # If --enable-gold is used, "gold" may replace "ld". -host_tools="texinfo flex bison binutils gas ld fixincludes gcc cgen sid sim gdb gprof etc expect dejagnu m4 utils guile fastjar gnattools" +host_tools="texinfo flex bison binutils gas ld fixincludes gcc cgen sid sim gdb gprof etc expect dejagnu m4 utils guile fastjar gnattools libcc1 gotools" # libgcj represents the runtime libraries only used by gcj. libgcj="target-libffi \ @@ -156,12 +155,14 @@ target_libraries="target-libgcc \ target-libgloss \ target-newlib \ target-libgomp \ + target-libcilkrts \ + target-liboffloadmic \ target-libatomic \ target-libitm \ target-libstdc++-v3 \ - target-libmudflap \ target-libsanitizer \ target-libvtv \ + target-libmpx \ target-libssp \ target-libquadmath \ target-libgfortran \ @@ -244,6 +245,8 @@ if test x$with_gnu_as = xno ; then fi use_included_zlib= +AC_ARG_WITH(system-zlib, +[AS_HELP_STRING([--with-system-zlib], [use installed libz])]) # Make sure we don't let ZLIB be added if we didn't want it. if test x$with_system_zlib = xyes ; then use_included_zlib=no @@ -286,6 +289,22 @@ case ${with_newlib} in yes) skipdirs=`echo " ${skipdirs} " | sed -e 's/ target-newlib / /'` ;; esac +AC_ARG_ENABLE(as-accelerator-for, +[AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-as-accelerator-for=ARG], + [build as offload target compiler. + Specify offload host triple by ARG])]) + +AC_ARG_ENABLE(offload-targets, +[AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-offload-targets=LIST], + [enable offloading to devices from comma-separated LIST of + TARGET[=DIR]. Use optional path to find offload target compiler + during the build])], +[ + if test x"$enable_offload_targets" = x; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([no offload targets specified]) + fi +], [enable_offload_targets=]) + # Handle --enable-gold, --enable-ld. # --disable-gold [--enable-ld] # Build only ld. Default option. @@ -331,7 +350,8 @@ case "${ENABLE_GOLD}" in if test "$is_elf" = "yes"; then # Check for target supported by gold. case "${target}" in - i?86-*-* | x86_64-*-* | sparc*-*-* | powerpc*-*-* | arm*-*-* | tilegx*-*-*) + i?86-*-* | x86_64-*-* | sparc*-*-* | powerpc*-*-* | arm*-*-* \ + | aarch64*-*-* | tilegx*-*-* | mips*-*-* | s390*-*-*) configdirs="$configdirs gold" if test x${ENABLE_GOLD} = xdefault; then default_ld=gold @@ -373,6 +393,19 @@ case "${ENABLE_LD}" in ;; esac +# PR gas/19109 +# Decide the default method for compressing debug sections. +# Provide a configure time option to override our default. +AC_ARG_ENABLE(compressed_debug_sections, +[AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-compressed-debug-sections={all,gas,gold,ld,none}], + [Enable compressed debug sections for gas, gold or ld by + default])], +[ + if test x"$enable_compressed_debug_sections" = xyes; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([no program with compressed debug sections specified]) + fi +], [enable_compressed_debug_sections=]) + # Configure extra directories which are host specific case "${host}" in @@ -435,9 +468,45 @@ AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-libstdcxx], ENABLE_LIBSTDCXX=$enableval, ENABLE_LIBSTDCXX=default) [if test "${ENABLE_LIBSTDCXX}" = "no" ; then - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs libstdc++-v3" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libstdc++-v3" fi] +# If this is accelerator compiler and its target is intelmic we enable +# target liboffloadmic by default. If this is compiler with offloading +# for intelmic we enable host liboffloadmic by default. Otherwise +# liboffloadmic is disabled by default. +AC_ARG_ENABLE([liboffloadmic], +AC_HELP_STRING([[--enable-liboffloadmic[=ARG]]], + [build liboffloadmic @<:@ARG={no,host,target}@:>@]), +[case "$enableval" in + no | host | target) + enable_liboffloadmic=$enableval ;; + *) + AC_MSG_ERROR([--enable-liboffloadmic=no/host/target]) ;; +esac], +[if test x"$enable_as_accelerator_for" != x; then + case "${target}" in + *-intelmic-* | *-intelmicemul-*) + enable_liboffloadmic=target + extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags="--enable-liboffloadmic=target" + ;; + *) + enable_liboffloadmic=no + ;; + esac +else + case "${enable_offload_targets}" in + *-intelmic-* | *-intelmicemul-*) + enable_liboffloadmic=host + extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags="--enable-liboffloadmic=host" + ;; + *) + enable_liboffloadmic=no + ;; + esac +fi]) +AC_SUBST(extra_liboffloadmic_configure_flags) + # Save it here so that, even in case of --enable-libgcj, if the Java # front-end isn't enabled, we still get libgcj disabled. libgcj_saved=$libgcj @@ -473,25 +542,8 @@ if test x$enable_static_libjava != xyes ; then fi AC_SUBST(EXTRA_CONFIGARGS_LIBJAVA) -# Disable libmudflap on some systems. -if test x$enable_libmudflap = x ; then - case "${target}" in - *-*-linux* | *-*-gnu* | *-*-k*bsd*-gnu | bfin*-*-uclinux* | *-*-kopensolaris*-gnu) - # Enable libmudflap by default in GNU and friends. - ;; - *-*-freebsd*) - # Enable libmudflap by default in FreeBSD. - ;; - *) - # Disable it by default everywhere else. - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libmudflap" - ;; - esac -fi - -# Disable libgomp on non POSIX hosted systems. +# Enable libgomp by default on hosted POSIX systems, and a few others. if test x$enable_libgomp = x ; then - # Enable libgomp by default on hosted POSIX systems. case "${target}" in *-*-linux* | *-*-gnu* | *-*-k*bsd*-gnu | *-*-kopensolaris*-gnu) ;; @@ -501,6 +553,8 @@ if test x$enable_libgomp = x ; then ;; *-*-darwin* | *-*-aix*) ;; + nvptx*-*-*) + ;; *) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgomp" ;; @@ -523,6 +577,38 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/libatomic; then fi fi +# Disable libcilkrts on unsupported systems. +if test -d ${srcdir}/libcilkrts; then + if test x$enable_libcilkrts = x; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libcilkrts support]) + if (srcdir=${srcdir}/libcilkrts; \ + . ${srcdir}/configure.tgt; \ + test -n "$UNSUPPORTED") + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libcilkrts" + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + fi + fi +fi + +# Disable liboffloadmic on unsupported systems. +if test -d ${srcdir}/liboffloadmic; then + if test x$enable_liboffloadmic != xno; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for liboffloadmic support]) + if (srcdir=${srcdir}/liboffloadmic; \ + . ${srcdir}/configure.tgt; \ + test -n "$UNSUPPORTED") + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-liboffloadmic" + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + fi + fi +fi + # Disable libitm on unsupported systems. if test -d ${srcdir}/libitm; then if test x$enable_libitm = x; then @@ -571,6 +657,25 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/libvtv; then fi fi + +# Enable libmpx on supported systems by request. +if test -d ${srcdir}/libmpx; then + if test x$enable_libmpx = x; then + AC_MSG_CHECKING([for libmpx support]) + if (srcdir=${srcdir}/libmpx; \ + . ${srcdir}/configure.tgt; \ + test "$LIBMPX_SUPPORTED" != "yes") + then + AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libmpx" + else + AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) + fi + fi +fi + + + # Disable libquadmath for some systems. case "${target}" in avr-*-*) @@ -598,6 +703,10 @@ case "${target}" in # for explicit misaligned loads. noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libssp" ;; + visium-*-*) + # No hosted I/O support. + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libssp" + ;; esac # Disable libstdc++-v3 for some systems. @@ -615,6 +724,9 @@ if test "${ENABLE_LIBSTDCXX}" = "default" ; then avr-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libstdc++-v3" ;; + ft32-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libstdc++-v3" + ;; esac fi @@ -710,6 +822,9 @@ case "${target}" in alpha*-*-*vms*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; + arm*-*-freebsd*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" + ;; arm-wince-pe) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; @@ -766,9 +881,20 @@ case "${target}" in rs6000-*-aix*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" ;; + ft32-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" + ;; *-*-lynxos*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ${libgcj}" - ;; + ;; +esac + +# Disable the go frontend on systems where it is known to not work. Please keep +# this in sync with contrib/ +case "${target}" in +*-*-darwin* | *-*-cygwin* | *-*-mingw* | *-*-aix*) + unsupported_languages="$unsupported_languages go" + ;; esac # Disable libgo for some systems where it is known to not work. @@ -897,6 +1023,14 @@ esac case "${target}" in *-*-chorusos) ;; + aarch64-*-darwin*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gas gdb gprof" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim target-rda" + ;; + arm-*-darwin*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gas gdb gprof" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim target-rda" + ;; powerpc-*-darwin*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld gas gdb gprof" noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim target-rda" @@ -931,6 +1065,10 @@ case "${target}" in ;; *-*-rtems*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" + # this is not caught below because this stanza matches earlier + case $target in + or1k*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" ;; + esac ;; # The tpf target doesn't support gdb yet. *-*-tpf*) @@ -956,6 +1094,9 @@ case "${target}" in sh*-*-pe|mips*-*-pe|*arm-wince-pe) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs tcl tk itcl libgui sim" ;; + arc-*-*|arceb-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" + ;; arm-*-pe*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" ;; @@ -984,8 +1125,11 @@ case "${target}" in fr30-*-elf*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" ;; + ft32-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-rda gprof" + ;; moxie-*-*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs" ;; h8300*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libgloss" @@ -995,6 +1139,12 @@ case "${target}" in ;; hppa1.1-*-osf* | hppa1.1-*-bsd* ) ;; + hppa*64*-*-hpux*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" + ;; + hppa*-*-hpux11*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb ld" + ;; hppa*64*-*-linux*) ;; hppa*-*-linux*) @@ -1004,9 +1154,6 @@ case "${target}" in hppa*-*-openbsd* | \ hppa*64*-*-*) ;; - hppa*-hp-hpux11*) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs ld" - ;; hppa*-*-pro*) ;; hppa*-*-*) @@ -1021,7 +1168,7 @@ case "${target}" in ;; ia64*-**-hpux*) # No ld support yet. - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs libgui itcl ld" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb libgui itcl ld" ;; ia64*-*-*vms*) # No ld support yet. @@ -1103,7 +1250,7 @@ case "${target}" in microblaze*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" ;; - mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf*) + mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf* | mips*-img-elf*) if test x$with_newlib = xyes; then noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" fi @@ -1126,6 +1273,15 @@ case "${target}" in mips*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gprof" ;; + nds32*-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" + ;; + nvptx*-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libssp target-libstdc++-v3 target-libobjc" + ;; + or1k*-*-*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs gdb" + ;; sh-*-* | sh64-*-*) case "${target}" in sh*-*-elf) @@ -1142,7 +1298,7 @@ case "${target}" in tic6x-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim" ;; - tilepro-*-* | tilegx-*-*) + tilepro*-*-* | tilegx*-*-*) noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs sim" ;; v810-*-*) @@ -1174,6 +1330,9 @@ case "${host}" in *-mingw*) host_makefile_frag="config/mh-mingw" ;; + alpha*-linux*) + host_makefile_frag="config/mh-alpha-linux" + ;; hppa*-hp-hpux10*) host_makefile_frag="config/mh-pa-hpux10" ;; @@ -1313,6 +1472,12 @@ case "$have_compiler:$host:$target:$enable_bootstrap" in ;; esac +# When bootstrapping with GCC, build stage 1 in C++98 mode to ensure that a +# C++98 compiler can still start the bootstrap. +if test "$enable_bootstrap:$GXX" = "yes:yes"; then + CXX="$CXX -std=gnu++98" +fi + # Used for setting $lt_cv_objdir _LT_CHECK_OBJDIR @@ -1551,18 +1716,6 @@ AC_SUBST(extra_mpc_gmp_configure_flags) AC_SUBST(extra_mpc_mpfr_configure_flags) AC_SUBST(extra_isl_gmp_configure_flags) -# Allow host libstdc++ to be specified for static linking with PPL. -AC_ARG_WITH(host-libstdcxx, -[AS_HELP_STRING([--with-host-libstdcxx=L], - [use linker arguments L to link with libstdc++ - when linking with PPL])]) - -case $with_host_libstdcxx in - no|yes) - AC_MSG_ERROR([-with-host-libstdcxx needs an argument]) - ;; -esac - # Libraries to use for stage1 or when not bootstrapping. AC_ARG_WITH(stage1-libs, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-stage1-libs=LIBS], [libraries for stage1])], @@ -1571,7 +1724,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(stage1-libs, else stage1_libs=$withval fi], -[stage1_libs=$with_host_libstdcxx]) +[stage1_libs=]) AC_SUBST(stage1_libs) # Linker flags to use for stage1 or when not bootstrapping. @@ -1591,8 +1744,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(stage1-ldflags, fi]) AC_SUBST(stage1_ldflags) -# Libraries to use for stage2 and later builds. This defaults to the -# argument passed to --with-host-libstdcxx. +# Libraries to use for stage2 and later builds. AC_ARG_WITH(boot-libs, [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-boot-libs=LIBS], [libraries for stage2 and later])], [if test "$withval" = "no" -o "$withval" = "yes"; then @@ -1600,7 +1752,7 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(boot-libs, else poststage1_libs=$withval fi], -[poststage1_libs=$with_host_libstdcxx]) +[poststage1_libs=]) AC_SUBST(poststage1_libs) # Linker flags to use for stage2 and later builds. @@ -1621,73 +1773,39 @@ AC_ARG_WITH(boot-ldflags, fi]) AC_SUBST(poststage1_ldflags) -# GCC GRAPHITE dependences, ISL and CLOOG which in turn requires ISL. -# Basic setup is inlined here, actual checks are in config/cloog.m4 and -# config/isl.m4 +# GCC GRAPHITE dependency isl. +# Basic setup is inlined here, actual checks are in config/isl.m4 -AC_ARG_WITH(cloog, - [AS_HELP_STRING( - [--with-cloog=PATH], - [Specify prefix directory for the installed CLooG-ISL package. - Equivalent to --with-cloog-include=PATH/include - plus --with-cloog-lib=PATH/lib])]) AC_ARG_WITH(isl, [AS_HELP_STRING( [--with-isl=PATH], - [Specify prefix directory for the installed ISL package. + [Specify prefix directory for the installed isl package. Equivalent to --with-isl-include=PATH/include plus --with-isl-lib=PATH/lib])]) -# Treat either --without-cloog or --without-isl as a request to disable +# Treat --without-isl as a request to disable # GRAPHITE support and skip all following checks. -if test "x$with_isl" != "xno" && - test "x$with_cloog" != "xno"; then - # Check for ISL +if test "x$with_isl" != "xno"; then + # Check for isl dnl Provide configure switches and initialize islinc & isllibs dnl with user input. ISL_INIT_FLAGS - dnl The versions of ISL that work for Graphite - ISL_CHECK_VERSION(0,11) - if test "${gcc_cv_isl}" = no ; then - ISL_CHECK_VERSION(0,12) - fi - dnl Only execute fail-action, if ISL has been requested. + dnl The versions of isl that work for Graphite + ISL_CHECK_VERSION() + dnl Only execute fail-action, if isl has been requested. ISL_IF_FAILED([ - AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find a usable ISL. See config.log for details.])]) - - if test "x$gcc_cv_isl" != "xno"; then - # Check for CLOOG - dnl Provide configure switches and initialize clooginc & clooglibs - dnl with user input. - CLOOG_INIT_FLAGS - dnl The versions of CLooG that work for Graphite. - CLOOG_CHECK_VERSION(0,17,0) - if test "${gcc_cv_cloog}" = no ; then - CLOOG_CHECK_VERSION(0,18,0) - fi - - dnl Only execute fail-action, if CLooG has been requested. - CLOOG_IF_FAILED([ - AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find a usable CLooG. See config.log for details.])]) - fi + AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to find a usable isl. See config.log for details.])]) fi -# If either the ISL or the CLooG check failed, disable builds of in-tree -# variants of both +# If the isl check failed, disable builds of in-tree variant of isl if test "x$with_isl" = xno || - test "x$with_cloog" = xno || - test "x$gcc_cv_cloog" = xno || test "x$gcc_cv_isl" = xno; then - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs cloog isl" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs isl" islinc= - clooginc= - clooglibs= fi +AC_SUBST(isllibs) AC_SUBST(islinc) -AC_SUBST(clooglibs) -AC_SUBST(clooginc) - # Check for LTO support. AC_ARG_ENABLE(lto, @@ -1699,7 +1817,7 @@ ACX_ELF_TARGET_IFELSE([# ELF platforms build the lto-plugin always. build_lto_plugin=yes ],[if test x"$default_enable_lto" = x"yes" ; then case $target in - *-apple-darwin9* | *-cygwin* | *-mingw*) ;; + *-apple-darwin9* | *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *djgpp*) ;; # On other non-ELF platforms, LTO has yet to be validated. *) enable_lto=no ;; esac @@ -1710,7 +1828,7 @@ ACX_ELF_TARGET_IFELSE([# ELF platforms build the lto-plugin always. # warn during gcc/ subconfigure; unless you're bootstrapping with # -flto it won't be needed until after installation anyway. case $target in - *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *-apple-darwin*) ;; + *-cygwin* | *-mingw* | *-apple-darwin* | *djgpp*) ;; *) if test x"$enable_lto" = x"yes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([LTO support is not enabled for this target.]) fi @@ -1725,6 +1843,19 @@ ACX_ELF_TARGET_IFELSE([# ELF platforms build the lto-plugin always. esac ]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(linker-plugin-configure-flags, + [AS_HELP_STRING([[--enable-linker-plugin-configure-flags=FLAGS]], + [additional flags for configuring linker plugins @<:@none@:>@])], + extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags=$enableval, + extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags=) +AC_SUBST(extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(linker-plugin-flags, + [AS_HELP_STRING([[--enable-linker-plugin-flags=FLAGS]], + [additional flags for configuring and building linker plugins @<:@none@:>@])], + extra_linker_plugin_flags=$enableval, + extra_linker_plugin_flags=) +AC_SUBST(extra_linker_plugin_flags) + # By default, C and C++ are the only stage 1 languages. stage1_languages=,c, @@ -1741,7 +1872,7 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then if test x"${enable_languages+set}" != xset; then if test x"${LANGUAGES+set}" = xset; then enable_languages="${LANGUAGES}" - echo warning: setting LANGUAGES is deprecated, use --enable-languages instead 1>&2 + echo warning: setting LANGUAGES is deprecated, use --enable-languages instead 1>&2 else enable_languages=all fi @@ -1749,7 +1880,7 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then if test x"${enable_languages}" = x || test x"${enable_languages}" = xyes; then - echo --enable-languages needs at least one language argument 1>&2 + echo --enable-languages needs at least one language argument 1>&2 exit 1 fi fi @@ -1759,7 +1890,7 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then # and make the substitution. case ,${enable_languages}, in *,f95,*) - echo warning: 'f95' as language name is deprecated, use 'fortran' instead 1>&2 + echo warning: 'f95' as language name is deprecated, use 'fortran' instead 1>&2 enable_languages=`echo "${enable_languages}" | sed -e 's/f95/fortran/g'` ;; esac @@ -1825,7 +1956,6 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then new_enable_languages=,c, # If LTO is enabled, add the LTO front end. - extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags= if test "$enable_lto" = "yes" ; then case ,${enable_languages}, in *,lto,*) ;; @@ -1833,10 +1963,16 @@ if test -d ${srcdir}/gcc; then esac if test "${build_lto_plugin}" = "yes" ; then configdirs="$configdirs lto-plugin" - extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags=--enable-shared fi fi - AC_SUBST(extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags) + + # If we're building an offloading compiler, add the LTO front end. + if test x"$enable_as_accelerator_for" != x ; then + case ,${enable_languages}, in + *,lto,*) ;; + *) enable_languages="${enable_languages},lto" ;; + esac + fi missing_languages=`echo ",$enable_languages," | sed -e s/,all,/,/ -e s/,c,/,/ ` potential_languages=,c, @@ -2051,11 +2187,19 @@ case ,${enable_languages},:${enable_objc_gc} in ;; esac -# Disable libitm, libsanitizer, libvtv if we're not building C++ +# Disable libcilkrts, libitm, libsanitizer, libvtv, liboffloadmic if we're not building C++ case ,${enable_languages}, in - *,c++,*) ;; + *,c++,*) + # Disable libcilkrts, libitm, libsanitizer if we're not building libstdc++ + case "${noconfigdirs}" in + *target-libstdc++-v3*) + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libcilkrts target-libitm target-libsanitizer" + ;; + *) ;; + esac + ;; *) - noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libitm target-libsanitizer target-libvtv" + noconfigdirs="$noconfigdirs target-libcilkrts target-liboffloadmic target-libitm target-libsanitizer target-libvtv" ;; esac @@ -2127,6 +2271,50 @@ for i in ${target_configdirs_all} ; do fi done +# Exclude target-zlib if target-libjava isn't built. +case ${target_configdirs} in +*target-libjava*) + ;; +*) + target_configdirs="`echo ${target_configdirs} | sed -e 's/target-zlib//'`" + ;; +esac + +# libiberty-linker-plugin is special: it doesn't have its own source directory, +# so we have to add it after the preceding checks. +if test x"$extra_linker_plugin_flags$extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags" != x +then + case " $configdirs " in + *" libiberty "*) + # If we can build libiberty, we can also build libiberty-linker-plugin. + configdirs="$configdirs libiberty-linker-plugin" + extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags="$extra_linker_plugin_configure_flags \ + --with-libiberty=../libiberty-linker-plugin";; + *) + AC_MSG_ERROR([libiberty missing]);; + esac +fi + +# Sometimes we have special requirements for the host libiberty. +extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags= +extra_host_zlib_configure_flags= +case " $configdirs " in + *" lto-plugin "* | *" libcc1 "*) + # When these are to be built as shared libraries, the same applies to + # libiberty. + extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags=--enable-shared + ;; + *" bfd "*) + # When bfd is to be built as a shared library, the same applies to + # zlib. + if test "$enable_shared" = "yes"; then + extra_host_zlib_configure_flags=--enable-host-shared + fi + ;; +esac +AC_SUBST(extra_host_libiberty_configure_flags) +AC_SUBST(extra_host_zlib_configure_flags) + # Produce a warning message for the subdirs we can't configure. # This isn't especially interesting in the Cygnus tree, but in the individual # FSF releases, it's important to let people know when their machine isn't @@ -2200,28 +2388,36 @@ AC_SUBST(DEBUG_PREFIX_CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) # gcc) are built with "-O2 -g", so include those options when setting # CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET and CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET. if test "x$CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" = x; then - CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CFLAGS - case " $CFLAGS " in - *" -O2 "*) ;; - *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac - case " $CFLAGS " in - *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; - *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac + if test "x${is_cross_compiler}" = xyes; then + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g -O2" + else + CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CFLAGS + case " $CFLAGS " in + *" -O2 "*) ;; + *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + case " $CFLAGS " in + *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; + *) CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + fi fi AC_SUBST(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) if test "x$CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" = x; then - CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CXXFLAGS - case " $CXXFLAGS " in - *" -O2 "*) ;; - *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac - case " $CXXFLAGS " in - *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; - *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; - esac + if test "x${is_cross_compiler}" = xyes; then + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g -O2" + else + CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET=$CXXFLAGS + case " $CXXFLAGS " in + *" -O2 "*) ;; + *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-O2 $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + case " $CXXFLAGS " in + *" -g "* | *" -g3 "*) ;; + *) CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET="-g $CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET" ;; + esac + fi fi AC_SUBST(CXXFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) @@ -2265,7 +2461,7 @@ fi # have requested that this magic not happen. # # The command line options always override the explicit settings in -#, and the settings in override this magic. +#, and the settings in override this magic. # # If the default for a toolchain is to use GNU as and ld, and you don't # want to do that, then you should use the --without-gnu-as and @@ -2355,7 +2551,7 @@ case "${target}" in spu-*-*) target_makefile_frag="config/mt-spu" ;; - mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf*) + mips*-sde-elf* | mips*-mti-elf* | mips*-img-elf*) target_makefile_frag="config/mt-sde" ;; mipsisa*-*-elfoabi*) @@ -2399,7 +2595,7 @@ case "${enable_target_optspace}:${target}" in :d30v-*) ospace_frag="config/mt-d30v" ;; - :m32r-* | :d10v-* | :fr30-*) + :m32r-* | :d10v-* | :fr30-* | :i?86*-*-elfiamcu) ospace_frag="config/mt-ospace" ;; no:* | :*) @@ -2469,26 +2665,96 @@ else GCC_SHLIB_SUBDIR= fi +# Adjust the toplevel makefile according to whether bootstrap was selected. +case $enable_bootstrap in + yes) + bootstrap_suffix=bootstrap + BUILD_CONFIG=bootstrap-debug + ;; + no) + bootstrap_suffix=no-bootstrap + BUILD_CONFIG= + ;; +esac + +AC_MSG_CHECKING(for default BUILD_CONFIG) + +AC_ARG_WITH([build-config], + [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-build-config='NAME NAME2...'], + [use config/ build configuration])], + [case $with_build_config in + yes) with_build_config= ;; + no) with_build_config= BUILD_CONFIG= ;; + esac]) + +if test "x${with_build_config}" != x; then + BUILD_CONFIG=$with_build_config +else + case $BUILD_CONFIG in + bootstrap-debug) + if echo "int f (void) { return 0; }" > conftest.c && + ${CC} -c conftest.c && + mv conftest.o conftest.o.g0 && + ${CC} -c -g conftest.c && + mv conftest.o conftest.o.g && + ${srcdir}/contrib/compare-debug conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g > /dev/null 2>&1; then + : + else + BUILD_CONFIG= + fi + rm -f conftest.c conftest.o conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g + ;; + esac +fi +AC_MSG_RESULT($BUILD_CONFIG) +AC_SUBST(BUILD_CONFIG) + +# Use same top-level configure hooks in libgcc/libstdc++/libvtv. +AC_MSG_CHECKING([for --enable-vtable-verify]) +AC_ARG_ENABLE(vtable-verify, +[AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-vtable-verify], + [Enable vtable verification feature])], +[case "$enableval" in + yes) enable_vtable_verify=yes ;; + no) enable_vtable_verify=no ;; + *) enable_vtable_verify=no;; + esac], +[enable_vtable_verify=no]) +AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_vtable_verify) + # Record target_configdirs and the configure arguments for target and # build configuration in Makefile. target_configdirs=`echo "${target_configdirs}" | sed -e 's/target-//g'` build_configdirs=`echo "${build_configdirs}" | sed -e 's/build-//g'` +bootstrap_fixincludes=no # If we are building libgomp, bootstrap it. if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libgomp " > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libgomp, fi -# If we are building libsanitizer, bootstrap it. -if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libsanitizer " > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then - bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libsanitizer, +# If we are building libsanitizer and $BUILD_CONFIG contains bootstrap-asan +# or bootstrap-ubsan, bootstrap it. +if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libsanitizer " > /dev/null 2>&1; then + case "$BUILD_CONFIG" in + *bootstrap-asan* | *bootstrap-ubsan* ) + bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libsanitizer, + bootstrap_fixincludes=yes + ;; + esac fi -# If we are building libvtv, bootstrap it. -if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libvtv " > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then +# If we are building libvtv and --enable-vtable-verify, bootstrap it. +if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libvtv " > /dev/null 2>&1 && + test "$enable_vtable_verify" != no; then bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libvtv, fi +# If we are building libmpx, bootstrap it. +if echo " ${target_configdirs} " | grep " libmpx " > /dev/null 2>&1; then + bootstrap_target_libs=${bootstrap_target_libs}target-libmpx, +fi + # Determine whether gdb needs tk/tcl or not. # Use 'maybe' since enable_gdbtk might be true even if tk isn't available # and in that case we want gdb to be built without tk. Ugh! @@ -2538,50 +2804,6 @@ case "$enable_bootstrap:$ENABLE_GOLD: $configdirs :,$stage1_languages," in ;; esac -# Adjust the toplevel makefile according to whether bootstrap was selected. -case $enable_bootstrap in - yes) - bootstrap_suffix=bootstrap - BUILD_CONFIG=bootstrap-debug - ;; - no) - bootstrap_suffix=no-bootstrap - BUILD_CONFIG= - ;; -esac - -AC_MSG_CHECKING(for default BUILD_CONFIG) - -AC_ARG_WITH([build-config], - [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-build-config='NAME NAME2...'], - [use config/ build configuration])], - [case $with_build_config in - yes) with_build_config= ;; - no) with_build_config= BUILD_CONFIG= ;; - esac]) - -if test "x${with_build_config}" != x; then - BUILD_CONFIG=$with_build_config -else - case $BUILD_CONFIG in - bootstrap-debug) - if echo "int f (void) { return 0; }" > conftest.c && - ${CC} -c conftest.c && - mv conftest.o conftest.o.g0 && - ${CC} -c -g conftest.c && - mv conftest.o conftest.o.g && - ${srcdir}/contrib/compare-debug conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g > /dev/null 2>&1; then - : - else - BUILD_CONFIG= - fi - rm -f conftest.c conftest.o conftest.o.g0 conftest.o.g - ;; - esac -fi -AC_MSG_RESULT($BUILD_CONFIG) -AC_SUBST(BUILD_CONFIG) - extrasub_build= for module in ${build_configdirs} ; do if test -z "${no_recursion}" \ @@ -2605,11 +2827,15 @@ for module in ${configdirs} ; do fi done fi + case ${module},${bootstrap_fixincludes} in + fixincludes,no) host_bootstrap_suffix=no-bootstrap ;; + *) host_bootstrap_suffix=$bootstrap_suffix ;; + esac extrasub_host="$extrasub_host /^@if $module\$/d /^@endif $module\$/d -/^@if $module-$bootstrap_suffix\$/d -/^@endif $module-$bootstrap_suffix\$/d" +/^@if $module-$host_bootstrap_suffix\$/d +/^@endif $module-$host_bootstrap_suffix\$/d" done extrasub_target= for module in ${target_configdirs} ; do @@ -2752,7 +2978,7 @@ changequote(,) changequote([,]) case $lib in - mpc | mpfr | gmp | cloog) + mpc | mpfr | gmp | isl) # If we're processing --with-$lib, --with-$lib-include or # --with-$lib-lib, for one of the libs above, and target is # different from host, don't pass the current argument to any @@ -2848,8 +3074,10 @@ AC_ARG_VAR([target_configargs], # For the build-side libraries, we just need to pretend we're native, # and not use the same cache file. Multilibs are neither needed nor -# desired. -build_configargs="$build_configargs --cache-file=../config.cache ${baseargs}" +# desired. We can't even use the same cache file for all build-side +# libraries, as they're compiled differently; some with C, some with +# C++ or with different feature-enabling options. +build_configargs="$build_configargs --cache-file=./config.cache ${baseargs}" # For host modules, accept cache file option, or specification as blank. case "${cache_file}" in @@ -2876,6 +3104,26 @@ if test x${is_cross_compiler} = xyes ; then target_configargs="--with-cross-host=${host_noncanonical} ${target_configargs}" fi +# Special user-friendly check for native x86_64-linux build, if +# multilib is not explicitly enabled. +case "$target:$have_compiler:$host:$target:$enable_multilib" in + x86_64-*linux*:yes:$build:$build:) + # Make sure we have a development environment that handles 32-bit + dev64=no + echo "int main () { return 0; }" > conftest.c + ${CC} -m32 -o conftest ${CFLAGS} ${CPPFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} conftest.c + if test $? = 0 ; then + if test -s conftest || test -s conftest.exe ; then + dev64=yes + fi + fi + rm -f conftest* + if test x${dev64} != xyes ; then + AC_MSG_ERROR([I suspect your system does not have 32-bit development libraries (libc and headers). If you have them, rerun configure with --enable-multilib. If you do not have them, and want to build a 64-bit-only compiler, rerun configure with --disable-multilib.]) + fi + ;; +esac + # Default to --enable-multilib. if test x${enable_multilib} = x ; then target_configargs="--enable-multilib ${target_configargs}" @@ -3171,6 +3419,7 @@ ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(DLLTOOL_FOR_TARGET, dlltool) ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(LD_FOR_TARGET, ld) ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(LIPO_FOR_TARGET, lipo) ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(NM_FOR_TARGET, nm) +ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET, objcopy) ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET, objdump) ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(RANLIB_FOR_TARGET, ranlib) ACX_CHECK_INSTALLED_TARGET_TOOL(READELF_FOR_TARGET, readelf) @@ -3201,6 +3450,7 @@ GCC_TARGET_TOOL(gccgo, GOC_FOR_TARGET, GOC, GCC_TARGET_TOOL(ld, LD_FOR_TARGET, LD, [ld/ld-new]) GCC_TARGET_TOOL(lipo, LIPO_FOR_TARGET, LIPO) GCC_TARGET_TOOL(nm, NM_FOR_TARGET, NM, [binutils/nm-new]) +GCC_TARGET_TOOL(objcopy, OBJCOPY_FOR_TARGET, OBJCOPY, [binutils/objcopy]) GCC_TARGET_TOOL(objdump, OBJDUMP_FOR_TARGET, OBJDUMP, [binutils/objdump]) GCC_TARGET_TOOL(ranlib, RANLIB_FOR_TARGET, RANLIB, [binutils/ranlib]) GCC_TARGET_TOOL(readelf, READELF_FOR_TARGET, READELF, [binutils/readelf]) @@ -3277,7 +3527,19 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(stage1-checking, [choose additional checking for stage1 of the compiler])], [stage1_checking=--enable-checking=${enable_stage1_checking}], [if test "x$enable_checking" = xno || test "x$enable_checking" = x; then - stage1_checking=--enable-checking=yes,types + # For --disable-checking or implicit --enable-checking=release, avoid + # setting --enable-checking=gc in the default stage1 checking for LTO + # bootstraps. See PR62077. + stage1_checking=--enable-checking=release,misc,gimple,rtlflag,tree,types + case $BUILD_CONFIG in + *lto*) + if test "x$enable_checking" = x && \ + test -d ${srcdir}/gcc && \ + test x"`cat ${srcdir}/gcc/DEV-PHASE`" = xexperimental; then + stage1_checking=--enable-checking=yes,types + fi;; + *) stage1_checking=--enable-checking=yes,types;; + esac else stage1_checking=--enable-checking=$enable_checking,types fi]) @@ -3305,6 +3567,30 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(host-shared, [host_shared=$enableval], [host_shared=no]) AC_SUBST(host_shared) +# PR jit/64780: Require the user to explicitly specify +# --enable-host-shared if the jit is enabled, hinting +# that they might want to do a separate configure/build of +# the jit, to avoid users from slowing down the rest of the +# compiler by enabling the jit. +if test ${host_shared} = "no" ; then + case "${enable_languages}" in + *jit*) + AC_MSG_ERROR([ +Enabling language "jit" requires --enable-host-shared. + +--enable-host-shared typically slows the rest of the compiler down by +a few %, so you must explicitly enable it. + +If you want to build both the jit and the regular compiler, it is often +best to do this via two separate configure/builds, in separate +directories, to avoid imposing the performance cost of +--enable-host-shared on the regular compiler.]) + ;; + *) + ;; + esac +fi + # Specify what files to not compare during bootstrap. compare_exclusions="gcc/cc*-checksum\$(objext) | gcc/ada/*tools/*" diff --git a/depcomp b/depcomp index df8eea7e4..4e70ff0bb 100755 --- a/depcomp +++ b/depcomp @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ #! /bin/sh # depcomp - compile a program generating dependencies as side-effects -scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC +scriptversion=2013-05-30.07; # UTC -# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009 Free -# Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -28,9 +27,9 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC case $1 in '') - echo "$0: No command. Try \`$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 - exit 1; - ;; + echo "$0: No command. Try '$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 + exit 1; + ;; -h | --h*) cat <<\EOF Usage: depcomp [--help] [--version] PROGRAM [ARGS] @@ -40,11 +39,11 @@ as side-effects. Environment variables: depmode Dependency tracking mode. - source Source file read by `PROGRAMS ARGS'. - object Object file output by `PROGRAMS ARGS'. + source Source file read by 'PROGRAMS ARGS'. + object Object file output by 'PROGRAMS ARGS'. DEPDIR directory where to store dependencies. depfile Dependency file to output. - tmpdepfile Temporary file to use when outputing dependencies. + tmpdepfile Temporary file to use when outputting dependencies. libtool Whether libtool is used (yes/no). Report bugs to . @@ -57,6 +56,66 @@ EOF ;; esac +# Get the directory component of the given path, and save it in the +# global variables '$dir'. Note that this directory component will +# be either empty or ending with a '/' character. This is deliberate. +set_dir_from () +{ + case $1 in + */*) dir=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'`;; + *) dir=;; + esac +} + +# Get the suffix-stripped basename of the given path, and save it the +# global variable '$base'. +set_base_from () +{ + base=`echo "$1" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.[^.]*$//'` +} + +# If no dependency file was actually created by the compiler invocation, +# we still have to create a dummy depfile, to avoid errors with the +# Makefile "include basename.Plo" scheme. +make_dummy_depfile () +{ + echo "#dummy" > "$depfile" +} + +# Factor out some common post-processing of the generated depfile. +# Requires the auxiliary global variable '$tmpdepfile' to be set. +aix_post_process_depfile () +{ + # If the compiler actually managed to produce a dependency file, + # post-process it. + if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then + # Each line is of the form 'foo.o: dependency.h'. + # Do two passes, one to just change these to + # $object: dependency.h + # and one to simply output + # dependency.h: + # which is needed to avoid the deleted-header problem. + { sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" + sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:[$tab ]*,," -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" + } > "$depfile" + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + else + make_dummy_depfile + fi +} + +# A tabulation character. +tab=' ' +# A newline character. +nl=' +' +# Character ranges might be problematic outside the C locale. +# These definitions help. +upper=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ +lower=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz +digits=0123456789 +alpha=${upper}${lower} + if test -z "$depmode" || test -z "$source" || test -z "$object"; then echo "depcomp: Variables source, object and depmode must be set" 1>&2 exit 1 @@ -69,6 +128,9 @@ tmpdepfile=${tmpdepfile-`echo "$depfile" | sed 's/\.\([^.]*\)$/.T\1/'`} rm -f "$tmpdepfile" +# Avoid interferences from the environment. +gccflag= dashmflag= + # Some modes work just like other modes, but use different flags. We # parameterize here, but still list the modes in the big case below, # to make depend.m4 easier to write. Note that we *cannot* use a case @@ -80,18 +142,32 @@ if test "$depmode" = hp; then fi if test "$depmode" = dashXmstdout; then - # This is just like dashmstdout with a different argument. - dashmflag=-xM - depmode=dashmstdout + # This is just like dashmstdout with a different argument. + dashmflag=-xM + depmode=dashmstdout fi cygpath_u="cygpath -u -f -" if test "$depmode" = msvcmsys; then - # This is just like msvisualcpp but w/o cygpath translation. - # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward - # slashes to satisfy depend.m4 - cygpath_u="sed s,\\\\\\\\,/,g" - depmode=msvisualcpp + # This is just like msvisualcpp but w/o cygpath translation. + # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward + # slashes to satisfy depend.m4 + cygpath_u='sed s,\\\\,/,g' + depmode=msvisualcpp +fi + +if test "$depmode" = msvc7msys; then + # This is just like msvc7 but w/o cygpath translation. + # Just convert the backslash-escaped backslashes to single forward + # slashes to satisfy depend.m4 + cygpath_u='sed s,\\\\,/,g' + depmode=msvc7 +fi + +if test "$depmode" = xlc; then + # IBM C/C++ Compilers xlc/xlC can output gcc-like dependency information. + gccflag=-qmakedep=gcc,-MF + depmode=gcc fi case "$depmode" in @@ -114,8 +190,7 @@ gcc3) done "$@" stat=$? - if test $stat -eq 0; then : - else + if test $stat -ne 0; then rm -f "$tmpdepfile" exit $stat fi @@ -123,13 +198,17 @@ gcc3) ;; gcc) +## Note that this doesn't just cater to obsosete pre-3.x GCC compilers. +## but also to in-use compilers like IMB xlc/xlC and the HP C compiler. +## (see the conditional assignment to $gccflag above). ## There are various ways to get dependency output from gcc. Here's ## why we pick this rather obscure method: ## - Don't want to use -MD because we'd like the dependencies to end ## up in a subdir. Having to rename by hand is ugly. ## (We might end up doing this anyway to support other compilers.) ## - The DEPENDENCIES_OUTPUT environment variable makes gcc act like -## -MM, not -M (despite what the docs say). +## -MM, not -M (despite what the docs say). Also, it might not be +## supported by the other compilers which use the 'gcc' depmode. ## - Using -M directly means running the compiler twice (even worse ## than renaming). if test -z "$gccflag"; then @@ -137,31 +216,31 @@ gcc) fi "$@" -Wp,"$gccflag$tmpdepfile" stat=$? - if test $stat -eq 0; then : - else + if test $stat -ne 0; then rm -f "$tmpdepfile" exit $stat fi rm -f "$depfile" echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" - alpha=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -## The second -e expression handles DOS-style file names with drive letters. + # The second -e expression handles DOS-style file names with drive + # letters. sed -e 's/^[^:]*: / /' \ -e 's/^['$alpha']:\/[^:]*: / /' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" -## This next piece of magic avoids the `deleted header file' problem. +## This next piece of magic avoids the "deleted header file" problem. ## The problem is that when a header file which appears in a .P file ## is deleted, the dependency causes make to die (because there is ## typically no way to rebuild the header). We avoid this by adding ## dummy dependencies for each header file. Too bad gcc doesn't do ## this for us directly. - tr ' ' ' -' < "$tmpdepfile" | -## Some versions of gcc put a space before the `:'. On the theory +## Some versions of gcc put a space before the ':'. On the theory ## that the space means something, we add a space to the output as -## well. +## well. hp depmode also adds that space, but also prefixes the VPATH +## to the object. Take care to not repeat it in the output. ## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation ## correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. - sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e "s|.*$object$||" -e '/:$/d' \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" rm -f "$tmpdepfile" ;; @@ -172,59 +251,21 @@ hp) exit 1 ;; -sgi) - if test "$libtool" = yes; then - "$@" "-Wp,-MDupdate,$tmpdepfile" - else - "$@" -MDupdate "$tmpdepfile" - fi - stat=$? - if test $stat -eq 0; then : - else - rm -f "$tmpdepfile" - exit $stat - fi - rm -f "$depfile" - - if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then # yes, the sourcefile depend on other files - echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" - - # Clip off the initial element (the dependent). Don't try to be - # clever and replace this with sed code, as IRIX sed won't handle - # lines with more than a fixed number of characters (4096 in - # IRIX 6.2 sed, 8192 in IRIX 6.5). We also remove comment lines; - # the IRIX cc adds comments like `#:fec' to the end of the - # dependency line. - tr ' ' ' -' < "$tmpdepfile" \ - | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' | \ - tr ' -' ' ' >> "$depfile" - echo >> "$depfile" - - # The second pass generates a dummy entry for each header file. - tr ' ' ' -' < "$tmpdepfile" \ - | sed -e 's/^.