/* cygthread.cc Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 2010 Red Hat, Inc. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include "miscfuncs.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include "sigproc.h" #include "cygtls.h" #undef CloseHandle static cygthread NO_COPY threads[32]; #define NTHREADS (sizeof (threads) / sizeof (threads[0])) DWORD NO_COPY cygthread::main_thread_id; bool NO_COPY cygthread::exiting; void cygthread::callfunc (bool issimplestub) { void *pass_arg; if (arg == cygself) pass_arg = this; else if (!arglen) pass_arg = arg; else { if (issimplestub) ev = CreateEvent (&sec_none_nih, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); pass_arg = alloca (arglen); memcpy (pass_arg, arg, arglen); SetEvent (ev); } if (issimplestub) { /* Wait for main thread to assign 'h' */ while (!h) yield (); if (ev) CloseHandle (ev); ev = h; } /* Cygwin threads should not call ExitThread directly */ func (pass_arg); /* ...so the above should always return */ } /* Initial stub called by cygthread constructor. Performs initial per-thread initialization and loops waiting for another thread function to execute. */ DWORD WINAPI cygthread::stub (VOID *arg) { cygthread *info = (cygthread *) arg; _my_tls._ctinfo = info; if (info->arg == cygself) { if (info->ev) { CloseHandle (info->ev); CloseHandle (info->thread_sync); } info->ev = info->thread_sync = info->stack_ptr = NULL; } else { info->stack_ptr = &arg; debug_printf ("thread '%s', id %p, stack_ptr %p", info->name (), info->id, info->stack_ptr); if (!info->ev) { info->ev = CreateEvent (&sec_none_nih, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); info->thread_sync = CreateEvent (&sec_none_nih, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); } } while (1) { if (!info->__name) #ifdef DEBUGGING system_printf ("erroneous thread activation, name is NULL prev thread name = '%s'", info->__oldname); #else system_printf ("erroneous thread activation, name is NULL"); #endif else { if (exiting) { info->inuse = false; // FIXME: Do we need this? return 0; } info->callfunc (false); HANDLE notify = info->notify_detached; /* If func is NULL, the above function has set that to indicate that it doesn't want to alert anyone with a SetEvent and should just be marked as no longer inuse. Hopefully the function knows what it is doing. */ if (!info->func) info->release (false); else { #ifdef DEBUGGING info->func = NULL; // catch erroneous activation info->__oldname = info->__name; #endif info->__name = NULL; SetEvent (info->ev); } if (notify) SetEvent (notify); } switch (WaitForSingleObject (info->thread_sync, INFINITE)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: continue; default: api_fatal ("WFSO failed, %E"); break; } } } /* Overflow stub called by cygthread constructor. Calls specified function and then exits the thread. */ DWORD WINAPI cygthread::simplestub (VOID *arg) { cygthread *info = (cygthread *) arg; _my_tls._ctinfo = info; info->stack_ptr = &arg; info->callfunc (true); return 0; } /* Start things going. Called from dll_crt0_1. */ void cygthread::init () { main_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId (); } cygthread * cygthread::freerange () { cygthread *self = (cygthread *) calloc (1, sizeof (*self)); self->is_freerange = true; self->inuse = 1; return self; } void * cygthread::operator new (size_t) { cygthread *info; /* Search the threads array for an empty slot to use */ for (info = threads; info < threads + NTHREADS; info++) if (!InterlockedExchange (&info->inuse, 1)) { /* available */ #ifdef DEBUGGING if (info->__name) api_fatal ("name not NULL? %s, id %p, i %d", info->__name, info->id, info - threads); #endif goto out; } #ifdef DEBUGGING if (!getenv ("CYGWIN_FREERANGE_NOCHECK")) api_fatal ("overflowed cygwin thread pool"); else thread_printf ("overflowed cygwin thread pool"); #endif info = freerange (); /* exhausted thread pool */ out: return info; } void cygthread::create () { thread_printf ("name %s, id %p, this %p", __name, id, this); HANDLE htobe; if (h) { if (ev) ResetEvent (ev); while (!thread_sync) yield (); SetEvent (thread_sync); thread_printf ("activated name '%s', thread_sync %p for id %p", __name, thread_sync, id); htobe = h; } else { stack_ptr = NULL; htobe = CreateThread (&sec_none_nih, 0, is_freerange ? simplestub : stub, this, 0, &id); if (!htobe) api_fatal ("CreateThread failed for %s - %p<%p>, %E", __name, h, id); thread_printf ("created name '%s', thread %p, id %p", __name, h, id); #ifdef DEBUGGING terminated = false; #endif } if (arglen) { while (!ev) yield (); WaitForSingleObject (ev, INFINITE); ResetEvent (ev); } h = htobe; } /* Return the symbolic name of the current thread for debugging. */ const char * cygthread::name (DWORD tid) { const char *res = NULL; if (!tid) tid = GetCurrentThreadId (); if (tid == main_thread_id) return "main"; for (DWORD i = 0; i < NTHREADS; i++) if (threads[i].id == tid) { res = threads[i].