/* $NetBSD: creal.c,v 1.2 2010/09/15 16:11:29 christos Exp $ */ /* * Written by Matthias Drochner <drochner@NetBSD.org>. * Public domain. * * imported and modified include for newlib 2010/10/03 * Marco Atzeri <marco_atzeri@yahoo.it> */ /* FUNCTION <<creal>>, <<crealf>>---real part INDEX creal INDEX crealf ANSI_SYNOPSIS #include <complex.h> double creal(double complex <[z]>); float crealf(float complex <[z]>); DESCRIPTION These functions compute the real part of <[z]>. <<crealf>> is identical to <<creal>>, except that it performs its calculations on <<floats complex>>. RETURNS The creal functions return the real part value. PORTABILITY <<creal>> and <<crealf>> are ISO C99 QUICKREF <<creal>> and <<crealf>> are ISO C99 */ #include <complex.h> #include "../common/fdlibm.h" double creal(double complex z) { double_complex w = { .z = z }; return (REAL_PART(w)); }