*\.o://' -e 's/#.*$//' -e '/^$/ d' -e 's/$/:/' \ - >> "$depfile" - else - # The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just - # store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile - # "include basename.Plo" scheme. - echo "#dummy" > "$depfile" - fi - rm -f "$tmpdepfile" +xlc) + # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by + # looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run, + # since it is checked for above. + exit 1 ;; aix) # The C for AIX Compiler uses -M and outputs the dependencies # in a .u file. In older versions, this file always lives in the - # current directory. Also, the AIX compiler puts `$object:' at the + # current directory. Also, the AIX compiler puts '$object:' at the # start of each line; $object doesn't have directory information. # Version 6 uses the directory in both cases. - dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'` - test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir= - base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'` + set_dir_from "$object" + set_base_from "$object" if test "$libtool" = yes; then tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.u tmpdepfile2=$base.u @@ -237,9 +278,7 @@ aix) "$@" -M fi stat=$? - - if test $stat -eq 0; then : - else + if test $stat -ne 0; then rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" exit $stat fi @@ -248,44 +287,100 @@ aix) do test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break done - if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then - # Each line is of the form `foo.o: dependent.h'. - # Do two passes, one to just change these to - # `$object: dependent.h' and one to simply `dependent.h:'. - sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" - # That's a tab and a space in the []. - sed -e 's,^.*\.[a-z]*:[ ]*,,' -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" - else - # The sourcefile does not contain any dependencies, so just - # store a dummy comment line, to avoid errors with the Makefile - # "include basename.Plo" scheme. - echo "#dummy" > "$depfile" + aix_post_process_depfile + ;; + +tcc) + # tcc (Tiny C Compiler) understand '-MD -MF file' since version 0.9.26 + # FIXME: That version still under development at the moment of writing. + # Make that this statement remains true also for stable, released + # versions. + # It will wrap lines (doesn't matter whether long or short) with a + # trailing '\', as in: + # + # foo.o : \ + # foo.c \ + # foo.h \ + # + # It will put a trailing '\' even on the last line, and will use leading + # spaces rather than leading tabs (at least since its commit 0394caf7 + # "Emit spaces for -MD"). + "$@" -MD -MF "$tmpdepfile" + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat fi + rm -f "$depfile" + # Each non-empty line is of the form 'foo.o : \' or ' dep.h \'. + # We have to change lines of the first kind to '$object: \'. + sed -e "s|.*:|$object :|" < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # And for each line of the second kind, we have to emit a 'dep.h:' + # dummy dependency, to avoid the deleted-header problem. + sed -n -e 's|^ *\(.*\) *\\$|\1:|p' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" rm -f "$tmpdepfile" ;; -icc) - # Intel's C compiler understands `-MD -MF file'. However on - # icc -MD -MF foo.d -c -o sub/foo.o sub/foo.c - # ICC 7.0 will fill foo.d with something like - # foo.o: sub/foo.c - # foo.o: sub/foo.h - # which is wrong. We want: - # sub/foo.o: sub/foo.c - # sub/foo.o: sub/foo.h - # sub/foo.c: - # sub/foo.h: - # ICC 7.1 will output +## The order of this option in the case statement is important, since the +## shell code in configure will try each of these formats in the order +## listed in this file. A plain '-MD' option would be understood by many +## compilers, so we must ensure this comes after the gcc and icc options. +pgcc) + # Portland's C compiler understands '-MD'. + # Will always output deps to 'file.d' where file is the root name of the + # source file under compilation, even if file resides in a subdirectory. + # The object file name does not affect the name of the '.d' file. + # pgcc 10.2 will output # foo.o: sub/foo.c sub/foo.h - # and will wrap long lines using \ : + # and will wrap long lines using '\' : # foo.o: sub/foo.c ... \ # sub/foo.h ... \ # ... + set_dir_from "$object" + # Use the source, not the object, to determine the base name, since + # that's sadly what pgcc will do too. + set_base_from "$source" + tmpdepfile=$base.d - "$@" -MD -MF "$tmpdepfile" - stat=$? - if test $stat -eq 0; then : - else + # For projects that build the same source file twice into different object + # files, the pgcc approach of using the *source* file root name can cause + # problems in parallel builds. Use a locking strategy to avoid stomping on + # the same $tmpdepfile. + lockdir=$base.d-lock + trap " + echo '$0: caught signal, cleaning up...' >&2 + rmdir '$lockdir' + exit 1 + " 1 2 13 15 + numtries=100 + i=$numtries + while test $i -gt 0; do + # mkdir is a portable test-and-set. + if mkdir "$lockdir" 2>/dev/null; then + # This process acquired the lock. + "$@" -MD + stat=$? + # Release the lock. + rmdir "$lockdir" + break + else + # If the lock is being held by a different process, wait + # until the winning process is done or we timeout. + while test -d "$lockdir" && test $i -gt 0; do + sleep 1 + i=`expr $i - 1` + done + fi + i=`expr $i - 1` + done + trap - 1 2 13 15 + if test $i -le 0; then + echo "$0: failed to acquire lock after $numtries attempts" >&2 + echo "$0: check lockdir '$lockdir'" >&2 + exit 1 + fi + + if test $stat -ne 0; then rm -f "$tmpdepfile" exit $stat fi @@ -297,8 +392,8 @@ icc) sed "s,^[^:]*:,$object :," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation # correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. - sed 's,^[^:]*: \(.*\)$,\1,;s/^\\$//;/^$/d;/:$/d' < "$tmpdepfile" | - sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + sed 's,^[^:]*: \(.*\)$,\1,;s/^\\$//;/^$/d;/:$/d' < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" rm -f "$tmpdepfile" ;; @@ -309,9 +404,8 @@ hp2) # 'foo.d', which lands next to the object file, wherever that # happens to be. # Much of this is similar to the tru64 case; see comments there. - dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'` - test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir= - base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'` + set_dir_from "$object" + set_base_from "$object" if test "$libtool" = yes; then tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.d tmpdepfile2=$dir.libs/$base.d @@ -322,8 +416,7 @@ hp2) "$@" +Maked fi stat=$? - if test $stat -eq 0; then : - else + if test $stat -ne 0; then rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" exit $stat fi @@ -333,77 +426,107 @@ hp2) test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break done if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then - sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" - # Add `dependent.h:' lines. + sed -e "s,^.*\.[$lower]*:,$object:," "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # Add 'dependent.h:' lines. sed -ne '2,${ - s/^ *// - s/ \\*$// - s/$/:/ - p - }' "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" + s/^ *// + s/ \\*$// + s/$/:/ + p + }' "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" else - echo "#dummy" > "$depfile" + make_dummy_depfile fi rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile2" ;; tru64) - # The Tru64 compiler uses -MD to generate dependencies as a side - # effect. `cc -MD -o foo.o ...' puts the dependencies into `foo.o.d'. - # At least on Alpha/Redhat 6.1, Compaq CCC V6.2-504 seems to put - # dependencies in `foo.d' instead, so we check for that too. - # Subdirectories are respected. - dir=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$|/|'` - test "x$dir" = "x$object" && dir= - base=`echo "$object" | sed -e 's|^.*/||' -e 's/\.o$//' -e 's/\.lo$//'` + # The Tru64 compiler uses -MD to generate dependencies as a side + # effect. 'cc -MD -o foo.o ...' puts the dependencies into 'foo.o.d'. + # At least on Alpha/Redhat 6.1, Compaq CCC V6.2-504 seems to put + # dependencies in 'foo.d' instead, so we check for that too. + # Subdirectories are respected. + set_dir_from "$object" + set_base_from "$object" - if test "$libtool" = yes; then - # With Tru64 cc, shared objects can also be used to make a - # static library. This mechanism is used in libtool 1.4 series to - # handle both shared and static libraries in a single compilation. - # With libtool 1.4, dependencies were output in $dir.libs/$base.lo.d. - # - # With libtool 1.5 this exception was removed, and libtool now - # generates 2 separate objects for the 2 libraries. These two - # compilations output dependencies in $dir.libs/$base.o.d and - # in $dir$base.o.d. We have to check for both files, because - # one of the two compilations can be disabled. We should prefer - # $dir$base.o.d over $dir.libs/$base.o.d because the latter is - # automatically cleaned when .libs/ is deleted, while ignoring - # the former would cause a distcleancheck panic. - tmpdepfile1=$dir.libs/$base.lo.d # libtool 1.4 - tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.o.d # libtool 1.5 - tmpdepfile3=$dir.libs/$base.o.d # libtool 1.5 - tmpdepfile4=$dir.libs/$base.d # Compaq CCC V6.2-504 - "$@" -Wc,-MD - else - tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.o.d - tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.d - tmpdepfile3=$dir$base.d - tmpdepfile4=$dir$base.d - "$@" -MD - fi + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + # Libtool generates 2 separate objects for the 2 libraries. These + # two compilations output dependencies in $dir.libs/$base.o.d and + # in $dir$base.o.d. We have to check for both files, because + # one of the two compilations can be disabled. We should prefer + # $dir$base.o.d over $dir.libs/$base.o.d because the latter is + # automatically cleaned when .libs/ is deleted, while ignoring + # the former would cause a distcleancheck panic. + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.o.d # libtool 1.5 + tmpdepfile2=$dir.libs/$base.o.d # Likewise. + tmpdepfile3=$dir.libs/$base.d # Compaq CCC V6.2-504 + "$@" -Wc,-MD + else + tmpdepfile1=$dir$base.d + tmpdepfile2=$dir$base.d + tmpdepfile3=$dir$base.d + "$@" -MD + fi - stat=$? - if test $stat -eq 0; then : - else - rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" "$tmpdepfile4" - exit $stat - fi + stat=$? + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" + exit $stat + fi - for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" "$tmpdepfile4" - do - test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break - done - if test -f "$tmpdepfile"; then - sed -e "s,^.*\.[a-z]*:,$object:," < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" - # That's a tab and a space in the []. - sed -e 's,^.*\.[a-z]*:[ ]*,,' -e 's,$,:,' < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" - else - echo "#dummy" > "$depfile" - fi - rm -f "$tmpdepfile" - ;; + for tmpdepfile in "$tmpdepfile1" "$tmpdepfile2" "$tmpdepfile3" + do + test -f "$tmpdepfile" && break + done + # Same post-processing that is required for AIX mode. + aix_post_process_depfile + ;; + +msvc7) + if test "$libtool" = yes; then + showIncludes=-Wc,-showIncludes + else + showIncludes=-showIncludes + fi + "$@" $showIncludes > "$tmpdepfile" + stat=$? + grep -v '^Note: including file: ' "$tmpdepfile" + if test $stat -ne 0; then + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + exit $stat + fi + rm -f "$depfile" + echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" + # The first sed program below extracts the file names and escapes + # backslashes for cygpath. The second sed program outputs the file + # name when reading, but also accumulates all include files in the + # hold buffer in order to output them again at the end. This only + # works with sed implementations that can handle large buffers. + sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n ' +/^Note: including file: *\(.*\)/ { + s//\1/ + s/\\/\\\\/g + p +}' | $cygpath_u | sort -u | sed -n ' +s/ /\\ /g +s/\(.*\)/'"$tab"'\1 \\/p +s/.\(.*\) \\/\1:/ +H +$ { + s/.*/'"$tab"'/ + G + p +}' >> "$depfile" + echo >> "$depfile" # make sure the fragment doesn't end with a backslash + rm -f "$tmpdepfile" + ;; + +msvc7msys) + # This case exists only to let depend.m4 do its work. It works by + # looking at the text of this script. This case will never be run, + # since it is checked for above. + exit 1 + ;; #nosideeffect) # This comment above is used by automake to tell side-effect @@ -422,7 +545,7 @@ dashmstdout) shift fi - # Remove `-o $object'. + # Remove '-o $object'. IFS=" " for arg do @@ -442,18 +565,18 @@ dashmstdout) done test -z "$dashmflag" && dashmflag=-M - # Require at least two characters before searching for `:' + # Require at least two characters before searching for ':' # in the target name. This is to cope with DOS-style filenames: - # a dependency such as `c:/foo/bar' could be seen as target `c' otherwise. + # a dependency such as 'c:/foo/bar' could be seen as target 'c' otherwise. "$@" $dashmflag | - sed 's:^[ ]*[^: ][^:][^:]*\:[ ]*:'"$object"'\: :' > "$tmpdepfile" + sed "s|^[$tab ]*[^:$tab ][^:][^:]*:[$tab ]*|$object: |" > "$tmpdepfile" rm -f "$depfile" cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" - tr ' ' ' -' < "$tmpdepfile" | \ -## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation -## correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. - sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this sed invocation + # correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. + tr ' ' "$nl" < "$tmpdepfile" \ + | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" rm -f "$tmpdepfile" ;; @@ -503,12 +626,15 @@ makedepend) touch "$tmpdepfile" ${MAKEDEPEND-makedepend} -o"$obj_suffix" -f"$tmpdepfile" "$@" rm -f "$depfile" - cat < "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" - sed '1,2d' "$tmpdepfile" | tr ' ' ' -' | \ -## Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process this invocation -## correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. - sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" + # makedepend may prepend the VPATH from the source file name to the object. + # No need to regex-escape $object, excess matching of '.' is harmless. + sed "s|^.*\($object *:\)|\1|" "$tmpdepfile" > "$depfile" + # Some versions of the HPUX 10.20 sed can't process the last invocation + # correctly. Breaking it into two sed invocations is a workaround. + sed '1,2d' "$tmpdepfile" \ + | tr ' ' "$nl" \ + | sed -e 's/^\\$//' -e '/^$/d' -e '/:$/d' \ + | sed -e 's/$/ :/' >> "$depfile" rm -f "$tmpdepfile" "$tmpdepfile".bak ;; @@ -525,7 +651,7 @@ cpp) shift fi - # Remove `-o $object'. + # Remove '-o $object'. IFS=" " for arg do @@ -544,10 +670,10 @@ cpp) esac done - "$@" -E | - sed -n -e '/^# [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \ - -e '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' | - sed '$ s: \\$::' > "$tmpdepfile" + "$@" -E \ + | sed -n -e '/^# [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \ + -e '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)".*/ s:: \1 \\:p' \ + | sed '$ s: \\$::' > "$tmpdepfile" rm -f "$depfile" echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" cat < "$tmpdepfile" >> "$depfile" @@ -579,23 +705,23 @@ msvisualcpp) shift ;; "-Gm"|"/Gm"|"-Gi"|"/Gi"|"-ZI"|"/ZI") - set fnord "$@" - shift - shift - ;; + set fnord "$@" + shift + shift + ;; *) - set fnord "$@" "$arg" - shift - shift - ;; + set fnord "$@" "$arg" + shift + shift + ;; esac done "$@" -E 2>/dev/null | sed -n '/^#line [0-9][0-9]* "\([^"]*\)"/ s::\1:p' | $cygpath_u | sort -u > "$tmpdepfile" rm -f "$depfile" echo "$object : \\" > "$depfile" - sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s:: \1 \\:p' >> "$depfile" - echo " " >> "$depfile" + sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::'"$tab"'\1 \\:p' >> "$depfile" + echo "$tab" >> "$depfile" sed < "$tmpdepfile" -n -e 's% %\\ %g' -e '/^\(.*\)$/ s::\1\::p' >> "$depfile" rm -f "$tmpdepfile" ;; diff --git a/include/ChangeLog b/include/ChangeLog index c22539a1c..e2f4df69c 100644 --- a/include/ChangeLog +++ b/include/ChangeLog @@ -1,3 +1,155 @@ +2016-03-17 Thomas Schwinge + + * gomp-constants.h (enum gomp_map_kind): Rename + GOMP_MAP_FORCE_DEALLOC to GOMP_MAP_DELETE. Adjust all users. + +2016-03-03 Than McIntosh + + * plugin-api.h: Add new hooks to the plugin transfer vector to + to support querying section alignment and section size. + (ld_plugin_get_input_section_alignment): New hook. + (ld_plugin_get_input_section_size): New hook. + (ld_plugin_tag): Add LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_ALIGNMENT + and LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_SIZE. + (ld_plugin_tv): Add tv_get_input_section_alignment and + tv_get_input_section_size. + +2016-03-03 Evgenii Stepanov + + * plugin-api.h (enum ld_plugin_tag): Add LDPT_GET_SYMBOLS_V3. + +2016-01-19 Martin Jambor + + * gomp-constants.h (GOMP_DEVICE_HSA): New macro. + (GOMP_VERSION_HSA): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_DEVICE_MASK): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_DEVICE_ALL): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_SUBSEQUENT_PARAM): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_ID_MASK): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_NUM_TEAMS): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_THREAD_LIMIT): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_VALUE_SHIFT): Likewise. + (GOMP_TARGET_ARG_HSA_KERNEL_ATTRIBUTES): Likewise. + +2016-01-07 Mike Frysinger + + * longlong.h: Change !__SHMEDIA__ to + (!defined (__SHMEDIA__) || !__SHMEDIA__). + Change __SHMEDIA__ to defined (__SHMEDIA__) && __SHMEDIA__. + +2016-01-05 Mike Frysinger + + * libiberty.h (dupargv): Change arg to char * const *. + (writeargv, countargv): Likewise. + +2015-11-25 Rainer Orth + + * vtv-change-permission.h (VTV_PAGE_SIZE) [__sun__ && __svr4__ && + __sparc__]: Define. + +2015-11-12 James Norris + Joseph Myers + + * gomp-constants.h (enum gomp_map_kind): Add GOMP_MAP_DEVICE_RESIDENT + and GOMP_MAP_LINK. + +2015-11-09 Alan Modra + + PR gdb/17133 + * obstack.h (__attribute_pure__): Expand _GL_ATTRIBUTE_PURE. + +2015-11-09 Alan Modra + + PR gdb/17133 + * obstack.h: Import current gnulib file. + +2015-11-05 Jakub Jelinek + Ilya Verbin + + * gomp-constants.h (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2): Define. + (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_ALWAYS): Remove. + (enum gomp_map_kind): Use GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 instead of + GOMP_MAP_FLAG_ALWAYS for GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TO, GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_FROM, + GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TOFROM, GOMP_MAP_STRUCT, GOMP_MAP_RELEASE. + Add GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_POINTER and GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE_REFERENCE. + (GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_P): Define. + (GOMP_TARGET_FLAG_NOWAIT): Adjust comment. + +2015-10-27 Daniel Jacobowitz + Joseph Myers + Mark Shinwell + Andrew Stubbs + Rich Felker + + * longlong.h (udiv_qrnnd): Add FDPIC compatible version for SH. + +2015-10-18 Roland McGrath + + PR other/63758 + * environ.h: New file. + +2015-10-13 Jakub Jelinek + Ilya Verbin + + * gomp-constants.h (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_ALWAYS): Define. + (enum gomp_map_kind): Add GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE, + GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE_INT, GOMP_MAP_USE_DEVICE_PTR, + GOMP_MAP_ZERO_LEN_ARRAY_SECTION, GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TO, + GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_FROM, GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TOFROM, GOMP_MAP_STRUCT, + GOMP_MAP_DELETE_ZERO_LEN_ARRAY_SECTION, GOMP_MAP_DELETE, + GOMP_MAP_RELEASE, GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE_POINTER. + (GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TO_P, GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_FROM_P): Define. + (GOMP_TASK_FLAG_UNTIED, GOMP_TASK_FLAG_FINAL, GOMP_TASK_FLAG_MERGEABLE, + GOMP_TASK_FLAG_DEPEND, GOMP_TASK_FLAG_PRIORITY, GOMP_TASK_FLAG_UP, + GOMP_TASK_FLAG_GRAINSIZE, GOMP_TASK_FLAG_IF, GOMP_TASK_FLAG_NOGROUP, + GOMP_TARGET_FLAG_NOWAIT, GOMP_TARGET_FLAG_EXIT_DATA, + GOMP_TARGET_FLAG_UPDATE): Define. + +2015-09-28 Nathan Sidwell + + * gomp-constants.h (GOMP_VERSION_NVIDIA_PTX): Increment. + (GOMP_DIM_GANG, GOMP_DIM_WORKER, GOMP_DIM_VECTOR, GOMP_DIM_MAX, + GOMP_DIM_MASK): New. + (GOMP_LAUNCH_DIM, GOMP_LAUNCH_ASYNC, GOMP_LAUNCH_WAIT): New. + (GOMP_LAUNCH_CODE_SHIFT, GOMP_LAUNCH_DEVICE_SHIFT, + GOMP_LAUNCH_OP_SHIFT): New. + (GOMP_LAUNCH_PACK, GOMP_LAUNCH_CODE, GOMP_LAUNCH_DEVICE, + GOMP_LAUNCH_OP): New. + (GOMP_LAUNCH_OP_MAX): New. + +2015-08-24 Nathan Sidwell + + * gomp-constants.h (GOMP_VERSION, GOMP_VERSION_NVIDIA_PTX, + GOMP_VERSION_INTEL_MIC): New. + (GOMP_VERSION_PACK, GOMP_VERSION_LIB, GOMP_VERSION_DEV): New. + +2015-08-14 Pierre-Marie de Rodat + + * dwarf2.def (DW_AT_GNU_bias): New attribute. + +2015-08-14 Pierre-Marie de Rodat + + * dwarf2.def (DW_AT_GNU_numerator, DW_AT_GNU_denominator): New + attributes. + +2015-08-11 Trevor Saunders + + * ansidecl.h (GCC_FINAL): New macro. + +2015-08-10 Thomas Schwinge + + * gomp-constants.c (GOMP_DEVICE_HOST_NONSHM): Remove. + +2015-05-22 Yunlian Jiang + + * libiberty.h (asprintf): Don't declare if HAVE_DECL_ASPRINTF is + not defined. + +2015-03-19 Richard Biener + + * partition.h (struct partition_elem): Re-order elements to + avoid padding. + 2015-03-02 Markus Trippelsdorf PR target/65261 @@ -18,7 +170,7 @@ * gomp-constants.h: New file. -2015-12-14 Jan-Benedict Glaw +2014-12-14 Jan-Benedict Glaw * libiberty.h: Merge Copyright year update from Binutils. @@ -62,15 +214,16 @@ (DW_AT_APPLE_property_attribute, DW_AT_APPLE_objc_complete_type) (DW_AT_APPLE_property): New macros. -2014-11-11 David Malcolm - - * ChangeLog.jit: New. - -2014-11-05 Anthony Brandon +2014-11-11 Anthony Brandon + Manuel López-Ibáñez PR driver/36312 * filenames.h: Add prototype for canonical_filename_eq. +2014-11-11 David Malcolm + + * ChangeLog.jit: New. + 2014-10-28 Richard Henderson * longlong.h [__alpha] (umul_ppmm): Disable for c++. diff --git a/include/ChangeLog-9103 b/include/ChangeLog-9103 index bac53022b..3eeb77c1b 100644 --- a/include/ChangeLog-9103 +++ b/include/ChangeLog-9103 @@ -2674,12 +2674,6 @@ Wed Aug 21 20:32:13 1991 John Gilmore (gnu at to reflect reality as I know it. -Copyright (C) 1993-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - -Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, -are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright -notice and this notice are preserved. - Local Variables: mode: change-log left-margin: 8 diff --git a/include/ChangeLog.jit b/include/ChangeLog.jit new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84acd3314 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/ChangeLog.jit @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +2014-09-25 David Malcolm + + * libiberty.h (choose_tmpdir): New prototype. + * ChangeLog.jit: New. + + +Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, +are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright +notice and this notice are preserved. diff --git a/include/ansidecl.h b/include/ansidecl.h index 04d75c33f..6e4bfc21f 100644 --- a/include/ansidecl.h +++ b/include/ansidecl.h @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ /* ANSI and traditional C compatability macros - Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, - 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2013 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1991-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify @@ -313,6 +311,15 @@ So instead we use the macro below and test it against specific values. */ #define ENUM_BITFIELD(TYPE) __extension__ enum TYPE #else #define ENUM_BITFIELD(TYPE) unsigned int +#endif + + /* This is used to mark a class or virtual function as final. */ +#if __cplusplus >= 201103L +#define GCC_FINAL final +#elif GCC_VERSION >= 4007 +#define GCC_FINAL __final +#else +#define GCC_FINAL #endif #ifdef __cplusplus diff --git a/include/demangle.h b/include/demangle.h index d2a6731a9..1d7cadf4b 100644 --- a/include/demangle.h +++ b/include/demangle.