
294 lines
10 KiB

# Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997 Cygnus Support
# The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute,
# and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided
# that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this
# notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement,
# license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses.
# Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors
# and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that
# the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where
# they apply.
# Makefile for libgloss/sparc. This is the board support
# code for the various sparc targets.
VPATH = @srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
objdir = .
srcroot = $(srcdir)/../..
objroot = $(objdir)/../..
prefix = @prefix@
exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
host_alias = @host_alias@
target_alias = @target_alias@
bindir = @bindir@
libdir = @libdir@
tooldir = $(exec_prefix)/$(target_alias)
# Multilib support variables.
# TOP is used instead of MULTI{BUILD,SRC}TOP.
MULTIDO = true
SHELL = /bin/sh
mkinstalldirs = $(SHELL) $(srcroot)/mkinstalldirs
CC = @CC@
AS = @AS@
AR = @AR@
LD = @LD@
AR_FLAGS = qrv
OBJDUMP = `if [ -f ${objroot}/../binutils/objdump ] ; \
then echo ${objroot}/../binutils/objdump ; \
else t='$(program_transform_name)'; echo objdump | sed -e $$t ; fi`
OBJCOPY = `if [ -f ${objroot}/../binutils/objcopy ] ; \
then echo ${objroot}/../binutils/objcopy ; \
else t='$(program_transform_name)'; echo objcopy | sed -e $$t ; fi`
CYGMON_CRT0 = cygmon-crt0.o
CYGMON_BSP = libcygmon.a
CYGMON_OBJS = cygmon-salib.o
701_CRT0 = crt0-701.o
701_BSP = libsplet701.a
701_OBJS = sysc-701.o salib-701.o sparclet-stub.o
930_BSP = libslite930.a
931_BSP = libslite931.a
934_BSP = libslite934.a
86X_BSP = libslite86x.a
# for the time being, built the stub without hardware breakpoint support
SLITE_OBJS = salib.o sparcl-stub.o cache.o
# ERC32: SIS simulator, see sim/erc32.
ERC32_CRT0 = erc32-crt0.o
ERC32_BSP = liberc32.a
ERC32_OBJS = erc32-io.o traps.o erc32-stub.o debug.o fixctors.o
ERC32_ALL = $(ERC32_CRT0) $(ERC32_BSP)
CRT0 = crt0.o
OBJS = close.o fstat.o getpid.o isatty.o kill.o \
lseek.o open.o print.o putnum.o read.o sbrk.o stat.o \
unlink.o write.o
# This is set to one of SPARC, SLITE, or SPLET by configure.
# It's not clear what to do here.
# One could certainly build everything. The assembler supports all cpu
# variants (via runtime switches). However, the compiler [currently] doesn't.
# Of course, it may be the case that there isn't any cpu specific code in
# C source files, but there might be in the future.
# sparc stuff (not sparclite or sparclet)
SPARC_ALL = $(CYGMON_BSP) $(CYGMON_CRT0) $(objdir)/cygmon.ld
SPARC_INSTALL = sparc-install
# sparc 64 stuff
SPARC64_ALL = $(CYGMON_BSP) $(CYGMON_CRT0) $(objdir)/cygmon.ld
SPARC64_INSTALL = sparc-install
SPARC64_OBJ_FORMAT = sparc:v9
SPARC64_RAM_START = 0x4000
# sparclite stuff
SLITE_ALL = $(930_BSP) $(931_BSP) $(CYGMON_BSP) $(CYGMON_CRT0) $(objdir)/cygmon.ld $(934_BSP) $(86X_BSP)
SLITE_INSTALL = slite-install
SLITE_RAM_START = 0x40050000
# sparclet stuff
SPLET_ALL = $(701_CRT0) $(701_BSP)
