#include "winsup.h" #include <realtimeapiset.h> #include "pinfo.h" #include "clock.h" #include "miscfuncs.h" #include "spinlock.h" static inline LONGLONG system_qpc_tickspersec () { LARGE_INTEGER qpf; /* ticks per sec */ QueryPerformanceFrequency (&qpf); return qpf.QuadPart; } static inline LONGLONG system_tickcount_period () { ULONG coarsest = 0, finest, actual; if (!coarsest) { /* The actual resolution of the OS timer is a system-wide setting which can be changed any time, by any process. The only fixed value we can rely on is the coarsest value. */ NtQueryTimerResolution (&coarsest, &finest, &actual); } return coarsest; } void inline clk_t::init () { if (!period) InterlockedExchange64 (&period, system_tickcount_period ()); } void inline clk_realtime_t::init () { if (wincap.has_precise_system_time ()) { if (!ticks_per_sec) InterlockedExchange64 (&ticks_per_sec, system_qpc_tickspersec ()); } else if (!period) InterlockedExchange64 (&period, system_tickcount_period ()); } void inline clk_monotonic_t::init () { if (!ticks_per_sec) InterlockedExchange64 (&ticks_per_sec, system_qpc_tickspersec ()); } int clk_realtime_coarse_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts) { LARGE_INTEGER now; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ((LPFILETIME) &now); /* Add conversion factor for UNIX vs. Windows base time */ now.QuadPart -= FACTOR; ts->tv_sec = now.QuadPart / NS100PERSEC; ts->tv_nsec = (now.QuadPart % NS100PERSEC) * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); return 0; } int clk_realtime_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts) { LARGE_INTEGER now; wincap.has_precise_system_time () ? GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime ((LPFILETIME) &now) : GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ((LPFILETIME) &now); /* Add conversion factor for UNIX vs. Windows base time */ now.QuadPart -= FACTOR; ts->tv_sec = now.QuadPart / NS100PERSEC; ts->tv_nsec = (now.QuadPart % NS100PERSEC) * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); return 0; } int clk_process_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts) { pid_t pid = CLOCKID_TO_PID (clockid); HANDLE hProcess; KERNEL_USER_TIMES kut; int64_t x; if (pid == 0) pid = myself->pid; pinfo p (pid); if (!p || !p->exists ()) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, 0, p->dwProcessId); NtQueryInformationProcess (hProcess, ProcessTimes, &kut, sizeof kut, NULL); x = kut.KernelTime.QuadPart + kut.UserTime.QuadPart; ts->tv_sec = x / NS100PERSEC; ts->tv_nsec = (x % NS100PERSEC) * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); CloseHandle (hProcess); return 0; } int clk_thread_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts) { long thr_id = CLOCKID_TO_THREADID (clockid); HANDLE hThread; KERNEL_USER_TIMES kut; int64_t x; if (thr_id == 0) thr_id = pthread::self ()->getsequence_np (); hThread = OpenThread (THREAD_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, 0, thr_id); if (!hThread) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } NtQueryInformationThread (hThread, ThreadTimes, &kut, sizeof kut, NULL); x = kut.KernelTime.QuadPart + kut.UserTime.QuadPart; ts->tv_sec = x / NS100PERSEC; ts->tv_nsec = (x % NS100PERSEC) * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); CloseHandle (hThread); return 0; } extern "C" void WINAPI QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise (PULONGLONG); extern "C" void WINAPI QueryInterruptTimePrecise (PULONGLONG); int clk_monotonic_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts) { if (wincap.has_precise_interrupt_time ()) { /* Suspend time not taken into account, as on Linux */ ULONGLONG now; QueryUnbiasedInterruptTimePrecise (&now); ts->tv_sec = now / NS100PERSEC; now %= NS100PERSEC; ts->tv_nsec = now * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); } else { /* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24330496. Skip rounding since its almost always wrong when working with timestamps */ UINT64 bias; LARGE_INTEGER now; struct timespec bts; init (); do { bias = SharedUserData.InterruptTimeBias; QueryPerformanceCounter(&now); } while (bias != SharedUserData.InterruptTimeBias); /* Convert perf counter to timespec */ ts->tv_sec = now.QuadPart / ticks_per_sec; now.QuadPart %= ticks_per_sec; ts->tv_nsec = (now.QuadPart * NSPERSEC) / ticks_per_sec; /* Convert bias to timespec */ bts.tv_sec = bias / NS100PERSEC; bias %= NS100PERSEC; bts.tv_nsec = bias * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); /* Subtract bias from perf */ ts_diff (bts, *ts); } return 0; } int clk_monotonic_coarse_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts) { /* Suspend time not taken into account, as on Linux */ ULONGLONG now; QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime (&now); ts->tv_sec = now / NS100PERSEC; now %= NS100PERSEC; ts->tv_nsec = now * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); return 0; } int clk_boottime_t::now (clockid_t clockid, struct timespec *ts) { /* Suspend time taken into account, as on Linux */ if (wincap.has_precise_interrupt_time ()) { ULONGLONG now; QueryInterruptTimePrecise (&now); ts->tv_sec = now / NS100PERSEC; now %= NS100PERSEC; ts->tv_nsec = now * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); } else { LARGE_INTEGER now; init (); QueryPerformanceCounter (&now); ts->tv_sec = now.QuadPart / ticks_per_sec; now.QuadPart %= ticks_per_sec; ts->tv_nsec = (now.QuadPart * NSPERSEC) / ticks_per_sec; } return 0; } void clk_t::resolution (struct timespec *ts) { init (); ts->tv_sec = 0; ts->tv_nsec = period * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); } void clk_realtime_t::resolution (struct timespec *ts) { init (); ts->tv_sec = 0; if (wincap.has_precise_system_time ()) ts->tv_nsec = NSPERSEC / ticks_per_sec; else ts->tv_nsec = period * (NSPERSEC/NS100PERSEC); } void clk_monotonic_t::resolution (struct timespec *ts) { init (); ts->tv_sec = 0; ts->tv_nsec = NSPERSEC / ticks_per_sec; } static clk_realtime_coarse_t clk_realtime_coarse; static clk_realtime_t clk_realtime; static clk_process_t clk_process; static clk_thread_t clk_thread; static clk_monotonic_t clk_monotonic; static clk_monotonic_t clk_monotonic_raw; /* same as clk_monotonic */ static clk_monotonic_coarse_t clk_monotonic_coarse; static clk_boottime_t clk_boottime; static clk_realtime_t clk_realtime_alarm; /* same as clk_realtime */ static clk_boottime_t clk_boottime_alarm; /* same as clk_boottime_t */ clk_t *cyg_clock[MAX_CLOCKS] = { &clk_realtime_coarse, &clk_realtime, &clk_process, &clk_thread, &clk_monotonic, &clk_monotonic_raw, &clk_monotonic_coarse, &clk_boottime, &clk_realtime_alarm, &clk_boottime_alarm, }; clk_t * get_clock (clockid_t clk_id) { extern clk_t *cyg_clock[MAX_CLOCKS]; clockid_t clockid = CLOCKID (clk_id); if (clk_id >= MAX_CLOCKS && clockid != CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID && clockid != CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID) return NULL; return cyg_clock[clockid]; }