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ /* Defs for interface to demanglers. - Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. - + Copyright (C) 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or @@ -144,10 +143,10 @@ cplus_mangle_opname (const char *opname, int options); extern void set_cplus_marker_for_demangling (int ch); -extern enum demangling_styles +extern enum demangling_styles cplus_demangle_set_style (enum demangling_styles style); -extern enum demangling_styles +extern enum demangling_styles cplus_demangle_name_to_style (const char *name); /* Callback typedef for allocation-less demangler interfaces. */ @@ -380,6 +379,10 @@ enum demangle_component_type /* A typecast, represented as a unary operator. The one subtree is the type to which the argument should be cast. */ DEMANGLE_COMPONENT_CAST, + /* A conversion operator, represented as a unary operator. The one + subtree is the type to which the argument should be converted + to. */ + DEMANGLE_COMPONENT_CONVERSION, /* A nullary expression. The left subtree is the operator. */ DEMANGLE_COMPONENT_NULLARY, /* A unary expression. The left subtree is the operator, and the @@ -443,6 +446,8 @@ enum demangle_component_type DEMANGLE_COMPONENT_PACK_EXPANSION, /* A name with an ABI tag. */ DEMANGLE_COMPONENT_TAGGED_NAME, + /* A transaction-safe function type. */ + DEMANGLE_COMPONENT_TRANSACTION_SAFE, /* A cloned function. */ DEMANGLE_COMPONENT_CLONE }; diff --git a/include/dwarf2.def b/include/dwarf2.def index ea8127c8b..2dfee5666 100644 --- a/include/dwarf2.def +++ b/include/dwarf2.def @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ /* -*- c -*- Declarations and definitions of codes relating to the DWARF2 and DWARF3 symbolic debugging information formats. - Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Gary Funck ( The Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO), Florida State University and Silicon Graphics Inc. @@ -406,6 +404,13 @@ DW_AT (DW_AT_VMS_rtnbeg_pd_address, 0x2201) See . */ DW_AT (DW_AT_use_GNAT_descriptive_type, 0x2301) DW_AT (DW_AT_GNAT_descriptive_type, 0x2302) +/* Rational constant extension. + See . */ +DW_TAG (DW_AT_GNU_numerator, 0x2303) +DW_TAG (DW_AT_GNU_denominator, 0x2304) +/* Biased integer extension. + See . */ +DW_TAG (DW_AT_GNU_bias, 0x2305) /* UPC extension. */ DW_AT (DW_AT_upc_threads_scaled, 0x3210) /* PGI (STMicroelectronics) extensions. */ diff --git a/include/dwarf2.h b/include/dwarf2.h index e05955cad..4ada87162 100644 --- a/include/dwarf2.h +++ b/include/dwarf2.h @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@ /* Declarations and definitions of codes relating to the DWARF2 and DWARF3 symbolic debugging information formats. - Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, - 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1992-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Gary Funck ( The Ada Joint Program Office (AJPO), Florida State University and Silicon Graphics Inc. diff --git a/include/dyn-string.h b/include/dyn-string.h index 2b147271e..7c3684b7c 100644 --- a/include/dyn-string.h +++ b/include/dyn-string.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ /* An abstract string datatype. - Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2009 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Mark Mitchell ( This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/environ.h b/include/environ.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c18902ba5 --- /dev/null +++ b/include/environ.h @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* Declare the environ system variable. + Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + +This file is part of the libiberty library. +Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or +modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public +License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either +version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. + +Libiberty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of +MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU +Library General Public License for more details. + +You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public +License along with libiberty; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, +write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, +Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ + +/* On OSX, the environ variable can be used directly in the code of an + executable, but cannot be used in the code of a shared library (such as + GCC's liblto_plugin, which links in libiberty code). Instead, the + function _NSGetEnviron can be called to get the address of environ. */ + +#ifndef HAVE_ENVIRON_DECL +# ifdef __APPLE__ +# include +# define environ (*_NSGetEnviron ()) +# else +extern char **environ; +# endif +# define HAVE_ENVIRON_DECL +#endif diff --git a/include/fibheap.h b/include/fibheap.h index a3d09dd9d..85b10c58b 100644 --- a/include/fibheap.h +++ b/include/fibheap.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ /* A Fibonacci heap datatype. - Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Daniel Berlin ( This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/filenames.h b/include/filenames.h index 470c5e091..1161daaa4 100644 --- a/include/filenames.h +++ b/include/filenames.h @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use forward- and back-slash in path names interchangeably, and some of them have case-insensitive file names. - Copyright 2000, 2001, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library. diff --git a/include/floatformat.h b/include/floatformat.h index e15e07c22..af4d09cb8 100644 --- a/include/floatformat.h +++ b/include/floatformat.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ /* IEEE floating point support declarations, for GDB, the GNU Debugger. - Copyright 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2010 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1991-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GDB. diff --git a/include/fnmatch.h b/include/fnmatch.h index 5b9953ca3..0789fc146 100644 --- a/include/fnmatch.h +++ b/include/fnmatch.h @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/* Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +/* Copyright (C) 1991-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the GNU C Library. Bugs can be reported to diff --git a/include/gcc-c-fe.def b/include/gcc-c-fe.def index 19cb8674d..25ace1c85 100644 --- a/include/gcc-c-fe.def +++ b/include/gcc-c-fe.def @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* Interface between GCC C FE and GDB -*- c -*- - Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/gcc-c-interface.h b/include/gcc-c-interface.h index 25ef62f6e..95d0fc94e 100644 --- a/include/gcc-c-interface.h +++ b/include/gcc-c-interface.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* Interface between GCC C FE and GDB - Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/gcc-interface.h b/include/gcc-interface.h index 34010f247..df7db6ec1 100644 --- a/include/gcc-interface.h +++ b/include/gcc-interface.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* Generic interface between GCC and GDB - Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/gdb/gdb-index.h b/include/gdb/gdb-index.h index b43c68f9e..4e3d0a754 100644 --- a/include/gdb/gdb-index.h +++ b/include/gdb/gdb-index.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Public attributes of the .gdb_index section. - Copyright 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GDB. diff --git a/include/getopt.h b/include/getopt.h index 5421cabed..6f496b113 100644 --- a/include/getopt.h +++ b/include/getopt.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ /* Declarations for getopt. - Copyright 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, - 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1989-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the GNU C Library. Bugs can be reported to diff --git a/include/gomp-constants.h b/include/gomp-constants.h index e3d2820d7..e31c2e003 100644 --- a/include/gomp-constants.h +++ b/include/gomp-constants.h @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ /* Special map kinds, enumerated starting here. */ #define GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_0 (1 << 2) #define GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_1 (1 << 3) +#define GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 (1 << 4) #define GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_1 \ | GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_0) /* Flag to force a specific behavior (or else, trigger a run-time error). */ @@ -66,10 +67,28 @@ enum gomp_map_kind /* Must already be present. */ GOMP_MAP_FORCE_PRESENT = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_0 | 2), /* Deallocate a mapping, without copying from device. */ - GOMP_MAP_FORCE_DEALLOC = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_0 | 3), + GOMP_MAP_DELETE = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_0 | 3), /* Is a device pointer. OMP_CLAUSE_SIZE for these is unused; is implicitly POINTER_SIZE_UNITS. */ GOMP_MAP_FORCE_DEVICEPTR = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_1 | 0), + /* Do not map, copy bits for firstprivate instead. */ + /* OpenACC device_resident. */ + GOMP_MAP_DEVICE_RESIDENT = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_1 | 1), + /* OpenACC link. */ + GOMP_MAP_LINK = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_1 | 2), + /* Allocate. */ + GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL | 0), + /* Similarly, but store the value in the pointer rather than + pointed by the pointer. */ + GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE_INT = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL | 1), + /* Pointer translate host address into device address and copy that + back to host. */ + GOMP_MAP_USE_DEVICE_PTR = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL | 2), + /* Allocate a zero length array section. Prefer next non-zero length + mapping over previous non-zero length mapping over zero length mapping + at the address. If not already mapped, do nothing (and pointer translate + to NULL). */ + GOMP_MAP_ZERO_LEN_ARRAY_SECTION = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL | 3), /* Allocate. */ GOMP_MAP_FORCE_ALLOC = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_FORCE | GOMP_MAP_ALLOC), /* ..., and copy to device. */ @@ -77,7 +96,44 @@ enum gomp_map_kind /* ..., and copy from device. */ GOMP_MAP_FORCE_FROM = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_FORCE | GOMP_MAP_FROM), /* ..., and copy to and from device. */ - GOMP_MAP_FORCE_TOFROM = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_FORCE | GOMP_MAP_TOFROM) + GOMP_MAP_FORCE_TOFROM = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_FORCE | GOMP_MAP_TOFROM), + /* If not already present, allocate. And unconditionally copy to + device. */ + GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TO = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 | GOMP_MAP_TO), + /* If not already present, allocate. And unconditionally copy from + device. */ + GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_FROM = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 + | GOMP_MAP_FROM), + /* If not already present, allocate. And unconditionally copy to and from + device. */ + GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TOFROM = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 + | GOMP_MAP_TOFROM), + /* Map a sparse struct; the address is the base of the structure, alignment + it's required alignment, and size is the number of adjacent entries + that belong to the struct. The adjacent entries should be sorted by + increasing address, so it is easy to determine lowest needed address + (address of the first adjacent entry) and highest needed address + (address of the last adjacent entry plus its size). */ + GOMP_MAP_STRUCT = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 + | GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL | 0), + /* On a location of a pointer/reference that is assumed to be already mapped + earlier, store the translated address of the preceeding mapping. + No refcount is bumped by this, and the store is done unconditionally. */ + GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_POINTER = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 + | GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL | 1), + /* Forced deallocation of zero length array section. */ + GOMP_MAP_DELETE_ZERO_LEN_ARRAY_SECTION + = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 + | GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL | 3), + /* Decrement usage count and deallocate if zero. */ + GOMP_MAP_RELEASE = (GOMP_MAP_FLAG_SPECIAL_2 + | GOMP_MAP_DELETE), + + /* Internal to GCC, not used in libgomp. */ + /* Do not map, but pointer assign a pointer instead. */ + GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE_POINTER = (GOMP_MAP_LAST | 1), + /* Do not map, but pointer assign a reference instead. */ + GOMP_MAP_FIRSTPRIVATE_REFERENCE = (GOMP_MAP_LAST | 2) }; #define GOMP_MAP_COPY_TO_P(X) \ @@ -91,6 +147,15 @@ enum gomp_map_kind #define GOMP_MAP_POINTER_P(X) \ ((X) == GOMP_MAP_POINTER) +#define GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TO_P(X) \ + (((X) == GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TO) || ((X) == GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TOFROM)) + +#define GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_FROM_P(X) \ + (((X) == GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_FROM) || ((X) == GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TOFROM)) + +#define GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_P(X) \ + (GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_TO_P (X) || ((X) == GOMP_MAP_ALWAYS_FROM)) + /* Asynchronous behavior. Keep in sync with libgomp/{openacc.h,openacc.f90,openacc_lib.h}:acc_async_t. */ @@ -101,16 +166,92 @@ enum gomp_map_kind /* Device codes. Keep in sync with libgomp/{openacc.h,openacc.f90,openacc_lib.h}:acc_device_t as well as - libgomp/libgomp_target.h. */ + libgomp/libgomp-plugin.h. */ #define GOMP_DEVICE_NONE 0 #define GOMP_DEVICE_DEFAULT 1 #define GOMP_DEVICE_HOST 2 -#define GOMP_DEVICE_HOST_NONSHM 3 +/* #define GOMP_DEVICE_HOST_NONSHM 3 removed. */ #define GOMP_DEVICE_NOT_HOST 4 #define GOMP_DEVICE_NVIDIA_PTX 5 #define GOMP_DEVICE_INTEL_MIC 6 +#define GOMP_DEVICE_HSA 7 #define GOMP_DEVICE_ICV -1 #define GOMP_DEVICE_HOST_FALLBACK -2 +/* GOMP_task/GOMP_taskloop* flags argument. */ +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_UNTIED (1 << 0) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_FINAL (1 << 1) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_MERGEABLE (1 << 2) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_DEPEND (1 << 3) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_PRIORITY (1 << 4) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_UP (1 << 8) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_GRAINSIZE (1 << 9) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_IF (1 << 10) +#define GOMP_TASK_FLAG_NOGROUP (1 << 11) + +/* GOMP_target{_ext,update_ext,enter_exit_data} flags argument. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_FLAG_NOWAIT (1 << 0) +#define GOMP_TARGET_FLAG_EXIT_DATA (1 << 1) +/* Internal to libgomp. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_FLAG_UPDATE (1U << 31) + +/* Versions of libgomp and device-specific plugins. */ +#define GOMP_VERSION 0 +#define GOMP_VERSION_NVIDIA_PTX 1 +#define GOMP_VERSION_INTEL_MIC 0 +#define GOMP_VERSION_HSA 0 + +#define GOMP_VERSION_PACK(LIB, DEV) (((LIB) << 16) | (DEV)) +#define GOMP_VERSION_LIB(PACK) (((PACK) >> 16) & 0xffff) +#define GOMP_VERSION_DEV(PACK) ((PACK) & 0xffff) + +#define GOMP_DIM_GANG 0 +#define GOMP_DIM_WORKER 1 +#define GOMP_DIM_VECTOR 2 +#define GOMP_DIM_MAX 3 +#define GOMP_DIM_MASK(X) (1u << (X)) + +/* Varadic launch arguments. End of list is marked by a zero. */ +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_DIM 1 /* Launch dimensions, op = mask */ +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_ASYNC 2 /* Async, op = cst val if not MAX */ +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_WAIT 3 /* Waits, op = num waits. */ +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_CODE_SHIFT 28 +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_DEVICE_SHIFT 16 +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_OP_SHIFT 0 +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_PACK(CODE,DEVICE,OP) \ + (((CODE) << GOMP_LAUNCH_CODE_SHIFT) \ + | ((DEVICE) << GOMP_LAUNCH_DEVICE_SHIFT) \ + | ((OP) << GOMP_LAUNCH_OP_SHIFT)) +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_CODE(X) (((X) >> GOMP_LAUNCH_CODE_SHIFT) & 0xf) +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_DEVICE(X) (((X) >> GOMP_LAUNCH_DEVICE_SHIFT) & 0xfff) +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_OP(X) (((X) >> GOMP_LAUNCH_OP_SHIFT) & 0xffff) +#define GOMP_LAUNCH_OP_MAX 0xffff + +/* Bitmask to apply in order to find out the intended device of a target + argument. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_DEVICE_MASK ((1 << 7) - 1) +/* The target argument is significant for all devices. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_DEVICE_ALL 0 + +/* Flag set when the subsequent element in the device-specific argument + values. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_SUBSEQUENT_PARAM (1 << 7) + +/* Bitmask to apply to a target argument to find out the value identifier. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_ID_MASK (((1 << 8) - 1) << 8) +/* Target argument index of NUM_TEAMS. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_NUM_TEAMS (1 << 8) +/* Target argument index of THREAD_LIMIT. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_THREAD_LIMIT (2 << 8) + +/* If the value is directly embeded in target argument, it should be a 16-bit + at most and shifted by this many bits. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_VALUE_SHIFT 16 + +/* HSA specific data structures. */ + +/* Identifiers of device-specific target arguments. */ +#define GOMP_TARGET_ARG_HSA_KERNEL_ATTRIBUTES (1 << 8) + #endif diff --git a/include/hashtab.h b/include/hashtab.h index 188b8494d..b1b5877aa 100644 --- a/include/hashtab.h +++ b/include/hashtab.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ /* An expandable hash tables datatype. - Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1999-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Vladimir Makarov ( This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/include/leb128.h b/include/leb128.h index f584f72e5..56016b0f7 100644 --- a/include/leb128.h +++ b/include/leb128.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Utilities for reading leb128 values. - Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the libiberty library. Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or diff --git a/include/libiberty.h b/include/libiberty.h index b33dd6598..a9c885fc6 100644 --- a/include/libiberty.h +++ b/include/libiberty.h @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ extern void freeargv (char **); /* Duplicate an argument vector. Allocates memory using malloc. Use freeargv to free the vector. */ -extern char **dupargv (char **) ATTRIBUTE_MALLOC; +extern char **dupargv (char * const *) ATTRIBUTE_MALLOC; /* Expand "@file" arguments in argv. */ @@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ extern void expandargv (int *, char ***); /* Write argv to an @-file, inserting necessary quoting. */ -extern int writeargv (char **, FILE *); +extern int writeargv (char * const *, FILE *); /* Return the number of elements in argv. */ -extern int countargv (char**); +extern int countargv (char * const *); /* Return the last component of a path name. Note that we can't use a prototype here because the parameter is declared inconsistently @@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ extern int pexecute (const char *, char * const *, const char *, extern int pwait (int, int *, int); -#if !HAVE_DECL_ASPRINTF +#if defined(HAVE_DECL_ASPRINTF) && !HAVE_DECL_ASPRINTF /* Like sprintf but provides a pointer to malloc'd storage, which must be freed by the caller. */ diff --git a/include/longlong.h b/include/longlong.h index 8cd2c7989..34ad9b4f5 100644 --- a/include/longlong.h +++ b/include/longlong.