SPLET_INSTALL = splet-install
#### Host specific Makefile fragment comes in here.
all: ${CRT0} $($(CPU)_ALL) $(ERC32_ALL)
$(CYGMON_CRT0): cygmon-crt0.S
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(CFLAGS) -DTARGET_CPU_$(CPU) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/cygmon-crt0.S
@rm -f $@
${RANLIB} $@
# ${CC} -nostdlib -r $(SLITE_OBJS) $(SHARED_OBJS) -o $(930_BSP)
# ${CC} -DSL931 -nostdlib -r $(SLITE_OBJS) $(SHARED_OBJS) -o $(931_BSP)
# ${CC} -nostdlib -r $(SLITE_OBJS) $(SHARED_OBJS) -o $(934_BSP)
$(CRT0): $(srcdir)/crt0.S $(srcdir)/asm.h $(srcdir)/slite.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/crt0.S
$(930_BSP) $(931_BSP) $(934_BSP) $(86X_BSP): $(OBJS) $(SLITE_OBJS)
@rm -f $@
${RANLIB} $@
$(701_BSP): $(701_OBJS)
@rm -f $@
${AR} ${AR_FLAGS} $@ $(701_OBJS)
${RANLIB} $@
erc32-crt0.o: $(srcdir)/erc32-crt0.S $(srcdir)/asm.h $(srcdir)/slite.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/erc32-crt0.S
liberc32.a: $(OBJS) $(ERC32_OBJS)
@rm -f $@
${AR} ${AR_FLAGS} $@ $(OBJS) $(ERC32_OBJS)
${RANLIB} $@
crt0-701.o: crt0-701.S
sysc-701.o: sysc-701.c
salib-701.o: salib-701.c
sparclet-stub.o: sparclet-stub.c
cygmon-salib.o: cygmon-salib.c
$(CC) -DTARGET_CPU_$(CPU) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $(srcdir)/cygmon-salib.c
cache.o: $(srcdir)/cache.c
salib.o: $(srcdir)/salib.c
win.o: $(srcdir)/win.S
syscalls.o: $(srcdir)/syscalls.c
sparcl-stub.o: $(srcdir)/sparcl-stub.c $(srcdir)/../debug.h $(srcdir)/../debug.c
erc32-stub.o: $(srcdir)/erc32-stub.c $(srcdir)/../debug.h $(srcdir)/../debug.c
fixctors.o : $(srcdir)/fixctors.c
$(objdir)/cygmon.ld: @CYGMONLDSCRIPTTEMPL@
sed 's/TARGET_OBJ_FORMAT/$($(CPU)_OBJ_FORMAT)/g;s/TARGET_RAM_START/$($(CPU)_RAM_START)/g;' < $(<) > $(objdir)/cygmon.ld
install: $($(CPU)_INSTALL)
${mkinstalldirs} ${DESTDIR}${tooldir}/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(CRT0) $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$(CRT0)
${mkinstalldirs} ${DESTDIR}${tooldir}/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(objdir)/cygmon.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
${mkinstalldirs} ${DESTDIR}${tooldir}/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(930_BSP) $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$(930_BSP)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(931_BSP) $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$(931_BSP)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(934_BSP) $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$(934_BSP)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(86X_BSP) $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$(86X_BSP)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/ex930.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/ex931.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/ex934.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/sparc86x.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/elfsim.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(objdir)/traps.o $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(objdir)/cygmon.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
${mkinstalldirs} ${DESTDIR}${tooldir}/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(701_CRT0) $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$(701_CRT0)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(701_BSP) $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}/$(701_BSP)
$(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/tsc701.ld $(DESTDIR)$(tooldir)/lib${MULTISUBDIR}
# Make a simple test case to test the linker script, startup code, and
# I/O code
test: ex930-test.x ex931-test.x erc32-test.x
@echo Done...
# compile a fully linked binary. The -N option is for a.out, so the
# base address will be zero, rather than the default of 0x2020. The
# -Wl,-T*.ld is for the linker script. By using -Wl, the linker script
# is put on the proper place in the comand line for ld, and all the
# symbols will get fully resolved.
erc32-test.x: test.o ${ERC32_CRT0} ${srcdir}/erc32.ld Makefile ${ERC32_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Terc32.ld -Wl,-Map -Wl, -nostdlib
erc32-test.srec: erc32-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec erc32-test.x $@
erc32-test.dis: erc32-test.x
@rm -fr erc32-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d erc32-test.x > $@
erc32-test: erc32-test.srec erc32-test.dis
ex930-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} ${srcdir}/ex930.ld Makefile ${930_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Tex930.ld -nostdlib
ex930-test.srec: ex930-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec ex930-test.x $@
ex930-test.dis: ex930-test.x
@rm -fr ex930-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d ex930-test.x > $@
ex930-test: ex930-test.srec ex930-test.dis
ex931-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} ${srcdir}/ex931.ld Makefile ${931_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Tex931.ld -nostdlib
ex931-test.srec: ex931-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec ex931-test.x $@
ex931-test.dis: ex931-test.x
@rm -fr ex931-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d ex931-test.x > $@
ex931-test: ex931-test.srec ex931-test.dis
ex934-test.x: test.o ${CRT0} ${srcdir}/ex934.ld Makefile ${934_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} test.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Tex934.ld -nostdlib
ex934-test.srec: ex934-test.x
$(OBJCOPY) -O srec ex934-test.x $@
ex934-test.dis: ex934-test.x
@rm -fr ex934-test.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d ex934-test.x > $@
ex934-test: ex934-test.srec ex934-test.dis
# a C++ test case
dtor.o: $(srcdir)/dtor.C
$(CC) $(CFLAGS_FOR_TARGET) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ -c $?
dtor.dis: dtor.x
@rm -fr dtor.dis
$(OBJDUMP) -d dtor.x > $@
dtor.x: dtor.o ${ERC32_CRT0} ${srcdir}/erc32.ld Makefile ${ERC32_BSP}
${CC} -L${srcdir} -L${objdir} dtor.o -o $@ $(LIBS_FOR_TARGET) \
-N -Wl,-Terc32.ld
# target specific makefile fragment comes in here.
clean mostlyclean:
rm -f *.o *.a *.map *.x
distclean maintainer-clean realclean: clean
rm -f Makefile config.cache config.log config.status
.PHONY: info dvi doc install-info clean-info
info doc dvi:
Makefile: config.status @host_makefile_frag_path@ \
$(SHELL) config.status
config.status: configure
$(SHELL) config.status --recheck