.macro interrupt_enter push %rbp push %r15 push %r14 push %r13 push %r12 push %r11 push %r10 push %r9 push %r8 push %rdi push %rsi push %rdx push %rcx # (Return Address) push %rbx push %rax .endm .macro interrupt_exit pop %rax pop %rbx pop %rcx pop %rdx pop %rsi pop %rdi pop %r8 pop %r9 pop %r10 pop %r10 pop %r10 pop %r10 pop %r10 pop %r10 pop %rbp add $8, %rsp # Remove error code. .endm .macro isr_handler name error_code=0 .global isr_\name isr_\name: .if \error_code .else push $0 # if we don't have an error code, equalize the stack. .endif interrupt_enter sti mov %rsp, %rdi call interrupt_\name cli interrupt_exit iretq .endm isr_handler divide_by_zero isr_handler protection_fault,1 isr_handler page_fault,1