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* longlong.h -- definitions for mixed size 32/64 bit arithmetic. - Copyright (C) 1991-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1991-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. @@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ extern UDItype __umulsidi3 (USItype, USItype); } while (0) #endif -#if defined(__sh__) && !__SHMEDIA__ && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32 +#if defined(__sh__) && (!defined (__SHMEDIA__) || !__SHMEDIA__) && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32 #ifndef __sh1__ #define umul_ppmm(w1, w0, u, v) \ __asm__ ( \ @@ -1102,6 +1102,33 @@ extern UDItype __umulsidi3 (USItype, USItype); /* This is the same algorithm as __udiv_qrnnd_c. */ #define UDIV_NEEDS_NORMALIZATION 1 +#ifdef __FDPIC__ +/* FDPIC needs a special version of the asm fragment to extract the + code address from the function descriptor. __udiv_qrnnd_16 is + assumed to be local and not to use the GOT, so loading r12 is + not needed. */ +#define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, d) \ + do { \ + extern UWtype __udiv_qrnnd_16 (UWtype, UWtype) \ + __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden"))); \ + /* r0: rn r1: qn */ /* r0: n1 r4: n0 r5: d r6: d1 */ /* r2: __m */ \ + __asm__ ( \ + "mov%M4 %4,r5\n" \ +" swap.w %3,r4\n" \ +" swap.w r5,r6\n" \ +" mov.l @%5,r2\n" \ +" jsr @r2\n" \ +" shll16 r6\n" \ +" swap.w r4,r4\n" \ +" mov.l @%5,r2\n" \ +" jsr @r2\n" \ +" swap.w r1,%0\n" \ +" or r1,%0" \ + : "=r" (q), "=&z" (r) \ + : "1" (n1), "r" (n0), "rm" (d), "r" (&__udiv_qrnnd_16) \ + : "r1", "r2", "r4", "r5", "r6", "pr", "t"); \ + } while (0) +#else #define udiv_qrnnd(q, r, n1, n0, d) \ do { \ extern UWtype __udiv_qrnnd_16 (UWtype, UWtype) \ @@ -1121,6 +1148,7 @@ extern UDItype __umulsidi3 (USItype, USItype); : "1" (n1), "r" (n0), "rm" (d), "r" (&__udiv_qrnnd_16) \ : "r1", "r2", "r4", "r5", "r6", "pr", "t"); \ } while (0) +#endif /* __FDPIC__ */ #define UDIV_TIME 80 @@ -1131,7 +1159,7 @@ extern UDItype __umulsidi3 (USItype, USItype); #endif /* __sh__ */ -#if defined (__SH5__) && __SHMEDIA__ && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32 +#if defined (__SH5__) && defined (__SHMEDIA__) && __SHMEDIA__ && W_TYPE_SIZE == 32 #define __umulsidi3(u,v) ((UDItype)(USItype)u*(USItype)v) #define count_leading_zeros(count, x) \ do \ diff --git a/include/lto-symtab.h b/include/lto-symtab.h index 9312c5d9d..878d0502c 100644 --- a/include/lto-symtab.h +++ b/include/lto-symtab.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Data types used in the IL symbol table. - Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Rafael Espindola This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/md5.h b/include/md5.h index 6da2fefe1..909f7b4df 100644 --- a/include/md5.h +++ b/include/md5.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* md5.h - Declaration of functions and data types used for MD5 sum computing library functions. - Copyright 1995, 1996, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1995-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the GNU C Library. Bugs can be reported to diff --git a/include/objalloc.h b/include/objalloc.h index 52857663b..2c0635090 100644 --- a/include/objalloc.h +++ b/include/objalloc.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* objalloc.h -- routines to allocate memory for objects - Copyright 1997-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1997-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Cygnus Solutions. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff --git a/include/obstack.h b/include/obstack.h index 23487ba4f..0d13c72d0 100644 --- a/include/obstack.h +++ b/include/obstack.h @@ -1,108 +1,102 @@ /* obstack.h - object stack macros - Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, - 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1988-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + This file is part of the GNU C Library. + The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either + version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. - NOTE: The canonical source of this file is maintained with the GNU C Library. - Bugs can be reported to - - This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it - under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the - Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any - later version. - - This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of - MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the - GNU General Public License for more details. + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + Lesser General Public License for more details. - You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License - along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software - Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, - USA. */ + You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see + . */ /* Summary: -All the apparent functions defined here are macros. The idea -is that you would use these pre-tested macros to solve a -very specific set of problems, and they would run fast. -Caution: no side-effects in arguments please!! They may be -evaluated MANY times!! + All the apparent functions defined here are macros. The idea + is that you would use these pre-tested macros to solve a + very specific set of problems, and they would run fast. + Caution: no side-effects in arguments please!! They may be + evaluated MANY times!! -These macros operate a stack of objects. Each object starts life -small, and may grow to maturity. (Consider building a word syllable -by syllable.) An object can move while it is growing. Once it has -been "finished" it never changes address again. So the "top of the -stack" is typically an immature growing object, while the rest of the -stack is of mature, fixed size and fixed address objects. + These macros operate a stack of objects. Each object starts life + small, and may grow to maturity. (Consider building a word syllable + by syllable.) An object can move while it is growing. Once it has + been "finished" it never changes address again. So the "top of the + stack" is typically an immature growing object, while the rest of the + stack is of mature, fixed size and fixed address objects. -These routines grab large chunks of memory, using a function you -supply, called `obstack_chunk_alloc'. On occasion, they free chunks, -by calling `obstack_chunk_free'. You must define them and declare -them before using any obstack macros. + These routines grab large chunks of memory, using a function you + supply, called 'obstack_chunk_alloc'. On occasion, they free chunks, + by calling 'obstack_chunk_free'. You must define them and declare + them before using any obstack macros. -Each independent stack is represented by a `struct obstack'. -Each of the obstack macros expects a pointer to such a structure -as the first argument. + Each independent stack is represented by a 'struct obstack'. + Each of the obstack macros expects a pointer to such a structure + as the first argument. -One motivation for this package is the problem of growing char strings -in symbol tables. Unless you are "fascist pig with a read-only mind" ---Gosper's immortal quote from HAKMEM item 154, out of context--you -would not like to put any arbitrary upper limit on the length of your -symbols. + One motivation for this package is the problem of growing char strings + in symbol tables. Unless you are "fascist pig with a read-only mind" + --Gosper's immortal quote from HAKMEM item 154, out of context--you + would not like to put any arbitrary upper limit on the length of your + symbols. -In practice this often means you will build many short symbols and a -few long symbols. At the time you are reading a symbol you don't know -how long it is. One traditional method is to read a symbol into a -buffer, realloc()ating the buffer every time you try to read a symbol -that is longer than the buffer. This is beaut, but you still will -want to copy the symbol from the buffer to a more permanent -symbol-table entry say about half the time. + In practice this often means you will build many short symbols and a + few long symbols. At the time you are reading a symbol you don't know + how long it is. One traditional method is to read a symbol into a + buffer, realloc()ating the buffer every time you try to read a symbol + that is longer than the buffer. This is beaut, but you still will + want to copy the symbol from the buffer to a more permanent + symbol-table entry say about half the time. -With obstacks, you can work differently. Use one obstack for all symbol -names. As you read a symbol, grow the name in the obstack gradually. -When the name is complete, finalize it. Then, if the symbol exists already, -free the newly read name. + With obstacks, you can work differently. Use one obstack for all symbol + names. As you read a symbol, grow the name in the obstack gradually. + When the name is complete, finalize it. Then, if the symbol exists already, + free the newly read name. -The way we do this is to take a large chunk, allocating memory from -low addresses. When you want to build a symbol in the chunk you just -add chars above the current "high water mark" in the chunk. When you -have finished adding chars, because you got to the end of the symbol, -you know how long the chars are, and you can create a new object. -Mostly the chars will not burst over the highest address of the chunk, -because you would typically expect a chunk to be (say) 100 times as -long as an average object. + The way we do this is to take a large chunk, allocating memory from + low addresses. When you want to build a symbol in the chunk you just + add chars above the current "high water mark" in the chunk. When you + have finished adding chars, because you got to the end of the symbol, + you know how long the chars are, and you can create a new object. + Mostly the chars will not burst over the highest address of the chunk, + because you would typically expect a chunk to be (say) 100 times as + long as an average object. -In case that isn't clear, when we have enough chars to make up -the object, THEY ARE ALREADY CONTIGUOUS IN THE CHUNK (guaranteed) -so we just point to it where it lies. No moving of chars is -needed and this is the second win: potentially long strings need -never be explicitly shuffled. Once an object is formed, it does not -change its address during its lifetime. + In case that isn't clear, when we have enough chars to make up + the object, THEY ARE ALREADY CONTIGUOUS IN THE CHUNK (guaranteed) + so we just point to it where it lies. No moving of chars is + needed and this is the second win: potentially long strings need + never be explicitly shuffled. Once an object is formed, it does not + change its address during its lifetime. -When the chars burst over a chunk boundary, we allocate a larger -chunk, and then copy the partly formed object from the end of the old -chunk to the beginning of the new larger chunk. We then carry on -accreting characters to the end of the object as we normally would. + When the chars burst over a chunk boundary, we allocate a larger + chunk, and then copy the partly formed object from the end of the old + chunk to the beginning of the new larger chunk. We then carry on + accreting characters to the end of the object as we normally would. -A special macro is provided to add a single char at a time to a -growing object. This allows the use of register variables, which -break the ordinary 'growth' macro. + A special macro is provided to add a single char at a time to a + growing object. This allows the use of register variables, which + break the ordinary 'growth' macro. -Summary: - We allocate large chunks. - We carve out one object at a time from the current chunk. - Once carved, an object never moves. - We are free to append data of any size to the currently - growing object. - Exactly one object is growing in an obstack at any one time. - You can run one obstack per control block. - You may have as many control blocks as you dare. - Because of the way we do it, you can `unwind' an obstack - back to a previous state. (You may remove objects much - as you would with a stack.) -*/ + Summary: + We allocate large chunks. + We carve out one object at a time from the current chunk. + Once carved, an object never moves. + We are free to append data of any size to the currently + growing object. + Exactly one object is growing in an obstack at any one time. + You can run one obstack per control block. + You may have as many control blocks as you dare. + Because of the way we do it, you can "unwind" an obstack + back to a previous state. (You may remove objects much + as you would with a stack.) + */ /* Don't do the contents of this file more than once. */ @@ -110,144 +104,128 @@ Summary: #ifndef _OBSTACK_H #define _OBSTACK_H 1 +#ifndef _OBSTACK_INTERFACE_VERSION +# define _OBSTACK_INTERFACE_VERSION 2 +#endif + +#include /* For size_t and ptrdiff_t. */ +#include /* For __GNU_LIBRARY__, and memcpy. */ + +#if _OBSTACK_INTERFACE_VERSION == 1 +/* For binary compatibility with obstack version 1, which used "int" + and "long" for these two types. */ +# define _OBSTACK_SIZE_T unsigned int +# define _CHUNK_SIZE_T unsigned long +# define _OBSTACK_CAST(type, expr) ((type) (expr)) +#else +/* Version 2 with sane types, especially for 64-bit hosts. */ +# define _OBSTACK_SIZE_T size_t +# define _CHUNK_SIZE_T size_t +# define _OBSTACK_CAST(type, expr) (expr) +#endif + +/* If B is the base of an object addressed by P, return the result of + aligning P to the next multiple of A + 1. B and P must be of type + char *. A + 1 must be a power of 2. */ + +#define __BPTR_ALIGN(B, P, A) ((B) + (((P) - (B) + (A)) & ~(A))) + +/* Similar to __BPTR_ALIGN (B, P, A), except optimize the common case + where pointers can be converted to integers, aligned as integers, + and converted back again. If ptrdiff_t is narrower than a + pointer (e.g., the AS/400), play it safe and compute the alignment + relative to B. Otherwise, use the faster strategy of computing the + alignment relative to 0. */ + +#define __PTR_ALIGN(B, P, A) \ + __BPTR_ALIGN (sizeof (ptrdiff_t) < sizeof (void *) ? (B) : (char *) 0, \ + P, A) + +#ifndef __attribute_pure__ +# if defined __GNUC_MINOR__ && __GNUC__ * 1000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 2096 +# define __attribute_pure__ __attribute__ ((__pure__)) +# else +# define __attribute_pure__ +# endif +#endif + #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif - -/* We use subtraction of (char *) 0 instead of casting to int - because on word-addressable machines a simple cast to int - may ignore the byte-within-word field of the pointer. */ -#ifndef __PTR_TO_INT -# define __PTR_TO_INT(P) ((P) - (char *) 0) -#endif - -#ifndef __INT_TO_PTR -# define __INT_TO_PTR(P) ((P) + (char *) 0) -#endif - -/* We need the type of the resulting object. If __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ is - defined, as with GNU C, use that; that way we don't pollute the - namespace with 's symbols. Otherwise, if is - available, include it and use ptrdiff_t. In traditional C, long is - the best that we can do. */ - -#ifdef __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ -# define PTR_INT_TYPE __PTRDIFF_TYPE__ -#else -# ifdef HAVE_STDDEF_H -# include -# define PTR_INT_TYPE ptrdiff_t -# else -# define PTR_INT_TYPE long -# endif -#endif - -#if defined _LIBC || defined HAVE_STRING_H -# include -# define _obstack_memcpy(To, From, N) memcpy ((To), (From), (N)) -#else -# ifdef memcpy -# define _obstack_memcpy(To, From, N) memcpy ((To), (char *)(From), (N)) -# else -# define _obstack_memcpy(To, From, N) bcopy ((char *)(From), (To), (N)) -# endif -#endif - -struct _obstack_chunk /* Lives at front of each chunk. */ +struct _obstack_chunk /* Lives at front of each chunk. */ { - char *limit; /* 1 past end of this chunk */ - struct _obstack_chunk *prev; /* address of prior chunk or NULL */ - char contents[4]; /* objects begin here */ + char *limit; /* 1 past end of this chunk */ + struct _obstack_chunk *prev; /* address of prior chunk or NULL */ + char contents[4]; /* objects begin here */ }; -struct obstack /* control current object in current chunk */ +struct obstack /* control current object in current chunk */ { - long chunk_size; /* preferred size to allocate chunks in */ - struct _obstack_chunk *chunk; /* address of current struct obstack_chunk */ - char *object_base; /* address of object we are building */ - char *next_free; /* where to add next char to current object */ - char *chunk_limit; /* address of char after current chunk */ - PTR_INT_TYPE temp; /* Temporary for some macros. */ - int alignment_mask; /* Mask of alignment for each object. */ - /* These prototypes vary based on `use_extra_arg', and we use - casts to the prototypeless function type in all assignments, - but having prototypes here quiets -Wstrict-prototypes. */ - struct _obstack_chunk *(*chunkfun) (void *, long); - void (*freefun) (void *, struct _obstack_chunk *); - void *extra_arg; /* first arg for chunk alloc/dealloc funcs */ - unsigned use_extra_arg:1; /* chunk alloc/dealloc funcs take extra arg */ - unsigned maybe_empty_object:1;/* There is a possibility that the current - chunk contains a zero-length object. This - prevents freeing the chunk if we allocate - a bigger chunk to replace it. */ - unsigned alloc_failed:1; /* No longer used, as we now call the failed - handler on error, but retained for binary - compatibility. */ + _CHUNK_SIZE_T chunk_size; /* preferred size to allocate chunks in */ + struct _obstack_chunk *chunk; /* address of current struct obstack_chunk */ + char *object_base; /* address of object we are building */ + char *next_free; /* where to add next char to current object */ + char *chunk_limit; /* address of char after current chunk */ + union + { + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T i; + void *p; + } temp; /* Temporary for some macros. */ + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T alignment_mask; /* Mask of alignment for each object. */ + + /* These prototypes vary based on 'use_extra_arg'. */ + union + { + void *(*plain) (size_t); + void *(*extra) (void *, size_t); + } chunkfun; + union + { + void (*plain) (void *); + void (*extra) (void *, void *); + } freefun; + + void *extra_arg; /* first arg for chunk alloc/dealloc funcs */ + unsigned use_extra_arg : 1; /* chunk alloc/dealloc funcs take extra arg */ + unsigned maybe_empty_object : 1; /* There is a possibility that the current + chunk contains a zero-length object. This + prevents freeing the chunk if we allocate + a bigger chunk to replace it. */ + unsigned alloc_failed : 1; /* No longer used, as we now call the failed + handler on error, but retained for binary + compatibility. */ }; /* Declare the external functions we use; they are in obstack.c. */ -extern void _obstack_newchunk (struct obstack *, int); +extern void _obstack_newchunk (struct obstack *, _OBSTACK_SIZE_T); extern void _obstack_free (struct obstack *, void *); -extern int _obstack_begin (struct obstack *, int, int, - void *(*) (long), void (*) (void *)); -extern int _obstack_begin_1 (struct obstack *, int, int, - void *(*) (void *, long), - void (*) (void *, void *), void *); -extern int _obstack_memory_used (struct obstack *); - -/* Do the function-declarations after the structs - but before defining the macros. */ +extern int _obstack_begin (struct obstack *, + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T, _OBSTACK_SIZE_T, + void *(*) (size_t), void (*) (void *)); +extern int _obstack_begin_1 (struct obstack *, + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T, _OBSTACK_SIZE_T, + void *(*) (void *, size_t), + void (*) (void *, void *), void *); +extern _OBSTACK_SIZE_T _obstack_memory_used (struct obstack *) + __attribute_pure__; -void obstack_init (struct obstack *obstack); -void * obstack_alloc (struct obstack *obstack, int size); - -void * obstack_copy (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size); -void * obstack_copy0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *address, int size); - -void obstack_free (struct obstack *obstack, void *block); - -void obstack_blank (struct obstack *obstack, int size); - -void obstack_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size); -void obstack_grow0 (struct obstack *obstack, void *data, int size); - -void obstack_1grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char); -void obstack_ptr_grow (struct obstack *obstack, void *data); -void obstack_int_grow (struct obstack *obstack, int data); - -void * obstack_finish (struct obstack *obstack); - -int obstack_object_size (struct obstack *obstack); - -int obstack_room (struct obstack *obstack); -void obstack_make_room (struct obstack *obstack, int size); -void obstack_1grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data_char); -void obstack_ptr_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, void *data); -void obstack_int_grow_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int data); -void obstack_blank_fast (struct obstack *obstack, int size); - -void * obstack_base (struct obstack *obstack); -void * obstack_next_free (struct obstack *obstack); -int obstack_alignment_mask (struct obstack *obstack); -int obstack_chunk_size (struct obstack *obstack); -int obstack_memory_used (struct obstack *obstack); - -/* Error handler called when `obstack_chunk_alloc' failed to allocate - more memory. This can be set to a user defined function. The - default action is to print a message and abort. */ +/* Error handler called when 'obstack_chunk_alloc' failed to allocate + more memory. This can be set to a user defined function which + should either abort gracefully or use longjump - but shouldn't + return. The default action is to print a message and abort. */ extern void (*obstack_alloc_failed_handler) (void); -/* Exit value used when `print_and_abort' is used. */ +/* Exit value used when 'print_and_abort' is used. */ extern int obstack_exit_failure; - + /* Pointer to beginning of object being allocated or to be allocated next. Note that this might not be the final address of the object because a new chunk might be needed to hold the final size. */ -#define obstack_base(h) ((h)->object_base) +#define obstack_base(h) ((void *) (h)->object_base) /* Size for allocating ordinary chunks. */ @@ -255,203 +233,210 @@ extern int obstack_exit_failure; /* Pointer to next byte not yet allocated in current chunk. */ -#define obstack_next_free(h) ((h)->next_free) +#define obstack_next_free(h) ((void *) (h)->next_free) /* Mask specifying low bits that should be clear in address of an object. */ #define obstack_alignment_mask(h) ((h)->alignment_mask) -/* To prevent prototype warnings provide complete argument list in - standard C version. */ -# define obstack_init(h) \ - _obstack_begin ((h), 0, 0, \ - (void *(*) (long)) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) (void *)) obstack_chunk_free) +/* To prevent prototype warnings provide complete argument list. */ +#define obstack_init(h) \ + _obstack_begin ((h), 0, 0, \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void *(*) (size_t), obstack_chunk_alloc), \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void (*) (void *), obstack_chunk_free)) -# define obstack_begin(h, size) \ - _obstack_begin ((h), (size), 0, \ - (void *(*) (long)) obstack_chunk_alloc, (void (*) (void *)) obstack_chunk_free) +#define obstack_begin(h, size) \ + _obstack_begin ((h), (size), 0, \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void *(*) (size_t), obstack_chunk_alloc), \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void (*) (void *), obstack_chunk_free)) -# define obstack_specify_allocation(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun) \ - _obstack_begin ((h), (size), (alignment), \ - (void *(*) (long)) (chunkfun), (void (*) (void *)) (freefun)) +#define obstack_specify_allocation(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun) \ + _obstack_begin ((h), (size), (alignment), \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void *(*) (size_t), chunkfun), \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void (*) (void *), freefun)) -# define obstack_specify_allocation_with_arg(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun, arg) \ - _obstack_begin_1 ((h), (size), (alignment), \ - (void *(*) (void *, long)) (chunkfun), \ - (void (*) (void *, void *)) (freefun), (arg)) +#define obstack_specify_allocation_with_arg(h, size, alignment, chunkfun, freefun, arg) \ + _obstack_begin_1 ((h), (size), (alignment), \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void *(*) (void *, size_t), chunkfun), \ + _OBSTACK_CAST (void (*) (void *, void *), freefun), arg) -# define obstack_chunkfun(h, newchunkfun) \ - ((h) -> chunkfun = (struct _obstack_chunk *(*)(void *, long)) (newchunkfun)) +#define obstack_chunkfun(h, newchunkfun) \ + ((void) ((h)->chunkfun.extra = (void *(*) (void *, size_t)) (newchunkfun))) -# define obstack_freefun(h, newfreefun) \ - ((h) -> freefun = (void (*)(void *, struct _obstack_chunk *)) (newfreefun)) +#define obstack_freefun(h, newfreefun) \ + ((void) ((h)->freefun.extra = (void *(*) (void *, void *)) (newfreefun))) -#define obstack_1grow_fast(h,achar) (*((h)->next_free)++ = (achar)) +#define obstack_1grow_fast(h, achar) ((void) (*((h)->next_free)++ = (achar))) -#define obstack_blank_fast(h,n) ((h)->next_free += (n)) +#define obstack_blank_fast(h, n) ((void) ((h)->next_free += (n))) #define obstack_memory_used(h) _obstack_memory_used (h) - -#if defined __GNUC__ && defined __STDC__ && __STDC__ -/* NextStep 2.0 cc is really gcc 1.93 but it defines __GNUC__ = 2 and - does not implement __extension__. But that compiler doesn't define - __GNUC_MINOR__. */ -# if __GNUC__ < 2 || (__NeXT__ && !