/* uinfo.cc: user info (uid, gid, etc...) Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 Cygnus Solutions. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sync.h" #include "sigproc.h" #include "pinfo.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include "registry.h" #include "security.h" const char * internal_getlogin (cygheap_user &user, HANDLE token) { char username[MAX_USER_NAME]; DWORD username_len = MAX_USER_NAME; if (! GetUserName (username, &username_len)) user.set_name ("unknown"); else user.set_name (username); if (os_being_run == winNT) { LPWKSTA_USER_INFO_1 wui; char buf[MAX_PATH], *env; char *un = NULL; /* First trying to get logon info from environment */ if ((env = getenv ("USERNAME")) != NULL) un = env; if ((env = getenv ("LOGONSERVER")) != NULL) user.set_logsrv (env + 2); /* filter leading double backslashes */ if ((env = getenv ("USERDOMAIN")) != NULL) user.set_domain (env); /* Trust only if usernames are identical */ if (un && strcasematch (user.name (), un) && user.domain () && user.logsrv ()) debug_printf ("Domain: %s, Logon Server: %s", user.domain (), user.logsrv ()); /* If that failed, try to get that info from NetBIOS */ else if (!NetWkstaUserGetInfo (NULL, 1, (LPBYTE *)&wui)) { char buf[512]; sys_wcstombs (buf, wui->wkui1_username, MAX_USER_NAME); user.set_name (buf); sys_wcstombs (buf, wui->wkui1_logon_server, MAX_HOST_NAME); user.set_logsrv (buf); sys_wcstombs (buf, wui->wkui1_logon_domain, MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1); user.set_domain (buf); /* Save values in environment */ if (!strcasematch (user.name (), "SYSTEM") && user.domain () && user.logsrv ()) { LPUSER_INFO_3 ui = NULL; WCHAR wbuf[MAX_HOST_NAME + 2]; strcat (strcpy (buf, "\\\\"), user.logsrv ()); setenv ("USERNAME", user.name (), 1); setenv ("LOGONSERVER", buf, 1); setenv ("USERDOMAIN", user.domain (), 1); /* HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH are wrong most of the time, too, after changing user context! */ sys_mbstowcs (wbuf, buf, MAX_HOST_NAME + 2); if (!NetUserGetInfo (NULL, wui->wkui1_username, 3, (LPBYTE *)&ui) || !NetUserGetInfo (wbuf,wui->wkui1_username,3,(LPBYTE *)&ui)) { sys_wcstombs (buf, ui->usri3_home_dir, MAX_PATH); if (!buf[0]) { sys_wcstombs (buf, ui->usri3_home_dir_drive, MAX_PATH); if (buf[0]) strcat (buf, "\\"); else { env = getenv ("SYSTEMDRIVE"); if (env && *env) strcat (strcpy (buf, env), "\\"); else GetSystemDirectoryA (buf, MAX_PATH); } } setenv ("HOMEPATH", buf + 2, 1); buf[2] = '\0'; setenv ("HOMEDRIVE", buf, 1); NetApiBufferFree (ui); } } debug_printf ("Domain: %s, Logon Server: %s, Windows Username: %s", user.domain (), user.logsrv (), user.name ()); NetApiBufferFree (wui); } if (allow_ntsec) { HANDLE ptok = token; /* Which is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE if no impersonation took place. */ DWORD siz; char tu[1024]; int ret = 0; /* Try to get the SID either from already impersonated token or from current process first. To differ that two cases is important, because you can't rely on the user information in a process token of a currently impersonated process. */ if (ptok == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && !OpenProcessToken (GetCurrentProcess (), TOKEN_QUERY, &ptok)) debug_printf ("OpenProcessToken(): %E\n"); else if (!GetTokenInformation (ptok, TokenUser, (LPVOID) &tu, sizeof tu, &siz)) debug_printf ("GetTokenInformation(): %E"); else if (!(ret = user.set_sid (((TOKEN_USER *) &tu)->User.Sid))) debug_printf ("Couldn't retrieve SID from access token!"); /* Close token only if it's a result from OpenProcessToken(). */ if (ptok != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && token == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (ptok); /* If that failes, try to get the SID from localhost. This can only be done if a domain is given because there's a chance that a local and a domain user may have the same name. */ if (!ret && user.domain ()) { /* Concat DOMAIN\USERNAME for the next lookup */ strcat (strcat (strcpy (buf, user.domain ()), "\\"), user.name ()); if (!(ret = lookup_name (buf, NULL, user.sid ()))) debug_printf ("Couldn't retrieve SID locally!"); } /* If that failes, too, as a last resort try to get the SID from the logon server. */ if (!ret && !(ret = lookup_name(user.name (), user.logsrv (), user.sid ()))) debug_printf ("Couldn't retrieve SID from '%s'!", user.logsrv ()); /* If we have a SID, try to get the corresponding Cygwin user name which can be different from the Windows user name. */ if (ret) { struct passwd *pw; char psidbuf[MAX_SID_LEN]; PSID psid = (PSID) psidbuf; if (!strcasematch (user.name (), "SYSTEM") && user.domain () && user.logsrv ()) { if (get_registry_hive_path (user.sid (), buf)) setenv ("USERPROFILE", buf, 1); } while ((pw = getpwent ()) != NULL) if (get_pw_sid (psid, pw) && EqualSid (user.sid (), psid)) { user.set_name (pw->pw_name); break; } endpwent (); } } } debug_printf ("Cygwins Username: %s", user.name ()); return user.name (); } void uinfo_init () { struct passwd *p; /* Initialize to non impersonated values. Setting `impersonated' to TRUE seems to be wrong but it isn't. Impersonated is thought as "Current User and `token' are coincident". See seteuid() for the mechanism behind that. */ myself->token = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; myself->impersonated = TRUE; /* If uid is USHRT_MAX, the process is started from a non cygwin process or the user context was changed in spawn.cc */ if (myself->uid == USHRT_MAX) if ((p = getpwnam (internal_getlogin (cygheap->user, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))) != NULL) { myself->uid = p->pw_uid; myself->gid = p->pw_gid; } else { myself->uid = DEFAULT_UID; myself->gid = DEFAULT_GID; } /* Real and effective uid/gid are always identical on process start up. This is at least true for NT/W2K. */ cygheap->user.orig_uid = cygheap->user.real_uid = myself->uid; cygheap->user.orig_gid = cygheap->user.real_gid = myself->gid; } extern "C" char * getlogin (void) { #ifdef _MT_SAFE char *this_username=_reent_winsup()->_username; #else static NO_COPY char this_username[MAX_USER_NAME]; #endif return strcpy (this_username, cygheap->user.name ()); } extern "C" uid_t getuid (void) { return cygheap->user.real_uid; } extern "C" gid_t getgid (void) { return cygheap->user.real_gid; } extern "C" uid_t geteuid (void) { return myself->uid; } extern "C" gid_t getegid (void) { return myself->gid; } /* Not quite right - cuserid can change, getlogin can't */ extern "C" char * cuserid (char *src) { if (src) { strcpy (src, getlogin ()); return src; } else { return getlogin (); } }