# Personal Arch Linux Install Guide I'm using this repo to record the steps I take to install and personalize arch linux. Hopefully I can automate some of the later steps over time. # Part 1 - Installation Generally following the steps on the arch [install guide](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Installation_guide) to get to a chrooted environment. - Verify we booted as x64 UEFI `cat /sys/firmware/efi/fw_platform_size` ## Network - Check device with `ip link` - Auth wifi with `iwctl station wlan0 connect $AP_NAME` - `ping archlinux.org` to verify ## Partitioning Use fdisk to partition: /boot : 1G partition, type=1 (EFI), bootable (press M then a) / : remainder of the disk, default type For /boot (/dev/sda1) call `mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/sda1` Follow the steps [here](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#LUKS_on_a_partition) to encrypt the root partition. Consider increasing the cryptographic parameters as mentions. Mount the partitions at /mnt and /mnt/boot. ## Install Install the base: `pacstrap -K /mnt base linux linux-firmware` Followed by important packages: `pacstrap /mnt grub efibootmgr e2fsprogs networkmanager vim man-db man-pages texinfo sudo` Either pacstrap `intel-ucode` or `amd-ucode` for the processor. It will be automatically loaded by grub. # Part 2 - Configure Generally follow the configure the system steps in the [install guide](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Installation_guide#Configure_the_system). `genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab` `arch-chroot /mnt` - Set the time as described. - Set the localization as described. - Enable NetworkManager `systemctl enable NetworkManager.service` - Update the initramfs as described [here](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Dm-crypt/Encrypting_an_entire_system#Configuring_mkinitcpio) - Add `encrypt` after `block` in HOOKS in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf - Run `mkinitcpio -P` - Set the root password - Run `grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB` - Update `/etc/default/grub` to have the line: `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=UUID=device-UUID:root root=/dev/mapper/root"` (Get the UUID using `blkid -s UUID -o value /dev/sda2`, can be inserted into vim using `:r!CMD`). - Run `grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg` - Reboot sucessfully(?) into the new system. ## In the new system Connect to wifi - `nmcli device wifi list` - `nmcli device wifi connect --ask $SSID` - `nmcli c modify $SSID connection.autoconnect true` Create a user: - `useradd -m -G wheel drew` - `passwd drew` - `EDITOR=vim visudo` and uncomment the line starting %wheel Install helpful utilities: - `pacman -S git` TODO: Install graphics driver pagckages? ## Update DNS Set in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf ``` DNS= DNSOverTLS=yes ``` `ln -sf ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf` `systemctl enable systemd-resolved` ## Create a swapfile (optional) https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/swap#Swap_file For laptops: Check suspend method -> https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Power_management/Suspend_and_hibernate#Changing_suspend_method Configure hibernation: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Power_management/Suspend_and_hibernate#Hibernation Set /etc/systemd/sleep.conf parameters for timed sleep/hibernate. Set /etc/systemd/logind.conf to HandleLidSwitch to SuspendThenHibernate # Part 3 - Desktop Reboot and login as the new user. Clone this git repo at /home/drew/install. - `sudo ./install_packages.sh` - Run `sudo ./install_desktop.sh` - Run `./install_usr.sh` May have to add a udev rule to allow brightness keys to work. https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Backlight#ACPI # Part 4 - Applications `mkdir Documents/ Downloads/ Pictures/` Log into firefox w/ sync (installs bitwarden.) Set firefox to search with kagi. # Part 5 - Dev environment Run `nvim -u nvim-bootstrap.lua` to install plugins as nvim won't start up until they are. Add ssh keys to gitea and gitlab. mkdir prog and clone a c++ code base, a python code base, and a rust code base to test the language server. # Part 6 - Optional Steam? ## Setup Syncthing `systemctl enable syncthing@drew` `systemctl start syncthing@drew` `ssh -L 8385:localhost:8384 tiramisu.one` Use the GUIs at `localhost:8384` and `localhost:8385` to enable sync.