/* fhandler_socket.cc. See fhandler.h for a description of the fhandler classes. Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ /* #define DEBUG_NEST_ON 1 */ #define __INSIDE_CYGWIN_NET__ #include "winsup.h" #include <errno.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <asm/byteorder.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #define USE_SYS_TYPES_FD_SET #include <winsock2.h> #include "cygerrno.h" #include "security.h" #include "cygwin/version.h" #include "perprocess.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "path.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include "sigproc.h" #define SECRET_EVENT_NAME "cygwin.local_socket.secret.%d.%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x" #define ENTROPY_SOURCE_NAME "/dev/urandom" #define ENTROPY_SOURCE_DEV_UNIT 9 fhandler_dev_random* entropy_source; /**********************************************************************/ /* fhandler_socket */ fhandler_socket::fhandler_socket () : fhandler_base (FH_SOCKET), sun_path (NULL) { set_need_fork_fixup (); prot_info_ptr = (LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFOA) cmalloc (HEAP_BUF, sizeof (WSAPROTOCOL_INFOA)); } fhandler_socket::~fhandler_socket () { if (prot_info_ptr) cfree (prot_info_ptr); if (sun_path) cfree (sun_path); } void fhandler_socket::set_connect_secret () { if (!entropy_source) { void *buf = malloc (sizeof (fhandler_dev_random)); entropy_source = new (buf) fhandler_dev_random (ENTROPY_SOURCE_DEV_UNIT); } if (entropy_source && !entropy_source->open (NULL, O_RDONLY)) { delete entropy_source; entropy_source = NULL; } if (!entropy_source || (entropy_source->read (connect_secret, sizeof (connect_secret)) != sizeof (connect_secret))) bzero ((char*) connect_secret, sizeof (connect_secret)); } void fhandler_socket::get_connect_secret (char* buf) { __small_sprintf (buf, "%08x-%08x-%08x-%08x", connect_secret [0], connect_secret [1], connect_secret [2], connect_secret [3]); } HANDLE fhandler_socket::create_secret_event (int* secret) { char buf [128]; int* secret_ptr = (secret ? : connect_secret); struct sockaddr_in sin; int sin_len = sizeof (sin); if (getsockname (get_socket (), (struct sockaddr*) &sin, &sin_len)) { debug_printf ("error getting local socket name (%d)", WSAGetLastError ()); return NULL; } __small_sprintf (buf, SECRET_EVENT_NAME, sin.sin_port, secret_ptr [0], secret_ptr [1], secret_ptr [2], secret_ptr [3]); secret_event = CreateEvent (get_inheritance(true), FALSE, FALSE, buf); if (!secret_event && GetLastError () == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) secret_event = OpenEvent (EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, buf); if (secret_event) ProtectHandle (secret_event); return secret_event; } void fhandler_socket::signal_secret_event () { if (!secret_event) debug_printf ("no secret event?"); else { SetEvent (secret_event); debug_printf ("signaled secret_event"); } } void fhandler_socket::close_secret_event () { if (secret_event) ForceCloseHandle (secret_event); secret_event = NULL; } int fhandler_socket::check_peer_secret_event (struct sockaddr_in* peer, int* secret) { char buf [128]; HANDLE ev; int* secret_ptr = (secret ? : connect_secret); __small_sprintf (buf, SECRET_EVENT_NAME, peer->sin_port, secret_ptr [0], secret_ptr [1], secret_ptr [2], secret_ptr [3]); ev = CreateEvent (&sec_all_nih, FALSE, FALSE, buf); if (!ev && GetLastError () == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { debug_printf ("%s event already exist"); ev = OpenEvent (EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, buf); } signal_secret_event (); if (ev) { DWORD rc = WaitForSingleObject (ev, 10000); debug_printf ("WFSO rc=%d", rc); CloseHandle (ev); return (rc == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ? 