__GNUC_MINOR__) + +#if defined __GNUC__ +# if !defined __GNUC_MINOR__ || __GNUC__ * 1000 + __GNUC_MINOR__ < 2008 # define __extension__ # endif /* For GNU C, if not -traditional, we can define these macros to compute all args only once without using a global variable. - Also, we can avoid using the `temp' slot, to make faster code. */ + Also, we can avoid using the 'temp' slot, to make faster code. */ -# define obstack_object_size(OBSTACK) \ - __extension__ \ - ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - (unsigned) (__o->next_free - __o->object_base); }) +# define obstack_object_size(OBSTACK) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack const *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + (_OBSTACK_SIZE_T) (__o->next_free - __o->object_base); }) -# define obstack_room(OBSTACK) \ - __extension__ \ - ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - (unsigned) (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free); }) +/* The local variable is named __o1 to avoid a shadowed variable + warning when invoked from other obstack macros. */ +# define obstack_room(OBSTACK) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack const *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \ + (_OBSTACK_SIZE_T) (__o1->chunk_limit - __o1->next_free); }) -# define obstack_make_room(OBSTACK,length) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - int __len = (length); \ - if (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free < __len) \ - _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \ - (void) 0; }) +# define obstack_make_room(OBSTACK, length) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T __len = (length); \ + if (obstack_room (__o) < __len) \ + _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \ + (void) 0; }) -# define obstack_empty_p(OBSTACK) \ - __extension__ \ - ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - (__o->chunk->prev == 0 && __o->next_free - __o->chunk->contents == 0); }) +# define obstack_empty_p(OBSTACK) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack const *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + (__o->chunk->prev == 0 \ + && __o->next_free == __PTR_ALIGN ((char *) __o->chunk, \ + __o->chunk->contents, \ + __o->alignment_mask)); }) -# define obstack_grow(OBSTACK,where,length) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - int __len = (length); \ - if (__o->next_free + __len > __o->chunk_limit) \ - _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \ - _obstack_memcpy (__o->next_free, (where), __len); \ - __o->next_free += __len; \ - (void) 0; }) +# define obstack_grow(OBSTACK, where, length) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T __len = (length); \ + if (obstack_room (__o) < __len) \ + _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \ + memcpy (__o->next_free, where, __len); \ + __o->next_free += __len; \ + (void) 0; }) -# define obstack_grow0(OBSTACK,where,length) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - int __len = (length); \ - if (__o->next_free + __len + 1 > __o->chunk_limit) \ - _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len + 1); \ - _obstack_memcpy (__o->next_free, (where), __len); \ - __o->next_free += __len; \ - *(__o->next_free)++ = 0; \ - (void) 0; }) +# define obstack_grow0(OBSTACK, where, length) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T __len = (length); \ + if (obstack_room (__o) < __len + 1) \ + _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len + 1); \ + memcpy (__o->next_free, where, __len); \ + __o->next_free += __len; \ + *(__o->next_free)++ = 0; \ + (void) 0; }) -# define obstack_1grow(OBSTACK,datum) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - if (__o->next_free + 1 > __o->chunk_limit) \ - _obstack_newchunk (__o, 1); \ - obstack_1grow_fast (__o, datum); \ - (void) 0; }) +# define obstack_1grow(OBSTACK, datum) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + if (obstack_room (__o) < 1) \ + _obstack_newchunk (__o, 1); \ + obstack_1grow_fast (__o, datum); }) -/* These assume that the obstack alignment is good enough for pointers or ints, - and that the data added so far to the current object +/* These assume that the obstack alignment is good enough for pointers + or ints, and that the data added so far to the current object shares that much alignment. */ -# define obstack_ptr_grow(OBSTACK,datum) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - if (__o->next_free + sizeof (void *) > __o->chunk_limit) \ - _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (void *)); \ - obstack_ptr_grow_fast (__o, datum); }) +# define obstack_ptr_grow(OBSTACK, datum) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + if (obstack_room (__o) < sizeof (void *)) \ + _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (void *)); \ + obstack_ptr_grow_fast (__o, datum); }) -# define obstack_int_grow(OBSTACK,datum) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - if (__o->next_free + sizeof (int) > __o->chunk_limit) \ - _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (int)); \ - obstack_int_grow_fast (__o, datum); }) +# define obstack_int_grow(OBSTACK, datum) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + if (obstack_room (__o) < sizeof (int)) \ + _obstack_newchunk (__o, sizeof (int)); \ + obstack_int_grow_fast (__o, datum); }) -# define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(OBSTACK,aptr) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \ - *(const void **) __o1->next_free = (aptr); \ - __o1->next_free += sizeof (const void *); \ - (void) 0; }) +# define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(OBSTACK, aptr) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \ + void *__p1 = __o1->next_free; \ + *(const void **) __p1 = (aptr); \ + __o1->next_free += sizeof (const void *); \ + (void) 0; }) -# define obstack_int_grow_fast(OBSTACK,aint) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \ - *(int *) __o1->next_free = (aint); \ - __o1->next_free += sizeof (int); \ - (void) 0; }) +# define obstack_int_grow_fast(OBSTACK, aint) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \ + void *__p1 = __o1->next_free; \ + *(int *) __p1 = (aint); \ + __o1->next_free += sizeof (int); \ + (void) 0; }) -# define obstack_blank(OBSTACK,length) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - int __len = (length); \ - if (__o->chunk_limit - __o->next_free < __len) \ - _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \ - obstack_blank_fast (__o, __len); \ - (void) 0; }) +# define obstack_blank(OBSTACK, length) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + _OBSTACK_SIZE_T __len = (length); \ + if (obstack_room (__o) < __len) \ + _obstack_newchunk (__o, __len); \ + obstack_blank_fast (__o, __len); }) -# define obstack_alloc(OBSTACK,length) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \ - obstack_blank (__h, (length)); \ - obstack_finish (__h); }) +# define obstack_alloc(OBSTACK, length) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \ + obstack_blank (__h, (length)); \ + obstack_finish (__h); }) -# define obstack_copy(OBSTACK,where,length) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \ - obstack_grow (__h, (where), (length)); \ - obstack_finish (__h); }) +# define obstack_copy(OBSTACK, where, length) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \ + obstack_grow (__h, (where), (length)); \ + obstack_finish (__h); }) -# define obstack_copy0(OBSTACK,where,length) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \ - obstack_grow0 (__h, (where), (length)); \ - obstack_finish (__h); }) +# define obstack_copy0(OBSTACK, where, length) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__h = (OBSTACK); \ + obstack_grow0 (__h, (where), (length)); \ + obstack_finish (__h); }) -/* The local variable is named __o1 to avoid a name conflict - when obstack_blank is called. */ -# define obstack_finish(OBSTACK) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \ - void *value; \ - value = (void *) __o1->object_base; \ - if (__o1->next_free == value) \ - __o1->maybe_empty_object = 1; \ - __o1->next_free \ - = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT (__o1->next_free)+__o1->alignment_mask)\ - & ~ (__o1->alignment_mask)); \ - if (__o1->next_free - (char *)__o1->chunk \ - > __o1->chunk_limit - (char *)__o1->chunk) \ - __o1->next_free = __o1->chunk_limit; \ - __o1->object_base = __o1->next_free; \ - value; }) +/* The local variable is named __o1 to avoid a shadowed variable + warning when invoked from other obstack macros, typically obstack_free. */ +# define obstack_finish(OBSTACK) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o1 = (OBSTACK); \ + void *__value = (void *) __o1->object_base; \ + if (__o1->next_free == __value) \ + __o1->maybe_empty_object = 1; \ + __o1->next_free \ + = __PTR_ALIGN (__o1->object_base, __o1->next_free, \ + __o1->alignment_mask); \ + if ((size_t) (__o1->next_free - (char *) __o1->chunk) \ + > (size_t) (__o1->chunk_limit - (char *) __o1->chunk)) \ + __o1->next_free = __o1->chunk_limit; \ + __o1->object_base = __o1->next_free; \ + __value; }) -# define obstack_free(OBSTACK, OBJ) \ -__extension__ \ -({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ - void *__obj = (void *) (OBJ); \ - if (__obj > (void *)__o->chunk && __obj < (void *)__o->chunk_limit) \ - __o->next_free = __o->object_base = (char *) __obj; \ - else (obstack_free) (__o, __obj); }) - -#else /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */ +# define obstack_free(OBSTACK, OBJ) \ + __extension__ \ + ({ struct obstack *__o = (OBSTACK); \ + void *__obj = (void *) (OBJ); \ + if (__obj > (void *) __o->chunk && __obj < (void *) __o->chunk_limit) \ + __o->next_free = __o->object_base = (char *) __obj; \ + else \ + _obstack_free (__o, __obj); }) -# define obstack_object_size(h) \ - (unsigned) ((h)->next_free - (h)->object_base) +#else /* not __GNUC__ */ -# define obstack_room(h) \ - (unsigned) ((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free) +# define obstack_object_size(h) \ + ((_OBSTACK_SIZE_T) ((h)->next_free - (h)->object_base)) -# define obstack_empty_p(h) \ - ((h)->chunk->prev == 0 && (h)->next_free - (h)->chunk->contents == 0) +# define obstack_room(h) \ + ((_OBSTACK_SIZE_T) ((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free)) + +# define obstack_empty_p(h) \ + ((h)->chunk->prev == 0 \ + && (h)->next_free == __PTR_ALIGN ((char *) (h)->chunk, \ + (h)->chunk->contents, \ + (h)->alignment_mask)) /* Note that the call to _obstack_newchunk is enclosed in (..., 0) so that we can avoid having void expressions @@ -459,87 +444,92 @@ __extension__ \ Casting the third operand to void was tried before, but some compilers won't accept it. */ -# define obstack_make_room(h,length) \ -( (h)->temp = (length), \ - (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp > (h)->chunk_limit) \ - ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0)) +# define obstack_make_room(h, length) \ + ((h)->temp.i = (length), \ + ((obstack_room (h) < (h)->temp.i) \ + ? (_obstack_newchunk (h, (h)->temp.i), 0) : 0), \ + (void) 0) -# define obstack_grow(h,where,length) \ -( (h)->temp = (length), \ - (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp > (h)->chunk_limit) \ - ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0), \ - _obstack_memcpy ((h)->next_free, (where), (h)->temp), \ - (h)->next_free += (h)->temp) +# define obstack_grow(h, where, length) \ + ((h)->temp.i = (length), \ + ((obstack_room (h) < (h)->temp.i) \ + ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp.i), 0) : 0), \ + memcpy ((h)->next_free, where, (h)->temp.i), \ + (h)->next_free += (h)->temp.i, \ + (void) 0) -# define obstack_grow0(h,where,length) \ -( (h)->temp = (length), \ - (((h)->next_free + (h)->temp + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit) \ - ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp + 1), 0) : 0), \ - _obstack_memcpy ((h)->next_free, (where), (h)->temp), \ - (h)->next_free += (h)->temp, \ - *((h)->next_free)++ = 0) +# define obstack_grow0(h, where, length) \ + ((h)->temp.i = (length), \ + ((obstack_room (h) < (h)->temp.i + 1) \ + ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp.i + 1), 0) : 0), \ + memcpy ((h)->next_free, where, (h)->temp.i), \ + (h)->next_free += (h)->temp.i, \ + *((h)->next_free)++ = 0, \ + (void) 0) -# define obstack_1grow(h,datum) \ -( (((h)->next_free + 1 > (h)->chunk_limit) \ - ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), 1), 0) : 0), \ - obstack_1grow_fast (h, datum)) +# define obstack_1grow(h, datum) \ + (((obstack_room (h) < 1) \ + ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), 1), 0) : 0), \ + obstack_1grow_fast (h, datum)) -# define obstack_ptr_grow(h,datum) \ -( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (char *) > (h)->chunk_limit) \ - ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (char *)), 0) : 0), \ - obstack_ptr_grow_fast (h, datum)) +# define obstack_ptr_grow(h, datum) \ + (((obstack_room (h) < sizeof (char *)) \ + ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (char *)), 0) : 0), \ + obstack_ptr_grow_fast (h, datum)) -# define obstack_int_grow(h,datum) \ -( (((h)->next_free + sizeof (int) > (h)->chunk_limit) \ - ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (int)), 0) : 0), \ - obstack_int_grow_fast (h, datum)) +# define obstack_int_grow(h, datum) \ + (((obstack_room (h) < sizeof (int)) \ + ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), sizeof (int)), 0) : 0), \ + obstack_int_grow_fast (h, datum)) -# define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h,aptr) \ - (((const void **) ((h)->next_free += sizeof (void *)))[-1] = (aptr)) +# define obstack_ptr_grow_fast(h, aptr) \ + (((const void **) ((h)->next_free += sizeof (void *)))[-1] = (aptr), \ + (void) 0) -# define obstack_int_grow_fast(h,aint) \ - (((int *) ((h)->next_free += sizeof (int)))[-1] = (aptr)) +# define obstack_int_grow_fast(h, aint) \ + (((int *) ((h)->next_free += sizeof (int)))[-1] = (aint), \ + (void) 0) -# define obstack_blank(h,length) \ -( (h)->temp = (length), \ - (((h)->chunk_limit - (h)->next_free < (h)->temp) \ - ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp), 0) : 0), \ - obstack_blank_fast (h, (h)->temp)) +# define obstack_blank(h, length) \ + ((h)->temp.i = (length), \ + ((obstack_room (h) < (h)->temp.i) \ + ? (_obstack_newchunk ((h), (h)->temp.i), 0) : 0), \ + obstack_blank_fast (h, (h)->temp.i)) -# define obstack_alloc(h,length) \ - (obstack_blank ((h), (length)), obstack_finish ((h))) +# define obstack_alloc(h, length) \ + (obstack_blank ((h), (length)), obstack_finish ((h))) -# define obstack_copy(h,where,length) \ - (obstack_grow ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h))) +# define obstack_copy(h, where, length) \ + (obstack_grow ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h))) -# define obstack_copy0(h,where,length) \ - (obstack_grow0 ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h))) +# define obstack_copy0(h, where, length) \ + (obstack_grow0 ((h), (where), (length)), obstack_finish ((h))) -# define obstack_finish(h) \ -( ((h)->next_free == (h)->object_base \ - ? (((h)->maybe_empty_object = 1), 0) \ - : 0), \ - (h)->temp = __PTR_TO_INT ((h)->object_base), \ - (h)->next_free \ - = __INT_TO_PTR ((__PTR_TO_INT ((h)->next_free)+(h)->alignment_mask) \ - & ~ ((h)->alignment_mask)), \ - (((h)->next_free - (char *) (h)->chunk \ - > (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk) \ - ? ((h)->next_free = (h)->chunk_limit) : 0), \ - (h)->object_base = (h)->next_free, \ - (void *) __INT_TO_PTR ((h)->temp)) +# define obstack_finish(h) \ + (((h)->next_free == (h)->object_base \ + ? (((h)->maybe_empty_object = 1), 0) \ + : 0), \ + (h)->temp.p = (h)->object_base, \ + (h)->next_free \ + = __PTR_ALIGN ((h)->object_base, (h)->next_free, \ + (h)->alignment_mask), \ + (((size_t) ((h)->next_free - (char *) (h)->chunk) \ + > (size_t) ((h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)) \ + ? ((h)->next_free = (h)->chunk_limit) : 0), \ + (h)->object_base = (h)->next_free, \ + (h)->temp.p) -# define obstack_free(h,obj) \ -( (h)->temp = (char *) (obj) - (char *) (h)->chunk, \ - (((h)->temp > 0 && (h)->temp < (h)->chunk_limit - (char *) (h)->chunk)\ - ? (((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base \ - = (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0) \ - : ((obstack_free) ((h), (h)->temp + (char *) (h)->chunk), 0))) +# define obstack_free(h, obj) \ + ((h)->temp.p = (void *) (obj), \ + (((h)->temp.p > (void *) (h)->chunk \ + && (h)->temp.p < (void *) (h)->chunk_limit) \ + ? (void) ((h)->next_free = (h)->object_base = (char *) (h)->temp.p) \ + : _obstack_free ((h), (h)->temp.p))) -#endif /* not __GNUC__ or not __STDC__ */ +#endif /* not __GNUC__ */ #ifdef __cplusplus -} /* C++ */ +} /* C++ */ #endif -#endif /* obstack.h */ +#endif /* _OBSTACK_H */ diff --git a/include/partition.h b/include/partition.h index d8b554f8f..c39873b60 100644 --- a/include/partition.h +++ b/include/partition.h @@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ extern "C" { struct partition_elem { - /* The canonical element that represents the class containing this - element. */ - int class_element; /* The next element in this class. Elements in each class form a circular list. */ struct partition_elem* next; + /* The canonical element that represents the class containing this + element. */ + int class_element; /* The number of elements in this class. Valid only if this is the canonical element for its class. */ unsigned class_count; diff --git a/include/plugin-api.h b/include/plugin-api.h index 5797d4dce..a794a3704 100644 --- a/include/plugin-api.h +++ b/include/plugin-api.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* plugin-api.h -- External linker plugin API. */ -/* Copyright 2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +/* Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Cary Coutant . This file is part of binutils. @@ -345,6 +345,26 @@ enum ld_plugin_status const struct ld_plugin_section * section_list, unsigned int num_sections); +/* The linker's interface for retrieving the section alignment requirement + of a specific section in an object. This interface should only be invoked in the + claim_file handler. This function sets *ADDRALIGN to the ELF sh_addralign + value of the input section. */ + +typedef +enum ld_plugin_status +(*ld_plugin_get_input_section_alignment) (const struct ld_plugin_section section, + unsigned int *addralign); + +/* The linker's interface for retrieving the section size of a specific section + in an object. This interface should only be invoked in the claim_file handler. + This function sets *SECSIZE to the ELF sh_size + value of the input section. */ + +typedef +enum ld_plugin_status +(*ld_plugin_get_input_section_size) (const struct ld_plugin_section section, + uint64_t *secsize); + enum ld_plugin_level { LDPL_INFO, @@ -384,7 +404,10 @@ enum ld_plugin_tag LDPT_ALLOW_SECTION_ORDERING = 24, LDPT_GET_SYMBOLS_V2 = 25, LDPT_ALLOW_UNIQUE_SEGMENT_FOR_SECTIONS = 26, - LDPT_UNIQUE_SEGMENT_FOR_SECTIONS = 27 + LDPT_UNIQUE_SEGMENT_FOR_SECTIONS = 27, + LDPT_GET_SYMBOLS_V3 = 28, + LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_ALIGNMENT = 29, + LDPT_GET_INPUT_SECTION_SIZE = 30 }; /* The plugin transfer vector. */ @@ -416,6 +439,8 @@ struct ld_plugin_tv ld_plugin_allow_section_ordering tv_allow_section_ordering; ld_plugin_allow_unique_segment_for_sections tv_allow_unique_segment_for_sections; ld_plugin_unique_segment_for_sections tv_unique_segment_for_sections; + ld_plugin_get_input_section_alignment tv_get_input_section_alignment; + ld_plugin_get_input_section_size tv_get_input_section_size; } tv_u; }; diff --git a/include/safe-ctype.h b/include/safe-ctype.h index 0266bf1aa..a6d163e6e 100644 --- a/include/safe-ctype.h +++ b/include/safe-ctype.