; ; crtdll.def ; ; Exports from crtdll.dll from Windows 95 SYSTEM directory. Hopefully this ; should also work with the crtdll provided with Windows NT. ; ; Contributors: ; Created by Colin Peters <colin@bird.fu.is.saga-u.ac.jp> ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT COPYRIGHTED ; ; This source code is offered for use in the public domain. You may ; use, modify or distribute it freely. ; ; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful but ; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. ALL WARRENTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE HEREBY ; DISCLAMED. This includes but is not limited to warrenties of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ; ; $Revision$ ; $Author$ ; $Date$ ; ; These three functions appear to be name mangled in some way, so GCC is ; probably not going to be able to use them in any case. ; ; ??2@YAPAXI@Z ; ??3@YAXPAX@Z ; ?_set_new_handler@@YAP6AHI@ZP6AHI@Z@Z ; ; These are functions for which I have not yet written prototypes or ; otherwise set up (they are still included below though unlike those ; first three). ; ; _CIacos ; _CIasin ; _CIatan ; _CIatan2 ; _CIcos ; _CIcosh ; _CIexp ; _CIfmod ; _CIlog ; _CIlog10 ; _CIpow ; _CIsin ; _CIsinh ; _CIsqrt ; _CItan ; _CItanh ; __dllonexit ; __mb_cur_max_dll ; __threadhandle ; __threadid ; _abnormal_termination ; _acmdln_dll ; _aexit_rtn_dll ; _amsg_exit ; _commit ; _commode_dll ; _cpumode_dll ; _ctype ; _expand ; _fcloseall ; _filbuf ; _fileinfo_dll ; _flsbuf ; _flushall ; _fmode_dll ; _fpieee_flt ; _fsopen ; _ftol ; _getdiskfree ; _getdllprocaddr ; _getdrive ; _getdrives ; _getsystime ; _initterm ; _ismbbalnum ; _ismbbalpha ; _ismbbgraph ; _ismbbkalnum ; _ismbbkana ; _ismbbkpunct ; _ismbblead ; _ismbbprint ; _ismbbpunct ; _ismbbtrail ; _ismbcalpha ; _ismbcdigit ; _ismbchira ; _ismbckata ; _ismbcl0 ; _ismbcl1 ; _ismbcl2 ; _ismbclegal ; _ismbclower ; _ismbcprint ; _ismbcspace ; _ismbcsymbol ; _ismbcupper ; _ismbslead ; _ismbstrail ; _lfind ; _loaddll ; _lrotl ; _lrotr ; _lsearch ; _makepath ; _matherr ; _mbbtombc ; _mbbtype ; _mbccpy ; _mbcjistojms ; _mbcjmstojis ; _mbclen ; _mbctohira ; _mbctokata ; _mbctolower ; _mbctombb ; _mbctoupper ; _mbctype ; _mbsbtype ; _mbscat ; _mbscmp ; _mbscpy ; _mbscspn ; _mbsdec ; _mbsdup ; _mbsicmp ; _mbsinc ; _mbslen ; _mbslwr ; _mbsnbcat ; _mbsnbcmp ; _mbsnbcnt ; _mbsnbcpy ; _mbsnbicmp ; _mbsnbset ; _mbsnccnt ; _mbsncmp ; _mbsncpy ; _mbsnextc ; _mbsnicmp ; _mbsninc ; _mbsnset ; _mbspbrk ; _mbsrchr ; _mbsrev ; _mbsset ; _mbsspn ; _mbsspnp ; _mbsstr ; _mbstrlen ; _mbsupr ; _onexit ; _osversion_dll ; _pctype_dll ; _purecall ; _pwctype_dll ; _rmtmp ; _rotl ; _rotr ; _setsystime ; _snprintf ; _snwprintf ; _splitpath ; _strdate ; _strdec ; _strinc ; _strncnt ; _strnextc ; _strninc ; _strspnp ; _strtime ; _tempnam ; _ultoa ; _unloaddll ; _vsnprintf ; _vsnwprintf ; _wtoi ; _wtol ; EXPORTS _CIacos _CIasin _CIatan _CIatan2 _CIcos _CIcosh _CIexp _CIfmod _CIlog _CIlog10 _CIpow _CIsin _CIsinh _CIsqrt _CItan _CItanh _HUGE_dll DATA _XcptFilter __GetMainArgs __argc_dll DATA __argv_dll DATA __dllonexit __doserrno __fpecode __isascii __iscsym __iscsymf __mb_cur_max_dll DATA __pxcptinfoptrs __threadhandle __threadid __toascii _abnormal_termination _access _acmdln_dll DATA _aexit_rtn_dll DATA _amsg_exit _assert _basemajor_dll DATA _baseminor_dll DATA _baseversion_dll DATA _beep _beginthread _c_exit _cabs _cexit _cgets _chdir _chdrive _chgsign _chmod _chsize _clearfp _close _commit _commode_dll DATA _control87 _controlfp _copysign _cprintf _cpumode_dll DATA _cputs _creat _cscanf _ctype _cwait _daylight_dll DATA _dup _dup2 _ecvt _endthread _environ_dll DATA _eof _errno _except_handler2 _execl _execle _execlp _execlpe _execv _execve _execvp _execvpe _exit _expand _fcloseall _fcvt _fdopen _fgetchar _fgetwchar _filbuf _fileinfo_dll DATA _filelength _fileno _findclose _findfirst _findnext _finite _flsbuf _flushall _fmode_dll DATA _fpclass _fpieee_flt _fpreset _fputchar _fputwchar _fsopen _fstat _ftime _ftol _fullpath _futime _gcvt _get_osfhandle _getch _getche _getcwd _getdcwd _getdiskfree _getdllprocaddr _getdrive _getdrives _getpid _getsystime _getw _global_unwind2 _heapchk _heapmin _heapset _heapwalk _hypot _initterm _iob DATA _isatty _isctype _ismbbalnum _ismbbalpha _ismbbgraph _ismbbkalnum _ismbbkana _ismbbkpunct _ismbblead _ismbbprint _ismbbpunct _ismbbtrail _ismbcalpha _ismbcdigit _ismbchira _ismbckata _ismbcl0 _ismbcl1 _ismbcl2 _ismbclegal _ismbclower _ismbcprint _ismbcspace _ismbcsymbol _ismbcupper _ismbslead _ismbstrail _isnan _itoa _j0 _j1 _jn _kbhit _lfind _loaddll _local_unwind2 _locking _logb _lrotl _lrotr _lsearch _lseek _ltoa _makepath _matherr _mbbtombc _mbbtype _mbccpy _mbcjistojms _mbcjmstojis _mbclen _mbctohira _mbctokata _mbctolower _mbctombb _mbctoupper _mbctype _mbsbtype _mbscat _mbschr _mbscmp _mbscpy _mbscspn _mbsdec _mbsdup _mbsicmp _mbsinc _mbslen _mbslwr _mbsnbcat _mbsnbcmp _mbsnbcnt _mbsnbcpy _mbsnbicmp _mbsnbset _mbsncat _mbsnccnt _mbsncmp _mbsncpy _mbsnextc _mbsnicmp _mbsninc _mbsnset _mbspbrk _mbsrchr _mbsrev _mbsset _mbsspn _mbsspnp _mbsstr _mbstok _mbstrlen _mbsupr _memccpy _memicmp _mkdir _mktemp _msize _nextafter _onexit _open _open_osfhandle _osmajor_dll DATA _osminor_dll DATA _osmode_dll DATA _osver_dll DATA _osversion_dll DATA _pclose _pctype_dll DATA _pgmptr_dll DATA _pipe _popen _purecall _putch _putenv _putw _pwctype_dll DATA _read _rmdir _rmtmp _rotl _rotr _scalb _searchenv _seterrormode _setjmp _setmode _setsystime _sleep _snprintf _snwprintf _sopen _spawnl _spawnle _spawnlp _spawnlpe _spawnv _spawnve _spawnvp _spawnvpe _splitpath _stat _statusfp _strcmpi _strdate _strdec _strdup _strerror _stricmp _stricoll _strinc _strlwr _strncnt _strnextc _strnicmp _strninc _strnset _strrev _strset _strspnp _strtime _strupr _swab _sys_errlist DATA _sys_nerr_dll DATA _tell _tempnam _timezone_dll DATA _tolower _toupper _tzname DATA _tzset _ultoa _umask _ungetch _unlink _unloaddll _utime _vsnprintf _vsnwprintf _wcsdup _wcsicmp _wcsicoll _wcslwr _wcsnicmp _wcsnset _wcsrev _wcsset _wcsupr _winmajor_dll DATA _winminor_dll DATA _winver_dll DATA _write _wtoi _wtol _y0 _y1 _yn abort abs acos asctime asin atan atan2 atexit atof atoi atol bsearch calloc ceil clearerr clock cos cosh ctime difftime div exit exp fabs fclose feof ferror fflush fgetc fgetpos fgets fgetwc floor fmod fopen fprintf fputc fputs fputwc fread free freopen frexp fscanf fseek fsetpos ftell fwprintf fwrite fwscanf getc getchar getenv gets gmtime is_wctype isalnum isalpha iscntrl isdigit isgraph isleadbyte islower isprint ispunct isspace isupper iswalnum iswalpha iswascii iswcntrl iswctype iswdigit iswgraph iswlower iswprint iswpunct iswspace iswupper iswxdigit isxdigit labs ldexp ldiv localeconv localtime log log10 longjmp malloc mblen mbstowcs mbtowc memchr memcmp memcpy memmove memset mktime modf perror pow printf putc putchar puts qsort raise rand realloc remove rename rewind scanf setbuf setlocale setvbuf signal sin sinh sprintf sqrt srand sscanf strcat strchr strcmp strcoll strcpy strcspn strerror strftime strlen strncat strncmp strncpy strpbrk strrchr strspn strstr strtod strtok strtol strtoul strxfrm swprintf swscanf system tan tanh time tmpfile tmpnam tolower toupper towlower towupper ungetc ungetwc vfprintf vfwprintf vprintf vsprintf vswprintf vwprintf wcscat wcschr wcscmp wcscoll wcscpy wcscspn wcsftime wcslen wcsncat wcsncmp wcsncpy wcspbrk wcsrchr wcsspn wcsstr wcstod wcstok wcstol wcstombs wcstoul wcsxfrm wctomb wprintf wscanf