Typing in terminal is now supported in rust teton.
This commit is contained in:
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
@ -149,6 +150,17 @@ dependencies = [
name = "voyageurs"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
name = "yellowstone"
version = "0.1.0"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
members = [
"lib/mammoth", "lib/victoriafalls", "lib/yellowstone", "lib/yunq", "lib/yunq-derive", "sys/teton", "usr/testbed",
"lib/mammoth", "lib/victoriafalls", "lib/voyageurs", "lib/yellowstone", "lib/yunq", "lib/yunq-derive", "sys/teton", "usr/testbed",
resolver = "2"
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ pub mod macros;
pub mod init;
pub mod mem;
pub mod port;
pub mod syscall;
pub mod thread;
pub mod zion;
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
use crate::syscall::{cap_duplicate, cap_release, port_create, port_recv};
use crate::zion::{kZionPerm_Read, z_cap_t, ZError};
pub struct PortServer {
port_cap: z_cap_t,
impl PortServer {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self, ZError> {
Ok(Self {
port_cap: port_create()?,
pub fn create_client_cap(&self) -> Result<z_cap_t, ZError> {
cap_duplicate(self.port_cap, !kZionPerm_Read)
pub fn recv_byte(&self) -> Result<u8, ZError> {
let mut caps: [z_cap_t; 0] = [];
let mut bytes: [u8; 1] = [0];
port_recv(self.port_cap, &mut bytes, &mut caps)?;
pub fn recv_u16(&self) -> Result<u16, ZError> {
let mut caps: [z_cap_t; 0] = [];
let mut bytes: [u8; 2] = [0; 2];
port_recv(self.port_cap, &mut bytes, &mut caps)?;
impl Drop for PortServer {
fn drop(&mut self) {
cap_release(self.port_cap).expect("Failed to release port cap");
@ -140,6 +140,37 @@ pub fn address_space_unmap(lower_addr: u64, upper_addr: u64) -> Result<(), ZErro
pub fn port_create() -> Result<z_cap_t, ZError> {
let mut port_cap = 0;
&zion::ZPortCreateReq {
port_cap: &mut port_cap,
pub fn port_recv(
port_cap: z_cap_t,
bytes: &mut [u8],
caps: &mut [u64],
) -> Result<(u64, u64), ZError> {
let mut num_bytes = bytes.len() as u64;
let mut num_caps = caps.len() as u64;
&zion::ZPortRecvReq {
data: bytes.as_mut_ptr() as *mut c_void,
num_bytes: &mut num_bytes as *mut u64,
caps: caps.as_mut_ptr(),
num_caps: &mut num_caps as *mut u64,
Ok((num_bytes, num_caps))
pub fn port_poll(
port_cap: z_cap_t,
bytes: &mut [u8],
@ -248,6 +279,19 @@ pub fn reply_port_recv(
Ok((num_bytes, num_caps))
pub fn cap_duplicate(cap: z_cap_t, perm_mask: u64) -> Result<z_cap_t, ZError> {
let mut new_cap = 0;
&zion::ZCapDuplicateReq {
cap_in: cap,
cap_out: &mut new_cap,
pub fn cap_release(cap: z_cap_t) -> Result<(), ZError> {
syscall(zion::kZionCapRelease, &zion::ZCapReleaseReq { cap })
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
name = "voyageurs"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
mammoth = { path = "../mammoth" }
yellowstone = { path = "../yellowstone" }
yunq = {path = "../yunq"}
yunq-derive = {path = "../yunq-derive"}
yunqc = {path = "../../../yunq/rust"}
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
use std::fs;
fn main() {
let input_file = "../../../sys/voyageurs/lib/voyageurs/voyageurs.yunq";
let input = fs::read_to_string(input_file).expect("Failed to read input file");
let code = yunqc::codegen(&input).expect("Failed to generate yunq code.");
let out = std::env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap() + "/yunq.rs";
fs::write(out, code).expect("Failed to write generated code.");
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
use core::include;
include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/yunq.rs"));
pub mod listener;
@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
use core::cell::RefCell;