__name ?: "exiting thread"; break; } if (!res) { __small_sprintf (_my_tls.locals.unknown_thread_name, "unknown (%p)", tid); res = _my_tls.locals.unknown_thread_name; } return res; } cygthread::operator HANDLE () { while (!ev) yield (); return ev; } void cygthread::release (bool nuke_h) { if (nuke_h) h = NULL; #ifdef DEBUGGING __oldname = __name; debug_printf ("released thread '%s'", __oldname); #endif __name = NULL; func = NULL; /* Must be last */ if (!InterlockedExchange (&inuse, 0)) #ifdef DEBUGGING api_fatal ("released a thread that was not inuse"); #else system_printf ("released a thread that was not inuse"); #endif } /* Forcibly terminate a thread. */ bool cygthread::terminate_thread () { bool terminated = true; debug_printf ("thread '%s', id %p, inuse %d, stack_ptr %p", __name, id, inuse, stack_ptr); while (inuse && !stack_ptr) yield (); if (!inuse) goto force_notterminated; TerminateThread (h, 0); WaitForSingleObject (h, INFINITE); CloseHandle (h); if (!inuse || exiting) goto force_notterminated; if (ev && !(terminated = WaitForSingleObject (ev, 0) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)) ResetEvent (ev); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION m; memset (&m, 0, sizeof (m)); VirtualQuery (stack_ptr, &m, sizeof m); if (!m.RegionSize) system_printf ("m.RegionSize 0? stack_ptr %p", stack_ptr); else if (!VirtualFree (m.AllocationBase, 0, MEM_RELEASE)) debug_printf ("VirtualFree of allocation base %p<%p> failed, %E", stack_ptr, m.AllocationBase); if (is_freerange) free (this); else { #ifdef DEBUGGING terminated = true; #endif release (true); } goto out; force_notterminated: terminated = false; out: return terminated; } /* Detach the cygthread from the current thread. Note that the theory is that cygthreads are only associated with one thread. So, there should be never be multiple threads doing waits on the same cygthread. */ bool cygthread::detach (HANDLE sigwait) { bool signalled = false; bool thread_was_reset = false; if (!inuse) system_printf ("called detach but inuse %d, thread %p?", inuse, id); else { DWORD res; if (!sigwait) /* If the caller specified a special handle for notification, wait for that. This assumes that the thread in question is auto releasing. */ res = WaitForSingleObject (*this, INFINITE); else { /* Lower our priority and give priority to the read thread */ HANDLE hth = GetCurrentThread (); LONG prio = GetThreadPriority (hth); ::SetThreadPriority (hth, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL); HANDLE w4[2]; unsigned n = 2; DWORD howlong = INFINITE; w4[0] = sigwait; w4[1] = signal_arrived; /* For a description of the below loop see the end of this file */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) switch (res = WaitForMultipleObjects (n, w4, FALSE, howlong)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: if (n == 1) howlong = 50; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: n = 1; if (i--) howlong = 50; break; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: break; default: if (!exiting) { system_printf ("WFMO failed waiting for cygthread '%s', %E", __name); for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++) switch (WaitForSingleObject (w4[j], 0)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: case WAIT_TIMEOUT: break; default: system_printf ("%s handle %p is bad", (j ? "signal_arrived" : "semaphore"), w4[j]); break; } api_fatal ("exiting on fatal error"); } break; } /* WAIT_OBJECT_0 means that the thread successfully read something, so wait for the cygthread to "terminate". */ if (res == WAIT_OBJECT_0) WaitForSingleObject (*this, INFINITE); else { /* Thread didn't terminate on its own, so maybe we have to do it. */ signalled = terminate_thread (); /* Possibly the thread completed *just* before it was terminated. Detect this. If this happened then the read was not terminated on a signal. */ if (WaitForSingleObject (sigwait, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) signalled = false; if (signalled) set_sig_errno (EINTR); thread_was_reset = true; } ::SetThreadPriority (hth, prio); } thread_printf ("%s returns %d, id %p", sigwait ? "WFMO" : "WFSO", res, id); if (thread_was_reset) /* already handled */; else if (is_freerange) { CloseHandle (h); free (this); } else { ResetEvent (*this); /* Mark the thread as available by setting inuse to zero */ InterlockedExchange (&inuse, 0); } } return signalled; } void cygthread::terminate () { exiting = 1; } /* The below is an explanation of synchronization loop in cygthread::detach. The intent is that the loop will always try hard to wait for both synchronization events from the reader thread but will exit with res == WAIT_TIMEOUT if a signal occurred and the reader thread is still blocked. case 0 - no signal i == 0 (howlong == INFINITE) W0 activated howlong not set because n != 1 just loop i == 1 (howlong == INFINITE) W0 activated howlong not set because n != 1 just loop (to exit loop) - no signal i == 2 (howlong == INFINITE) exit loop case 1 - signal before thread initialized i == 0 (howlong == INFINITE) WO + 1 activated n set to 1 howlong untouched because i-- == 0 loop i == 0 (howlong == INFINITE) W0 must be activated howlong set to 50 because n == 1 i == 1 (howlong == 50) W0 activated loop (to exit loop) - no signal WAIT_TIMEOUT activated signal potentially detected loop (to exit loop) i == 2 (howlong == 50) exit loop case 2 - signal after thread initialized i == 0 (howlong == INFINITE) W0 activated howlong not set because n != 1 loop i == 1 (howlong == INFINITE) W0 + 1 activated n set to 1 howlong set to 50 because i-- != 0 loop i == 1 (howlong == 50) W0 activated loop (to exit loop) - no signal WAIT_TIMEOUT activated loop (to exit loop) - signal i == 2 (howlong == 50) exit loop */