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* replacement macros. - Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Zack Weinberg . This file is part of the libiberty library. diff --git a/include/sha1.h b/include/sha1.h index 4da5c37f3..24f3ab79d 100644 --- a/include/sha1.h +++ b/include/sha1.h @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ /* Declarations of functions and data types used for SHA1 sum library functions. - Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the diff --git a/include/simple-object.h b/include/simple-object.h index c4786757a..5bd3d06c1 100644 --- a/include/simple-object.h +++ b/include/simple-object.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* simple-object.h -- simple routines to read and write object files - Copyright 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Written by Ian Lance Taylor, Google. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it diff --git a/include/sort.h b/include/sort.h index 582af8162..23025d431 100644 --- a/include/sort.h +++ b/include/sort.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Sorting algorithms. - Copyright (C) 2000, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2000-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Mark Mitchell . This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/splay-tree.h b/include/splay-tree.h index ec48a1fa5..f71d7d7b6 100644 --- a/include/splay-tree.h +++ b/include/splay-tree.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ /* A splay-tree datatype. - Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Mark Mitchell ( This file is part of GCC. diff --git a/include/symcat.h b/include/symcat.h index b46128796..95fc9b2c5 100644 --- a/include/symcat.h +++ b/include/symcat.h @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* Symbol concatenation utilities. - Copyright (C) 1998, 2000, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1998-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by diff --git a/include/timeval-utils.h b/include/timeval-utils.h index 1caf9b36d..adbe8183f 100644 --- a/include/timeval-utils.h +++ b/include/timeval-utils.h @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ /* Basic struct timeval utilities. - Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the libiberty library. Libiberty is free software; you can redistribute it and/or diff --git a/include/vtv-change-permission.h b/include/vtv-change-permission.h index 1adcb9745..04ad8c3db 100644 --- a/include/vtv-change-permission.h +++ b/include/vtv-change-permission.h @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ -/* Copyright (C) 2013 - Free Software Foundation +/* Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GCC. @@ -47,8 +46,12 @@ extern void __VLTChangePermission (int); /* TODO - Replace '4096' below with correct big page size. */ #define VTV_PAGE_SIZE 4096 #else +#if defined(__sun__) && defined(__svr4__) && defined(__sparc__) +#define VTV_PAGE_SIZE 8192 +#else #define VTV_PAGE_SIZE 4096 #endif +#endif diff --git a/include/xregex2.h b/include/xregex2.h index d3d0da14a..05066d4b2 100644 --- a/include/xregex2.h +++ b/include/xregex2.h @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ /* Definitions for data structures and routines for the regular expression library, version 0.12. - Copyright (C) 1985, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997, - 1998, 2000, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 1985-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of the GNU C Library. Its master source is NOT part of the C library, however. The master source lives in /gd/gnu/lib. diff --git a/include/xtensa-config.h b/include/xtensa-config.h index 30f4f41a2..5ae4c8060 100644 --- a/include/xtensa-config.h +++ b/include/xtensa-config.h @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ /* Xtensa configuration settings. - Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 - Free Software Foundation, Inc. + Copyright (C) 2001-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Bob Wilson ( at Tensilica. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify diff --git a/install-sh b/install-sh index 6781b987b..0b0fdcbba 100755 --- a/install-sh +++ b/install-sh @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ #!/bin/sh # install - install a program, script, or datafile -scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC +scriptversion=2013-12-25.23; # UTC # This originates from X11R5 (mit/util/scripts/, which was # later released in X11R6 (xc/config/util/ with the @@ -35,25 +35,21 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC # FSF changes to this file are in the public domain. # # Calling this script install-sh is preferred over, to prevent -# `make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it +# 'make' implicit rules from creating a file called install from it # when there is no Makefile. # # This script is compatible with the BSD install script, but was written # from scratch. +tab=' ' nl=' ' -IFS=" "" $nl" +IFS=" $tab$nl" -# set DOITPROG to echo to test this script +# Set DOITPROG to "echo" to test this script. -# Don't use :- since 4.3BSD and earlier shells don't like it. doit=${DOITPROG-} -if test -z "$doit"; then - doit_exec=exec -else - doit_exec=$doit -fi +doit_exec=${doit:-exec} # Put in absolute file names if you don't have them in your path; # or use environment vars. @@ -68,17 +64,6 @@ mvprog=${MVPROG-mv} rmprog=${RMPROG-rm} stripprog=${STRIPPROG-strip} -posix_glob='?' -initialize_posix_glob=' - test "$posix_glob" != "?" || { - if (set -f) 2>/dev/null; then - posix_glob= - else - posix_glob=: - fi - } -' - posix_mkdir= # Desired mode of installed file. @@ -97,7 +82,7 @@ dir_arg= dst_arg= copy_on_change=false -no_target_directory= +is_target_a_directory=possibly usage="\ Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [-T] SRCFILE DSTFILE @@ -137,42 +122,57 @@ while test $# -ne 0; do -d) dir_arg=true;; -g) chgrpcmd="$chgrpprog $2" - shift;; + shift;; --help) echo "$usage"; exit $?;; -m) mode=$2 - case $mode in - *' '* | *' '* | *' -'* | *'*'* | *'?'* | *'['*) - echo "$0: invalid mode: $mode" >&2 - exit 1;; - esac - shift;; + case $mode in + *' '* | *"$tab"* | *"$nl"* | *'*'* | *'?'* | *'['*) + echo "$0: invalid mode: $mode" >&2 + exit 1;; + esac + shift;; -o) chowncmd="$chownprog $2" - shift;; + shift;; -s) stripcmd=$stripprog;; - -t) dst_arg=$2 - shift;; + -t) + is_target_a_directory=always + dst_arg=$2 + # Protect names problematic for 'test' and other utilities. + case $dst_arg in + -* | [=\(\)!]) dst_arg=./$dst_arg;; + esac + shift;; - -T) no_target_directory=true;; + -T) is_target_a_directory=never;; --version) echo "$0 $scriptversion"; exit $?;; - --) shift - break;; + --) shift + break;; - -*) echo "$0: invalid option: $1" >&2 - exit 1;; + -*) echo "$0: invalid option: $1" >&2 + exit 1;; *) break;; esac shift done +# We allow the use of options -d and -T together, by making -d +# take the precedence; this is for compatibility with GNU install. + +if test -n "$dir_arg"; then + if test -n "$dst_arg"; then + echo "$0: target directory not allowed when installing a directory." >&2 + exit 1 + fi +fi + if test $# -ne 0 && test -z "$dir_arg$dst_arg"; then # When -d is used, all remaining arguments are directories to create. # When -t is used, the destination is already specified. @@ -186,6 +186,10 @@ if test $# -ne 0 && test -z "$dir_arg$dst_arg"; then fi shift # arg dst_arg=$arg + # Protect names problematic for 'test' and other utilities. + case $dst_arg in + -* | [=\(\)!]) dst_arg=./$dst_arg;; + esac done fi @@ -194,13 +198,26 @@ if test $# -eq 0; then echo "$0: no input file specified." >&2 exit 1 fi - # It's OK to call `install-sh -d' without argument. + # It's OK to call 'install-sh -d' without argument. # This can happen when creating conditional directories. exit 0 fi if test -z "$dir_arg"; then - trap '(exit $?); exit' 1 2 13 15 + if test $# -gt 1 || test "$is_target_a_directory" = always; then + if test ! -d "$dst_arg"; then + echo "$0: $dst_arg: Is not a directory." >&2 + exit 1 + fi + fi +fi + +if test -z "$dir_arg"; then + do_exit='(exit $ret); exit $ret' + trap "ret=129; $do_exit" 1 + trap "ret=130; $do_exit" 2 + trap "ret=141; $do_exit" 13 + trap "ret=143; $do_exit" 15 # Set umask so as not to create temps with too-generous modes. # However, 'strip' requires both read and write access to temps. @@ -211,16 +228,16 @@ if test -z "$dir_arg"; then *[0-7]) if test -z "$stripcmd"; then - u_plus_rw= + u_plus_rw= else - u_plus_rw='% 200' + u_plus_rw='% 200' fi cp_umask=`expr '(' 777 - $mode % 1000 ')' $u_plus_rw`;; *) if test -z "$stripcmd"; then - u_plus_rw= + u_plus_rw= else - u_plus_rw=,u+rw + u_plus_rw=,u+rw fi cp_umask=$mode$u_plus_rw;; esac @@ -228,9 +245,9 @@ fi for src do - # Protect names starting with `-'. + # Protect names problematic for 'test' and other utilities. case $src in - -*) src=./$src;; + -* | [=\(\)!]) src=./$src;; esac if test -n "$dir_arg"; then @@ -252,51 +269,20 @@ do echo "$0: no destination specified." >&2 exit 1 fi - dst=$dst_arg - # Protect names starting with `-'. - case $dst in - -*) dst=./$dst;; - esac # If destination is a directory, append the input filename; won't work # if double slashes aren't ignored. if test -d "$dst"; then - if test -n "$no_target_directory"; then - echo "$0: $dst_arg: Is a directory" >&2 - exit 1 + if test "$is_target_a_directory" = never; then + echo "$0: $dst_arg: Is a directory" >&2 + exit 1 fi dstdir=$dst dst=$dstdir/`basename "$src"` dstdir_status=0 else - # Prefer dirname, but fall back on a substitute if dirname fails. - dstdir=` - (dirname "$dst") 2>/dev/null || - expr X"$dst" : 'X\(.*[^/]\)//*[^/][^/]*/*$' \| \ - X"$dst" : 'X\(//\)[^/]' \| \ - X"$dst" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \ - X"$dst" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null || - echo X"$dst" | - sed '/^X\(.*[^/]\)\/\/*[^/][^/]*\/*$/{ - s//\1/ - q - } - /^X\(\/\/\)[^/].*/{ - s//\1/ - q - } - /^X\(\/\/\)$/{ - s//\1/ - q - } - /^X\(\/\).*/{ - s//\1/ - q - } - s/.*/./; q' - ` - + dstdir=`dirname "$dst"` test -d "$dstdir" dstdir_status=$? fi @@ -307,74 +293,74 @@ do if test $dstdir_status != 0; then case $posix_mkdir in '') - # Create intermediate dirs using mode 755 as modified by the umask. - # This is like FreeBSD 'install' as of 1997-10-28. - umask=`umask` - case $stripcmd.$umask in - # Optimize common cases. - *[2367][2367]) mkdir_umask=$umask;; - .*0[02][02] | .[02][02] | .[02]) mkdir_umask=22;; + # Create intermediate dirs using mode 755 as modified by the umask. + # This is like FreeBSD 'install' as of 1997-10-28. + umask=`umask` + case $stripcmd.$umask in + # Optimize common cases. + *[2367][2367]) mkdir_umask=$umask;; + .*0[02][02] | .[02][02] | .[02]) mkdir_umask=22;; - *[0-7]) - mkdir_umask=`expr $umask + 22 \ - - $umask % 100 % 40 + $umask % 20 \ - - $umask % 10 % 4 + $umask % 2 - `;; - *) mkdir_umask=$umask,go-w;; - esac + *[0-7]) + mkdir_umask=`expr $umask + 22 \ + - $umask % 100 % 40 + $umask % 20 \ + - $umask % 10 % 4 + $umask % 2 + `;; + *) mkdir_umask=$umask,go-w;; + esac - # With -d, create the new directory with the user-specified mode. - # Otherwise, rely on $mkdir_umask. - if test -n "$dir_arg"; then - mkdir_mode=-m$mode - else - mkdir_mode= - fi + # With -d, create the new directory with the user-specified mode. + # Otherwise, rely on $mkdir_umask. + if test -n "$dir_arg"; then + mkdir_mode=-m$mode + else + mkdir_mode= + fi - posix_mkdir=false - case $umask in - *[123567][0-7][0-7]) - # POSIX mkdir -p sets u+wx bits regardless of umask, which - # is incompatible with FreeBSD 'install' when (umask & 300) != 0. - ;; - *) - tmpdir=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/ins$RANDOM-$$ - trap 'ret=$?; rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir" 2>/dev/null; exit $ret' 0 + posix_mkdir=false + case $umask in + *[123567][0-7][0-7]) + # POSIX mkdir -p sets u+wx bits regardless of umask, which + # is incompatible with FreeBSD 'install' when (umask & 300) != 0. + ;; + *) + tmpdir=${TMPDIR-/tmp}/ins$RANDOM-$$ + trap 'ret=$?; rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir" 2>/dev/null; exit $ret' 0 - if (umask $mkdir_umask && - exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$tmpdir/d") >/dev/null 2>&1 - then - if test -z "$dir_arg" || { - # Check for POSIX incompatibilities with -m. - # HP-UX 11.23 and IRIX 6.5 mkdir -m -p sets group- or - # other-writeable bit of parent directory when it shouldn't. - # FreeBSD 6.1 mkdir -m -p sets mode of existing directory. - ls_ld_tmpdir=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"` - case $ls_ld_tmpdir in - d????-?r-*) different_mode=700;; - d????-?--*) different_mode=755;; - *) false;; - esac && - $mkdirprog -m$different_mode -p -- "$tmpdir" && { - ls_ld_tmpdir_1=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"` - test "$ls_ld_tmpdir" = "$ls_ld_tmpdir_1" - } - } - then posix_mkdir=: - fi - rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir" - else - # Remove any dirs left behind by ancient mkdir implementations. - rmdir ./$mkdir_mode ./-p ./-- 2>/dev/null - fi - trap '' 0;; - esac;; + if (umask $mkdir_umask && + exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$tmpdir/d") >/dev/null 2>&1 + then + if test -z "$dir_arg" || { + # Check for POSIX incompatibilities with -m. + # HP-UX 11.23 and IRIX 6.5 mkdir -m -p sets group- or + # other-writable bit of parent directory when it shouldn't. + # FreeBSD 6.1 mkdir -m -p sets mode of existing directory. + ls_ld_tmpdir=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"` + case $ls_ld_tmpdir in + d????-?r-*) different_mode=700;; + d????-?--*) different_mode=755;; + *) false;; + esac && + $mkdirprog -m$different_mode -p -- "$tmpdir" && { + ls_ld_tmpdir_1=`ls -ld "$tmpdir"` + test "$ls_ld_tmpdir" = "$ls_ld_tmpdir_1" + } + } + then posix_mkdir=: + fi + rmdir "$tmpdir/d" "$tmpdir" + else + # Remove any dirs left behind by ancient mkdir implementations. + rmdir ./$mkdir_mode ./-p ./-- 2>/dev/null + fi + trap '' 0;; + esac;; esac if $posix_mkdir && ( - umask $mkdir_umask && - $doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir" + umask $mkdir_umask && + $doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir" ) then : else @@ -384,53 +370,51 @@ do # directory the slow way, step by step, checking for races as we go. case $dstdir in - /*) prefix='/';; - -*) prefix='./';; - *) prefix='';; + /*) prefix='/';; + [-=\(\)!]*) prefix='./';; + *) prefix='';; esac - eval "$initialize_posix_glob" - oIFS=$IFS IFS=/ - $posix_glob set -f + set -f set fnord $dstdir shift - $posix_glob set +f + set +f IFS=$oIFS prefixes= for d do - test -z "$d" && continue + test X"$d" = X && continue - prefix=$prefix$d - if test -d "$prefix"; then - prefixes= - else - if $posix_mkdir; then - (umask=$mkdir_umask && - $doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir") && break - # Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently. - test -d "$prefix" || exit 1 - else - case $prefix in - *\'*) qprefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; - *) qprefix=$prefix;; - esac - prefixes="$prefixes '$qprefix'" - fi - fi - prefix=$prefix/ + prefix=$prefix$d + if test -d "$prefix"; then + prefixes= + else + if $posix_mkdir; then + (umask=$mkdir_umask && + $doit_exec $mkdirprog $mkdir_mode -p -- "$dstdir") && break + # Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently. + test -d "$prefix" || exit 1 + else + case $prefix in + *\'*) qprefix=`echo "$prefix" | sed "s/'/'\\\\\\\\''/g"`;; + *) qprefix=$prefix;; + esac + prefixes="$prefixes '$qprefix'" + fi + fi + prefix=$prefix/ done if test -n "$prefixes"; then - # Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently. - (umask $mkdir_umask && - eval "\$doit_exec \$mkdirprog $prefixes") || - test -d "$dstdir" || exit 1 - obsolete_mkdir_used=true + # Don't fail if two instances are running concurrently. + (umask $mkdir_umask && + eval "\$doit_exec \$mkdirprog $prefixes") || + test -d "$dstdir" || exit 1 + obsolete_mkdir_used=true fi fi fi @@ -465,15 +449,12 @@ do # If -C, don't bother to copy if it wouldn't change the file. if $copy_on_change && - old=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dst" 2>/dev/null` && - new=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dsttmp" 2>/dev/null` && - - eval "$initialize_posix_glob" && - $posix_glob set -f && + old=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dst" 2>/dev/null` && + new=`LC_ALL=C ls -dlL "$dsttmp" 2>/dev/null` && + set -f && set X $old && old=:$2:$4:$5:$6 && set X $new && new=:$2:$4:$5:$6 && - $posix_glob set +f && - + set +f && test "$old" = "$new" && $cmpprog "$dst" "$dsttmp" >/dev/null 2>&1 then @@ -486,24 +467,24 @@ do # to itself, or perhaps because mv is so ancient that it does not # support -f. { - # Now remove or move aside any old file at destination location. - # We try this two ways since rm can't unlink itself on some - # systems and the destination file might be busy for other - # reasons. In this case, the final cleanup might fail but the new - # file should still install successfully. - { - test ! -f "$dst" || - $doit $rmcmd -f "$dst" 2>/dev/null || - { $doit $mvcmd -f "$dst" "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null && - { $doit $rmcmd -f "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null; :; } - } || - { echo "$0: cannot unlink or rename $dst" >&2 - (exit 1); exit 1 - } - } && + # Now remove or move aside any old file at destination location. + # We try this two ways since rm can't unlink itself on some + # systems and the destination file might be busy for other + # reasons. In this case, the final cleanup might fail but the new + # file should still install successfully. + { + test ! -f "$dst" || + $doit $rmcmd -f "$dst" 2>/dev/null || + { $doit $mvcmd -f "$dst" "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null && + { $doit $rmcmd -f "$rmtmp" 2>/dev/null; :; } + } || + { echo "$0: cannot unlink or rename $dst" >&2 + (exit 1); exit 1 + } + } && - # Now rename the file to the real destination. - $doit $mvcmd "$dsttmp" "$dst" + # Now rename the file to the real destination. + $doit $mvcmd "$dsttmp" "$dst" } fi || exit 1 diff --git a/libtool.m4 b/libtool.m4 index 797468f02..24d13f344 100644 --- a/libtool.m4 +++ b/libtool.m4 @@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ _LT_EOF case ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET-10.0},$host in 10.0,*86*-darwin8*|10.0,*-darwin[[91]]*) _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-undefined ${wl}dynamic_lookup' ;; - 10.[[012]]*) + 10.[[012]][[,.]]*) _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-flat_namespace ${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress' ;; 10.*) _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-undefined ${wl}dynamic_lookup' ;; @@ -4230,7 +4230,7 @@ m4_if([$1], [CXX], [ if $NM -V 2>&1 | $GREP 'GNU' > /dev/null; then _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -Bpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "W")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' else - _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "L")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' fi ;; pw32*) @@ -4459,7 +4459,7 @@ _LT_EOF if $LD --help 2>&1 | $EGREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null \ && test "$tmp_diet" = no then - tmp_addflag= + tmp_addflag=' $pic_flag' tmp_sharedflag='-shared' case $cc_basename,$host_cpu in pgcc*) # Portland Group C compiler @@ -4641,7 +4641,7 @@ _LT_EOF if $NM -V 2>&1 | $GREP 'GNU' > /dev/null; then _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -Bpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "W")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' else - _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' + _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "L")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols' fi aix_use_runtimelinking=no @@ -5525,8 +5525,8 @@ if test "$_lt_caught_CXX_error" != yes; then # Check if GNU C++ uses GNU ld as the underlying linker, since the # archiving commands below assume that GNU ld is being used. if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then - _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' - _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared -nostdlib $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' + _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC $pic_flag -shared -nostdlib $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib' + _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC $pic_flag -shared -nostdlib $predep_objects $libobjs $deplibs $postdep_objects $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib' _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--export-dynamic' diff --git a/missing b/missing index 28055d2ae..f62bbae30 100755 --- a/missing +++ b/missing @@ -1,11 +1,10 @@ #! /bin/sh -# Common stub for a few missing GNU programs while installing. +# Common wrapper for a few potentially missing GNU programs. -scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC +scriptversion=2013-10-28.13; # UTC -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, -# 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# Originally by Fran,cois Pinard , 1996. +# Copyright (C) 1996-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Originally written by Fran,cois Pinard , 1996. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -26,69 +25,40 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. if test $# -eq 0; then - echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information" exit 1 fi -run=: -sed_output='s/.* --output[ =]\([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' -sed_minuso='s/.* -o \([^ ]*\).*/\1/p' - -# In the cases where this matters, `missing' is being run in the -# srcdir already. -if test -f; then - -else - -fi - -msg="missing on your system" - case $1 in ---run) - # Try to run requested program, and just exit if it succeeds. - run= - shift - "$@" && exit 0 - # Exit code 63 means version mismatch. This often happens - # when the user try to use an ancient version of a tool on - # a file that requires a minimum version. In this case we - # we should proceed has if the program had been absent, or - # if --run hadn't been passed. - if test $? = 63; then - run=: - msg="probably too old" - fi - ;; + + --is-lightweight) + # Used by our autoconf macros to check whether the available missing + # script is modern enough. + exit 0 + ;; + + --run) + # Back-compat with the calling convention used by older automake. + shift + ;; -h|--h|--he|--hel|--help) echo "\ $0 [OPTION]... PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]... -Handle \`PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...' for when PROGRAM is missing, or return an -error status if there is no known handling for PROGRAM. +Run 'PROGRAM [ARGUMENT]...', returning a proper advice when this fails due +to PROGRAM being missing or too old. Options: -h, --help display this help and exit -v, --version output version information and exit - --run try to run the given command, and emulate it if it fails Supported PROGRAM values: - aclocal touch file \`aclocal.m4' - autoconf touch file \`configure' - autoheader touch file \`' - autom4te touch the output file, or create a stub one - automake touch all \`' files - bison create \`[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch] - flex create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c - help2man touch the output file - lex create \`lex.yy.c', if possible, from existing .c - makeinfo touch the output file - tar try tar, gnutar, gtar, then tar without non-portable flags - yacc create \`[ch]', if possible, from existing .[ch] + aclocal autoconf autoheader autom4te automake makeinfo + bison yacc flex lex help2man -Version suffixes to PROGRAM as well as the prefixes \`gnu-', \`gnu', and -\`g' are ignored when checking the name. +Version suffixes to PROGRAM as well as the prefixes 'gnu-', 'gnu', and +'g' are ignored when checking the name. Send bug reports to ." exit $? @@ -100,272 +70,141 @@ Send bug reports to ." ;; -*) - echo 1>&2 "$0: Unknown \`$1' option" - echo 1>&2 "Try \`$0 --help' for more information" + echo 1>&2 "$0: unknown '$1' option" + echo 1>&2 "Try '$0 --help' for more information" exit 1 ;; esac -# normalize program name to check for. -program=`echo "$1" | sed ' - s/^gnu-//; t - s/^gnu//; t - s/^g//; t'` +# Run the given program, remember its exit status. +"$@"; st=$? -# Now exit if we have it, but it failed. Also exit now if we -# don't have it and --version was passed (most likely to detect -# the program). This is about non-GNU programs, so use $1 not -# $program. -case $1 in - lex*|yacc*) - # Not GNU programs, they don't have --version. +# If it succeeded, we are done. +test $st -eq 0 && exit 0 + +# Also exit now if we it failed (or wasn't found), and '--version' was +# passed; such an option is passed most likely to detect whether the +# program is present and works. +case $2 in --version|--help) exit $st;; esac + +# Exit code 63 means version mismatch. This often happens when the user +# tries to use an ancient version of a tool on a file that requires a +# minimum version. +if test $st -eq 63; then + msg="probably too old" +elif test $st -eq 127; then + # Program was missing. + msg="missing on your system" +else + # Program was found and executed, but failed. Give up. + exit $st +fi + +perl_URL= +flex_URL= +gnu_software_URL= + +program_details () +{ + case $1 in + aclocal|automake) + echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Automake package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/automake>" + echo "It also requires GNU Autoconf, GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf>" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>" + echo "<$perl_URL>" + ;; + autoconf|autom4te|autoheader) + echo "The '$1' program is part of the GNU Autoconf package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/autoconf/>" + echo "It also requires GNU m4 and Perl in order to run:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/m4/>" + echo "<$perl_URL>" + ;; + esac +} + +give_advice () +{ + # Normalize program name to check for. + normalized_program=`echo "$1" | sed ' + s/^gnu-//; t + s/^gnu//; t + s/^g//; t'` + + printf '%s\n' "'$1' is $msg." + + configure_deps="'' or m4 files included by ''" + case $normalized_program in + autoconf*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified ''," + echo "or m4 files included by it." + program_details 'autoconf' + ;; + autoheader*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acconfig.h' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'autoheader' + ;; + automake*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified '' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'automake' + ;; + aclocal*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified 'acinclude.m4' or" + echo "$configure_deps." + program_details 'aclocal' + ;; + autom4te*) + echo "You might have modified some maintainer files that require" + echo "the 'autom4te' program to be rebuilt." + program_details 'autom4te' + ;; + bison*|yacc*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.y' file." + echo "You may want to install the GNU Bison package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/bison/>" + ;; + lex*|flex*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.l' file." + echo "You may want to install the Fast Lexical Analyzer package:" + echo "<$flex_URL>" + ;; + help2man*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a dependency" \ + "of a man page." + echo "You may want to install the GNU Help2man package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/help2man/>" ;; + makeinfo*) + echo "You should only need it if you modified a '.texi' file, or" + echo "any other file indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual." + echo "You might want to install the Texinfo package:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/texinfo/>" + echo "The spurious makeinfo call might also be the consequence of" + echo "using a buggy 'make' (AIX, DU, IRIX), in which case you might" + echo "want to install GNU make:" + echo "<$gnu_software_URL/make/>" + ;; + *) + echo "You might have modified some files without having the proper" + echo "tools for further handling them. Check the 'README' file, it" + echo "often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing" + echo "this package. You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in" + echo "case some other package contains this missing '$1' program." + ;; + esac +} - tar*) - if test -n "$run"; then - echo 1>&2 "ERROR: \`tar' requires --run" - exit 1 - elif test "x$2" = "x--version" || test "x$2" = "x--help"; then - exit 1 - fi - ;; +give_advice "$1" | sed -e '1s/^/WARNING: /' \ + -e '2,$s/^/ /' >&2 - *) - if test -z "$run" && ($1 --version) > /dev/null 2>&1; then - # We have it, but it failed. - exit 1 - elif test "x$2" = "x--version" || test "x$2" = "x--help"; then - # Could not run --version or --help. This is probably someone - # running `$TOOL --version' or `$TOOL --help' to check whether - # $TOOL exists and not knowing $TOOL uses missing. - exit 1 - fi - ;; -esac - -# If it does not exist, or fails to run (possibly an outdated version), -# try to emulate it. -case $program in - aclocal*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'. You might want - to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages. Grab them from - any GNU archive site." - touch aclocal.m4 - ;; - - autoconf*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`${configure_ac}'. You might want to install the - \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages. Grab them from any GNU - archive site." - touch configure - ;; - - autoheader*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`acconfig.h' or \`${configure_ac}'. You might want - to install the \`Autoconf' and \`GNU m4' packages. Grab them - from any GNU archive site." - files=`sed -n 's/^[ ]*A[CM]_CONFIG_HEADER(\([^)]*\)).*/\1/p' ${configure_ac}` - test -z "$files" && files="config.h" - touch_files= - for f in $files; do - case $f in - *:*) touch_files="$touch_files "`echo "$f" | - sed -e 's/^[^:]*://' -e 's/:.*//'`;; - *) touch_files="$touch_files $";; - esac - done - touch $touch_files - ;; - - automake*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified \`', \`acinclude.m4' or \`${configure_ac}'. - You might want to install the \`Automake' and \`Perl' packages. - Grab them from any GNU archive site." - find . -type f -name -print | - sed 's/\.am$/.in/' | - while read f; do touch "$f"; done - ;; - - autom4te*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is needed, but is $msg. - You might have modified some files without having the - proper tools for further handling them. - You can get \`$1' as part of \`Autoconf' from any GNU - archive site." - - file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"` - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"` - if test -f "$file"; then - touch $file - else - test -z "$file" || exec >$file - echo "#! /bin/sh" - echo "# Created by GNU Automake missing as a replacement of" - echo "# $ $@" - echo "exit 0" - chmod +x $file - exit 1 - fi - ;; - - bison*|yacc*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a \`.y' file. You may need the \`Bison' package - in order for those modifications to take effect. You can get - \`Bison' from any GNU archive site." - rm -f - if test $# -ne 1; then - eval LASTARG="\${$#}" - case $LASTARG in - *.y) - SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/c/'` - if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then - cp "$SRCFILE" - fi - SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/y$/h/'` - if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then - cp "$SRCFILE" - fi - ;; - esac - fi - if test ! -f; then - echo > - fi - if test ! -f; then - echo 'main() { return 0; }' > - fi - ;; - - lex*|flex*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a \`.l' file. You may need the \`Flex' package - in order for those modifications to take effect. You can get - \`Flex' from any GNU archive site." - rm -f lex.yy.c - if test $# -ne 1; then - eval LASTARG="\${$#}" - case $LASTARG in - *.l) - SRCFILE=`echo "$LASTARG" | sed 's/l$/c/'` - if test -f "$SRCFILE"; then - cp "$SRCFILE" lex.yy.c - fi - ;; - esac - fi - if test ! -f lex.yy.c; then - echo 'main() { return 0; }' >lex.yy.c - fi - ;; - - help2man*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a dependency of a manual page. You may need the - \`Help2man' package in order for those modifications to take - effect. You can get \`Help2man' from any GNU archive site." - - file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"` - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"` - if test -f "$file"; then - touch $file - else - test -z "$file" || exec >$file - echo ".ab help2man is required to generate this page" - exit $? - fi - ;; - - makeinfo*) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is $msg. You should only need it if - you modified a \`.texi' or \`.texinfo' file, or any other file - indirectly affecting the aspect of the manual. The spurious - call might also be the consequence of using a buggy \`make' (AIX, - DU, IRIX). You might want to install the \`Texinfo' package or - the \`GNU make' package. Grab either from any GNU archive site." - # The file to touch is that specified with -o ... - file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_output"` - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$*" | sed -n "$sed_minuso"` - if test -z "$file"; then - # ... or it is the one specified with @setfilename ... - infile=`echo "$*" | sed 's/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/'` - file=`sed -n ' - /^@setfilename/{ - s/.* \([^ ]*\) *$/\1/ - p - q - }' $infile` - # ... or it is derived from the source name (dir/f.texi becomes - test -z "$file" && file=`echo "$infile" | sed 's,.*/,,;s,.[^.]*$,,'`.info - fi - # If the file does not exist, the user really needs makeinfo; - # let's fail without touching anything. - test -f $file || exit 1 - touch $file - ;; - - tar*) - shift - - # We have already tried tar in the generic part. - # Look for gnutar/gtar before invocation to avoid ugly error - # messages. - if (gnutar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then - gnutar "$@" && exit 0 - fi - if (gtar --version > /dev/null 2>&1); then - gtar "$@" && exit 0 - fi - firstarg="$1" - if shift; then - case $firstarg in - *o*) - firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/o//` - tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0 - ;; - esac - case $firstarg in - *h*) - firstarg=`echo "$firstarg" | sed s/h//` - tar "$firstarg" "$@" && exit 0 - ;; - esac - fi - - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: I can't seem to be able to run \`tar' with the given arguments. - You may want to install GNU tar or Free paxutils, or check the - command line arguments." - exit 1 - ;; - - *) - echo 1>&2 "\ -WARNING: \`$1' is needed, and is $msg. - You might have modified some files without having the - proper tools for further handling them. Check the \`README' file, - it often tells you about the needed prerequisites for installing - this package. You may also peek at any GNU archive site, in case - some other package would contain this missing \`$1' program." - exit 1 - ;; -esac - -exit 0 +# Propagate the correct exit status (expected to be 127 for a program +# not found, 63 for a program that failed due to version mismatch). +exit $st # Local variables: # eval: (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'time-stamp) diff --git a/mkinstalldirs b/mkinstalldirs index 4191a45db..55d537f87 100755 --- a/mkinstalldirs +++ b/mkinstalldirs @@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ case $dirmode in echo "mkdir -p -- $*" exec mkdir -p -- "$@" else - # On NextStep and OpenStep, the `mkdir' command does not + # On NextStep and OpenStep, the 'mkdir' command does not # recognize any option. It will interpret all options as - # directories to create, and then abort because `.' already + # directories to create, and then abort because '.' already # exists. test -d ./-p && rmdir ./-p test -d ./--version && rmdir ./--version diff --git a/move-if-change b/move-if-change index e7ba25e31..88d957456 100755 --- a/move-if-change +++ b/move-if-change @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ # Like mv $1 $2, but if the files are the same, just delete $1. # Status is zero if successful, nonzero otherwise. -VERSION='2011-01-28 20:09'; # UTC +VERSION='2012-01-06 07:23'; # UTC # The definition above must lie within the first 8 lines in order # for the Emacs time-stamp write hook (at end) to update it. # If you change this file with Emacs, please let the write hook # do its job. Otherwise, update this string manually. -# Copyright (C) 2002-2007, 2009-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ If SOURCE is different than DEST, then move it to DEST; else remove SOURCE. --help display this help and exit --version output version information and exit -The variable CMPPROG can be used to specify an alternative to \`cmp'. +The variable CMPPROG can be used to specify an alternative to 'cmp'. Report bugs to ." diff --git a/ylwrap b/ylwrap index 84d563405..13fa706c3 100755 --- a/ylwrap +++ b/ylwrap @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ #! /bin/sh # ylwrap - wrapper for lex/yacc invocations. -scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC +scriptversion=2013-01-12.17; # UTC -# Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, -# 2007, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 1996-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # Written by Tom Tromey . # @@ -30,9 +29,41 @@ scriptversion=2009-04-28.21; # UTC # bugs to or send patches to # . +get_dirname () +{ + case $1 in + */*|*\\*) printf '%s\n' "$1" | sed -e 's|\([\\/]\)[^\\/]*$|\1|';; + # Otherwise, we want the empty string (not "."). + esac +} + +# guard FILE +# ---------- +# The CPP macro used to guard inclusion of FILE. +guard () +{ + printf '%s\n' "$1" \ + | sed \ + -e 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/' \ + -e 's/[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/_/g' \ + -e 's/__*/_/g' +} + +# quote_for_sed [STRING] +# ---------------------- +# Return STRING (or stdin) quoted to be used as a sed pattern. +quote_for_sed () +{ + case $# in + 0) cat;; + 1) printf '%s\n' "$1";; + esac \ + | sed -e 's|[][\\.*]|\\&|g' +} + case "$1" in '') - echo "$0: No files given. Try \`$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 + echo "$0: No files given. Try '$0 --help' for more information." 1>&2 exit 1 ;; --basedir) @@ -65,41 +96,62 @@ esac # The input. -input="$1" +input=$1 shift -case "$input" in +# We'll later need for a correct munging of "#line" directives. +input_sub_rx=`get_dirname "$input" | quote_for_sed` +case $input in [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) # Absolute path; do nothing. ;; *) # Relative path. Make it absolute. - input="`pwd`/$input" + input=`pwd`/$input ;; esac +input_rx=`get_dirname "$input" | quote_for_sed` -pairlist= -while test "$#" -ne 0; do - if test "$1" = "--"; then +# The parser itself, the first file, is the destination of the .y.c +# rule in the Makefile. +parser=$1 + +# A sed program to s/FROM/TO/g for all the FROM/TO so that, for +# instance, we rename #include "" into #include "parse.h" +# during the conversion from to parse.c. +sed_fix_filenames= + +# Also rename header guards, as Bison 2.7 for instance uses its header +# guard in its implementation file. +sed_fix_header_guards= + +while test $# -ne 0; do + if test x"$1" = x"--"; then shift break fi - pairlist="$pairlist $1" + from=$1 shift + to=$1 + shift + sed_fix_filenames="${sed_fix_filenames}s|"`quote_for_sed "$from"`"|$to|g;" + sed_fix_header_guards="${sed_fix_header_guards}s|"`guard "$from"`"|"`guard "$to"`"|g;" done # The program to run. -prog="$1" +prog=$1 shift # Make any relative path in $prog absolute. -case "$prog" in +case $prog in [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) ;; - *[\\/]*) prog="`pwd`/$prog" ;; + *[\\/]*) prog=`pwd`/$prog ;; esac -# FIXME: add hostname here for parallel makes that run commands on -# other machines. But that might take us over the 14-char limit. dirname=ylwrap$$ -trap "cd '`pwd`'; rm -rf $dirname > /dev/null 2>&1" 1 2 3 15 +do_exit="cd '`pwd`' && rm -rf $dirname > /dev/null 2>&1;"' (exit $ret); exit $ret' +trap "ret=129; $do_exit" 1 +trap "ret=130; $do_exit" 2 +trap "ret=141; $do_exit" 13 +trap "ret=143; $do_exit" 15 mkdir $dirname || exit 1 cd $dirname @@ -111,98 +163,56 @@ esac ret=$? if test $ret -eq 0; then - set X $pairlist - shift - first=yes - # Since DOS filename conventions don't allow two dots, - # the DOS version of Bison writes out y_tab.c instead of - # and y_tab.h instead of Test to see if this is the case. - y_tab_nodot="no" - if test -f y_tab.c || test -f y_tab.h; then - y_tab_nodot="yes" - fi - - # The directory holding the input. - input_dir=`echo "$input" | sed -e 's,\([\\/]\)[^\\/]*$,\1,'` - # Quote $INPUT_DIR so we can use it in a regexp. - # FIXME: really we should care about more than `.' and `\'. - input_rx=`echo "$input_dir" | sed 's,\\\\,\\\\\\\\,g;s,\\.,\\\\.,g'` - - while test "$#" -ne 0; do - from="$1" - # Handle y_tab.c and y_tab.h output by DOS - if test $y_tab_nodot = "yes"; then - if test $from = ""; then - from="y_tab.c" - else - if test $from = ""; then - from="y_tab.h" - fi - fi - fi + for from in * + do + to=`printf '%s\n' "$from" | sed "$sed_fix_filenames"` if test -f "$from"; then # If $2 is an absolute path name, then just use that, - # otherwise prepend `../'. - case "$2" in - [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) target="$2";; - *) target="../$2";; + # otherwise prepend '../'. + case $to in + [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) target=$to;; + *) target=../$to;; esac - # We do not want to overwrite a header file if it hasn't - # changed. This avoid useless recompilations. However the - # parser itself (the first file) should always be updated, - # because it is the destination of the .y.c rule in the - # Makefile. Divert the output of all other files to a temporary - # file so we can compare them to existing versions. - if test $first = no; then - realtarget="$target" - target="tmp-`echo $target | sed s/.*[\\/]//g`" + # Do not overwrite unchanged header files to avoid useless + # recompilations. Always update the parser itself: it is the + # destination of the .y.c rule in the Makefile. Divert the + # output of all other files to a temporary file so we can + # compare them to existing versions. + if test $from != $parser; then + realtarget=$target + target=tmp-`printf '%s\n' "$target" | sed 's|.*[\\/]||g'` fi - # Edit out `#line' or `#' directives. - # - # We don't want the resulting debug information to point at - # an absolute srcdir; it is better for it to just mention the - # .y file with no path. - # - # We want to use the real output file name, not yy.lex.c for - # instance. - # - # We want the include guards to be adjusted too. - FROM=`echo "$from" | sed \ - -e 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'\ - -e 's/[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/_/g'` - TARGET=`echo "$2" | sed \ - -e 'y/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/'\ - -e 's/[^ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]/_/g'` - sed -e "/^#/!b" -e "s,$input_rx,," -e "s,$from,$2," \ - -e "s,$FROM,$TARGET," "$from" >"$target" || ret=$? + # Munge "#line" or "#" directives. Don't let the resulting + # debug information point at an absolute srcdir. Use the real + # output file name, not yy.lex.c for instance. Adjust the + # include guards too. + sed -e "/^#/!b" \ + -e "s|$input_rx|$input_sub_rx|" \ + -e "$sed_fix_filenames" \ + -e "$sed_fix_header_guards" \ + "$from" >"$target" || ret=$? - # Check whether header files must be updated. - if test $first = no; then - if test -f "$realtarget" && cmp -s "$realtarget" "$target"; then - echo "$2" is unchanged - rm -f "$target" - else - echo updating "$2" + # Check whether files must be updated. + if test "$from" != "$parser"; then + if test -f "$realtarget" && cmp -s "$realtarget" "$target"; then + echo "$to is unchanged" + rm -f "$target" + else + echo "updating $to" mv -f "$target" "$realtarget" fi fi else - # A missing file is only an error for the first file. This - # is a blatant hack to let us support using "yacc -d". If -d - # is not specified, we don't want an error when the header - # file is "missing". - if test $first = yes; then + # A missing file is only an error for the parser. This is a + # blatant hack to let us support using "yacc -d". If -d is not + # specified, don't fail when the header file is "missing". + if test "$from" = "$parser"; then ret=1 fi fi - shift - shift - first=no done -else - ret=$? fi # Remove the directory.