1 : 0 ); } else return 0; } void fhandler_socket::fixup_before_fork_exec (DWORD win_proc_id) { if (!winsock2_active) { fhandler_base::fixup_before_fork_exec (win_proc_id); debug_printf ("Without Winsock 2.0"); } else if (!WSADuplicateSocketA (get_socket (), win_proc_id, prot_info_ptr)) debug_printf ("WSADuplicateSocket went fine, sock %p, win_proc_id %d, prot_info_ptr %p", get_socket (), win_proc_id, prot_info_ptr); else { debug_printf ("WSADuplicateSocket error, sock %p, win_proc_id %d, prot_info_ptr %p", get_socket (), win_proc_id, prot_info_ptr); set_winsock_errno (); } } extern "C" void __stdcall load_wsock32 (); void fhandler_socket::fixup_after_fork (HANDLE parent) { SOCKET new_sock; debug_printf ("WSASocket begin, dwServiceFlags1=%d", prot_info_ptr->dwServiceFlags1); if ((new_sock = WSASocketA (FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, FROM_PROTOCOL_INFO, prot_info_ptr, 0, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET) { debug_printf ("WSASocket error"); set_winsock_errno (); } else if (!new_sock && !winsock2_active) { load_wsock32 (); fhandler_base::fixup_after_fork (parent); debug_printf ("Without Winsock 2.0"); } else { debug_printf ("WSASocket went fine new_sock %p, old_sock %p", new_sock, get_io_handle ()); set_io_handle ((HANDLE) new_sock); } if (secret_event) fork_fixup (parent, secret_event, "secret_event"); } void fhandler_socket::fixup_after_exec (HANDLE parent) { debug_printf ("here"); if (!get_close_on_exec ()) fixup_after_fork (parent); #if 0 else if (!winsock2_active) closesocket (get_socket ()); #endif } int fhandler_socket::dup (fhandler_base *child) { debug_printf ("here"); fhandler_socket *fhs = (fhandler_socket *) child; fhs->addr_family = addr_family; fhs->set_io_handle (get_io_handle ()); fhs->fixup_before_fork_exec (GetCurrentProcessId ()); if (winsock2_active) { fhs->fixup_after_fork (hMainProc); return 0; } return fhandler_base::dup (child); } int __stdcall fhandler_socket::fstat (struct stat *buf, path_conv *pc) { fhandler_disk_file fh; fh.set_name (get_name (), get_win32_name ()); return fh.fstat (buf, pc); } int __stdcall fhandler_socket::read (void *ptr, size_t len) { sigframe thisframe (mainthread); int res = recv (get_socket (), (char *) ptr, len, 0); if (res == SOCKET_ERROR) set_winsock_errno (); return res; } int fhandler_socket::write (const void *ptr, size_t len) { sigframe thisframe (mainthread); int res = send (get_socket (), (const char *) ptr, len, 0); if (res == SOCKET_ERROR) { set_winsock_errno (); if (get_errno () == ECONNABORTED || get_errno () == ECONNRESET) _raise (SIGPIPE); } return res; } /* Cygwin internal */ int fhandler_socket::close () { int res = 0; sigframe thisframe (mainthread); /* HACK to allow a graceful shutdown even if shutdown() hasn't been called by the application. Note that this isn't the ultimate solution but it helps in many cases. */ struct linger linger; linger.l_onoff = 1; linger.l_linger = 240; /* seconds. default 2MSL value according to MSDN. */ setsockopt (get_socket (), SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (const char *)&linger, sizeof linger); while ((res = closesocket (get_socket ())) && WSAGetLastError () == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) continue; if (res) { set_winsock_errno (); res = -1; } close_secret_event (); debug_printf ("%d = fhandler_socket::close()", res); return res; } #define ASYNC_MASK (FD_READ|FD_WRITE|FD_OOB|FD_ACCEPT|FD_CONNECT) /* Cygwin internal */ int fhandler_socket::ioctl (unsigned int cmd, void *p) { extern int get_ifconf (struct ifconf *ifc, int what); /* net.cc */ int res; struct ifconf ifc, *ifcp; struct