#! /bin/bash # Script to install all packages necessary for the system while documenting their uses. set -e if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Must run as root." exit fi DISPLAY="plymouth sddm wayland sway swaybg swaylock swayidle wofi waybar wev gammastep light" TERMINAL="zsh kitty" FONTS_THEMES="ttf-liberation adobe-source-code-pro-fonts ttf-sourcecodepro-nerd ttf-dejavu arc-gtk-theme papirus-icon-theme" MEDIA="pulseaudio pavucontrol network-manager-applet flameshot bluez bluez-utils blueman pulseaudio-bluetooth" # bind contains dig DEV_TOOLS="openssh rust python-virtualenv bind base-devel go which rsync gdb net-tools wget" OSDEV_TOOLS="limine dosfstools parted cmake ninja qemu-desktop qemu-system-x86" NVIM_DEV="neovim lua-language-server ccls rust-analyzer jedi-language-server ripgrep" PROGRAMS="firefox syncthing obsidian" pacman -S $DISPLAY $TERMINAL $FONTS_THEMES $MEDIA $DEV_TOOLS $OSDEV_TOOLS $NVIM_DEV $PROGRAMS