#include "object/thread.h" #include "common/gdt.h" #include "debug/debug.h" #include "memory/paging_util.h" #include "object/process.h" #include "scheduler/scheduler.h" #define K_THREAD_DEBUG 0 namespace { extern "C" void jump_user_space(uint64_t rip, uint64_t rsp, uint64_t arg1, uint64_t arg2); extern "C" void thread_init() { asm("sti"); gScheduler->CurrentThread()->Init(); panic("Reached end of thread."); } } // namespace glcr::RefPtr<Thread> Thread::RootThread(Process& root_proc) { return glcr::MakeRefCounted<Thread>(root_proc); } glcr::RefPtr<Thread> Thread::Create(Process& proc, uint64_t tid) { return glcr::MakeRefCounted<Thread>(proc, tid); } Thread::Thread(Process& proc, uint64_t tid) : process_(proc), id_(tid) { uint64_t* stack_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(proc.vmas()->AllocateKernelStack()); // 0: rip *(stack_ptr) = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(thread_init); // 1-4: rax, rcx, rdx, rbx // 5: rbp *(stack_ptr - 5) = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(stack_ptr + 1); // 6-15: rsi, rdi, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15 // 16: cr3 *(stack_ptr - 16) = proc.vmas()->cr3(); rsp0_ = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(stack_ptr - 16); rsp0_start_ = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(stack_ptr); } uint64_t Thread::pid() const { return process_.id(); } void Thread::Start(uint64_t entry, uint64_t arg1, uint64_t arg2) { rip_ = entry; arg1_ = arg1; arg2_ = arg2; state_ = RUNNABLE; // Get from parent to avoid creating a new shared ptr. gScheduler->Enqueue(process_.GetThread(id_)); } void Thread::Init() { #if K_THREAD_DEBUG dbgln("Thread start.", pid(), id_); #endif uint64_t rsp = process_.vmas()->AllocateUserStack(); SetRsp0(rsp0_start_); jump_user_space(rip_, rsp, arg1_, arg2_); } void Thread::Exit() { #if K_THREAD_DEBUG dbgln("Exiting"); #endif state_ = FINISHED; process_.CheckState(); while (blocked_threads_.size() != 0) { auto thread = blocked_threads_.PopFront(); thread->SetState(Thread::RUNNABLE); gScheduler->Enqueue(thread); } gScheduler->Yield(); } void Thread::Wait() { // TODO: We need synchronization code here. // Race condition is for A waiting on B. // 1. A checks if B is finished. // 2. Context Switch A -> B // 3. B finishes. // 4. Context Switch B -> A // 5. A forever blocks on B. if (state_ == Thread::FINISHED) { return; } auto thread = gScheduler->CurrentThread(); thread->SetState(Thread::BLOCKED); blocked_threads_.PushBack(thread); gScheduler->Yield(); }