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use alloc::string::ToString;
use mammoth::port::PortServer;
use mammoth::thread::Thread;
use mammoth::zion::ZError;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Copy, Clone)]
enum Keycode {
UnknownKeycode = 0x0,
A = 0x1,
B = 0x2,
C = 0x3,
D = 0x4,
E = 0x5,
F = 0x6,
G = 0x7,
H = 0x8,
I = 0x9,
J = 0xA,
K = 0xB,
L = 0xC,
M = 0xD,
N = 0xE,
O = 0xF,
P = 0x10,
Q = 0x11,
R = 0x12,
S = 0x13,
T = 0x14,
U = 0x15,
V = 0x16,
W = 0x17,
X = 0x18,
Y = 0x19,
Z = 0x1A,
NUM1 = 0x20,
NUM2 = 0x21,
NUM3 = 0x22,
NUM4 = 0x23,
NUM5 = 0x24,
NUM6 = 0x25,
NUM7 = 0x26,
NUM8 = 0x27,
NUM9 = 0x28,
NUM0 = 0x29,
Space = 0x30,
Enter = 0x31,
Tab = 0x32,
Backspace = 0x33,
Delete = 0x34,
Minus = 0x40,
Equals = 0x41,
LBrace = 0x42,
RBrace = 0x43,
BSlash = 0x44,
FSlash = 0x45,
Semicolon = 0x46,
Quote = 0x47,
Comma = 0x48,
Period = 0x49,
Backtick = 0x4A,
LShift = 0x50,
RShift = 0x51,
LCtrl = 0x52,
RCtrl = 0x53,
LAlt = 0x54,
RAlt = 0x55,
Super = 0x56,
Esc = 0x57,
Up = 0x58,
Down = 0x59,
Left = 0x5A,
Right = 0x5B,
impl Keycode {
fn from_scancode(scancode: u16) -> Self {
match scancode as u8 {
0x04 => Keycode::A,
0x05 => Keycode::B,
0x06 => Keycode::C,
0x07 => Keycode::D,
0x08 => Keycode::E,
0x09 => Keycode::F,
0x0A => Keycode::G,
0x0B => Keycode::H,
0x0C => Keycode::I,
0x0D => Keycode::J,
0x0E => Keycode::K,
0x0F => Keycode::L,
0x10 => Keycode::M,
0x11 => Keycode::N,
0x12 => Keycode::O,
0x13 => Keycode::P,
0x14 => Keycode::Q,
0x15 => Keycode::R,
0x16 => Keycode::S,
0x17 => Keycode::T,
0x18 => Keycode::U,
0x19 => Keycode::V,
0x1A => Keycode::W,
0x1B => Keycode::X,
0x1C => Keycode::Y,
0x1D => Keycode::Z,
0x1E => Keycode::NUM1,
0x1F => Keycode::NUM2,
0x20 => Keycode::NUM3,
0x21 => Keycode::NUM4,
0x22 => Keycode::NUM5,
0x23 => Keycode::NUM6,
0x24 => Keycode::NUM7,
0x25 => Keycode::NUM8,
0x26 => Keycode::NUM9,
0x27 => Keycode::NUM0,
0x28 => Keycode::Enter,
0x29 => Keycode::Esc,
0x2A => Keycode::Backspace,
0x2B => Keycode::Tab,
0x2C => Keycode::Space,
0x2D => Keycode::Minus,
0x2E => Keycode::Equals,
0x2F => Keycode::LBrace,
0x30 => Keycode::RBrace,
0x31 => Keycode::BSlash,
0x33 => Keycode::Semicolon,
0x34 => Keycode::Quote,
0x35 => Keycode::Backtick,
0x36 => Keycode::Comma,
0x37 => Keycode::Period,
0x38 => Keycode::FSlash,
0x39 => Keycode::Esc,
_ => Keycode::UnknownKeycode,
struct Modifiers(u8);
impl Modifiers {
fn from_scancode(scancode: u16) -> Self {
Self((scancode >> 8) as u8)
fn is_shift(&self) -> bool {
((self.0 & 0x20) == 0x20) || ((self.0 & 0x2) == 0x2)
fn into_char(keycode: Keycode, modifiers: Modifiers) -> char {
match keycode {
k if (Keycode::A..=Keycode::Z).contains(&k) => {
if modifiers.is_shift() {
chars.as_bytes()[k as usize - Keycode::A as usize] as char
} else {
let chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
chars.as_bytes()[k as usize - Keycode::A as usize] as char
k if (Keycode::NUM1..=Keycode::NUM0).contains(&k) => {
if modifiers.is_shift() {
let chars = "!@#$%^&*()";
chars.as_bytes()[k as usize - Keycode::NUM1 as usize] as char
} else {
let chars = "12345687890";
chars.as_bytes()[k as usize - Keycode::NUM1 as usize] as char
k if (Keycode::Minus..=Keycode::Backtick).contains(&k) => {
if modifiers.is_shift() {
let chars = "_+{}|?:\"<>~";
chars.as_bytes()[k as usize - Keycode::Minus as usize] as char
} else {
let chars = "-=[]\\/;',.`";
chars.as_bytes()[k as usize - Keycode::Minus as usize] as char
Keycode::Enter => '\n',
Keycode::Space => ' ',
Keycode::Tab => '\t',
Keycode::Backspace => '\x08',
_ => '\0',
pub trait KeyboardHandler {
fn handle_char(&mut self, c: char);
pub struct KeyboardListener {
listen_port: PortServer,
listen_thread: Option<Box<Thread>>,
handler: Rc<RefCell<dyn KeyboardHandler>>,
impl KeyboardListener {
