/* cyglsa.c: LSA authentication module for Cygwin Copyright 2006, 2008 Red Hat, Inc. Written by Corinna Vinschen This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #define WINVER 0x0600 #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE #include #define WIN32_NO_STATUS #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../cygwin/cyglsa.h" #include "../cygwin/include/cygwin/version.h" static PLSA_SECPKG_FUNCS funcs; static BOOL must_create_logon_sid; BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE inst, DWORD reason, LPVOID res) { switch (reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; } return TRUE; } #ifndef RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString __inline VOID NTAPI RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString(PUNICODE_STRING dest, PCWSTR buf, USHORT len) { dest->Length = 0; dest->MaximumLength = len; dest->Buffer = (PWSTR) buf; } #endif static PUNICODE_STRING uni_alloc (PWCHAR src, USHORT len) { PUNICODE_STRING tgt; if (!(tgt = funcs->AllocateLsaHeap (sizeof (UNICODE_STRING)))) return NULL; tgt->Length = len * sizeof (WCHAR); tgt->MaximumLength = tgt->Length + sizeof (WCHAR); if (!(tgt->Buffer = funcs->AllocateLsaHeap (tgt->MaximumLength))) { funcs->FreeLsaHeap (tgt); return NULL; } wcscpy (tgt->Buffer, src); return tgt; } /* No, I don't want to include stdio.h so I take what ntdll offers. */ extern int _vsnprintf (char *, size_t, const char *, va_list); static HANDLE fh = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static int printf (const char *format, ...) { char buf[256]; DWORD wr; int ret; va_list ap; if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; va_start (ap, format); ret = _vsnprintf (buf, 256, format, ap); va_end (ap); if (ret <= 0) return ret; if (ret > 256) ret = 255; buf[255] = '\0'; WriteFile (fh, buf, ret, &wr, NULL); return wr; } static void print_sid (const char *prefix, int idx, PISID sid) { DWORD i; printf ("%s", prefix); if (idx >= 0) printf ("[%d] ", idx); printf ("(0x%08x) ", (INT_PTR) sid); if (!sid) printf ("NULL\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (sid, 8)) printf ("INVALID POINTER\n"); else if (!IsValidSid ((PSID) sid)) printf ("INVALID SID\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (sid, 8 + sizeof (DWORD) * sid->SubAuthorityCount)) printf ("INVALID POINTER SPACE\n"); else { printf ("S-%d-%d", sid->Revision, sid->IdentifierAuthority.Value[5]); for (i = 0; i < sid->SubAuthorityCount; ++i) printf ("-%lu", sid->SubAuthority[i]); printf ("\n"); } } static void print_groups (PTOKEN_GROUPS grps) { DWORD i; printf ("Groups: (0x%08x) ", (INT_PTR) grps); if (!grps) printf ("NULL\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (grps, sizeof (DWORD))) printf ("INVALID POINTER\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (grps, sizeof (DWORD) + sizeof (SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) * grps->GroupCount)) printf ("INVALID POINTER SPACE\n"); else { printf ("Count: %lu\n", grps->GroupCount); for (i = 0; i < grps->GroupCount; ++i) { printf ("(attr: 0x%lx)", grps->Groups[i].Attributes); print_sid (" ", i, (PISID) grps->Groups[i].Sid); } } } static void print_privs (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES privs) { DWORD i; printf ("Privileges: (0x%08x) ", (INT_PTR) privs); if (!privs) printf ("NULL\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (privs, sizeof (DWORD))) printf ("INVALID POINTER\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (privs, sizeof (DWORD) + sizeof (LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) * privs->PrivilegeCount)) printf ("INVALID POINTER SPACE\n"); else { printf ("Count: %lu\n", privs->PrivilegeCount); for (i = 0; i < privs->PrivilegeCount; ++i) printf ("Luid: {%ld, %lu} Attributes: 0x%lx\n", privs->Privileges[i].Luid.HighPart, privs->Privileges[i].Luid.LowPart, privs->Privileges[i].Attributes); } } static void print_dacl (PACL dacl) { DWORD i; printf ("DefaultDacl: (0x%08x) ", (INT_PTR) dacl); if (!dacl) printf ("NULL\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (dacl, sizeof (ACL))) printf ("INVALID POINTER\n"); else if (IsBadReadPtr (dacl, dacl->AclSize)) printf ("INVALID POINTER SPACE\n"); else { printf ("Rev: %d, Count: %d\n", dacl->AclRevision, dacl->AceCount); for (i = 0; i < dacl->AceCount; ++i) { PVOID vace; PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE ace; if (!GetAce (dacl, i, &vace)) printf ("[%lu] GetAce error %lu\n", i, GetLastError ()); else { ace = (PACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) vace; printf ("Type: %x, Flags: %x, Access: %lx,", ace->Header.AceType, ace->Header.AceFlags, (DWORD) ace->Mask); print_sid (" ", i, (PISID) &ace->SidStart); } } } } static void print_tokinf (PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V2 ptok, size_t size, PVOID got_start, PVOID gotinf_start, PVOID gotinf_end) { if (fh == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; printf ("INCOMING: start: 0x%08x infstart: 0x%08x infend: 0x%08x\n", (INT_PTR) got_start, (INT_PTR) gotinf_start, (INT_PTR) gotinf_end); printf ("LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V2: 0x%08x - 0x%08x\n", (INT_PTR) ptok, (INT_PTR) ptok + size); /* User SID */ printf ("User: (attr: 0x%lx)", ptok->User.User.Attributes); print_sid (" ", -1, (PISID) ptok->User.User.Sid); /* Groups */ print_groups (ptok->Groups); /* Primary Group SID */ print_sid ("Primary Group: ", -1, (PISID)ptok->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup); /* Privileges */ print_privs (ptok->Privileges); /* Owner */ print_sid ("Owner: ", -1, (PISID) ptok->Owner.Owner); /* Default DACL */ print_dacl (ptok->DefaultDacl.DefaultDacl); // CloseHandle (fh); } NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaApInitializePackage (ULONG authp_id, PLSA_SECPKG_FUNCS dpt, PLSA_STRING dummy1, PLSA_STRING dummy2, PLSA_STRING *authp_name) { PLSA_STRING name = NULL; DWORD vers, major, minor; /* Set global pointer to lsa helper function table. */ funcs = dpt; /* Allocate and set the name of the authentication package. This is the name which has to be used in LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage. */ if (!(name = funcs->AllocateLsaHeap (sizeof *name))) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; if (!(name->Buffer = funcs->AllocateLsaHeap (sizeof (CYG_LSA_PKGNAME)))) { funcs->FreeLsaHeap (name); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } name->Length = sizeof (CYG_LSA_PKGNAME) - 1; name->MaximumLength = sizeof (CYG_LSA_PKGNAME); strcpy (name->Buffer, CYG_LSA_PKGNAME); (*authp_name) = name; vers = GetVersion (); major = LOBYTE (LOWORD (vers)); minor = HIBYTE (LOWORD (vers)); /* Check if we're running on Windows 2000 or lower. If so, we must create the logon sid in the group list by ourselves. */ if (major < 5 || (major == 5 && minor == 0)) must_create_logon_sid = TRUE; #ifdef DEBUGGING fh = CreateFile ("C:\\cyglsa.dbgout", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); printf ("Initialized\n"); #endif /* DEBUGGING */ return STATUS_SUCCESS; } NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaApLogonUserEx (PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST request, SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE logon_type, PVOID auth, PVOID client_auth_base, ULONG auth_len, PVOID *pbuf, PULONG pbuf_len, PLUID logon_id, PNTSTATUS sub_stat, PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE tok_type, PVOID *tok, PUNICODE_STRING *account, PUNICODE_STRING *authority, PUNICODE_STRING *machine) { DWORD checksum, i; PDWORD csp, csp_end; NTSTATUS stat; SECPKG_CLIENT_INFO clinf; PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V2 tokinf; cyglsa_t *authinf = (cyglsa_t *) auth; /* Check if the caller has the SeTcbPrivilege, otherwise refuse service. */ stat = funcs->GetClientInfo (&clinf); if (stat != STATUS_SUCCESS) { printf ("GetClientInfo failed: 0x%08lx\n", stat); return stat; } if (!clinf.HasTcbPrivilege) { printf ("Client has no TCB privilege. Access denied.