ifreq *ifr, *ifrp; sigframe thisframe (mainthread); switch (cmd) { case SIOCGIFCONF: ifcp = (struct ifconf *) p; if (!ifcp) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } res = get_ifconf (ifcp, cmd); if (res) debug_printf ("error in get_ifconf\n"); break; case SIOCGIFFLAGS: ifr = (struct ifreq *) p; if (ifr == 0) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } ifr->ifr_flags = IFF_NOTRAILERS | IFF_UP | IFF_RUNNING; if (ntohl (((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr->ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr) == INADDR_LOOPBACK) ifr->ifr_flags |= IFF_LOOPBACK; else ifr->ifr_flags |= IFF_BROADCAST; res = 0; break; case SIOCGIFBRDADDR: case SIOCGIFNETMASK: case SIOCGIFADDR: case SIOCGIFHWADDR: case SIOCGIFMETRIC: case SIOCGIFMTU: { ifc.ifc_len = 2048; ifc.ifc_buf = (char *) alloca (2048); ifr = (struct ifreq *) p; if (ifr == 0) { debug_printf ("ifr == NULL\n"); set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } res = get_ifconf (&ifc, cmd); if (res) { debug_printf ("error in get_ifconf\n"); break; } debug_printf (" name: %s\n", ifr->ifr_name); for (ifrp = ifc.ifc_req; (caddr_t) ifrp < ifc.ifc_buf + ifc.ifc_len; ++ifrp) { debug_printf ("testname: %s\n", ifrp->ifr_name); if (! strcmp (ifrp->ifr_name, ifr->ifr_name)) { switch (cmd) { case SIOCGIFADDR: ifr->ifr_addr = ifrp->ifr_addr; break; case SIOCGIFBRDADDR: ifr->ifr_broadaddr = ifrp->ifr_broadaddr; break; case SIOCGIFNETMASK: ifr->ifr_netmask = ifrp->ifr_netmask; break; case SIOCGIFHWADDR: ifr->ifr_hwaddr = ifrp->ifr_hwaddr; break; case SIOCGIFMETRIC: ifr->ifr_metric = ifrp->ifr_metric; break; case SIOCGIFMTU: ifr->ifr_mtu = ifrp->ifr_mtu; break; } break; } } if ((caddr_t) ifrp >= ifc.ifc_buf + ifc.ifc_len) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } break; } case FIOASYNC: res = WSAAsyncSelect (get_socket (), gethwnd (), WM_ASYNCIO, *(int *) p ? ASYNC_MASK : 0); syscall_printf ("Async I/O on socket %s", *(int *) p ? "started" : "cancelled"); set_async (*(int *) p); break; default: /* We must cancel WSAAsyncSelect (if any) before setting socket to * blocking mode */ if (cmd == FIONBIO && *(int *) p == 0) WSAAsyncSelect (get_socket (), gethwnd (), 0, 0); res = ioctlsocket (get_socket (), cmd, (unsigned long *) p); if (res == SOCKET_ERROR) set_winsock_errno (); if (cmd == FIONBIO) { syscall_printf ("socket is now %sblocking", *(int *) p ? "non" : ""); /* Start AsyncSelect if async socket unblocked */ if (*(int *) p && get_async ()) WSAAsyncSelect (get_socket (), gethwnd (), WM_ASYNCIO, ASYNC_MASK); set_nonblocking (*(int *) p); } break; } syscall_printf ("%d = ioctl_socket (%x, %x)", res, cmd, p); return res; } int fhandler_socket::fcntl (int cmd, void *arg) { int res = 0; int request, current; switch (cmd) { case F_SETFL: { /* Carefully test for the O_NONBLOCK or deprecated OLD_O_NDELAY flag. Set only the flag that has been passed in. If both are set, just record O_NONBLOCK. */ int new_flags = (int) arg & O_NONBLOCK_MASK; if ((new_flags & OLD_O_NDELAY) && (new_flags & O_NONBLOCK)) new_flags = O_NONBLOCK; current = get_flags () & O_NONBLOCK_MASK; request = new_flags ? 1 : 0; if (!!current != !!new_flags && (res = ioctl (FIONBIO, &request))) break; set_flags ((get_flags () & ~O_NONBLOCK_MASK) | new_flags); break; } default: res = fhandler_base::fcntl (cmd, arg); break; } return res; } void fhandler_socket::set_close_on_exec (int val) { if (!winsock2_active) /* < Winsock 2.0 */ set_inheritance (get_handle (), val); set_close_on_exec_flag (val); debug_printf ("set close_on_exec for %s to %d", get_name (), val); } void fhandler_socket::set_sun_path (const char *path) { if (sun_path) cfree (sun_path); sun_path = cstrdup (path); }