pub fn new(handler: Rc<RefCell<dyn KeyboardHandler>>) -> Result<Box<Self>, ZError> {
let mut listnr = Box::new(Self {
listen_port: PortServer::new()?,
listen_thread: None,
let voyageur_endpoint = yellowstone::from_init_endpoint()
.get_endpoint(&yellowstone::GetEndpointRequest {
endpoint_name: "voyageurs".to_string(),
let mut voyageur_client = crate::VoyageursClient::new(voyageur_endpoint);
voyageur_client.register_keyboard_listener(&crate::KeyboardListener {
port_capability: listnr.listen_port.create_client_cap()?,
let thread_entry = |self_raw| {
let listener = unsafe {
(self_raw as *mut KeyboardListener)
.expect("Failed to convert to keyboard listener")
listnr.listen_thread = Some(Thread::spawn(
&*listnr as *const Self as *const core::ffi::c_void,
fn listen_loop(&mut self) {
loop {
let scancode = self
.expect("Failed to recieve scancode");
let keycode = Keycode::from_scancode(scancode);
let modifiers = Modifiers::from_scancode(scancode);
.handle_char(into_char(keycode, modifiers))
pub fn join(&self) -> Result<(), ZError> {
@ -6,4 +6,5 @@ edition = "2021"
mammoth = { path = "../../lib/mammoth" }
victoriafalls = { path = "../../lib/victoriafalls" }
voyageurs = { path = "../../lib/voyageurs" }
yellowstone = { path = "../../lib/yellowstone" }
@ -4,15 +4,56 @@ use crate::psf::Psf;
pub struct Console {
framebuffer: Framebuffer,
psf: Psf,
row: u32,
col: u32,
impl Console {
pub fn new(framebuffer: Framebuffer, psf: Psf) -> Self {
Self { framebuffer, psf }
Self {
row: 0,
col: 0,
pub fn write_char(&self, c: char) {
let glyph = self.psf.glyph(c as u32);
self.framebuffer.draw_glyph(glyph, 0, 0)
fn incr_cursor(&mut self) {
self.col += 1;
if self.col >= self.cols() {
self.col = 0;
self.row += 1;
if self.row >= self.rows() {
panic!("Scroll unimplemented")
pub fn write_char(&mut self, chr: char) {
if chr == '\x08' {
// Backspace.
if self.col > 1 {
self.col -= 1;
self.write_char(' ');
self.col -= 1;
let glyph = self.psf.glyph(chr as u32);
self.row * (self.psf.height() + 1),
self.col * (self.psf.width() + 1),
fn cols(&self) -> u32 {
self.framebuffer.width() / (self.psf.width() + 1)
fn rows(&self) -> u32 {
self.framebuffer.height() / (self.psf.height() + 1)
@ -35,4 +35,12 @@ impl Framebuffer {
pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
self.fb_info.width as u32
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
self.fb_info.height as u32
@ -6,8 +6,13 @@ extern crate alloc;
mod console;
mod framebuffer;
mod psf;
mod terminal;
use core::cell::RefCell;
use alloc::rc::Rc;
use mammoth::{debug, define_entry, zion::z_err_t};
use voyageurs::listener::KeyboardListener;
@ -33,18 +38,16 @@ extern "C" fn main() -> z_err_t {
.expect("Failed to create framebuffer");
let psf = psf::Psf::new("/default8x16.psfu").expect("Failed to open font file.");
let console = console::Console::new(framebuffer, psf);
let mut console = console::Console::new(framebuffer, psf);
let terminal = Rc::new(RefCell::new(terminal::Terminal::new(console)));
Terminal terminal(console);
let kb_listener = KeyboardListener::new(terminal).expect("Failed to create keyboard listener");
Thread lthread = terminal.Listen();
.expect("Failed to wait on keyboard listener");
@ -68,4 +68,12 @@ impl Psf {
let len: usize = self.header.bytes_per_glyph as usize;
&self.file.slice(offset, len)
pub fn width(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn height(&self) -> u32 {
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
use crate::console::Console;
use voyageurs::listener::KeyboardHandler;
pub struct Terminal {
console: Console,
impl KeyboardHandler for Terminal {
fn handle_char(&mut self, c: char) {
impl Terminal {
pub fn new(console: Console) -> Self {
Self { console }
Reference in New Issue