\n"); return STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } /* Make a couple of validity checks. */ if (auth_len < sizeof *authinf || authinf->magic != CYG_LSA_MAGIC || !authinf->username[0] || !authinf->domain[0]) { printf ("Invalid authentication parameter.\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } checksum = CYGWIN_VERSION_MAGIC (CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MAJOR, CYGWIN_VERSION_DLL_MINOR); csp = (PDWORD) &authinf->username; csp_end = (PDWORD) ((PBYTE) authinf + auth_len); while (csp < csp_end) checksum += *csp++; if (authinf->checksum != checksum) { printf ("Invalid checksum.\n"); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_3; } /* Set account to username and authority to domain resp. machine name. The name of the logon account name as returned by LookupAccountSid is created from here as "authority\account". */ authinf->username[UNLEN] = '\0'; authinf->domain[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN] = '\0'; if (account && !(*account = uni_alloc (authinf->username, wcslen (authinf->username)))) { printf ("No memory trying to create account.\n"); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } if (authority && !(*authority = uni_alloc (authinf->domain, wcslen (authinf->domain)))) { printf ("No memory trying to create authority.\n"); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } if (machine) { WCHAR mach[MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1]; DWORD msize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; if (!GetComputerNameW (mach, &msize)) wcscpy (mach, L"UNKNOWN"); if (!(*machine = uni_alloc (mach, wcslen (mach)))) { printf ("No memory trying to create machine.\n"); return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } /* Create a fake buffer in pbuf which is free'd again in the client. Windows 2000 tends to crash when setting this pointer to NULL. */ if (pbuf) { #ifdef JUST_ANOTHER_NONWORKING_SOLUTION cygprf_t prf; WCHAR sam_username[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN + UNLEN + 2]; SECURITY_STRING sam_user, prefix; PUCHAR user_auth; ULONG user_auth_size; WCHAR flatname[UNLEN + 1]; UNICODE_STRING flatnm; TOKEN_SOURCE ts; HANDLE token; #endif /* JUST_ANOTHER_NONWORKING_SOLUTION */ stat = funcs->AllocateClientBuffer (request, 64UL, pbuf); if (!LSA_SUCCESS (stat)) { printf ("AllocateClientBuffer failed: 0x%08lx\n", stat); return stat; } #ifdef JUST_ANOTHER_NONWORKING_SOLUTION prf.magic_pre = MAGIC_PRE; prf.token = NULL; prf.magic_post = MAGIC_POST; #if 0 /* That's how it was supposed to work according to MSDN... */ wcscpy (sam_username, authinf->domain); wcscat (sam_username, L"\\"); wcscat (sam_username, authinf->username); #else /* That's the only solution which worked, and then it only worked for machine local accounts. No domain authentication possible. STATUS_NO_SUCH_USER galore! */ wcscpy (sam_username, authinf->username); #endif RtlInitUnicodeString (&sam_user, sam_username); RtlInitUnicodeString (&prefix, L""); RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString (&flatnm, flatname, (UNLEN + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); stat = funcs->GetAuthDataForUser (&sam_user, SecNameSamCompatible, NULL, &user_auth, &user_auth_size, &flatnm); if (!NT_SUCCESS (stat)) { char sam_u[MAX_DOMAIN_NAME_LEN + UNLEN + 2]; wcstombs (sam_u, sam_user.Buffer, sizeof (sam_u)); printf ("GetAuthDataForUser (%u,%u,%s) failed: 0x%08lx\n", sam_user.Length, sam_user.MaximumLength, sam_u, stat); return stat; } memcpy (ts.SourceName, "Cygwin.1", 8); ts.SourceIdentifier.HighPart = 0; ts.SourceIdentifier.LowPart = 0x0104; RtlInitEmptyUnicodeString (&flatnm, flatname, (UNLEN + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR)); stat = funcs->ConvertAuthDataToToken (user_auth, user_auth_size, SecurityDelegation, &ts, Interactive, *authority, &token, logon_id, &flatnm, sub_stat); if (!NT_SUCCESS (stat)) { printf ("ConvertAuthDataToToken failed: 0x%08lx\n", stat); return stat; } stat = funcs->DuplicateHandle (token, &prf.token); if (!NT_SUCCESS (stat)) { printf ("DuplicateHandle failed: 0x%08lx\n", stat); return stat; } stat = funcs->CopyToClientBuffer (request, sizeof prf, *pbuf, &prf); if (!NT_SUCCESS (stat)) { printf ("CopyToClientBuffer failed: 0x%08lx\n", stat); return stat; } funcs->FreeLsaHeap (user_auth); #endif /* JUST_ANOTHER_NONWORKING_SOLUTION */ } if (pbuf_len) *pbuf_len = 64UL; /* A PLSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_V2 is allocated in one piece, so... */ #if defined (__x86_64__) || defined (_M_AMD64) { /* ...on 64 bit systems we have to convert the incoming 32 bit offsets into 64 bit pointers. That requires to re-evaluate the size of the outgoing tokinf structure and a somewhat awkward procedure to copy the information over. */ LONG_PTR base; PBYTE tptr; DWORD size, newsize; PSID src_sid; PCYG_TOKEN_GROUPS src_grps; PTOKEN_GROUPS grps; PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES src_privs; PACL src_acl; base = (LONG_PTR) &authinf->inf; newsize = authinf->inf_size; newsize += sizeof (TOKEN_USER) - sizeof (CYG_TOKEN_USER); /* User SID */ newsize += sizeof (PTOKEN_GROUPS) - sizeof (OFFSET); /* Groups */ src_grps = (PCYG_TOKEN_GROUPS) (base + authinf->inf.Groups); newsize += src_grps->GroupCount /* Group SIDs */ * (sizeof (SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES) - sizeof (CYG_SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES)); newsize += sizeof (PSID) - sizeof (OFFSET); /* Primary Group SID */ newsize += sizeof (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) - sizeof (OFFSET); /* Privileges */ newsize += 0; /* Owner SID */ newsize += sizeof (PACL) - sizeof (OFFSET); /* Default DACL */ if (!(tokinf = funcs->AllocateLsaHeap (newsize))) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; tptr = (PBYTE)(tokinf + 1); tokinf->ExpirationTime = authinf->inf.ExpirationTime; /* User SID */ src_sid = (PSID) (base + authinf->inf.User.User.Sid); size = GetLengthSid (src_sid); CopySid (size, (PSID) tptr, src_sid); tokinf->User.User.Sid = (PSID) tptr; tptr += size; tokinf->User.User.Attributes = authinf->inf.User.User.Attributes; /* Groups */ grps = (PTOKEN_GROUPS) tptr; tokinf->Groups = grps; grps->GroupCount = src_grps->GroupCount; tptr += sizeof grps->GroupCount + grps->GroupCount * sizeof (SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES); /* Group SIDs */ for (i = 0; i < src_grps->GroupCount; ++i) { src_sid = (PSID) (base + src_grps->Groups[i].Sid); size = GetLengthSid (src_sid); CopySid (size, (PSID) tptr, src_sid); tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Sid = (PSID) tptr; tptr += size; tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Attributes = src_grps->Groups[i].Attributes; } /* Primary Group SID */ src_sid = (PSID) (base + authinf->inf.PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup); size = GetLengthSid (src_sid); CopySid (size, (PSID) tptr, src_sid); tokinf->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup = (PSID) tptr; tptr += size; /* Privileges */ src_privs = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) (base + authinf->inf.Privileges); size = sizeof src_privs->PrivilegeCount + src_privs->PrivilegeCount * sizeof (LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES); memcpy (tptr, src_privs, size); tokinf->Privileges = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) tptr; tptr += size; /* Owner */ tokinf->Owner.Owner = NULL; /* Default DACL */ src_acl = (PACL) (base + authinf->inf.DefaultDacl.DefaultDacl); size = src_acl->AclSize; memcpy (tptr, src_acl, size); tokinf->DefaultDacl.DefaultDacl = (PACL) tptr; } #else { /* ...on 32 bit systems we just allocate tokinf with the same size as we get, copy the whole structure and convert offsets into pointers. */ /* Allocate LUID for usage in the logon SID on Windows 2000. This is not done in the 64 bit code above for hopefully obvious reasons... */ LUID logon_sid_id; if (must_create_logon_sid && !AllocateLocallyUniqueId (&logon_sid_id)) return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; if (!(tokinf = funcs->AllocateLsaHeap (authinf->inf_size))) return STATUS_NO_MEMORY; memcpy (tokinf, &authinf->inf, authinf->inf_size); /* User SID */ tokinf->User.User.Sid = (PSID) ((PBYTE) tokinf + (LONG_PTR) tokinf->User.User.Sid); /* Groups */ tokinf->Groups = (PTOKEN_GROUPS) ((PBYTE) tokinf + (LONG_PTR) tokinf->Groups); /* Group SIDs */ for (i = 0; i < tokinf->Groups->GroupCount; ++i) { tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Sid = (PSID) ((PBYTE) tokinf + (LONG_PTR) tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Sid); if (must_create_logon_sid && tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Attributes & SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID && *GetSidSubAuthorityCount (tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Sid) == 3 && *GetSidSubAuthority (tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Sid, 0) == SECURITY_LOGON_IDS_RID) { *GetSidSubAuthority (tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Sid, 1) = logon_sid_id.HighPart; *GetSidSubAuthority (tokinf->Groups->Groups[i].Sid, 2) = logon_sid_id.LowPart; } } /* Primary Group SID */ tokinf->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup = (PSID) ((PBYTE) tokinf + (LONG_PTR) tokinf->PrimaryGroup.PrimaryGroup); /* Privileges */ tokinf->Privileges = (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) ((PBYTE) tokinf + (LONG_PTR) tokinf->Privileges); /* Owner SID */ tokinf->Owner.Owner = NULL; /* Default DACL */ tokinf->DefaultDacl.DefaultDacl = (PACL) ((PBYTE) tokinf + (LONG_PTR) tokinf->DefaultDacl.DefaultDacl); } #endif *tok = (PVOID) tokinf; *tok_type = LsaTokenInformationV2; print_tokinf (tokinf, authinf->inf_size, authinf, &authinf->inf, (PVOID)((LONG_PTR) &authinf->inf + authinf->inf_size)); /* Create logon session. */ if (!AllocateLocallyUniqueId (logon_id)) { funcs->FreeLsaHeap (*tok); *tok = NULL; printf ("AllocateLocallyUniqueId failed: Win32 error %lu\n", GetLastError ()); return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } stat = funcs->CreateLogonSession (logon_id); if (stat != STATUS_SUCCESS) { funcs->FreeLsaHeap (*tok); *tok = NULL; printf ("CreateLogonSession failed: 0x%08lx\n", stat); return stat; } printf ("BINGO!!!\n", stat); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID NTAPI LsaApLogonTerminated(PLUID LogonId) { } NTSTATUS NTAPI LsaApCallPackage (PLSA_CLIENT_REQUEST request, PVOID authinf, PVOID client_auth_base, ULONG auth_len, PVOID *ret_buf, PULONG ret_buf_len, PNTSTATUS ret_stat) { return STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }