/* setfacl.c Copyright 2000, 2001 Red Hat Inc. Written by Corinna Vinschen <vinschen@redhat.com> This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <grp.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acl.h> #ifndef BOOL #define BOOL int #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE (1) #endif #ifndef FALSE #define FALSE (0) #endif #ifndef ILLEGAL_MODE #define ILLEGAL_MODE ((mode_t)0xffffffff) #endif typedef enum { NoAction, Set, Modify, Delete, ModNDel, SetFromFile } action_t; char *myname; int usage () { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-r] -s acl_entries file...\n", myname); fprintf(stderr, " %s [-r] -md acl_entries file...\n", myname); fprintf(stderr, " %s [-r] -f acl_file file...\n", myname); return 1; } mode_t getperm (char *in) { if (isdigit (*in) && !in[1]) { int i = atoi (in); if (i < 0 || i > 7) return ILLEGAL_MODE; return i << 6 | i << 3 | i; } if (strlen (in) != 3) return ILLEGAL_MODE; if (!strchr ("r-", in[0]) || !strchr ("w-", in[1]) || !strchr ("x-", in[2])) return ILLEGAL_MODE; return (in[0] == 'r' ? S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH : 0) | (in[1] == 'w' ? S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH : 0) | (in[2] == 'x' ? S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH : 0); } BOOL getaclentry (action_t action, char *c, aclent_t *ace) { char *c2; ace->a_type = 0; ace->a_id = 0; ace->a_perm = 0; if (!strncmp (c, "default:", 8) || !strncmp (c, "d:", 2)) { ace->a_type = ACL_DEFAULT; c = strchr (c, ':') + 1; } if (!strncmp (c, "user:", 5) || !strncmp (c, "u:", 2)) { ace->a_type |= USER_OBJ; c = strchr (c, ':') + 1; } else if (!strncmp (c, "group:", 6) || !strncmp (c, "g:", 2)) { ace->a_type |= GROUP_OBJ; c = strchr (c, ':') + 1; } else if (!strncmp (c, "mask:", 5) || !strncmp (c, "m:", 2)) { if (!(ace->a_type & ACL_DEFAULT)) return FALSE; ace->a_type |= CLASS_OBJ; c = strchr (c, ':') + 1; } else if (!strncmp (c, "other:", 6) || !strncmp (c, "o:", 2)) { if (!(ace->a_type & ACL_DEFAULT)) return FALSE; ace->a_type |= OTHER_OBJ; c = strchr (c, ':') + 1; } else return FALSE; if (ace->a_type & (USER_OBJ | GROUP_OBJ)) { if ((c2 = strchr (c, ':'))) { if (action == Delete) return FALSE; *c2 = '\0'; } else if (action != Delete) return FALSE; if (c2 == c) { if (action == Delete) return FALSE; } else if (isdigit (*c)) { char *c3; ace->a_id = strtol (c, &c3, 10); if (*c3) return FALSE; } else if (ace->a_type & USER_OBJ) { struct passwd *pw = getpwnam (c); if (!pw) return FALSE; ace->a_id = pw->pw_uid; } else { struct group *gr = getgrnam (c); if (!gr) return FALSE; ace->a_id = gr->gr_gid; } if (ace->a_type & USER_OBJ) { ace->a_type &= ~USER_OBJ; ace->a_type |= USER; } else { ace->a_type &= ~GROUP_OBJ; ace->a_type |= GROUP; } if (c2) c = c2 + 1; } if (action == Delete) { if ((ace->a_type & (CLASS_OBJ | OTHER_OBJ)) && *c) return FALSE; ace->a_perm = ILLEGAL_MODE; return TRUE; } if ((ace->a_perm = getperm (c)) == ILLEGAL_MODE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL getaclentries (action_t action, char *buf, aclent_t *acls, int *idx) { char *c; if (action == SetFromFile) { FILE *fp; char fbuf[256]; if (! (fp = fopen (buf, "r"))) return FALSE; while (fgets (fbuf, 256, fp)) { if (!getaclentry (action, fbuf, acls + (*idx)++)) { fclose (fp); return FALSE; } } fclose (fp); } else for (c = strtok (buf, ","); c; c = strtok (NULL, ",")) if (!getaclentry (action, c, acls + (*idx)++)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } int searchace (aclent_t *aclp, int nentries, int type, int id) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nentries; ++i) if ((aclp[i].a_type == type && (id < 0 || aclp[i].a_id == id)) || !aclp[i].a_type) return i; return -1; } int modacl (aclent_t *tgt, int tcnt, aclent_t *src, int scnt) { int t, s, i; for (s = 0; s < scnt; ++s) { t = searchace (tgt, MAX_ACL_ENTRIES, src[s].a_type, (src[s].a_type & (USER | GROUP)) ? src[s].a_id : -1); if (t < 0) return -1; if (src[s].a_perm == ILLEGAL_MODE) { if (t < tcnt) { for (i = t + 1; i < tcnt; ++i) tgt[i - 1] = tgt[i]; --tcnt; } } else { tgt[t] = src[s]; if (t >= tcnt) ++tcnt; } } return tcnt; } void setfacl (action_t action, char *path, aclent_t *acls, int cnt) { aclent_t lacl[MAX_ACL_ENTRIES]; int lcnt; memset (lacl, 0, sizeof lacl); if (action == Set) { if (acl (path, SETACL, cnt, acls)) perror (myname); return; } if ((lcnt = acl (path, GETACL, MAX_ACL_ENTRIES, lacl)) < 0 || (lcnt = modacl (lacl, lcnt, acls, cnt)) < 0 || (lcnt = acl (path, SETACL, lcnt, lacl)) < 0) perror (myname); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int c; action_t action = NoAction; int ropt = 0; aclent_t acls[MAX_ACL_ENTRIES]; int aclidx = 0; myname = argv[0]; memset (acls, 0, sizeof acls); while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "d:f:m:rs:")) != EOF) switch (c) { case 'd': if (action == NoAction) action = Delete; else if (action == Modify) action = ModNDel; else return usage (); if (! getaclentries (Delete, optarg, acls, &aclidx)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal acl entries\n", myname); return 2; } break; case 'f': if (action == NoAction) action = Set; else return usage (); if (! getaclentries (SetFromFile, optarg, acls, &aclidx)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal acl entries\n", myname); return 2; } break; case 'm': if (action == NoAction) action = Modify; else if (action == Delete) action = ModNDel; else return usage (); if (! getaclentries (Modify, optarg, acls, &aclidx)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal acl entries\n", myname); return 2; } break; case 'r': if (!ropt) ropt = 1; else return usage (); break; case 's': if (action == NoAction) action = Set; else return usage (); break; if (! getaclentries (Set, optarg, acls, &aclidx)) { fprintf (stderr, "%s: illegal acl entries\n", myname); return 2; } default: return usage (); } if (action == NoAction) return usage (); if (optind > argc - 1) return usage (); if (action == Set) switch (aclcheck (acls, aclidx, NULL)) { case GRP_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: more than one group entry.\n", myname); return 2; case USER_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: more than one user entry.\n", myname); return 2; case CLASS_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: more than one mask entry.\n", myname); return 2; case OTHER_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: more than one other entry.\n", myname); return 2; case DUPLICATE_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: duplicate additional user or group.\n", myname); return 2; case ENTRY_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid entry type.\n", myname); return 2; case MISS_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: missing entries.\n", myname); return 2; case MEM_ERROR: fprintf (stderr, "%s: out of memory.\n", myname); return 2; default: break; } for (c = optind; c < argc; ++c) setfacl (action, argv[c], acls, aclidx); return 0; }